Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 32 Gabe


Jane is fast asleep in my arms round two wore her out. I have to give her credit it did take her longer to beg than last time but at the end she finally gave in. I acted like such a dick to her thanks to Mark. I can't believe I let him get to me. Today out of all the days when she needed me the most I acted like the biggest asshole. I kind of wish Mark would of kicked my ass for it. “I'm sorry baby” I say even if she is sleeping I still want her to know I'm sorry. If it was up to me I would stay with her in bed the whole flight but I feel bad for Logan who is probably bored out his ass. I slowly lift her head off my shoulder and roll away from her.

She looks like a sex goddess laying naked with the sheets wrap around her and her wild red hair everywhere. I'm one lucky bastard to have her in my life. I reach for my cloths and get dress. My knuckles still hurt from hitting Mark they are actually swollen with dried blood on them.

“About damn time I thought I was going to have to kick the door down” Logan tease as soon as I stepped out. I don't mind him teasing me I'm used to it I just hope he doesn't tease Jane. “Shut the fuck up” I walk over to the mini bar. I grab a cup with ice and pour out some scotch I can't believe there is a mini bar in here. Now that my head is clear I can actually take everything in. The jet has a big flat TV hanging from the middle of the ceiling, the seats are made of leather and they are big enough for two people to sit in or you can pull them out, and they are spread apart from each other giving everyone their own space, and to top it off there is a small fridge in the right corner. “Shit if I had a jet like this I would live in it” Logan says as he pulls out his seat. I walk over to the seat across from him “You would have to I don't think you would be able to afford to rent a place”. I can just imagine how much this jet coast it would take me a life time and another to be able to afford this. It really opens my eyes. I knew Jane came from money but this is ridiculous.

“So how is Jane doing? She was a mess” he says making me feel worst. The fact that he ask about her before asking about me tells me that he considers her part of the family already. I take a sip of my scotch and enjoy the burning sensation as it goes down my throat. “She is sleeping right now” I answer. Hopefully she is in a better mood when she wakes up. “Good,” he nods “sucks that she couldn't say bye to her family” he adds.

That takes me by surprise what is he talking about? “What?” I ask confuse. “Turns out her family left last night while she was sleeping” he says. I feel an ache in my chest as soon as he says that. No wonder she was such a mess when she got to the airport. Why didn't she tell me? “How are you doing?” he finally ask. Well I was feeling like a dick before he told me this now I feel like the worst scum bag in the world. I rest my head on the chair “Like a dick head” I answer as I finish the rest of my drink. “Yeah you are a dick but it sounds to me like you made it up in there” he nods towards the room. I made it up to her with sex but it's not about sex. I need her to know that I'll always be there for her when she needs me. I need to be a better boyfriend but I don't even know how to be a boyfriend. This is my first real relationship so of course I'm going to fuck up it's in my genes.

“I don't blame you I would reacted the same if some one told me they kissed my girl” he adds. My hands automatically clench into fist just thinking of Mark kissing my girl. I focus on the sting coming from my knuckles instead of my anger. “Have you talked to Sophia?” he ask trying to change the subject. “No, I just send her a quick text this morning letting her know we're on our way” I answer as I stretch my side feels sore. I guess that ass face got a good hit after all. Sophia must be counting down the hours to see us.

“Have you talked to Jane about her birth certificate?” he ask. I haven't had the chance to talk to her about that I don't know how to bring it up. Maybe I should wait until I have more information to tell her. First I need to find out what her parents real name are and I'll go from there. “No I haven't found the right time” I say. He nods his head “Well the good news is, if we still have a job, we'll have plenty of time behind a computer to dig around”. Knowing Balvin she is going to bury us with paper work. That's her punishment for us. She knows that we hate being stuck behind a computer. We love to be out in the street where the action is.

“Hey,” we both turn to look at Jane. She tied her wild hair into a messy bun on top of her head my cock jumps just seeing her. She looks so beautiful. “Hi Muffin” I smirk. She gives me her heart dropping smile as she makes her way over to me. “Looks like some one is glowing I wonder why?” Logan starts. Jane's cheeks turns into a light pink shade as she lays her head on my chest. “Leave her alone” I warn Logan. I give her a kiss on the head. She smells so good like coco but this time my scent is mixed with hers. “What are you guys talking about?” she ask as her ass rubs against my cock. I place my hands on her hips to make her stop before I fuck her in front of Logan. “Nothing just Logan here who is excited to get back home” I look over for him to go along.

“Really is there a special some one waiting for you?” she turns to face him. He looks a little surprise but then he recovers “I don't know about a some one more like a dozen” he winks. Jane let's out a laugh that makes me smile I love hearing her laugh. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her into me. “You're a dog. Please tell me you weren't as bad as he is” she lifts her head up to look at me.

Logan is smirking waiting for my answer we both know I was as bad or even worst than him. Just to be clear I'm not proud of my past well at least now I'm not. “Of course not,” Logan jumps in before I answer which I'm thankful for “he was worst”. I glare at Logan wishing I can throw myself at him. Jane gives me a small friendly slap on the chest “Pig” she grins. “But unlike Logan over there I've turned a new leaf” I drop me head and give her a small peck on the lips. “You've better” she rubs her nose against mine. “Oh brother,” Logan throws his arms in the air.

“That reminds me,” Jane pulls back from me “if you ever give me an order again I will cut your balls off” she says with no humor in her voice. I knew I was going to pay for that comment. “Now that's more like it” Logan yells as he rubs his hands together “I have 5 on Jane”. I pull Jane in “I'm sorry for barking orders at you I'm just used to people doing what I say” fuck that didn't come out right. “Oh shit you done did it now” Logan chuckles. “Excuse me? I'm not some kind of puppy who is going to seat when you say so” she says. Damn I need to turn this around before it gets out of hand.“I know that's what I like about you” I quickly say. I see her face transform from upset to happy. “Booo, she isn't dumb to fall for that line” Logan says. Jane wraps her arm around my neck and pulls me in for a kiss.

She sucks on my bottom lip and shoves her tongue inside of my mouth before I can do it myself. “Well I guess I was wrong” Logan says with humor. I wrap my arm around Jane to stick my middle finger out at him. Jane starts to wiggle around causing me to break the kiss. I don't know how much more I can take before removing our cloths. “Oh come on I was just getting the popcorn” Logan cries. Jane's eyes bug out as she drops her head “Oh god” she mumbles. She must of forgotten Logan was sitting there. “Don't you have anything better to do?” I look over Jane to Logan. “Mm nope not really” he shrugs his shoulders. I hear Jane laughing “You know I still don't know how ya became best friends”. Logan looks over to me and we just start laughing “I'll tell you” Logan beams.

 “It all start when I was 4 years old,” he say as if he was old as hell I can't stop myself from chuckling “It was my first day of school I was so excited and I was looking handsome like always. My mother drove me to school she even walked me all the way inside the class room. I didn't know any one in there but me being the brave boy that I was, I wasn't worry. I walked inside and that's when I saw this little boy crying in his seat-”

“Alright alright I got it from here,” I interrupt him. Jane turns to face me with a smile that reaches her eyes “First of all I was crying because I didn't get to see my favorite cartoon show earlier that day” I lie. The real reason why I was crying was because I was scare out of my mind. “And Logan over here was crying as soon as he walked in. He was hugging his mom's leg like his life depended on it.” Jane looks over to Logan and giggles “So his mom walks over to the desk besides me with Logan around her leg. The teacher had to come and help her unwrap him off her. Once Logan was in his seat his mom left so there we were both crying our eyes out wanting our mommies” I smile to myself. That's when we both looked at each other and bust out laughing.

“Men you were one ugly mother fucker crying with boogers running down your face” Logan says. “Oh cause you looked so much better with those hiccups you had” I defend myself. “And that's when it all started after that we realized we took the same bus because we lived around the corner from each other” Logan finish the story. “Aww that is the cutest story I've ever herd” Jane smiles. “If you think that was cute wait until you hear the rest,” Logan says. I pull the chair out and snuggle with Jane this is going to be a long walk down memory lane.