Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 21 Gabe


“Why am I going again?” Logan ask yet again. I have no idea why Jane ask me to take him. I thought she wanted to spend some alone time with me but I guess she has other plans. “Who knows just get ready” I shout from the bathroom as I finish getting ready. “Bro I think she finally realizes it's me she wants. I can't blame her I am a better catch than you. Have you seen this eyes? Blue is way better than green” he says from the room. I can't help but laugh at my best friend he is something else. If it was any one else I would be kicking their ass right now but I know he is just messing with me besides everyone knows that green is better than blue. “Keep dreaming my girl is way to smart to fall for you” I spray some cologne on. I look in the mirror there isn't much I can do with my hair so I just finger comb it back. “I don't know about that  if she is with you” he shouts back. I walk out the bathroom “Ha ha funny” I punch him on his arm as I walk pass him. “Let's go” I reach for my keys. I haven't seen Jane in a few days and I need my fix. I slide my sun glasses on and walk out at this point I really don't care if Logan is behind me or not. “In a hurry aren't we?” he ask as he climbs into the car. “You have no idea” I drive off.

It only takes me about 20 minutes to get to the beach which isn't bad at all usually it would take about half in hour if there is no traffic. “FYI I'm driving back I actually don't feel like dying today” Logan says from the passenger seat. “Shut up pussy” I throw him the keys while a laugh at him. I don't care if he drives back I was in a hurry to get here. Damn, I should of asked Jane where exactly we were going to meet up . I'm exactly on time which is a miracle considering Logan took for ever to get ready sometimes he can be worst than a girl. Jane should be here by now. “So where is she?” Logan ask as we get out the car. I shrug my shoulders “I have no idea we have to go look for her”.

I walk towards the beach with Logan right behind me. It's so fucking hot I don't know how people can live here it's to hot. I'm wearing a white V-neck shirt with cargo shorts and I feel like I'm dying. Maybe it's just the New Yorker in me but I can't deal. “Fuck this” Logan takes off his shirt and wraps it around his neck “it's too fucking hot”. I nod my head in agreement it is to fucking hot. “Isn't that her?” he points behind me. I turn my head and spot Jane with all her glory looking like an angel in white.

Wow what the fuck? I sound like some kind of poet or something. “Yeah that's her” I say out of breath because she literally takes my breath away. Okay I need to stop that. Jane is standing on the edge of the beach where the water connects with the sand. God I'm going to miss seeing her in those dresses. Don't get me wrong Jane looks good in anything she wears but this dress looks amazing on her. She isn't exposing any skin but the dress hugs her body just right. She is wearing this big black hat, that on any one else it would look ridiculous but on her looks classy. I take out my phone and start taking pictures of her like this. She looks so peaceful and content with her life I never seen her this relax. “Dude you're a fucking stalker” Logan says from beside me. I give him my middle finger as I put my phone away. “Hold this for me” I say as I take off my shoes and socks. I jog towards Jane who hasn't seen me coming because she is lost in her own thoughts.

Even the water is warm it reminds me of a Jacuzzi. I wrap my arms around her waist and she quickly turns to face me. “Hi beautiful” she smiles when she notice it's me. I laugh at her calling me beautiful. I've been call many things in my life like asshole, dick head, bastard, hot, sexy beast, mother fuc-, well I think you get the point but never beautiful. I kiss the side of her neck and her scent of coconut invades my nose “Hi Muffin”. She turns around and wraps her arms around my neck “Miss me?” she tilts her head back to get a better view of me. The way the sun is hitting her face makes her eyes look like honey. She has no idea how much I missed her. “A little bit” I lean in and brush my lips against her soft puffy lips.

As soon as our lips touch I feel all air leave my body. “A little bit huh?” she smirks as she sense the air around us change . I growl as she tries to pull away from me and pin her to my body. I run my tongue over her bottom lip and she opens up giving me exactly what I want. My hands run down her back and stops right on her cute little ass that fits perfectly in my hands. Her fingers instantly get tangles around my hair as she pulls my head down to deepen our kiss.

“Take off your cloths” a female yells from behind us. Jane pulls back cutting our kiss short “Oh god” she says mortified. I turn around and find Sammy staring at us with a smile from ear to ear. Oh shit did she follow her? I'm frozen in place I don't know what to do. I look behind Sammy and find Logan looking back at me with the same puzzle face as me. Jane pulls me to the shore “Sam this is Gabriel,” she motions to me “and Gabe this is Sammy my cousin”. I look at Jane as I extend my hand “Nice to meet you” it comes out more like a question than a statement. Jane gives me a small nod letting me know everything is fine. Sammy shakes my hand as her eyes roam all over my body “Yeah I get it now”. I raise my eyebrow at Jane who just shrugs her shoulders at me “Get what?” she ask.

“Why you're in love with him. He is fucking hot” Sam blurts. I smile and run my hand through my hair feeling kind of out of place. I'm used to having girls complementing me but never in front of my girlfriend. “Well thank you” I say. Jane back slaps me on my stomach “Conceited” she looks behind Sam and sees Logan. “Logan!,” she runs towards him and gives him a hug “thank you for coming”. Now I understand why she wanted him to come along. “Thank you for inviting me” he winks at me. To any one else it looks like a simple wink but to me he is letting me know that she wants him. I walk over to them and clear my throat “I'm not a fan of watching my girl hugging my shirtless friend”. Jane pulls back and stares at his bare chest “Why aren't you wearing a shirt?” she looks at him confirming what I just said. “The better question is why are you guys still wearing cloths we are at the beach for crying out loud” he smirks. Jane gives him a back hand slaps “Same old Logan”. She steps back into my arms “Logan this is Sammy,” she points at her “and this is Logan” she points at him.

Logan and Sammy check each other out from head to toe with out no shame. Sammy let's out a small whistle as her eyes roam Logan's body “Seriously do all men in New York look like this?” she motions to me and Logan “because if that's the case then I'm packing my shit up and leaving with you”. I like her she says exactly what's on her mind just like Jane. We all laugh at her “And they are the ugly ones” Jane jokes. I tighten my hold around her small waist as I nuzzle my nose behind her neck “So I'm ugly huh?”. She giggles as she rubs her ass against me causing my cock to spring into action “I'm sorry to tell you this but I seen better”. I laugh at her she is such a bad lair. I nibble on her earlobe and I feel her knees go weak.

“Oh god are they always like this?” Sam ask Logan. “All the damn time” Logan answers shaking his head. I forgot they were even here. “Sorry” Jane tries pulling away from me but I don't let her. One because I want her close to me and two because I need her to cover up the tent I have in my shorts. “Nice to meet you” Sammy extends her hand towards Logan who brings it up to his mouth “The pleasure is all mine” he winks as he brings his lips down on her. I can't help but to chuckle at  Logan for acting like a gentleman. “Are all the women in your family as beautiful as you two?” he smirks. Jane let's out a small laugh while Sammy blushes “Well since we are the only women left in our family the answer would be yes”. I lean down and kiss Jane on the side of her neck she smells so good. “Do you want to go for a walk?” she ask. I thought she would never ask “Hell yeah”. She smiles and looks at Sam “We're going for a walk we'll be back”. I'm so thankful she didn't invited them. “Okay remember having sex on the beach is illegal” Sam says with a smirk on her face. Jane shakes her head and tugs on my hand “Shut up brat”. Sammy and Logan both bust out laughing and I'm trying my best not to join them.

“You look beautiful” I tuck her under my arm where she fits perfectly. “Even with this big as hat?” she smiles up at me. “Especially with that big as hat” I tap it to the side to get a better view of her. She wraps her small arm around my waist and I feel on top of the world having her next to me. “I've missed you” she say as we walk. “I've missed you too” I kiss the top of her hat. The sand underneath our feet is warm and soft. Every step we take we leave our footprints behind until the water comes in and washes them away. If only life could be that easy and we could erase all the mistakes we have made just by throwing water on them. On the other hand if we don't make mistakes than how would we learn? Thanks to all the mistakes I've made with girls I know how to appreciate Jane. I feel Jane stop besides me and I turn to face her “Is everything alright?”. She takes off her hat and lifts her head “Yeah”. I wrap her hair around my finger as I play with it I love this look on her. She looks beautiful with out even trying. “You're so beautiful” I say out loud.

“Really?” she stands on her toes as she wraps her arms around my neck “On a scale of 1 to 10?” she ask brushing my lips with hers. I wrap my arm around her waist. “Mmm,” I hum against her lips “a rough 2” I lie. To me Jane is the most beautiful person I have ever met inside and out. She tugs on my hair causing my head to tilt back. I kind of like this ruff side of hers. “A rough 2 huh?” she rubs her breast against my chest. I know she can feel how hard I am. “Bad boy we're in public” she tsk as she feels my cock against her belly. I cup her ass to lift her up. Her cheeks turn red as she bites down on her lips. I love seeing her blush she gets so red.

“Come here bad boy” she pulls me in for a kiss. As soon as our lips touch I pull on her bottom lip and thrust my tongue inside not waiting for her to open up. She always taste like mint and chocolate it's a weird combination but it's my favorite. I love this woman with everything I am. She pulls back to catch some air and I'm so thankful she did because I wouldn't pull away. I would kiss her until I run out of breath and die a happy man. “I think this would look way better on you than it does on me” she brush my hair back and place her hat on me. I'm man enough to wear this hat in public and she knows it. “I strongly agree it totally looks way better on me” I say in my best girl voice but I end up sounding like a complete ass. 

“You think so?” she runs her little finger up my chest causing my cock to twitch. All I can think about is her tongue on my body doing wicked things. “Yeah” I say out of breath. “Well,” she leans in “I don't” she shoves me. I stumble back as she runs away laughing. “That's cheating” I shout after her. It only takes me a few steps to catch up to her. I wrap my arm around her waist from behind her and lift her up in the air. “Put me down you big ape” she laughs as I spin her around. I lose my balance and I quickly spin us around so I can hit the sand instead of Jane. My shirt and short instantly get wet and the water makes me cringe. “See,” Jane laughs “that's what you get”. I arch my eyebrow at her “Oh you think this is funny?”. She is laughing so hard she can't even talk before she can even catch her breath I roll over. “Asshole!” she yells as she hits the water. Now it's my turn to laugh at her. “I'm wearing white” she slaps my shoulder trying to push me off. “I'm wearing white also” I lean in to give her a small kiss.

Our bodies are wet and rubbing against each other. I can see her nipples and her lace underwear through her dress. I can see everything. Oh god I can see everything! Now I get her comment of wearing white. “Oh god you're wearing white” I quickly stand and extend my hand to help her up. Now that Jane is standing I get a better view of everything. Her dress is fully wet and clingy to her body like a second skin. My cock is so hard right now seeing her all wet and sexy in front of me. “Fuck me” I whisper as I take her in from head to toe. Jane puts her hand on her hips and tilts her head to the side “Told you I was wearing white”. I quickly look around ready to hit the first bastard I catch staring at my girl. Luckily I find no one staring at her. I need to find a towel or something to cover her up. I don't like the idea of anyone looking at her. “Here take my shirt” I quickly take off my shirt to hand it to her. “Umm you're wearing white” she smirks at me. “Fuck” I growl making her laugh “What's funny?” I ask a little annoyed. I don't find none of this funny. “Relax we're on the beach everyone is wearing their bathing suite anyways” she says like if it's no big deal. I know she is right but I still don't like it one bit. “Beside that's what you get for getting me wet” she winks. I pull her into my arms “Maybe we should take advantage of how wet you are” I whisper. She knows exactly what I mean because her cheeks start turning red. “Cum on you know you want to” I shift my waist so she can feel my cock.

“You're an asshole” she says as she bites down on her lip. “That's nothing new” I crash my lips against hers. If I can't take her body than I'll take her mouth. I've never been the kind of guy to show affection but with Jane I can't stop.

“You guys are so cute that you're actually disgusting” Sammy yells from behind us. Jane pulls back and frowns “Shut up”. I quickly turn to face Logan who is staring at Jane. I clear my throat to catch his attention at this point I'm ready to punch him in his face. He shifts his eyes to meet mines and I swear if I could kill him with my eyes he would be dead by now. “Wow what happen to you?” Sam ask Jane.

“Some one thought it would be funny to get me wet but turns out jokes on them” Jane answers with humor in her voice. I feel Sammy's eye on me but I'm to busy sending death stares at Logan. “Relax” Logan says with his eyes. “I'll kill you in your sleep” I threat him with my eyes. “I know” he replies. “Well there is only one thing we can do” Sammy interrupts our silent conversation. From the corner of my eyes I see Sammy reaching for the rim of her dress and in one quick movement lifts it off her head. Before I can even process what's going on Jane is doing the same thing. “Oh hell no” I turn to her. “Relax dad” Sam rolls her eyes at me like a little girl dismissing her father. “Yeah live a little grandpa” Jane says as her dress hits my face. I can't even react all I can do is watch her run towards the water in her bra and pantie. I feel like I'm in some kind of Victoria Secret commercial. “Wow” Logan says under his breath reminding me he was even here. I back slap him against his chest with out taking my eyes off Jane “Stop staring”.

Jane and Sammy are laughing as they splash water at each other. They look like little girls as they enjoy themselves. Jane is always stressing over everything that it's rare seeing her carefree. “They are really two beautiful girls” Logan says. I turn to face him because I know where this is going “Don't even think about it” I warn him.

I need for Jane and Logan to get along because I want them both in my life. They both mean a lot to me and it would make my life a living hell if they don't get along. I won't let him fuck this up by fucking Sammy over. “What?” he raise his eyebrow at me. “You know what not her she has it rough enough with out you fucking with her head” I say. I know Logan isn't a bad guy but he isn't boyfriend material either. “For your information I wasn't thinking what you think I was, but nice to know what you think of me” he runs his hand through his hair and walks away.

Wow where the hell did that come from? Some one is on their man period lately. He isn't the type of person who gives a fuck what people think of him something is wrong. I feel like a douch bag for bringing him down. I take a last look at Jane and then back to Logan. Damn do I stay and enjoy this beautiful view or do I go after my best friend? I need to go talk to him. “Bro,” I call after him “I'm sorry who am I to tell you anything” I say as I catch up to him. He is a grown man and he knows what he is doing. He tucks his hands in front of his pockets “No you're right I am an asshole but believe me I wasn't thinking of doing nothing with Sammy I like her she deserves better than me or that asshole of a boyfriend she has”.

I agree she do deserve better than that asshole of a boyfriend she has but I don't agree with what he said about himself. Logan is a great guy, and I'm not saying that just because he is my best friend, all he needs is to find the right girl to bring it out of him. Sammy might be the right girl for this job but there is to much at risk if it doesn't work. Why am I even worrying about his love life? “Come on let's go buy towels for the girls” I shove his shoulder. I'm sure that when he is ready to tell me what's going on he will.