Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series book 1) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 34

“How are you feeling?” Gabe brushes my hair back. “Sore but other than that pretty fucking amazing” I squeeze him I can't get enough of him. “You look pretty fucking amazing” he lifts up the sheet to look at my naked body. I start feeling all warm inside. “No, no, no lover boy” I smack his hand.

“Lover boy? I like” he wiggles his eyebrows. I let out a yawn “You should get some rest Muffin” he tucks me in around him. I kiss his chest “You know when I moved down here I never thought that I would find love” I admit. “And then I came around and it was love at first sight” he says. “Ha!” I laugh “I would not call what I felt love although I must admit I did think you was the most beautiful person I had ever seen” I close my eyes as I find his heartbeat. “I'm beyond beautiful” he says. I pinch him on his side he such a conceited bastard. “Hey you said it I'm just agreeing” he laughs. “You're something else” I kiss his neck. He strokes my back as I rest my head on his chest again. “Have you ever been in love?” I ask. “Nope, remember I never had a girlfriend before you” he says. “So you were a virgin?” I ask.

That's hard to believe after what he did to me there is no way he can be a virgin. “No,” he chuckles “I have been with other women but no relationship”. I already knew he was a player come on with the way he looks there is no way he wouldn't be getting any. I gasp “Aha I true player after all”. He lets out a small laugh “No never a player I like to think of myself as a extra friendly person”. I quickly sit up and look back at him “Extra friendly my ass”. He smirks “I'm just messing with you Muffin” he brings me back down to him. “I never had a girlfriend because I didn't want one so I just had friends with benefits”. I draw small circles around his chest “What change?” I rest my chin on his chest. “Well I met this girl she is amazing, drop dead gorgeous, funny, fucking hot body” he kiss the tip of my nose “and she has these amazing amber eyes that drives me crazy”. I smile and drop me head “She sounds out of your league”. He strokes my cheek “Yeah she is”. My heart skips a beat if he only knew that I'm the lucky one to have found some one like him. “How many kids do you want?” I ask. “Honestly I have never thought of having kids” he shrugs. “Really?” I look up. “Nope I'm always so busy at work I never thought about having a family but to tell you the truth now I wouldn't mind having little babies with amber eyes driving me crazy” he flash me his killer smile.

“You want to have babies with me?” my chest hurts. “If it's not with you than with who?” he says and I smile like a complete retard. “You're crazy” I kiss his chest. “Yeah about you” he adds. “There is just one problem” I run my hand down his chest. “What?” he frowns. “I want green eyes ape babies with dark hair driving me crazy” I wiggle my nose.

“Oh you do?” he slides me up his body. I feel his cock starting to raise again. “Not now tho” I add fast. “That's fine with me I'm not ready to share you just yet” he takes my lip into his mouth. “But we can practice” I take his bottom lip in between mines. He moans and I feel his cock poking me “Some one wants to play” I tease. “Let's teach him a few tricks” he flips me over.


 The smell of coffee and bacon wakes me up in the morning. I stretch my body and I feel sore all over. It just reminds me of our second round and I can still feel him inside me. Now I understand why Sophia is always in a good mood after she has mind blowing sex. I'm so glad she isn't here to tease me although I know sooner or later I have to deal with her.

Morning hair combine with mind blowing sex hair is not a good look for me. After I brush my hair and my teeth I follow the beacon smell. “I got sunshine on a cloudy day when it's cold outside I got the month of May” Gabe is singing with his back towards me. “I guess you'd say what can make me feel this way?”. I quickly tip toe my way to the table trying not to interrupt him. I have never herd Gabe sing and surprise surprise he sounds perfect. “My girl my girl talkin' about my girl” he turns around and notices me staring at him. “Oh hey Muffin” he blush and quickly turns back around. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist “Morning handsome” I kiss him on his bare back.

He turns around and wraps his arms around me “Good morning Muffin” he leans down and gives me a kiss. “You better watch out a girl can get use to amazing sex, breakfast in the morning, and my personal singer” I tease. “You herd me sing?” he blush again. “Uh huh” I mumble “You look so beautiful I mean sexy when you blush” I cup his ass. He runs his hand up my thigh and cups my bare ass “Fuck Jane you aren't wearing nothing underneath?”. I lick his lips “Nope”.

He leans down and brush his lips against mine. His moist lips makes my lady parts tingle. He runs his hand up my bare back and than cups my boobs. I moan into his mouth as my knees go weak. All of a sudden the fire alarm goes on and we both jump. “Oh shit! The pancake!” Gabe let's go of me. Gabe turns off the stove and turns around holding a burnt black pancake. I bust out laughing “Oh my god!”. Gabe joins me with his own laughter. “Since this is your fault this bad boy belongs to you” Gabe joke. I pout and flutter my eyelashes “Is there anything I can do to change your mind?”. I slowly start rolling my shirt up my thigh and his eyes follow my every move. “I-I” he clears his throat “I think I can do something about it”. I grind my body on his “Oh really?”. There is a knock on the door “Fuck me” Gabe growls. “That's what I'm trying to do” I wink at him. “Can you get that I need to use the bathroom” he walks away as I laugh.