First Love by Chrys Romeo - HTML preview

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The golden secret


Rick and Stella spent that summer in the heavenly surroundings of the meadow. They stayed together for as long as they could, blissfully walking around holding hands the way they had years ago, as children. They enjoyed being outdoors. They painted together and playfully went swimming in the pond. They became invincible together, so naturally encouraging each other to become the best they could be. It was so good when they were near each other that they didn’t want to be apart anymore. It was like a summer holiday in heavenly scenery and they didn’t want it to end.

However, soon their activities sent them to unpredictable ways again.

Stella didn’t give up her music, so she went on tours and was suddenly away most of the time.

Rick went to university to get a license in architecture. He kept on his desk framed pictures of her magic smile and bright angel eyes, as he was studying for exams, listening to her music endlessly while she continued her shows in various places around the world.

He graduated and built his first glass building. It was a construction meant to become a water park. It took him one year to design and two more years to see it built. When it was finally complete it had three levels and multiple water slides, waterfalls, swimming pools, sprinkling fountains and other recreational spots.

From the outside it looked a multitude of colors, as if the walls were made of pieces of glass. It was just a beginning. He wanted to show it to Stella and he was convinced she would love it.

He also wanted to see if there was another universe inside the glass building, but with Stella’s absence he doubted it would appear.

They kept in contact by written notes and online video sessions.

And yet one day, Eric read another article that turned his world upside down.

It said Stella had a new manager and was going on tour with him.

He immediately envisioned her with a man much taller than he was, richer and maybe stronger, probably more interesting. He wondered if she was going to get married again – to someone else.

He was so troubled and anxious that he climbed up to the top of his glass building, where he remained for the following days.

Jerry came to talk to him, to convince him to come down.

Rick didn’t want to. He saw no perspective if she had a new manager and would get married – and be lost to him again. He saw no way out. He just stood there, not willing to jump, not willing to go down the stairs either.

Jerry made a phone call to Stella. He spoke quickly, alarmed: “Rick is on the roof and he hasn’t come down in three days. He’ll get hypothermia because it’s freezing out there at night. He might get struck by lightning if it rains. He might be dehydrated or get a cold. He might fall off or he might even jump. I’m worried about him.”

“I’m out of the country right now”, Stella answered. “But why is he doing this?”

“He thinks you’re getting married again. I don’t know where he got this idea.”

She was silent. Jerry was uncertain.

“Are you?”


“Are you… coming? Stella, you’re the only one who can save him now. I tried, but he doesn’t listen to me. You mean everything to him. Only you can help him.”

“I’ll take the next plane,” she said.

Rick was looking down into the abyss under his dangling feet.

He was sitting on the edge of the building, staring blankly ahead. He felt cold and his vision was blurry from the dizziness of sleep deprivation, hunger and thirst. He didn’t want to go on, but he couldn’t give up.

And then, Stella was suddenly by his side.

“Why are you up here?”

She had come and was sitting on the edge, next to him.

He looked at her.

“Aren’t you on tour? Are you real?”

“Yes, I’m real and I was on tour but I came to see what you’re up to. What’s happening with you now? Why are you on this roof?”

He realized she was really there. She had really dropped everything to come and rescue him.

Her eyes were brightening his thoughts, as she watched him calmly.

He suddenly asked her the thing that had been on his mind, burning his brain, tormenting his heart and troubling him for days, ever since he had read the article: “Are you getting married again?”

She smiled.

“No. Why do you think that?”

“I heard you’ve got a new manager.”


“So are you going to marry him?”

She laughed.


“Are you sure? Because the last time…”

“I’m very sure.”

She placed her arm around his, looking at him amused.

He still felt afraid of trusting the truth as being brighter than he had imagined.

“I don’t want to ask you this, but… how can you be sure?”

Her eyes sparkled, even more amused.

“Because it’s my father. He’s my new manager.”

Rick looked at her. And he knew. She was his miracle indeed.

He smiled. He still had another dream he would take a chance with. It was frightening to ask, more risky than standing there on the edge. He didn’t want to get her upset with it, but it was irresistible to ask anyway.

“If you’re not getting married to your manager… would you consider marrying me instead?”

She seemed to have expected the question. And yet she didn’t answer immediately. Her smile didn’t diminish. She didn’t get upset.

But she was silent.

He confessed:

“I must say I never really liked the idea of marriage. I hate wedding ceremonies and costumes and everything that goes with it.

I don’t understand why girls grow up thinking about their wedding dress. And I don’t believe that unions last too long here on earth.


He searched in his pockets. He had bought it during that summer holiday they spent together in the meadow by the pond and had secretly carried it around with him for years. It was a little golden ring. He wanted her to have it, but he hadn’t found the right time to give it to her. He realized the right time was that moment, even if he would have liked to ask her that question in a different situation. However, being on top of that colorful building of glass seemed somehow right. The open horizon ahead and the sunrise encouraged him to go on.

He offered her the golden ring.

“Here… this is for you.”

She took the ring carefully between her fingers, watching it in the sunlight. She hadn’t expected such a gift from him. He hadn’t measured how it fitted, but he felt she liked it anyway, as small as it was. The golden ring had two hearts and a sun on it. It was just right. She stared at the symbols on the round small jewel. It reflected a glimmer of enchantment in her eyes. He continued convincingly:

“I believe this love is a miracle and I like the idea of something infinite and eternal… and I think this is what we have. If there’s something permanent in my life, it’s the truth that I love you more than you can imagine possible and that will be with me for as long as I live. And I think it’s much more than a ceremony or a social convention. It’s beyond these superficial things that don’t really last.

Loving you is who I am, it’s a truth of light from another universe – and there’s nothing more eternal than that. I think it’s what this ring means. You know… we’ve been together for so long and I’m very sure I’ll love you forever. I would do anything to see you happy. I can’t imagine life without you. I’m serious about this: will you share forever with me? I want to spend my life with you. It would make me the happiest… “

As she was silently smiling, he asked, a bit unsure of her reaction:

“Will you at least think about it? If you want a ceremony, I’ll even go through with it too, if you want something for your family or your audience or the media… I’ll do it for you. But what I need to know is… I’m asking you if you want to share this eternal love with me…if you want to be mine. ”

She was listening somehow amused, somehow enchanted.

And finally, when he was silent, she said simply: “I don’t need to think about it. I accepted to be yours years ago, when you asked me out for ice cream… “

He smiled instantly. He hadn’t expected that answer. He hadn’t forgotten their first date either, and somehow he felt that the innocent children they had been were still there, in that moment.

Something from that day had stayed with them. And yet over the years it had become an endless truth, so intense and so deep. He could see it in her eyes too. Her words made him feel lifted in the sky, as if his soul was up above that roof.

How could he ever be happier in that moment? It was another dream come true. It was more than he had ever hoped for.

“Is that a yes?”

Her eyes were shining brightly, confidently.


He was suddenly ecstatic.

He felt so blissful that he believed he would be able to walk on air that very moment. Her acceptance made the truth of love even brighter. It was indescribable and it was right, as if things were finally the way they were meant to be, in harmony with every world and universe that existed, seen or unseen, inside or outside their existence.

He took a step closer to her and she wrapped her arms around him, closer to her heart, melting away every trace of sorrow that had ever overshadowed his mind. She held him close, while people down in the streets were watching them as they stood embracing on top of the colorful glass building, near the edge - in an instant only happiness had remained on that roof and it was them together, melting in the morning light. The sun that was rising looked like an immaculate golden ring in the horizon, an everlasting glowing truth, spreading its aura in their lives.

They went back home together, holding hands and enjoying the new perspective of really sharing love as an eternal truth, after having discovered once again that life was a miracle.