First Love by Chrys Romeo - HTML preview

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Eternal Ascending Light


It turned out that Stella didn’t want a ceremony either. She wasn’t very eager to choose the usual package of marriage for them.

She was aware that their love was something absolutely special that surpassed the limits and conventions of the world and didn’t need to follow the established setting. She knew they were above it and beyond. Being together was so much joy, it was more than enough…

it made life suddenly complete.

Days went by and didn’t leave traces of regret. It was forever summer for them… life had become undeniably bright… and it was eternal love like a light beyond the limits of a world that couldn’t keep them away from each other anymore.

One day, they celebrated a new beginning of their being together by making a vow in a sacred way, more like a blessing declaration of eternal love in the meadow near the pond. They decided to have a moment of absolute confession of love that would be like the beginning of a new life.

“How did you start loving me?” he asked her one morning, happy to discover her by his side, as he did each new day and hoping it would never end.

Her presence with the blonde hair spreading on his pillow, in the bright morning light seemed heavenly. It was a pure delight to wake up and see her there, after falling asleep in her loving arms each night, alight with intense lovemaking. Mornings had become peacefully ecstatic, brightly uplifting. It didn’t matter if it was a rainy day or a sunny one when he woke up. Her presence there made the room brighter; it made his mind peaceful; it melted his soul to happiness, even if the transparent glass ceiling was softly blurry with drops of rain or letting the sunshine come through.

Her deep eyes were looking at him, reflecting the blue sky that was spreading above the ceiling, opening an endless horizon in his soul. She has no idea how much I love her now, he thought. He didn’t think it was possible to even describe it to her – or to himself - the endless infinity he felt.

She smiled at him, answering simply, in a charming way leaning closer:

“I just did… because you are… as you are… you have a kind heart and you shine a bright light around. Can you tell me why are you so addicted to me?”

He looked at her dreamily.

“I think your soul was sprinkled with shiny glue and stardust before you were born, that’s why you hypnotize people without any particular effort. You’re unique. And it was decided in heaven to give you an angel’s wing. It was decided that I should be the one having the other wing, so our souls can fly together. Every time we got lost from each other they threw pieces of colorful glass in our way, so we would find each other again and see to the other side, remembering that life is a miracle. And love makes us eternal… ”

“You say such beautiful words…”

“It’s my talent”, he smiled. “I got it from the other universe. I perfected it along the way…”

She watched him amazed. She enjoyed his speech without attempting to hide her feelings. They had learned to trust each other so much that it was easy to feel each other’s heartbeat without any doubts.

“Let’s make a declaration by the pond”, he said and she agreed.

“Instead of a wedding?”

“Yes… more like a new beginning. It would ensure we start again for better and whatever we do from now on, we’ll never be apart and we’ll never be astray from love. You and I are meant to be forever.”

He thought for a while. It wasn’t only her voice, her eyes or her soul. It wasn’t just his marble collection or the fact that he could see what others couldn’t. It was beyond that. It was a powerful love, sent from heaven. It was his entire life given to the most enlightening, the most inspiring love that could be – a first love that matched his soul in bright light. And that gave them immense power over any situation.

On that day they went to the pond in the meadow. Holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes, they felt they weren’t just in a random place on earth: they were above it and surreal wings of light enveloped them in an aura of delight, peace and higher awareness. They saw colors from another world dancing around and the sky seemed to expand above them like an approving light of endless intensity. It seemed as if sparkling flashes of electricity were somewhere in the atmosphere, coming from another space and dimension even though the sky was clearly blue. The air was swarming with sparks like fireflies and it seemed they had never been so close to the doorstep of a brighter view that they saw in each other.

“I love you more than I can describe”, Rick spoke, “and I hope this eternal light will be your joy every day, because I swear I only want to see you happy. I’ll love you my entire life and I feel this love is infinite.”

Stella was holding his hands and smiling, as her eyes were shining with a deep energy that seemed to affect him on every level, more than he had believed possible, as her presence was changing his sensations, inspiring him physically, emotionally, mystically and spiritually, adding to his perceptions that intensified in stronger beliefs.

Her words and her voice had an absolute effect on his mind. It was like a miraculous gift to listen to her voice in the meadow of that surreal universe intertwined with a world of elusive limits, erasing every apparent boundary and reaching his soul instantly, completely:

“I hope you’ll be blessed with happiness in eternal light”, she spoke. “You have my love and that is already a lot. I am grateful for meeting you in my life.”

He smiled.

“Say it again… that word.”

“What word?”

“Love. Say it again, please. I like to hear you say it… it makes me so happy.”

“Love? “

She smiled, giving in to his prayer.

“Here it is… love…”, she said in a brighter tone. “Love”, she whispered taking a step closer to him, while the colorful lights were dancing around. “Love… “ she spoke secretly, intimately and her warm breathing touched his face as her arms went around his neck.

He felt her fingers in his hair, snatching him closer still.

Love”, she said softly and as her lips moved, approaching him carefully, he could feel the word slip into his soul while she kissed it away, as if passing it to him directly, surrendering together to the meaning of it, ascending with it in a bright universe where they were alive as infinite light.

In that moment it was as if a higher level brought them together upwards, into a dimension unseen, but immense and powerful above and beyond reality. It was as if their reflected belief had amplified and intensified their access to another universe, a higher dimension out of space and time. Their existence included that universe that had been there since the beginning of their encounter as children. They had had glimpses of it through the colorful glass, but the door opened and let them in completely only when they became aware of the eternal love that was such a miracle in their lives, through the years. After feeling their soul in bright ascension, they were somehow living in another place too, walking through the parallel world that they sensed, saw and enjoyed, including in their lives a redeeming heaven of light.

It was there and it was visible only to their eyes.

Rick built a colorful glass house for them, on the other side of the pond, in the meadow where they had spent a blissful summer together. It was their special place – and soon they discovered it was out of time. It was a phenomenon that didn’t seem unusual anymore. It was a part of a higher truth.

There was something timeless and energetic about that place, after their access to the ascending heavenly light had become a reality of their daily lives.

It was the aura of the glass house, or maybe their combined souls that amplified the sunlight and the invigorating spring-like atmosphere that kept the area in a different set of another universe.

It was the place, the house - or their love that made time inexplicably absent, because they remained young and resourceful, despite the years going by.

Stella kept singing along decades, without ever seeming to be affected by the passage of time. Rick built more houses of colorful glass and realized, with the number of years adding to his life that they were both actually ageless. He could feel younger and younger, more and more powerful, as if he was going back to his adolescence while advancing ahead to a blessed eternal happiness. He was amazed to see the world and people changing with the passing time while he was just feeling as blissfully young and eternal as the light of his glass house where he had infinite love with Stella. For some reason, he and Stella were enjoying the years without counting them anymore - because it didn’t matter. They seemed unaffected by the fast, endless passage of time. They were simply out of it.

It didn’t get to them – or to that place - ever.

They were so happy being in love, it made them like two children again. They would start each day playing with pieces of colorful glass; they would later behave like teenagers jumping in the pond. In the afternoon they painted the sky and embraced in the grass. In the evening they even went for walks in town, among the people who were pressured and measured by time. She still tried to change the world with her singing, making people more positive in their souls. He still tried to show others a different universe by building houses of colorful glass that would open their minds to a higher level of awareness. They both wanted to bring something good into the world – and yet they knew it wasn’t an easy thing to do. The world was a vast place that couldn’t be changed overnight.

People were influenced from many directions.

Eric and Estelle were different… and eternal. They shared an absolute light and lived in a parallel universe, even if they were seen by the world. They never got a day older than the way they had been in that meadow by the pond, long ago; instead they felt younger and more energetic, as a happy couple.

He sometimes wondered if something inexplicable, surreal, mysterious and miraculous had happened on that day they had made love for the first time, invoking intensity above them, opening unseen doors to a powerful higher level. He wondered if they had ascended to a brighter light when they spoke their vows to each other, naming love as the energy of life and becoming eternal because of it. He wondered if love had done it to them and was keeping them young because they felt so much of it. And maybe the energy that amplified around them was letting them exist on the other side, in the parallel universe of bright light and colors where time was an absent phenomenon.

In any way it was, for whatever reason it had happened, it made them newly defined and ascended to the best version of what they could be – and that was a certainty.

It was love that had brought them there… it was love that had been written in the book of life… and they discovered it again with each new day, blissfully intense through time, a love endlessly uplifting, eternally bright as absolute light.

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