Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series book 1) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 35

I open the door “Holly shit” the blond guy standing there says. He checks me out from head to toe and I do the same.

He is about Gabe's height, light blue eyes that reminds me of the ocean, blond hair that is medium length, and of course he is also built like an athlete. “Hi I'm Logan I love long walks on the beach, my sign is Leo, I love twilight the books and the movies, and you are?” he smirks. “Taken ass face” Gabe wraps his arms around me. “G my man” Logan looks at him and then back at me. “Jane this is my soon to be dead best friend Logan, this is my girlfriend Jane” we move to the side to let him pass. So this is the famous Logan I have herd of him but never actually met him. Gabe talks about him all the time and so does Sophia. We shake hands “Now I see why you so obsessed with her you wasn't kidding when you said she was fucking hot” he extend his hand and I shake it. I smile at Gabe as he just shakes his head at me. I let go of Logan's hand “Long walks on the beach? You know we live in New York right?” I tease. “Yeah I just thought girls like shit like that by the way I hate twilight with a passion” he laughs. I place my hand over my heart pretending to be hurt “How dare you?”.

“I mean it's a great movie but personality it's not my taste” he quickly adds. I hear Gabe chuckle from behind me and I let out the laugh I was holding “You're to easy”. He looks at Gabe “Oh she is good,” he smiles and turns to me “You're good do you have any sisters?”. He is funny I like him. I shake my head “Nope just me sorry”. He arches his eyebrow “Well maybe when you get tired of-”. Gabe slaps him before he can even finish the sentence “Fuck off asshole why are you even here?”. Logan chuckles “Work”. That is my cue to leave all of a sudden I remember I have nothing on. I slip away from Gabe and walk to the room. I hear Logan whistle and then he growls “Fuck dude I'm just fucking with you”. I laugh picturing Gabe smacking him. I put on my pants and walk to the kitchen to finish making breakfast. “Alright I'll be there in 20 minutes” I hear Gabe say. “I'll see you at the office,” Logan turns to me “It was nice finally meeting the girl that chopped off my best friends balls”. I walk over to Gabe and wrap my arms around his waist “Good to know I have his ball and it was really nice to meet you too”. I can tell how happy it makes Gabe to see Logan and I getting along. I really don't know why he waited so long to introduce us.

Gabe catches me watching him and he leans in to kiss my forehead. “I'm leaving before I get diabetes” Logan gives Gabe a pound and then gives me a kiss on the cheek “Call me if you get tired of him” he nods towards Gabe. I know he is only messing around so I don't think much of it. I laugh “Not going to happen”. Gabe shoves him out the door “Now get the fuck out of here”. Logan laughs as Gabe slams the door behind him. Gabe pulls me into his arms “I'm sorry about him he was just kidding”. I give him a small kiss “I like him he is funny but seriously in order to work where you guys work do you have to be extremely jaw dropping handsome?”

I trace his mouth with my finger. I have to admit Logan is very handsome not like Gabe of course. Gabe chuckles “Are you calling me extremely jaw dropping handsome or are you calling Logan?”. I wrap my arms around his neck “He is handsome but you my friend are out of this world beautiful”.

He lifts me up and my legs automatically go around his waist. “I'll show you out of this world” he walks towards the room. I laugh knowing what he is thinking of doing “You have to be at work in 20 minutes”. He pulls down on my pants “Then we have no time to waist” he jogs to the room.


 “I won't be long” Gabe says as he is getting dress. I can't stop my eyes from invading his body. He is the perfect eye candy.

I don't even have the energy to move right now but if I did I would pull him in for round 2. He catches me staring at him and he just shake his head. He probably knows exactly what I'm thinking. He drops his arms on the bed “I love you Muffin see you later” he gives me a kiss. “I love you too” I whisper. I'm so exhausted from our morning work out that I can't barley keep my eyes open. “Sleep baby” he tucks me. I close my eyes and dazed out. What is that sound? Where is it coming from? Oh it's my phone I search around the bed for my phone. It would be easier if I open my eyes but they are to heavy with sleep. “Hello” I answer in my sleepy tone. “Hey Jane it's Mark” he says. What time is it? I open my eyes to look over at the clock. It's 11:00 am why is he calling me on my day off? “What's up Mark?” I cover my eyes with my arm trying to block the sunlight. “I know today is your day off but I wanted to see if you could come into work ?” he ask. I really don't want to go in today I rather stay in Gabe's bed all day. “What time?” I growl. “At 2?” he says a little to needy.

“Can I call you back?” I say. I need to call Gabe and see what time he is planning to come home. I'm not going to go into work if he is coming home early. “Yeah sure please let me know Jane I'm sort handed and really need help” he plead. As soon as I hang up I call Gabe. “Hey Muffin” just the sound of his voice brings butterflies to my stomach. “Hey handsome what time are you coming home?” I have turned into a real house wife. “Later baby something came up and I have to stay” I feel disappointed that I'm not going to spend all day with him as we planned. “Why?” he ask. “Mark called me into work but I wanted to check what time you was coming home before I gave him an answer” I say as I play with the sheets. “Muffin you don't have to go in it's your day off just stay home. I'll be there as soon as I'm done” he says. If it was up to Gabe he wouldn't let me work for Mark he doesn't like him. He says there is something fishy about Mark and the way he acts. If you ask me I think he is just jealous of him which is crazy because he has no reason to be. “Yeah you're right I'm feeling lazy today” I stretch my sore body. “I wonder way?” he says in a husky voice. “Oh Jane baby I love you” I hear kissing noise coming threw the phone. “Fuck off Logan” Gabe growls. I giggle “Nice to hear that you guys act professional at work”.

“Gabe please don't stop keep going” I hear Logan moan and I laugh. “Muffin I have to go and kick Logan's ass”.

“I love you too Jane” Logan shouts from the back. I laugh “Love you baby go kick his ass”. We just met earlier today but he is already teasing me like I brother. I dial Mark's number to inform him that I will not be coming into work. “Please Jane I have a huge order and I need help” Mark begs. I don't want to go to work but I feel bad for not helping him. He has help me out so many times and this is the first time he asking me for something. “Fine you owe me one” I take pity on the poor man. “Thank you so much” he hangs up before I have time to change my mind. I roll out the bed and hit the shower. Since I didn't have no intention of working today I didn't bring my uniform. I walk to Gabe's drawer and look for a plain black shirt at least it's the same color as my uniform. I top it off with some dark jeans thankfully I have cloths here. As I walk to the bus station I take out my phone to call Sophia.

“Hellow” she answers extra happy.

“Did Mark call you into work?” I ask.

“He called but I didn't answer,” smart girl I should of ignore his call “you answered didn't you?”.

“Yes” I say as I get on the bus.

“Jane!,” she growls “You was suppose to come home and give me the details of what happen yesterday well maybe not all because that would be disturbing but you know what I mean”.

“I know I'm sorry but Gabe went into work and that's why I agree to come in” I feel bad because I had no intention of going back home to Sophia.

“Of course he did” she says annoyed.

“All I can tell you is that the hills come alive in the sound of music” I giggle as I quote Mary Poppins.

“Ha!” she laughs “Who is Marry Poppins now? Okay you have to give me the 411 but keep the gross details to your self”.

“Okay I will when I get home” I get off the bus and start walking to hell. “Bye Marry” she hangs up.