Frost on my Pillow by Leah Hamrick - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven



On Monday, while I was getting dressed for school, Rylan told me that he was going to start reading the book tonight. He said he didn’t have any work to do, and that he had all the free time in the world. I thought maybe he would be able to decipher some of the things I’d read better than I could.

I told him I would stay home to help him, but he insisted on me going to get an education.

I really wanted to see Ethan, so there was no way in hell I was going to miss school. Yeah, we spoke on the phone almost all weekend, but that didn’t mean that sated my yearning for him.

After he hung up on me while I was talking to him the other day, he called back and said that he was having a problem with his mom… okay, that I could get. Parents were odd most of the time anyway. I should know… look at mine for crap sakes.

I hurriedly got dressed for school, and ran out the front door.

Ethan was supposed to pick me up, and I was excited. I liked riding in his shiny red truck. I loved being up so high and I liked the way I felt when he went over bumps and stuff. It was so amazing that I still couldn’t believe that I was in a vehicle half of the time. Going my whole life without ever being in one would do that to you.

I pushed the kiss with Rylan far from my reach. I was still thinking about it, and I didn’t know why.

I didn’t like him like that, he was a friend. I liked Ethan in that way; and I sort of wished it was him that was kissing me in that manner.

Maybe someday.

When Ethan arrived, I was so focused on thinking about kissing him that I got caught staring at his lips on more than one occasion. While he was talking to me, I only answered with “uh-huh” or “mm-hm” and it was driving me crazy, but my mind was too distracted by other things to hear him clearly.

“What? Do I have something on my face that you like?” he asked with a small smile that seemed almost shy.

“You’re acting strange this morning, Lyla.”

My face heated up.

I couldn’t tell him what I was thinking about, but I had a feeling that he already knew. I bit my lower lip, and snuck another glance at him.

His lips looked soft, and I wanted to try them out. I was feeling overly confidant. I didn’t know if it was because a guy seen me naked and kissed me Saturday morning, but I wasn’t going to back out. As soon as he parked, I was going to crawl over to him.

I wanted to do this.

When the school came into view, I started to get really nervous. I knew Ethan liked me, but what if he pulled away and I made a complete ass of myself for nothing?

I could just be reading the signs wrong. Maybe he just wanted a friend… but do friends take each other out to eat and wink at them? I didn’t know. Tanner and I never acted like this, so I didn’t know what was normal.

I felt like a fucking retard.

Well, I’ll never know until I try it out. Oh, I really wanted to try it.


My heart started to pound in nervousness, and I wiped my sweaty palms discreetly on my coat. My breathing picked up, and I parted my mouth.

When we pulled into a parking space, I was ready.

I’d never been more ready for anything in my entire life. I was going to do this, and I wasn’t going to chicken out.

Here goes nothing.

I took my seat belt off, crawled over the middle console, and sat right next to Ethan in his seat.

We were squished in, and our thighs were touching. I could feel his skins warmth on mine. It was still plenty dark, so I didn’t think anyone would see us.

I hoped.

“Lyla?” Ethan asked with suspicion. “What are you doing?”

I grabbed his hand; rose myself up, and pressed my lips onto his.

He made a small noise, parted his lips, and he invited me in. His lips were soft, and kind of cold. They felt good against my hot ones.

He groaned, and held the side of my face while his other hand was caressing my leg. Oh, kissing him felt so good—so right.

It felt better than Rylan’s kiss. The stud in his tongue ran over my lip, and it felt amazing. Who knew metal could turn someone on so much?

I think I was turned on… by what I heard Hannah and Katie talking about the other day, I assumed this was it.

This kiss was all fire and ice, and I loved it. Desire hummed through my body faster than I ever thought possible. The desire masked any rational thinking that I had left in my body. His hand slid in between my closed thighs. I moaned, not meaning too.

Ethan pulled back to turn some music on. He changed the dial and something called Nymphetamine by Cradle of Filth came on. I instantly like it. He tore his glasses off, and threw them onto the passenger seat.

Then his lips were back on mine and the kiss deepened. I hesitantly placed my hand under his shirt. His stomach was toned with muscle, and his skin was cold to the touch. I wondered why he was so cold, but I quickly pushed the thought from my mind.

Oh, this was awesome... oh, so awesome. It was bliss.

Ethan stopped kissing me, and ran his finger over my lower lip.

I sucked his finger into my mouth without thinking about it. He had his face pressed into my neck, breathing deeply. He let out small groans, and I let go of his finger.

I pressed soft kisses to his throat when he came back up. When I pulled back, Ethan began kissing my neck hard. It was almost painful, but at the same time it felt amazing. I ran my fingers to his back, and scratched him, hard.

I sighed.

Before I knew it, Ethan had my back pressed into the seat, and he was hovered above me. The seat was lowered back, and his eyes were hungry, just like Rylan’s had been. His lips met mine again, and I ran my fingers down his back. He rocked his hips down into mine, and I moaned loudly.

My stomach panged with unknown, wonderful feelings. It pounded and ached and I couldn’t get enough. All of this was instinct to me. I didn’t know what to do, but my body sure did.

He tilted my head up so he could have better access. I tried finding the bottom of his shirt; I wanted to touch his skin again.

But what I found was the front of his pants, and the ridge of hardness that was begging to be freed.

I felt myself blush. I didn’t know if I made him feel this way, and now I had my answer. I made him feel the way he makes me feel. There’s just a slight difference because I’m a girl and don’t have a guy part.

Whatever exactly a guy part is… I didn’t really know. Good God, Lacy would be laughing at me right now… even James. Man, I missed them both so freaking much my heart hurt.

Suddenly, there was a sharp knock on the window, and Ethan was so startled that he hit his head on the roof of his truck.

“Son of a bitch,” he muttered, glaring out the window. He pressed a button, and the window came down.

“What do you want?” he barked.

I looked to see who had interrupted us, only to find Miranda standing there with her hands on her hips.

She was every bit of perfection she was the last time I saw her. Her hair was flawless, and her clothes were beautiful. I don’t know how I could compete. I must look like a lowly peasant next to her. Surely Ethan noticed.

I felt my confidence start to fade, until it was gone completely. I felt like a freaking dumb ass. I felt even worse thinking that I could compete with Miranda.

“I thought you said you didn’t want another relationship for a while.” she said in a snarky tone.

“I really like Lyla.” Was all Ethan said.

I crossed my arms over my chest, and sat up. Our bodies were still pressed into each other, and the electrical feeling was still humming through my veins.

“Well, you really liked me too until you got bored.” she snapped. “Hear that, Lyla? He’s going to get sick of you too. He’s going to get into your pants a couple times and then leave!”

“I did like you, but you turned out to be a lying cheating bitch.” Ethan hissed at her. “Oh, and by the way, I never once used you for sex, you know it. I cared about you, Miranda Conwell, and you went and ripped my heart out. I thought I could trust you, but I was wrong.”

She flipped her hair over her shoulder. “It was just a kiss, it didn’t mean anything. Not enough to throw our relationship away. And the way it looks, yes, you did. We slept together a few times and then you took off. Hmm, I wonder what you would call that. Being used? Yeah, maybe!”

“You still cheated on me with that other guy. There was no excuse for it. Now get lost.”

She stomped away.

I met Ethan’s eyes.

He actually blushed.

“Lyla… I really do like you.” he said. “I would never do that to you.”

“Me either,” I admitted.

“I think you’re insanely beautiful.”

My face flushed at his words. “And I think you’re handsome.”

We both got out of the truck and walked hand in hand to the front doors. I didn’t know if this meant we were a couple, but I didn’t care. I would take anything… and I meant anything to get closer to him. Everything about him drew me in. His smell, his taste… his handsomeness…

We walked up to my locker in complete silence. I held Ethan’s hand tightly in mine.

I turned the dial on my locker, and busted it open, hurriedly grabbing my books out for the first three hours. When I turned around, I was instantly sucked into Ethan’s blue eyes. I was kind of bashful after what happened between us in his truck.

That was normal, right?

“Lyla… I have a question—” Ethan started saying when Miranda knocked into his shoulder, hard. Hard enough to make him stumble to the side.

“Oops!” she called in a sweet voice, and walked away.

Ethan growled and narrowed his eyes. What is up with her? Was she following us?

I let out a pained laugh. Yeah, she really didn’t like the idea of me and Ethan.

“So… did you want to go out with me?” he asked shyly. He brought his hand up to the back of his head and looked to the floor, his cheeks slightly red.

“Go out?”

“Yeah, you know, like… date me? I know we went on a few dates, but I want to make it official.”

My heart started singing.

I nodded, and he leaned in for a kiss.

“Ms. Hall, Mr. Killman, you know the school’s rules on PDA.” our first hour teacher said. “It isn’t tolerated.”

I suddenly felt like it was time for an impudent comment. The teacher didn’t have a right to tell me what to do. “Well, you should have seen us in the parking lot.” I said loudly. “He was all over me.”

You can keep on knocking but you can’t come in!”

Ethan sang loudly, starting to laugh.

“Do you two want a detention?” she replied angrily. “If the trucks a rockin’ don’t come a knockin.’’

Ethan goaded, continuing to taunt our teacher.

Ms. Hermit’s face turned bright red in fury.

Ethan was biting back laughter, and I stood there staring Ms. Hermit down. She backed away, and gave us another warning before disappearing into the sea of students pushing through the hallway.

“Now that was funny.” Hannah said, running up to us. “I thought Ms. Hermit was going to slap you or something.” She looked between me and Ethan, and swooned. “Young love, so sweet.”

We made our way to class, and I sat in my seat, pulling out my book. I looked to the board for instructions on today’s lessons, and found out there was going to be a class discussion on the difference in genetic chromosomes.

I kind of felt terrible about yelling at the teacher in the hallway this morning, mainly because she thought I knew the answer to every question she asked. I didn’t even have to raise my hand for her to call on me. And the kids who did want to answer, she ignored. But much to her surprise, I got everything correct.

I felt smug.

When the bell rang after third hour, I went back up the stairs to get my other books for the rest of the day, and then went down to lunch. My stomach was really empty, and it needed food.

I had a bad habit of not eating until I felt sick, I really needed to change that. I didn’t need to get any skinnier, because then, I might not have any hips or an ass, or my boobs would totally disappear, and I would look like a boy. I would be like a two-by-four with nipples.

When I saw Ethan’s smile, my heart soared with joy.

I beamed as I walked up to him, and I started to blush. I couldn’t help it, Ethan was so freaking hot…

“Uh oh…” he murmured, pulling my hair away from my neck.

“Uh oh, what?” I asked, smiling from his warm touches on my skin.

He stifled a laugh, grabbed my hand, and pulled me out of the lunch room. He dragged me down the hallway until we were right outside the bathrooms. “What are you doing, Ethan?”

“Go into the bathroom and have a peek at your neck. You might wanna use your hair to cover the damage.

I’m sorry; I just got carried away…”

I was clearly confused, what damage was he talking about? Without another word, I pushed my way into the bathroom and over to the mirror. I moved my hair, and gasped when I saw a big purple bruise right above my collarbone. What the heck was that?

When someone came in, I quickly hid it. Hannah came skipping over to me, happy to see me.

“What are you looking so shocked about?” she asked.

I decided to tell her, she might know what it was. “I have a weird mark on my neck that Ethan wanted me to check out.”

“Mark? Let me see it.”

I moved my hair away again and she started laughing. “Ethan gave you a hickey!” she exclaimed, pointing a finger at me.

A what?


She rolled her eyes. “Come on, Lyla, you can’t be that naïve. A hickey is what you get when a guy sucks on your neck… it was from Ethan, right?”

My face heated up a million degrees, but I nodded.

“Tell him to be more careful next time. See ya in the cafeteria!” she called when she went into a stall and slammed it shut.

I walked back out of the bathroom and ran into Ethan. “Lyla, I’m so sorry. You’re just so enticing… I couldn’t stop myself.”

I flushed. “It’s okay. I’ve never had one before…” I fixed my hair back over the mark and walked to the cafeteria.

“You’re something else.” he murmured with a low, hearty chuckle.