Frost on my Pillow by Leah Hamrick - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight



It was already Friday. Lyla and I hung out almost every day after school. She and I clicked in all the right places, and she made me really happy. So happy, that when I got a few more of those restricted calls, I deleted the voicemails without even listening to them.

I had no doubt in my mind now that it was Miranda. She watched us every day, and always seemed to appear right when I was about to give Lyla a kiss or take her hand into mine. She was like a freaking stalker.

No, actually, she was a stalker. She was a leech.

She actually got so bad that she sent me a picture of her boobs in the middle of science class. I almost got busted by the teacher too. That would have been a lovely call home to my mom. ‘“Oh, yes, Ms. Killman? Your son was looking at porn on his phone during class.”’

I shook my head and called Lyla. She answered on the first ring.

“Hey, Ethan,” she said in a chipper voice.

“Hey, what’s going on? Did you want to hang out? There’s a new restaurant that I want to try.” I asked her hopefully.

“Okay, no problem. I just have to get ready. What time did you want to come get me?”

“Now,” I said softly. “If that’s okay?”

“That’s fine, I’ll be waiting!” she sang in a singsong voice.

I let out a small laugh, and hung up.

I moved around my room, throwing clothes on, and jumping around trying to tie my shoe laces.

When I picked Lyla up, she was bundled up in a fluffy pink coat that had huge black buttons on it. She looked really good in it. Some girls can’t pull stuff like that off, but she could. I’m sure she could pull anything off, though.

She hopped into my truck and brushed the snow off of her hood. It was snowing lightly, but it wasn’t anything major. Anyhow, my truck can get through snow like nothing. I had a brand new Chevy Silverado, and it was jacked up about an extra foot.

“So, where is this place?” Lyla asked after I backed out.

“Down by the mall.” I glanced at her, and her eyes were gleaming. She tucked a strand of her pretty hair behind her small ear, and licked her lower lip.

I really liked that lip.

I tightened my hand on the steering wheel and lurched the truck to the left, making her squeal in delight. I bit my lip and tried not to laugh. I usually didn’t do things like that, but it was worth it hearing her make those sweet sounds.

When we got to the restaurant, it was pretty packed. I jumped out of my truck, and a wave of dizziness passed over me so swiftly I wasn’t sure if I really felt it.

I shook my head slightly, and went around to the other side to open Lyla’s door. I helped her to the ground, and I gave her a quick hug. I smiled widely showing off my teeth.

After about ten minutes of us being seated at the restaurant, I already drained three glasses of Coke, and was starting on my fourth. I was feeling a little lightheaded and dizzy still, and figured the pop would be good for me. Sugar was always good for stuff like that. Well, that’s what my mom said. She’s been doing it for years.

Anyway, it was really helping. I was feeling better in no time.

“Hey, stupid Miranda’s been calling me with a restricted number and having some guy leave messages.” I said after I was done drinking. I knew I should have told Lyla about the harassment when it first started, and now was as good as any to get it out into the open.

“Oh? And what did he say?” Lyla asked suspiciously, narrowing her eyes while taking a drink of her water.

“He says that he’s watching me, beware. Oh, and something about putting out a fire. I really don’t remember the exact words, but I know it was something stupid like that.”

“Call the cops, Ethan. You can’t keep letting her do this to you. I know she still likes you, but you really need to put a stop to it. She follows us around enough at school. What is she going to do, start stalking us at home too? Or, is she going to start taking pictures of us nude or something, or have someone seriously hurt us?”

“Don’t you think I’m trying? I talked to her the other day but she just denied the whole fucking thing.” I snapped. “I am not calling the cops.”

Lyla recoiled back as if I’d slapped her.

I felt my chest constrict when I saw that I’d hurt her.

“Babe, I’m sorry. It’s just getting me really frustrated.” I said softly with a sigh. I ran my fingers through my hair.

“She calls me all day and night. I haven’t been sleeping very well because of it. It isn’t like I can just shut my phone off…” I couldn’t, because if my mom needed help in the middle of the night, she always called me.

She rested her hand over mine, and turned her lovely dark blue eyes onto my face. “It’s okay, but you should have told me sooner.”

“No, I really shouldn’t have snapped at you, it wasn’t okay. And you’re right, I should have told you weeks ago.”

“Ethan, I said it was okay.”

“Yeah, I know.” I looked into her beautiful face, and almost told her that I loved her. There was no more doubt in my mind about what I was feeling for her.

I was in love with Lyla.

When our food arrived, we sat eating in silence, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Lyla ordered some type of cheesy soup and a salad. I tried to get her to order more, but after seeing this places prices, she declined and ordered the cheapest thing on the menu. Me, I got some type of dish with noodles and pork that was really good. I actually liked it better than anything I’ve had at Olive Garden.

We sent smiles and winks across the table at each other.

Lyla even rolled up her straw wrapper and began throwing it at me, and it turned into a match to see who could hit who the most.

I was the one that was definitely winning since all her throws were aimed over my head onto the wall and onto the back of the booth.

I picked it up again and chucked it at her, landing the paper inside of her shirt. I blushed. I really wasn’t aiming for there.

When I watched her reach it back out, I was having a hard time concentrating. She gave me a devious smile; she knew what she was doing to me.

I liked it.

After we finished our dinner, we ordered deserts. Lyla tried to decline again, but I went ahead and ordered a vanilla-ice-cream-covered-brownie for her anyway. After she took the first bite it didn’t take her long to slam the whole thing down. She sat back in her seat and held her stomach.

“I think I ate too much,” she complained with a moan. “My belly isn’t meant to hold that much food. I feel like I’m going to get fat!”

“Nonsense,” I said with a chuckle. I didn’t care if she was fat, I would love her anyway.

Sex with Lyla didn’t sound like a bad idea… I wonder… no, it was too soon. I didn’t want to scare her off with my stupid teenage hormones.

When I finished off my sundae, I stood up. I had to use the little boy’s room before I died. The Coke made its way through my system quickly, and I was very uncomfortable.

“Where are you going?” Lyla asked.

“I have to use the potty.” I told her, leaning forward a bit, resting my hands on the table.

Potty? What are you, four?”

I shrugged and grinned. “Maybe? But I don’t think a four-year-old could look as good as me.”

“Arrogant much?” she said with a huff.

“Never, I’m just telling the truth. The truth you know is the truth, huh?” I bent down to kiss her, but she pulled back.

“Go use the potty before you pee on yourself.”

I snorted. “Like that would happen. What am I, four?” I said, mimicking her.

She smirked, and I walked off.

I opened the door, and went to stand in front of a urinal. About ten seconds after I unzipped my pants, someone tapped me on the back and glanced over my shoulder, looking down.

What the hell?

I immediately stopped midstream and buttoned my pants back up. I turned around to glare at the guy who didn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. I barely finished. He looked at me expectantly, and I gritted my teeth together. He had a slight smile on his face, and he looked happy about interrupting me. His head was cocked, and he was wearing a long duster and jeans that were so full of holes I was surprised they hadn’t fell apart by now.

“What?” I asked venomously. I wasn’t going to put up with this.

The guy’s eyes dipped back down to the front of my pants, and he mouthed the word “tight”.

I walked out of the bathroom with a scowl on my face.

What the fuck did I just witness? Was that guy seriously trying to check out my dick?

He’s lucky I didn’t cold-cock him.

I went back over to Lyla with my hands crossed over my chest. She could tell something wasn’t right.

“Are you okay?”

I busied myself with putting on my coat and zipping it up before I spoke. Besides the fact that I didn’t even get to finish peeing because there was a pervert in the bathroom? “Yeah, fine and dandy. Let’s get out of here.” I glanced back to the bathrooms, and the guy was now standing there, watching me with a devious smile on his face.

He gave me a wink.

I turned around in disgust.

I really wanted to hit him in the nuts. It took everything in me to not slam an ice ball through his stomach. I felt my fingers start turning to ice, and I had to take deep breaths for it to go away.

When we got back to my truck, my phone rang. Oh, and what do you know, it was restricted again. This time, I hushed Lyla to be quiet, and turned the call on and put it on speaker.

We both listened intently to the heavy breathing on the line. We shared a look, and just as I was about to hang it up, a low, guttural growl came from the speaker.

Chills ran up my back, and I shivered. Lyla did the same. I shot her a look, and she looked scared. Her eyes were wide, and she was ringing her hands.

“I see you,” the voice said abruptly.

We stayed silent.

You’re playing with fire, kid.” We still didn’t say anything.

I see that little bitch in your truck. Fucking kill her already! Or I will!” the voice roared. “Wrap your hands around her neck until her lips turn blue! Snap her fucking neck in half!”

“Miranda, I know this is you. Knock your bullshit off or I’m calling the cops.” I said harshly. I glanced over at Lyla and she was ducking in the seat, looking around. If Miranda and her goons were following us, I didn’t wanna catch her, because I would end up going to jail.

I stared straight ahead and bit the inside of my cheek, trying not to let my fury show. My fingers started to freeze my phone. I was glad it was dark so Lyla couldn’t see anything. It would probably totally scare her to see ice forming on my fingers.

A high pitch squeal came out of the phone, and I shut it off. I wasn’t playing Miranda’s little games anymore.

I was done. So done.

It was probably one of her goons that was watching me in the bathroom. I’d never saw the guy before, but Miranda was a whore, so who knows where she picked him up from.

I hated the fact that she was following me around, but now she was getting my girlfriend involved, and making death threats.

And I was not okay with that. At all.

“Okay, did you still not want to go to the police?”

Lyla asked. I could tell she was really upset by the whole ordeal.

I looked at her, not saying anything. I knew I was going to have to go the police station. “Did you want to come?” I asked with a small sigh. This was so freaking ridiculous.

I rolled down my window, and aimed my ice out all over the cement. I was so mad that I couldn’t control it. It was hard to get me to this point.

She nodded. I backed out of the parking lot, and got onto the road.

I drove to the police station with hate filling my veins. I just couldn’t believe this was happening. I just don’t understand how someone could be so childish… if Miranda was sucking some guy off to make him call me, it made it even worse. Usually prank calls are a thing girls do, not guys. If it was a guy, he’s a fucking nutcase, right along with Miranda.

We both got out and hesitantly walked up to the doors. Since it was after hours, we had to be buzzed into the building.

When we finally got in, a burly looking female officer took our statements, and Miranda’s number. She promised she was going to call her and tell her to knock her crap off. I was even told I could take her to court for harassment and stalking. That was an option I didn’t want. I hated the idea of getting anyone in trouble.

Even if they were acting like a jealous whore.

On the drive back to Lyla’s house, I held her hand the whole time. She needed comfort, and I was the one who needed to bring it. I knew that the call really had upset her. I could feel her shaking.

“Did… did you want to go somewhere else?” Lyla asked me with a wobbly voice. I could tell she didn’t wanna go home, so I turned off of her street, and headed to the little boutique in town. I wanted to get her something to make her feel better.

I turned on some music and started singing along while we drove there. The boutique was called Bows and Things, and I knew it had things all girls wanted. From perfume to lotions, to purses and lacy thongs, I’m sure there would be something there that would appeal to her.

Halfway there my phone rang for the twenty-fifth time. One of the calls was from Miranda. I’m guessing the cops called and talked to her. I sent her ass to voicemail, and tightened my hands on the steering wheel.

When she kept calling, Lyla snatched the phone from me, answered it, and yelled, “What?”

I smiled. I was proud of Lyla for doing that.

I couldn’t hear the other end of the conversation, but I could tell that Miranda was upset.

“Turn it on speaker.” I asked Lyla.

She did.

“I never called Ethan and threatened him. I don’t like you two together, but that doesn’t mean I would be this childish. Whoever it is doesn’t have anything to do with me. I have much better things to do than to stalk you two losers.”

Lyla let out a mean, fake laugh. “Well, the preschool is around the block from the high school, I think you might have enrolled in the wrong building, honey. It’s clear that you need constant attention, and someone to babysit you.”

Miranda let out a loud harrumph noise, and then started yelling. “I should give my stylist your number because clearly you need an extreme makeover. You’re so ugly, you blinded Ethan. You melted his eyeballs right out of his head. That’s why he’s with you, he’s fucking blind!

Anyone that is with a teenager that has saggy boobs has something wrong with them. You might need a breast lift too, what do you think about that, little mouse? I could give my surgeon your number and have him call you tomorrow.” Lyla did not have saggy boobs. What the hell was this dumb bitch’s problem? She’s so jealous it wasn’t even funny anymore. “Hey, Miranda, maybe I should tell all the guys at school that you have an STD. I think I could make up a story about seeing you at the pharmacy picking up some medicine for your syphilis.” I added with a loud laugh. I know it was mean, but it was the only thing that I could think of to say.

“Oh yeah? Well, what if I tell everyone that you gave it to me? That’s the story I’m going to tell everyone!” she yelled. “You gave me everything under the sun and known to man! I’ll tell everyone that you are deformed!”

Damn Miranda. Fuck.

I sat back with a sigh at a red light, and waited for it to turn green. I impatiently tapped my fingers on the dashboard, and gunned my truck when the light turned. Miranda was really pissing me off tonight, more so than usual. How the hell did I ever stand dating her?

When I pulled into the dark parking lot, Lyla undid her seat belt, and climbed over to me. She pressed her sweet lips to mine, and I pulled her on top of me. I glanced out the window to make sure the coast was clear, and then rocked the seat back so I was lying down.

I slid my hand up to the base of her neck, and then up further, getting my fingers tangled in her soft hair. I rocked my hips up into her, making her make an airy sound right above my ear. She brought her head down and I grabbed her lip with my teeth, and pulled lightly. She growled, and that made me tighten my hold on her. She sat down hard, making the pressure in my lower abdomen reach an excruciating point. I winced. I really prayed that they had a public bathroom in this place. I had to pee so bad, I couldn’t wait.

I kissed her again, and without warning, she pulled back. “Okay, so I’m going to let you buy anything you want.”

“Anything?” she asked. I nodded. “Anything,”

When we walked into the store, I was greeted by pink, pink, and more pink. Lyla walked around a couple aisles, and I followed her. When I saw the sign for the bathroom, I sighed.

“Lyla,” I said, making her turn to look at me. “I really need to use the bathroom.”

“Didn’t you just go at the restaurant?” she asked, giving me a skeptical look.

“Well I tried, but I had some weirdo trying to look at my area,” I said, gesturing to what I was talking about. Her eyes widened. “I had to get out of there. I don’t do all that crazy gay stuff. You know, it’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, right?”

She nodded, and I hurried and did my much needed thing, getting out fast.

When I met back up with Lyla, she had a few things of lotion in her hands.

After I paid, she jumped into my arms, and gave me the biggest hug I’ve ever had in my entire life.

If I got a response like that every time I pleased her, I would gladly do it any chance I got.

We got back in the truck, and I took the bag from Lyla and tossed it into the backseat. I looked over at her, and she smiled. “Did you have fun?” I asked, backing out.

“Yes. And, Ethan, what did you mean about some guy looking at you at the restaurant? I know what you told me, but I don’t understand.”

I sighed and ran my fingers into my hair. “I don’t know how I can say this to make it clearer for you, but I was taking a piss and he tapped me on the back, and looked over my shoulder, trying to look at my private area. I think he was gay. He even told me I was “tight.” It was rather sick.”

She furrowed her brows and pursed her lips. “Gay?” I sighed again. “Yeah… you know… when a guy likes another guy… or a girl likes a girl in more than a friendly way…?” “Oh!”


“Why didn’t you just punch him?”

“I didn’t think about it until I was out of the bathroom, and what good would it have done? I would have been convicted of a hate crime.”

“Fair enough,”

When we reached her house, I said goodnight, and then left.

I had a grin on my face all the way home.