Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 22 Jane


There is something about being surrounded by water that brings peace to me. I love feeling the sun on my skin while floating around feeling weightless. When I'm in the water there is nothing that can bother me every thing around me disappears. I think that in another life I was probably a mermaid. “S tower!” Sammy yells as she jumps on top of me. Water invades my nose as the only air I have leaves my lungs “Sammy” I yell as I come up for some air. “You rang” she pops up in front of me with a smile. I wrap my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck before she can turn around to face me. “So what do you think of Gabe?” I ask dying to know. I hope she approves of him I really want them to get along. “He is hot and so is Logan” she says. Of course that's the first thing she'll notice about them. I have to admit it's the first thing I thought also. “And I like him” she adds. “You like Logan?” I let go of her and spin myself around to face her.

I can see what she sees in Logan he is hot. If I would of met him before Gabe who knows what would of happen but I'm thankful I met Gabe first. If you ask me Logan is a million times better than Raul. “No, yes, I mean I like him as a friend. I was talking about Gabe I like him for you and I can tell how much he loves you just by the way he stares at you” she says.

I turn my head around and to my surprise find Gabe staring at me “Yeah I love him too” I can't fight my smile. I feel butterflies in my stomach as I drink him in. The way his wet shirt clings to his body exposing every little line of his 6 pack, his wet hair hanging down his face, god he looks fucking hot. “I know” Sam agrees and I hear sadness in her voice. I break eye contact with Gabe and turn my attention back to Sam “What's wrong?”. She stares at me with her sad puppy eyes “Nothing let's get out of the water lover boy is waiting for you” she hops on my back. Well I guess I'm the horse this time. I start to swim back to the shore with her on my back.

“Oh my god Sammy lay off the pizza” I say as I get closer to land. Everyone is lighter in the water but once you're out of the water it seems like you are double your weight.  “Oh shut up and giddy up” she slaps me on the ass. As soon as I step one foot on the sand my legs give up on me “Timber!” Sam yells as my face hits the sand.

 “Ouch” I moan as I flip over throwing Sam off me. “I'm sorry maybe I should lay off a slice or two” she laughs. “How about pizza in general” I say. Sammy gives me a look and we both start laughing out loud there is no way she'll give up pizza she loves it as much as I do. All of a sudden a shadow falls over me causing me to open my eyes to find Gabe standing above me. The first thing I notice is the tent inside of his shorts. I tilt my head to the side “Hello beautiful” I wink letting him know I notice our friend. His hair moves side to side as he shakes his head “Here babe I got you a towel” he extends his hand to help me up. Where did he get a towel? I look around trying to find a store or some one selling them. “We bought them from some guys” he answers.

From the corner of my eye I see Logan helping Sammy up. They actually make a cute couple maybe I should give them a little push. “Yeah they cost us 50 bucks” Logan adds. “What? You payed 50 dollars for some one's else towel?” I ask shock. He is crazy. “You should of just let us in our underwear” Sam adds. Gabe chuckles from beside me “Yeah I don't think so”. I try not to laugh but I can't. I think it's funny that Gabe, the most confident man I have ever met, gets jealous over me.  I feel proud that I can make him feel like that. “You're to cute” I blurt out. He gives me his limp sided smirk “I've been told”.

I throw my elbow back and hit him right in the stomach. It hurts me more than it hurt him. I hate hearing his experience with other women. I hate knowing that some slut called him cute before me. “Wow” he wraps his arms around my waist keeping me in place “Don't tell me you're jealous Muffin?” he whispers just for me to hear. I have to fight the urge to lay my head on his shoulder “Me jealous? Yeah right”. I won't admit that I'm jealous of some one I don't even know. How ridiculous does that sound? “Good,” he pins me to his body “because you're the only one that matters to me anyways”. And with that any insecurity I had just jump out the window. I feel so stupid getting jealous over some one I don't know and some one that doesn't matter. I spin around and wrap my arms around his neck “Yea I know”. He nuzzle his nose against mine “You're cute when you're jealous”. I close my eyes and enjoy having him this close to me the fact that I'm only wearing a towel isn't helping my case. All I want to do is rub myself against him like a cat cradles your leg. “Not jealous” I whisper. “Really?” he wraps his arm around my waist. My eyes fly open to be greeted by those green eyes that rock me to the core.

“Okay you guys have to stop before I get pregnant just by watching you” Sammy snaps. See that's what I mean every time I'm around Gabe he makes everything and everyone disappear. 

“Sorry, Jane drives me crazy” Gabe says making me blush. I don't know why but all of a sudden I feel expose just wearing my underwear, which happens to be very wet. “May I have my dress?” I turn back to Gabe. “Only if I can get a kiss first” he mocks. Logan and Sam chuckles from behind me. “Fine” I pull him by his shirt and give him a small peck. I pull back but he cups the back of my neck to keep me in place. He pulls on my bottom lip and I open my mouth to invite him in. I moan as I feel his tongue rub the top of my mouth. The ruff material of the towel rubs against my sensitive nipples cause me to wimp. I can picture his tongue tracing my body all over. My panties are so wet and it's not because of the water.

Gabe pulls back “If you keep kissing me like that you can have any dress you want”. I let out a small laugh “I'll remember that for later”. I snatch my dress out of his hand and turn to Sam “Let's go get change”. I grab her hand and walked to the bathroom. I need to get some space before I end up humping Gabe in front of everyone. Thank god my dress is fully dried by now but my underwear is still soaking wet. Why didn't I think of bringing extra cloths?

“Well there is only one thing to do” Sam says obviously thinking the same thing I was. “What?” I turn to look at her. She drops her towel and starts taking off her underwear “Go commando”. She wouldn't dare or would she? Of course she would it's Sammy we're talking about she is a daredevil. “What?” she ask as I stare at her in disbelief. “You're crazy” I laugh as she puts on her dress without any undergarments. “Well I guess that makes two of us” she says as she unties her hair. “Oh no,” I tighten my hold on my towel “I'm not doing it” I shake my head refusing to follow her. There is no way I'm going commando wearing a white dress. It's white for crying out loud! “Well unless you're going to wear just that towel for dinner you're going to have too” she mocks making a good as point.

I'm going to have to wear the dress with out the underwear. “Fine” I give in finding no other option. I change into my dress with out my underwear and let my hair loose around me to cover up my boobs. “Look at you looking like a sex goddess” Sam catcalls. I feel my cheeks burning up with embarrassment “Shut up”. I wrap my cloth inside the towel. “Some one is going to have a dickattack” she flicks my nipple which is harder than a rock. “Stop that” I cover my chest with my arm. Oh god now every one is going to see how turned on I'm. “Come on let's go” she pulls me towards the door before I regret it.

Logan and Gabe are waiting for us outside but they are both facing the ocean deep in conversation. I take a moment to take Gabe's lean 5'8 frame, his broad shoulders, it looks like he has been working out, his dark long hair that drives me crazy. I need to stop before my dress gets wet again. Sammy clears her throat from besides me catching Logan's and Gabe's attention. “About time” Logan says. Gabe is just staring at me, well at my nipples that some how feel harder under his stare. “You look amazing” his voice comes out thick with desire. “It's the same dress” I remind him feeling hot and bother. He takes a step forward and wraps his arm around my waist “I know but it looks way better now” he says as he puts my hat back on me. The fact that he still has my hat makes me smile if it was some one else they probably would of lost it by now. “Thank you” I smile up at him. “Please tell me you're wearing something underneath this” he whispers only for me hear him. I rise into my toes and whisper into his ear “No”. He throws his head back and growls “You're killing me”. I can't help but to laugh at his frustration at least I know I'm not the only one suffering. My stomach growls reminding me that I haven't had nothing to eat since this morning. “Let's go before these two start touching each other again” Sam pulls me away from Gabe.

“Okay we'll walk you girls to your car” Logan says. Gabe pulls me out of Sam's arm and drags his hand over my shoulder. I feel like these two are playing tug a Jane. Logan and Sam joke around while I just enjoy having Gabe next to me. Everything feels right in the world when I'm next to Gabe. We don't even have to talk just having him next to me makes me happy.

“Holly shit” Logan says causing all of us to stop. I quickly look around the parking lot trying to find Raul or Mark but thank got neither of them are here. I hate the fact that the first thing that came to mind was them. “Look at this beauty” he says. I roll my eyes feeling relief that we didn't get caught it would be a shame to get caught so close to the end. I turn towards Logan to see the beauty he is talking about. I have to bite back my laughter when I see him next to my car. “Well hello beautiful what brings you around here?” he says to the car as he slides his hand on the car's roof.

He is caressing it like if it was a delicate flower. I don't know if I should laugh or if I should be worried. I look over to Sam who is fighting her own laughter. I hope she doesn't laugh because if she does I'm not going to be able to stop myself from joining her. I turn to my left to ask Gabe if I should be worried but find no one standing there. I look around and find Gabe next to Logan feeling on the car.  “Wow she is beautiful” Gabe says as he eyes the car. “She is gorgeous just look in the inside” Logan says. They both look through the window and let out a small whistle. “Who ever is the owner of this baby is one lucky bastard” Gabe adds. If they only knew that I'm the lucky bastard. I look over to Sam and we both break out in laughter at the same time.

“What do they know about cars? All they care about is that stuff they put on their face and if they break a nail” Logan smirks and Gabe agrees. His comment makes us laugh even harder they're in for a big surprise. I wait until they both are looking through the window again to press the alarm. They both jump back and look around the parking lot for the owner. The doors fly open and they both take the opportunity to glance inside. I clear my throat and they both turn to face us “Excuse us,” I walk pass them I can't help the grin on my face as we get inside the car. “What do we know about cars we're just girls” I flip my hair over my shoulder and drive off leaving them with their mouths wide open.