Finding Beautiful by Amanda Kaitlyn - HTML preview

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There's a knock by the door and thankfully, I've collected myself enough to call out for whomever it is to enter. Callie and an older woman with dark brown hair and gray colored eyes that shift to mine walk in. Gavin’s mother. Oh my God this is Gavin’s mother.

"Ari, this is Elizabeth, my mom. Mom, this is Aria Morgan, Gavin's girlfriend."

She eyes me for a moment before stepping forward and gives me a warm smile. "It’s wonderful to meet you, honey. Are you doing OK?"

She sits beside me and her eyes are soft with unshed tears. She looks so much like Gavin, it takes me aback for a moment.

"I’m not sure. I can’t believe this happened and I just want him to wake up.."

A tear escapes my eye and she grabs my hand, holding it gently in hers and deftly wipes the tear away from my cheek.

"He’s strong honey, and I know how much he loves you. He's going to wake up, and from what I've heard he'll have some making up to do."

I gasp, he talks to his mother about me? Oh, goodness.

"Why do you say that?"

She sighs, looking briefly to her son before her eyes shift back to mine. I spot Callie speaking softly to her brother on the other side of the bed and my heart constricts for her.

"We had dinner last night and honey, he was a mess. He told me what happened with Jasmine and I can tell you, that nothing is between him and that girl. From what I heard, he loves you more than anything. And I’m not telling you to forget what you saw, but Aria, he would never want to hurt you or betray you. I would bet my life on that."

I nod, knowing she's right. I don't know why I ran like that, but I have to explain it to him. He has to wake up, soon.

"He loves you, sweet girl. And I can see that you love him. Don't you?"

I nod, squeezing his hand in mine.

"God, I love him so much. I don't know what I would do if I lost him. Mrs. Thomas, I love your son very much."

She scoffs when I call her that, her lips lifting in a smile.

"Elizabeth, please honey. I'm going to take Callie home for a few hours, then we'll be back. Do you need anything?"

She leans forward and wraps her arms around me, her slender frame pressing to mine. I hug her back, sniffing into her beige colored, striped knitted jacket.

"No, I’m okay. Thank you, Elizabeth. It’s nice to finally meet you. You raised an amazing son."

"Thank you, honey. You make him happy, that’s all I want for him."

She smiles as she pulls away and stands. I see Callie coming over to hug me briefly, her sad eyes meeting mine.

"Take care of him?"


They close the door behind them and I turn back to Gavin, running my hand up and down his forearm. The smooth skin beneath my fingertips starts to calm me.

"Your mother is delightful, by the way."

I place Gavin’s hand onto the bed and sit beside him on the mattress, gazing down into his unguarded face.

I caress his cheek with my hand, noticing the rough edge of stubble across his jaw and lean forward, grazing my mouth across his forehead, kissing him tenderly.

"I never thought I would need this, but I do. Your touch, seeing the love in your eyes, getting to know your family. It’s all so overwhelming, but I want it. I want to be with you. Please, Gavin. Please don't leave me." I kiss his mouth softly, then lean back again, feeling empty without him.

My breath hitches in my throat, and I sit back on the stool beside his bed, grasp his hand in both of mine and lay my head beside our adjoined hands. Before I know it, I drift.

"Aria, baby wake up." I feel a brush of his fingers against my bare lips, the slide of his fingertip between my parted folds, the softness of sheets hitched up on my bare thighs. I hum contentedl y, wanting to go back to sleep but also wanting to wake up to my man pleasuring me so intimately.

"What are you doing?"

I feel Gavin’s hands clasp my knees and they are urged farther apart.

"I’m touching you, Beautiful." He dips a finger into the wetness of my core and I gasp at the fullness, the tightening in my muscles and then my gasp turns into a whimper when suddenly his finger is gone and I’m left bereft and overcome with need. My eyes fly open.

"You can’t do that! What are you…?"

My voice dies when I see the amazing picture in front of me. Gavin, completely naked, kneeling between my thighs and that sweet and sexy smile is staring right back at me.

"Hmm" is all I muster before I catapult myself into his arms, knocking him flat on his back and grasping his hips as I lower my mouth to his lower belly. I tease his length with squeezes around the base, kisses and bites all the way down his torso until my lips are at the apex of his thighs, just above where he’s aching for me.

"Baby…" His voice is strained with need and my eyes flick up to his. I lose my breath all over again when I see him looking down at me with eyes filled with hunger, his lower lip trapped between his teeth.

"I’m touching you." I tease, licking down his thick shaft, around the tip where I taste beads of moisture.

A low rumble comes from Gavin as his hands lock into thick strands of my hair.

"Fuck, that feels amazing. Aria, baby stop, you don’t have to do that." I can hear the need in his voice but I also know that above all else, he considers me and my feelings in this moment. This is something we’ve never done.

He would never push me to do anything I didn’t want to do.

"Shh." I trust him and I want to do this for him. I want to feel him lose himself in the pleasure I can give him. Gavin wraps a hand around my nape and tugs gently, wanting to pull me up, but I shake my head and wrap my mouth around his tip once more.

"Ahh, baby!" I taste the moisture and a cathartic moan escapes me.

I’m in a haze of pleasure and determination, hearing Gavin’s moans as I take him even deeper into my mouth and  love him in this new, heady way.

When his hands tighten in my hair, his fingers almost digging into my scalp, a sense of awareness settles into me. Even in the throes of passion, Gavin is never rough with me.

"Loosen up, babe." I whimper, attempting to pull back from him but his hands grab onto me even tighter.

Panic ebbs its way into my stomach.

"Come on, Princess. Don’t stop now."

His roughened voice and harsh grip on my head thrashes me into reality. Oh, God, no. No, no no no! I know that voice. Bryce. It’s not possible…

"Let me go!"

I come back into consciousness when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Panic, fear, pain, disgust – it’s all coursing through me and making my body shake. It was just a dream. Just another stupid dream. Breathe, Aria. Just breathe. In and out. Once I’ve calmed, my eyes drift open and I lift my head to see Dr. Lee standing by the foot of the bed. I wipe my eyes and try for a smile, not sure how long I’ve slept.

"I thought you'd want these, his effects that we found on him when he came in."

He hands me a small plastic bag and I take it with shaking fingers. I can see his cell phone, keys, and brown threaded wallet through the clear bag in my hand. Is this all I have to hold onto? Everything he had on him when he was hit by the semi?

"Has he woken up at all?" The doctor asks, taking Gavin’s chart out from the holder against the wall at his bedside.

"No, I’ve been here all night." I couldn’t leave him, God I’ll never leave his side again.

"That's normal in these circumstances, it shouldn't be long though. I'll be back in an hour or so to check his vitals," Dr. Lee says, a hopeful look in his eyes that takes me back.

That makes the heaviness in my chest lighten, knowing he should be conscious soon. I don't know how much more of this I can take, he has to wake up. I need him to wake up so I can tell him how wrong I was, how much he means to me.

I nod as the doctor leaves and I’m left alone again.

Once Dr. Lee is gone from the room I turn back to Gavin and kiss his hand, laying my head back to the bed and gaze up into the face that I fell in love with only weeks ago. I’m surprised at how tired I still am. Only a few more hours, I tell myself and my eyes close once more.

My sister wakes me some time later and she slips my favorite sweatshirt over my head. I try to smile as she hugs me tight, her arms wrapping around my waist and her hands smoothing down my back.

I spot Lucas standing by the doorway intently looking at the two of us. I can see how tired they both are, but Kel’s love for me and Luke’s love for my sister brings them here at close to one AM.

"Are you doing okay? I'm sorry it took me so long to get here." I can hear that she’s worried for me.

She has to be the most caring person I know.

I give her a half smile to reassure her, not stopping myself from looking over at Gavin's gorgeous face. He looks so peaceful, the fear in the pit of my stomach is still there and it hasn't wavered since I got that call close to six hours ago.

"As okay as I can possibly be right now. I just wish he'd wake up, Kel."

She takes my hand and squeezes tightly.

"Don't give up; I know how much he loves you. He’s crazy about you, Ari."

I know she's right, it just feels so hopeless right now. He should have woken by now, hell – he should never have been in this hospital. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was headed to me, Gavin wouldn’t have been on the road so late at night.

"What if he doesn’t wake up, Sis? I can’t-I can’t imagine being without him."

My sister wraps her hand around mine across Gavin’s bed and stares softly into my eyes.

"Have faith, Ari. Just, have faith. He loves you and he’s here, that’s all that matters, okay?"

I know she’s right. I know, God I know it could have been so much worse. Gavin is here now, I have to focus on that. I have to remember how much he loves me.

Thankfully, over the next three hours, my wonderful sister keeps me busy talking about all the various details about the wedding. After a while, I can see her eyes getting heavy as she leans against Luke's chest. I squeeze her hand and give her my best smile to reassure her I’m okay.

"Hey, go home. I promise I’ll keep you posted OK?"

She hastily shakes her head and tries to hide a yawn. She’s so stubborn, so determined to be the rock in this family, even though she doesn’t have to be. She can rely on Luke now and she has so many people around her. I can already see her preparing for a fight.

"No, I-" Kel argues, pushing away from Luke when he grasps her shoulders from behind her.

I look up at him and plead with him with my eyes.

"Go, Luke take her home please. I'll text you when he wakes up."

She sighs and I know she’ll listen. I squeeze her hand and then she hugs me for long minutes and kisses my cheek. Luke kisses my forehead and gives me a soft smile. From the look he gives me, I know he wants to stay.

"You good?" he asks, dipping his head to look me in the eye.

I nod, turning back to my Gavin, my love.

Once they're gone, I pull my sweatshirt tight around me and lean my head against the bedside right next to our adjoined hands once more. And I drift.



A low voice wakes me, groggy and roughened from sleep and some other emotion. Immediately, I lift my head and my eyes dart to Gavin. His blue-gray eyes meet mine and tears build in my own. This time, their tears of such joy.


"Aria, you’re here," Gavin whispers, his hand coming up to my cheek to wipe away the tears falling down. My skin tingles and hums from the touch.

"I came as soon as Callie called me, I couldn't stay away. Gavin I'm so sorry…"

He stops me with an index finger to my lips and his hand curls around mine, holding tight.

"Come here," he says, his voice groggy with sleep. I hastily sit beside him as he sits up, slowly. I can see the tenseness in his muscles from the strain of the pain he must be feeling.

"Please be careful, Gavin," I whisper, but he doesn’t listen to me as he scoots forward, grasps the backs of my thighs and pulls me into his lap. Taking a hold of both my hands, his mouth comes down to kiss my knuckles gently. I blink up into the dark pools of blue and gray that are my undoing every single time. His eyes are fierce with so many emotions, it takes my breath away.

"Please don't apologize. I can't tell you how sorry I am about what happened yesterday, but I promise you I will find a way to prove it to you. Jasmine-"

I press my fingers to his lips, effectively silencing him and take his face in my hands. His rough stubble and smooth, warm skin of his cheeks make this moment all the more real, telling me that this isn’t a dream. He’s truly awake and here with me.


He shakes his head, grasping my hands again and looking deeply into my eyes. Tears trickle down my cheeks, and I close my eyes in an attempt to control the emotion that’s pouring out of me. I need to be strong, for now, at least.

"Baby, please don't cry. Please." Gavin’s deep voice makes my eyes fly open, my hands are grasping onto his neck in need, fear, and relief.

"Gavin, God, Gavin." I’m overcome with my love for him as I lift my mouth to his and I kiss him.

It’s a kiss filled with our mutual love and the tenderness that Gavin’s arms engulf me in feels like coming home. When we pull away, I’m panting for air. Our foreheads touch and Gavin presses me against him, his hands holding the back of my head as he gazes intently into my eyes. The tears fall to my cheeks still, and when his mouth closes over mine again, my body shudders in relief. He's here, he's alive, and we’re together. Oh, thank God.

I could have lost him, I could have lost this. A sob erupts from the back of my throat, comes out in a hushed whimper against his mouth.

"Shh baby, I’ve got you," he whispers as he kisses me again. His lips engulf me, his breath mingling with mine and his hand delves into my hair as his tongue slips into my mouth. Need climbs through me, making me clench my hands to his hair and tug gently. My need for him overwhelms me, unfurling low in my core and I tighten my arms around his neck. His hands graze my cheeks, his touch so tender that it would make me cry if I wasn't already. I lose my breath in his kiss, my lips never leaving his. I tangle my hands in his hair, now longer than I’ve ever seen it before. It comes down to the back of his neck. The silky light brown strands curl around my fingertips.

When he pulls his lips from mine, his eyes are filled with such love, certainty, need, intensity, – God, so many emotions at once.

"Gavin…" I begin to cry harder, my body shuddering with the force of the overwhelming emotions breaking the dam inside me. I need him…

"Christ, no" he whispers, his lips coming up to my forehead tenderly as he wraps his arms tightly around me. I press my face into his neck, the warm skin under my nose comforts me and I breathe him in.

His minty smell makes my heart lift with the memories it evokes. My arms are wrapped around his shoulders and I lean against him. Gavin’s lips press to my hair.

"I love you, Aria." His voice is filled with heavy emotion. I take a deep breath, needing to see his face when I say what I have to. I pull back, seeing the softness in his blue eyes. He's really okay, he’s really here. Oh, thank you, Jesus.

"I was so scared," I murmur, placing my palms on his cheeks. I see the understanding register in his eyes, as if he’s just realizing our reality.

Gavin pulls back fractionally, his eyes leaving mine for the first time since he's woken up.

They roam around the room, to the ceiling and the machines beside his bedside.

"Do you remember what happened?" I ask, my hands running up his chest when I feel the sudden tension in his body. I see the realization tick in his blue gray eyes.

"A Jeep, and a loading truck, I didn't even see them coming. Christ, it all happened so fast. I was coming to see you. Shit," he runs his hand through his slicked back hair and he gazes down at me with confused eyes.

"How long have I been here?" He looks down at me in question, trusting me.

I take his face in my hands, my thumbs skimming the yellowing bruises across his jaw.

"About twelve hours, I think. Are you feeling okay?"

He nods, pressing his lips gently to mine. Reassuringly, I think.

"I'll be okay."

I gaze up at him then lean forward and reach my fingers toward the call button behind the head of his bed. I feel his eyes on me, watching me.

Suddenly he grasps my hand and pulls me back, his eyes looking softer now.

"Really, Aria, I’m fine."

"Please, the doctor needs to check you. They'll give you something for the pain. Gavin, I almost lost you." My voice shakes and I bite my lip to control my emotions.

Gavin gasps, registering the imminent fear in my eyes, and nods. He runs his hands down my cheeks wiping away stray tears.

I love how gentle his touch is, as if I’m a precious jewel that could break. It’s one of the many things I love about him.

"I'm so sorry, Beautiful." Hearing him call me that again makes me smile widely.

As we wait for the nurse, I can’t help myself from pressing my hands to his chest and kissing him gently against the side of his mouth. When I pull away, I find myself wanting more, my thoughts being interrupted by Dr. Lee coming into the room and waving me out.
