Finding Beautiful by Amanda Kaitlyn - HTML preview

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I lean my head against Gavin's shoulder as he eases out into the midday traffic. His eyes flit down to mine and his lips tilt up into that youthful smile that first hooked me in the parking lot of Eli's studio.

His phone vibrates in the cup holder and I hand it to him, intertwining our fingers absentmindedly.

"Hi, Mom," he says. Crap, his mother?

"No. Yes, she’s with me."

He gazes down at me, sighing and seeming agitated. What did she say?

"What? Mom...I’m not sure if that’s a good idea..."

He pauses, listening. I wonder vaguely what his mother is like. She certainly raised him well.

"Okay, I’ll talk to her about it. I love you. Bye."

He hangs up, huffing a laugh as he parks beside the studio.

"What was that about?"

He grins, kissing my lips softly as he leads me out of the Jaguar.

"She wants to meet you. How does dinner next Tuesday sound?"

Oh my.

"I’d love that. This might take a while since it’s my last session before the showcase. Gavin, you don’t have to stay."

He opens the glass door for me, a shadow of a smile on his handsome face.

"Only for a bit. I have an overseas conference call and a few meetings this afternoon."

Eli waves us over and I see Gavin’s shoulders tense when he spots Eli’s shaved head and piercing navy blue eyes.

"Eli, this is my boyfriend, Gavin Thomas."

"Nice to finally meet the man who’s stolen Ms. Morgan’s heart. I’m Eli Jenkins."


"You sore, Aria? I can see it in your stance."

I nod, stretching once more and pulling my hair into a messy bun. A slow, lingering melody begins and my eyes flutter closed. The notes collide into each other, creating a sad haunting mood as my first steps glide over the floor. As the dance ends, I keep my eyes closed, taking in a cleansing breath. It’s as if I can see Jeremy applauding, just as he always had when I performed. It calms me. When I open my eyes, I lock onto Gavin’s intense gaze. He pulls me to him and I press my face to his neck, inhaling his minty scent.

"What did I do to deserve a goddess like you, baby?"

I kiss him at the side of his mouth, my heart skipping a beat at his hungry gaze.

"You’re stuck with me, Gavin."

He smiles wide, cupping my cheeks as his mouth closes over mine, stealing my breath and creating tingles across the surface of my skin. His heady scent overwhelms me and hunger smothers my senses. My hands grip onto his hair. His tongue runs along my lower lip and his hands cup my cheeks, treasuring the tingling skin. I open to him, moaning his name as he explores my mouth eagerly. He is tasting, adoring, teasing, and torturing my mouth. He groans, his hot breath coming across my parted lips. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of this. His touch, his taste, his hands. It’s addicting to me. Then, his phone rings.

"Sorry," he breathes, gazing down at his smart phone and frowning. "I have to go, baby. You okay to get home?"

I kiss his lips quickly, nodding.

"I’ll have Kel bring my car here, no worries. How about I bring you dinner later. Will you be free by seven?"

His eyes brighten and his delectable mouth turns up into that smile I love.

"See you then, Aria. Don’t turn off your phone, okay?"

I nod, our hands slipping away from each other from the distance of our bodies.

"You ready for a warm up?" Eli calls, forcing my gaze away from Gavin’s departing backside. My cheeks heat and I nod, heading toward the mats once more.


 I slip off my ballet flats and look up to see Kel leaning by the benches across the studio.

"Hey." She grins and throws an arm around my shoulder as we head out of the entrance and toward her BMW.

"How’s the wedding planning going?" I ask as we drive to Henry’s Pub, our favorite lunch spot in East End.

"Amazing! Everything’s coming together. I can’t believe in only two weeks I’ll be married."

Her face lights up, and I see how genuinely happy she is. I’d wanted to be with her every step of the way as she plans her dream wedding but with the showcase coming up and the distraction that is Gavin Thomas, I think she knows my mind’s been elsewhere.

"Good. I’m so sorry I haven’t helped more with the wedding. If you need anything..."

She grasps my hand in hers and gives me a knowing smile.

"I know you’re here for me. You’ve had so much going on... I completely understand."

I nod, my chest warming from the light that Kel carries in her eyes and her words.

"How’s Gavin?"

"Well, things are....He’s just so unbelievable. I told him I love him, Kel."

She parks in front of Henry’s and gives me a shit-eating grin. Oh goodness.

"Oh, my God! And what did he say?"

I blush, remembering his heartfelt words.

"Like I said, unbelievable"

She squeals happily and hugs me tight, too tight.

"I’m so happy for you!"

She releases me, smiling.

"I know."

We walk into the dive and my stomach grumbles.

I moan in appreciation at the delicious triple stacked cheeseburger I’m well into. Kel picks at her fries, telling me all about the details of the wedding.

"Are you listening?"

I look up, nodding as my thoughts roam to Jasmine and the uneasy feeling I have that she’s not going anywhere soon.

"Sorry, I was just lost in thought. This thing with Gavin’s ex has me a little worried, you know?"

She gazes at me and shakes her head as if I’m crazy.

"That man is crazy for you, Aria. You know that. If his ex wants him back, so be it. He loves you. That’s all that matters."

How does she know exactly what I need to hear? I relax, nodding. She’s right. I’m being silly. He loves me.

"Thanks, Kel. Actually, do you mind if I order something to go? I thought I’d bring him some dinner."

She grins, popping a fry into her mouth as I wave over our waitress.

"Can I get an order of fettuccine Alfredo to go? With a Blue Moon?"

She smiles warmly, a strand of her red hair falling into her eye.

"No problem. Anything else?"

"No, thank you."

We stack our dishes and Kel’s cell rings.

"I’ll meet you in the car," she says, putting down her half of the bill as she scoots out of the booth.


After a detour to Glendale Florist for an order change that Kel insisted we had to do, she parks toward the front of Thomas.

"Your man is rich!"

I giggle, taking off my seat belt eagerly. Missing him already.

"I wouldn’t care if he was a janitor, Kel."

She turns to me, smiling.

"I know, sweetie. Don’t take too long, we’ve got that dinner tonight."

I grab the food and make my way into the building, amazed at how massively huge it is.

I hop onto the elevator, smoothing my sundress down my backside and letting my hair out of its bun. My mind starts to wander between floors. How is it possible to miss someone this much? It’s just crazy.


 I step off the elevator at the 26th floor, coming to a door that reads Gavin Thomas, CEO.

Somehow seeing his name on the door just excites me more. I open it and there’s a long granite counter, a reception desk, and behind it is a man with blond hair and the darkest of blue eyes and a charming smile.

"Good afternoon, how may I help you?"

"Hi, I’m Aria Morgan. I’m here to see Gavin. We have a date."

His grin is infectious and he tells me to go down the hall and his office will be the first on the right.

"I’m sorry, Jazz," I overhear the carrying voices from the front lobby, and I know immediately who Gavin is talking to. Just hearing his voice laced with worry for someone else has my breath catching in my throat. Why is she in his office? What the hell?

Confusion, closely followed by a haze of unease settles inside me. My gut tells me to turn away and call Gavin tomorrow once I’ve had time to think about the questions swirling in my head. But my heart keeps me walking towards the open door to his office.

I hear his soft voice soothing her. Jazz. God, he's talking to Jasmine . I feel sick. When I round the corner I see his office door open, his arms wrapped around Jasmine, her long blonde hair pulled into a braid as she clutches onto him. His lips land in her hair as he holds her in his arms.

"I can’t believe it, Gavin. I can’t…" I can see them now and the sight guts me.

Jasmine is holding onto Gavin as she cries, her sounds loud and filled with anguish. I watch as she sobs into his dress shirt and he holds her tighter. The embrace is intimate, and the sight of it is almost too much to watch.

"Shhh," he soothes her and when she pulls away, her hands grip the collar of his shirt while one of his hands is at the small of her back.

My heart beats a panicked rhythm in my chest and tears build in my eyes. I tell myself to look away. I can’t possibly be witnessing this. When I see her lips press to his, all the breath leaves my body. A sound, low and guttural erupts from my chest, the pain searing through me at the sight. My Gavin with her. I hastily turn around, blocking the image from my sight. I can’t take it anymore. How could he? After everything we had?

I’m still not enough for him.

The thought makes me want to get away from them as soon as possible.

Was it all a sham? Did he ever truly want me?

I drop the food on the floor by his office, tears streaming down my cheeks, and run toward the exit.

Doubts and hurt and so much anger fill me. My heart is being ripped apart, my stomach lurching as I make it just in time to empty the contents of my stomach into a trash can next to the outer doors of the office building.

How could I have been so stupid? He’s probably been seeing her this whole time and I was just too blind to see it. I loved him....God, I love him with everything inside me. I run even faster away from the scene and then I hear footsteps behind me.

I hear his deep voice calling behind me. I try to wipe away my sadness as I realize he saw me. He came for me. Gavin yells my name louder and I halt at the sound of his voice. It’s laced with something?

Shame? Worry? Fear, I think. I just don’t know why.

"I swear to God this isn’t what you think, Aria. You have to know..."

Anger seeps through me, replacing the crippling pain for a moment. I turn around and walk to him, my body vibrating with so many emotions I don’t have a prayer of stopping the words bubbling up my dry throat.

"I have to know what, Gavin? Please tell me because it looks like I've seen enough!"

I wipe my mouth, sweeping my hair away from my face as the tears keep coming.

"Baby, I…" Before I know what I'm doing my hand flies out and lands forcefully against his cheek, knocking his face to the side. His eyes shoot back to mine, his gasp audible. I see the fear in his eyes now, along with a slow humming love that’s ever present in his gaze. I can’t stand it so I turn away from him, intent on walking away.

"Don't leave, Aria. Please listen to me!" His voice is filled with panic.

I run away from him but somehow can hear when he yells to me, his deep voice jolting me with the fierceness in it.

"You have to know you’re my world, Aria!"

By the time I get into my sister’s Jeep again, my entire body is shaking.

"Aria! Are you okay? What happened?"

I breathe in and out, struggling, and finally find the words.

"Please. Drive."