Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 31 Jane


Gabe hasn't talked to me since we got on the plane. He is still pissed off at me for not telling him about Mark. He has every right to be mad but not at me it's not like I wasn't going to tell him. I just hadn't had the chance to tell him. I couldn't tell him over the phone because he would of probably come over and kill him right there. Not that I care for Mark's life but I care for Gabe's. How did he even know that Gabe was alive? Does that mean my father knows? Of course he does he always knows. Why didn't he tell me then? Because he never tells me anything. Oh god why am I answering my own questions? I think I've finally cracked. Talking about questions what the hell was Mark talking about? Why does it seems like everyone knows something that effects me but don't want to tell me? Is it that bad? I can't get his words out of my head.

“How are you holding up?” Gabe ask as he sits next to me. I'm so mad at him for putting his life in danger again, for treating me like some kind of trophy, and for giving me orders! Okay I have to admit I was turned on with his alpha attitude but I'm still mad. I stare out the window at the clouds ignoring him even tho his body heat is calling me in. I hate fighting with him especially right now that all I want to do is jump onto his lap so he can pet me like some kind of dog. I need his touch his warmth I need his comfort. I feel so cold even tho I have him so close. “Fine when ever you want to act like an adult instead of a brat come find me” he says as he stands to walk away. I want to reach out and stop him but my pride stops me.

I fucking hate this fucking Gabe. He is acting like a fucking asshole reminds me of the Gabe I met. His words hit me harder than any hit he gave Mark. I drop my head into my hands and start crying. I can't take this no more. I feel some one's arms go around me. I know it's not Gabe because my body doesn't react to his. “Are you okay?” Logan ask causing me to spill my soul out.

“No, I woke up this morning happy because yesterday I finally got to hear my moms voice for the first time in a homemade video even tho I didn't get to see her face but I didn't care at least I got to hear her voice you know? You should of herd it, it was so magical. I was also happy because I was finally going to see Gabe after a whole week. I couldn't even sleep. Then after I got out of bed every thing went to hell I was suppose to eat breakfast with my uncles only to find out that my whole family left while I was sleeping so I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to them then I come here and well you know the rest” I say getting everything off my chest.

“He is just mad right now just give him some time to cool off” Logan says as he rubs my back. Even tho all he is trying to do is calm me down I feel more pissed off. Gabe should be the one cooing me not him. I'm on this damn plane because I choice him over my family. He wants me to act like an adult fine I'll give him an adult. I clean my nose on the back of my hand and wipe my face “Where is he?” I ask. “I don't think it's a good idea for you to go talk to him right now,” Logan starts to say. I don't give a fuck if he isn't in the mood to talk right now I am. “Where is he?” I ask again more aggressively. “In the back room” he motions with his head. “Thank you” I say as I walk away.

Logan shakes his head “Not a good idea” he says so low I can barley hear it. He is right it's not a good idea if I wasn't so heated I would of given him time to calm down but that's not the case. I open the door which leads me into a small bed room. I find Gabe sitting on the edge of the bed with his head resting on his hand.

All I want to do is throw myself around him but instead I close the door and lean into it for support. I feel so nervous not because I'm scare of him. I know he'll never hurt me. Where the hell did brave Jane go? What a fucking traitor she left me to deal with this on my own. “Do you want to talk about it?” I ask breaking the silence. I know I fucked up but he is making it worst with the way he is acting. “Now you want to fucking talk” he says sarcastically never lifting his head up. That's the last straw. “I know I fucked up by not telling you what happen with Mark. Just so you know I was going to tell you but I was waiting to tell you in person not over the phone because I knew how you were going to react. I'm sorry I really am but I swear it didn't mean anything to me”.

That's all I'm going to apologizes for, now it's his turn. He tugs on his hair as he sits in complete silence. I'm so close to walking over there and tugging on his hair so he can look at me but I won't cross that boundary no matter how mad I am. If he wants to act like a little big brat than that's on him I did my part. “You know what Gabe go fuck yourself” I say as I turn around to leave.

Fuck him! Fuck everything! I open the door but Gabe slams it back catching me by surprise I didn't even hear him coming. “What did you say?” he ask very deep and low. He is so close that his words hit my skin causing me to shiver all over. I hate the my mind wants to kill him but my body is craving him. I really should make a doctor appointment to see what the hell is going on with me. He grabs me by my arm and spins me around “What. Did. You. Say?” he ask stopping in between words to make his point. His eyes are so dark and full of fury. If he thinks I'm going to be scare of him he has something else coming. “Go. Fuck. Your. Self.” I answer the same way he ask. He stares me straight in the eye and I hold his gaze even tho my heart is pounding so hard I can feel it in my throat. The harder I breath the faster my chest raises and falls. Every time I breath in my breast rubs against his chest. I'm so mad at him but at the same time I'm so turned on. I want him so bad having him this close to me and not being able to touch him is killing me. He looks so dark and sexy I can feel my underwear getting wet. What the hell is wrong with me?

“Fuck it” he says as he crash his lips against mines. I keep my mouth shut as his tongue tires to find a way in. God I want it in me so bad but he hasn't apologizes. He pins his body to mine and pushes his hard cock on me. That's my undoing. I open my mouth for his tongue to rape my mouth. He pulls my sweats down as I work on his jeans. Do you really want to do this? My mind ask mocking me. Hell yes! Fuck the apology you can get that later. My body answers. I walk us towards the bed as my hand goes inside his boxer.

I wrap my hand around his thick cock and we both moan out of pure pleasure. Fuck I want this all of this. He reach for the hem of my shirt and I break our kiss to let him take it off. In a quick movement he unclasp my bra and throws me on the bed. He reach over his head to take off his shirt and strips down. My lady parts go crazy as I enjoy him and all his glory. I will never get tired of seeing his perfect shape abs and that v of his pointing down to the part I need the most. He pushes my legs open and rips my pantie off like a wild animal and I love it. He pulls me towards him and in one quick move he pushes him self inside of me causing me to gasp for air. There is a little sting but I enjoy it. I'm discovering a new side of myself that I didn't even know existed.

I hate when some one is trying to control me but when it comes down to sex he can have it all. Gabe leans down and kiss the one tear that escape from when he pushed himself in me. I shove him away even tho all I want is to feel him close to me. This is not the moment to get emotional if I let him comfort me I'll start crying. He grabs my arms and pins them to the side of my head. I try getting out his hold but he is to strong for me “Fuck you” I growl out of frustration of having him inside of me and him not moving. “I think you mean fuck me” he smirks. That fucking smirk! I try pushing him off again but I got the same results. “Say it baby” he thrust inside. Fuck! That feels good but I won't say it. He leans down to kiss me but I move my head to the side so he kisses my cheek. “All you have to do is say it and I will” he whisper into the side of my neck causing my body to break into goosebumps. He pulls out only to slam back inside of me I bite down on my lip trying to keep my moan in. I fucking hate him right now! I want to bite, punch, and kick him all together. “Say it” he sucks on my earlobe.

I close my eyes and try to focus on anything instead of what I am feeling. I know he feels how turn on I am. Fuck it just say it my body screams at me. No don't my mind yells. I shake my head to the side trying to shake my thoughts away. He leans in and  pulls on my bottom lip. I sucked on his lip and his tongue enters my mouth once again. He runs his tongue on top of my mouth causing my body to shiver. Say it! My body cries. Fuck it say it! My mind agrees. Finally they agree in one thing. “Fuck me” I whisper so low that I barely hear it. “What?” He ask pushing me. He is going to make me say it again. “Fuck me!” I yell so loud before I regret it. “Your wishes are my command Muffin” he let's go of my hands and they instantly go around him.

He lifts my legs and starts to pound into me. Oh fuck yes! Yes! That feels fucking good. "Harder!" I order needing to release everything. He brings my right leg over his right shoulder and does the same with the left. Fuck it feels good no it fucking feels great. I feel him so deep inside of me that I feel like he can poke my heart. Every time he thrust inside of me I cry. “Oh fuck” I dig my nails into his arms. I'm so close but I don't want him to stop. He pushes inside of me and rotates his hips. “Oh fuck” it's getting harder for me to breath. “Come on Muffin” he begs me to let go. My orgasm hits me so hard that I feel it start from my head and spread through out my whole body. Within seconds Gabe drops on top of me out of breath.

Our bodies are cover in sweat and we are both panting that was fucking amazing! I swear sex with Gabe only gets better and better each time. “I'm sorry Muffin” he finally apologize. Now that my body and mind are relax my emotions creep their way in. I turn my head to the side trying to hide my stupid tears that I can't keep in no more. He cups my chin and turns my face towards him  “I really am sorry I acted like a dick it's just the thought of Mark or any one else kissing you makes me lose my mind”. I understand him because I don't like the thought of someone else kissing him. I would go crazy also but that was just the cherry on top. “It's been a long day” I whisper into his hand. He rolls off me pulling me into his arms. I lay my head on his chest as he runs his hand up and down my spine. I missed being like this with him listing to his heartbeat. “Want to talk about it?” he kiss the top of my head.

 I wish I can tell him the truth about my dad but I can't. I hate lying to him but I don't want to compromise him with his work. He loves his jobs and I won't put him in a situation where he has to choice between me and his job because I have the feeling he would pick me. “It just been a crazy day starting with saying bye to my family and ending with Mark and everything he was saying” I say which is true. “I'm sorry for being a dick today out of all days it must have been really hard for you to say goodbye to them and instead of being there for you I let Mark get the best of me” he finally apologizes giving me a kiss on my head. I roll over and snuggle into his side as I pin my face into his neck. 

“Everything is going to be fine I promise” he rubs my arm as he reassures me. There is loud knock on the door causing me to jump “Just making sure everyone everyone is still alive” Logan says I can tell he is smiling. Oh fuck I forgot he was even here he probably herd me yelling. I bury my face into his chest feeling a shame. “Everything is fine now go away” he yells as his chest moves from laughter. Of course he thinks this is funny he wasn't the one who was yelling fuck me from the top of his lungs. Now that I think about it he is an asshole for making me beg in the first place.

“You're an asshole” I say as I pinch his cute nipple. I don't know how a nipple is cute but his are. “Oww” he squirm away from me. “That's for making me beg” I say as I go for his other nipple. In a blink of an eye he rolls on top of me “Don't make me do it again” he pins my arms right besides me. There is no way I'm begging again. That was once in a life time kind of thing yet again I've already begged once I might as well take advantage of it. “Go fuck yourself” I say with amusement. His eyes turn into a darker shade of green “What did you just say?” he ask in a low husky voice causing me to tingle all over. “You herd me” I say trying my best not to laugh. He spreads my legs with his thighs and settles in “Say it” he says as his cock teases my slits. I know it's just a matter of seconds before I start begging but I'll make him work for it.