Fighting For Love (Fighting Series Book 2) by Cindy Diaz - HTML preview

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Chapter 33 Jane


I'm so exhausted I never want to get on another plane ever again. We arrived at 3 am this morning we came straight to Gabe's house to sleep. I'm dying to see Sophia but I needed to catch up on some sleep. Let's just say I really didn't get any shut eye on the plane. Who would of thought being in the air turned me on some much especially during the night. Being with Gabe always feels like flying but having sex in the air was magical especially being surrounded by stars and the moon. “Mm good morning Muffin,” Gabe says in his morning voice. How did he know I was awake? “Morning,” I reply as I snuggle into him. “Now this is how I want to wake up every morning with your ass teasing me” he wraps his arm around my naked body and pulls me in. His cock is laying right in between my thighs causing me to squirm. How can I be this wet and horny so early in the morning?

“What are you thinking about?” he says as his hand cups my sex. “Aaa,” I moan as his finger trace my lips “You” I say out of breath. “Let me take a wild guess,” he says as he wraps my leg over his waist “about this?” he slides his cock inside of me. I throw my head back into his chest as he slowly rocks inside of me “Oh fuck yes”.


“What are we doing here?” I ask Gabe. We were on our way to see Sophia's but instead he bought me over to this building. “I just have to pick some thing up really quick” he says pulling me with him. I don't understand why I had to come with him when I could of stayed in the car where it's warm. I had no idea how cold it really got during the winter. “It better be quick or I am leaving you” I warn him. I'm dying to see Sophia and Liam hopefully they're together. He knocks on the door as I shift from one leg to another impatiently.

The door flies open and Sophia is standing there “Oh my god! Jane!” she pulls me into a hug as we scream and jump around. “Sofy!” I yell. What is she doing here? “Alright enough it's my turn,” Liam snatch me away from Sophia's arms. I wrap my arms around Liam it feels so great being around them again. I feel tears building up in my eyes ready to drop at any second. “Come in don't just stand there” he pulls me into the apartment. “Oh my god I thought I was never going to see you again,” Sophia says as she wraps her arms around me “You've lost weight we need to fill you up again”. I laugh she would be the one to notice my weight loss. “Well thank you for bring my girl back I guess I have to pay you with my body” Liam walks towards Gabe as he sways his hips to the side. I can't stop myself from smiling I guess nothing has change while I was gone.

Gabe slides to the right avoiding him “I don't think so bud” he smiles. It seems like they really have become good friends since I left.

“Don't worry babe I'm not crushing on him no more I have a new crush” Liam says to reassure me. “Oh really who has taken Gabe's place?” I ask. Last time I check Liam was Gabe's number one groupie. Gabe and Sophia laugh from besides me. I wonder what's so funny? There is another knock on the door “That would be him” Liam smiles as he goes for the door. “Get ready” Sophia whispers. I look over to Gabe who is just smiling. “Well hello there handsome” Liam says. I look around Gabe to find Logan standing there with two pizza boxes. “Not now Liam” Logan scowls as he pass by him. I can't stop myself from laughing. Logan is his new boy toy? How did this happen? I need to hear this story.

“Wait what are you doing here?” I ask Sophia finally remembering where we are. I was just going to her house to see her why is she here? “Oh how silly of me welcome to my new home” she smiles as she spreads her arms. “I think you mean our new home” Liam jumps in.

“Oh” I say trying to hide my disappointment. I'm glad that she found some one else to help her with the rent. I was hoping I still had my room at her apartment but I guess I'm just going to have to look for my own place. “Come we have a surprise for you” Sophia says. I look over to Gabe who smiles and walks into the kitchen with Logan. Liam grabs my other arm “Close your eyes sugarplum”. I do as what I'm told I wonder what's my surprise. They walk my down the hallway and stop in front of a door “Okay open them” they both say in union.

My eyes fly open at the same time they open the door in front of me. “Oh my god” I bring my hand to cover my mouth. I look around the room all my stuff is in here, this is my room. They fixed it like my old room. “You didn't think I would moved with out you? Did you?” Sophia says from besides me. I feel guilty because I really did think she moved with out me. “Thank you” I turn to wrap them up into a bear hug. “You're going to ruin my mascara” Liam says through a stuffy nose. “Pizza is getting cold” Logan yells from the kitchen. 

“Why did you move?” I ask Sophia as we sit around the table. “Well after everything that happen with Mark, neither Gabe or Logan thought it was a good idea for me to stay there” she answers from besides Logan. I find it interested that she is sitting besides him when there is more empty seats. I don't know why I have a feeling there is something there. “So Logan informed me that there was this apartment for rent in his building and I jumped on it” Gabe answers. Interesting we're going to live in the same building as Logan this should be fun. “And I thought it was a good idea to have a man around,” Liam adds “that's why I agreed to move in with you guys to have Logan and Gabe around”. I let out a small laugh as I watch Logan shake his head and Gabe chuckle. I look around the table and smile to myself. It doesn't matter where I'm if I have all of them with me I will always feel at home. They are my family. The only person missing to complete this circle is Sammy. Now that I think about it I wonder if she'll pick up her phone if I call her again.

“Okay enough with all this chitchat let's get down to the important stuff tell us what happen?” Sophia ask. Liam leans into his elbow to give me his full attention. Oh great now all the attention is on me. I start playing with my bracelet as I start the story. I end up telling them everything that happen after Mark shot Gabe. I even told them about his love confession. I had to hold Gabe's hand to help him control his anger through that part. I told them everything expect the part about my father of course. “Oh my god” Sophia says shock. “What a sick mother fucker” Liam adds and I nod in agreement. “He is one crazy asshole” Logan says while Gabe just stays quite besides me. I squeeze his hand for comfort I know he needs it right now.

“Oh now that I remember,” Sophia says. I'm so thankful for the change of subject. She jumps up and walks over to the cabinet “this came in the mail for you” she hands me a big orange envelope. “What's that?” Gabe ask. I shrug my shoulders I have no idea what this could be. I flip the envelope and there is a stamp from the private investigator I hired.

My heart drops to my stomach. Inside of this envelope is the answer to all my prayers. Inside of this envelope is the truth about my mother. Am I ready to know everything about her? What really happen to her? To know where she is bury? Is there a picture of her inside here? Of course I am this is what I've been waiting for all my life.

“Get her some water she looks pale as fuck” Gabe barks. “Are you okay baby” he shifts his body towards me. I can't find my voice so I just nod my head. I wish I had my father or Sammy here with me. “Here babe” Liam place a water glass in front of me. With shaky hands I reach for it and take a sip out if it. The cold water feels amazing on my dry lips. “Do you want me to open it for you” Gabe offers.

I shake my head and pin the envelope to my chest like my life depended on it. I need to do this myself. “Okay baby just relax” he tries calming me down. Why am I freaking out? I feel every one's eyes on me. I must seem like a crazy person. They don't know how important this is for me. I tare the envelope open and pull out the paper out.

Dear Mrs. Carter........

My eyes feel like they are running a mile that's how fast I'm reading the letter. Wait what? How is this possible? Any hope of finding my mother just died after finishing reading this letter. I feel my soul leave my body. This can't be true. “Oh my God” I cry as my body goes limp. “Bring me the alcohol!” that's the last thing I hear before everything goes dark.

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