Frost on my Pillow by Leah Hamrick - HTML preview

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Chapter Seventeen



When Ethan came to pick me up from work, he had a look on his face like he was up to something. After our fight yesterday at Rylan’s house, everything was okay between us. I really needed to learn to tone my voice down a bit when I talked to him. I knew he was upset, but that didn’t give me the right to yell at him and storm off like a small child. I felt idiotic that I let my temper get the best of me. I never wanted to yell at Ethan, ever. It wasn’t fair to him.

When we pulled up to the house he got out quickly, and came around to my side to help me out of his truck. He spun me around, and dropped a kiss onto my cheek.

When I walked into the house my mouth dropped open. There were lit candles everywhere, and the whole house smelled like chicken and something else I couldn’t place. I smiled, and walked further into the house. What the heck did Ethan do?

Ethan went right into the kitchen and started banging things around. He told me to wait in the living room until he was done. I sat on the couch until he called my name. I stood up, and went into the kitchen slowly. I was suddenly shy, because I didn’t know what he had planned.

Ethan sat at the kitchen table. There were two tall, pink pillar candles on either side, two plates of food at our seats, and a bottle of what I was assuming wine. I sat down slowly, my eyes never leaving his.

“You didn’t have to do all this…” I started. “You don’t have to impress me with all this fancy stuff.”

“Lyla, I did it because I wanted to. It’s Valentine’s Day. Now eat before your food gets cold.”

I did just that. I took a bite of the noodles, and I was awarded with a creamy mouthful of al dente goodness. Next, I tried the chicken, and it was seasoned to perfection. It was moist, and it seemed to melt right in my mouth. It didn’t take me long to finish my plate. I sat back, and met the smile on Ethan’s face.

“You can really cook.” I said gratefully. “It was delicious, thank you.”

“Anytime, princess…” he said, opening the bottle of wine. He poured us each a glass, and I took a small sip. It was sweet, and it didn’t taste too bad. I never thought something could taste so sweet and exotic at the same time.

“Are we going to get in trouble drinking this?” I asked, setting my glass down, waiting for him to pour me more. He did just that, and poured himself another, also.

“No, but don’t tell anyone. It can be our little secret.” he whispered and winked, making me blush.

I looked at my glass, and a thought came to mind.

Will I get drunk off of two glasses of this?” Ethan shook his head. “You shouldn’t.”

I finished my second glass off in no time, and he took my hand and all but dragged me into the living room.

Ethan made me sit on the couch while he went to the piano. He slid the cover up from the keys, and then sat down. He stared at the keys so long I was wondering if he forgot how to play or something. He swallowed hard and licked his bottom lip.

“Don’t be bashful.” I whispered to him, and he looked at me and grinned.

“I’m not, I’m just thinking about how to go about this.”

Then his fingers started moving slowly, and then faster and faster. The song reminded me of spring. It was light, airy, and peaceful. Suddenly it took on another tone. One that I would describe with one word:


The song came to its sweet end, and I clapped. Ethan looked to me shyly, and then got up to grab a box from behind the piano. Oh, no. He got me more gifts!

He sat next to me on the couch and handed me a pink box, and a small bag. I dug into the bag first, and pulled out a bottle of purple perfume. I opened the cap, and sprayed my neck. It smelled sweet like a million flowers, and it was perfect. When I picked up the pink box, Ethan blushed vividly.

“I hope you like it.” he said, running his hands through his messy brown hair.

“I always like the things that you get me.” I replied, tearing the cover off. Inside was a matching set of lingerie. I gently touched the silver heart that was on the panties.

They were beautiful. “I love them!” I squealed. I pulled the bra out of the box, and it was so soft it could have been silk. The material was thin, and it was light and soothing to the touch.

“I thought… I thought maybe you would like something like this. I didn’t know what size you wore so I checked out some of your things in my room to get the right fit. I hope that’s okay. I’m not some panty pervert, I swear.”

“Thank you… and no, it’s fine.” I said, giggling. I stood up, and gave him a kiss on the forehead. I suddenly wanted to wear my new things for him. I wanted him to see me in them, and I wanted him to touch them. I wanted him to touch me.

I wanted him

“Ethan…” I said softly. “Can you give me a minute? I have to use the bathroom.” I said as an excuse to go change. I knew it was a great excuse so he wouldn’t follow me. He would just think I was taking them downstairs to put away or something. He would never expect what I was about to do.

When he nodded, I carried my things down the stairs. I located a few candles that Ethan had on his dresser, and lit them. Then, I went into the bathroom. I stripped, and took the fastest shower of my life. I didn’t wash my hair, though. When I got out, I dried up, and slid my new panties on. I was right; they were so soft I could barely feel them. Next I put the bra on. I lathered on some lip gloss, added some mascara, eye shadow and eyeliner, and I posed in front of the mirror to make sure I looked good before I went back out.

I walked out of the bathroom, and met Ethan’s gaze. His eyes widened, and he sucked in a sharp gasp. “Oh God… Lyla…” He all but growled. Then, his eyes took on a haunted look as he looked over my body. “Oh, God, your scars… did… my… dad do all that to you?”

I nodded. “It’s okay, Ethan. I’m okay.”

He took a deep breath, and started smiling.

I smiled shyly, and went over to him. He ran his hands up my bare back, and then back down to my bottom, cupping my butt cheeks. His hands came around to the front of my body, and I grabbed them up, pressing a kiss to each of his fingers.


“Lyla…” he said in warning.

“No… I want you.” I said seductively. “I’ll always want you.”

Ethan grabbed my hands and pulled me in for a kiss. The kiss was hot and filled with passion. I moaned when his kisses started to descend down my throat, and to the top of my cleavage. It was just enough to tease. His finger slid in between the lace below my stomach.

I put my hands into his shirt and touched his hips. I could feel the indentions on both sides, and I found that to be delightful. Oh, his skin was so smooth… I bent down and pressed a kiss to his bare skin, causing him to jolt forward and let out a small gasp.

His fingers gently trailed across my stomach igniting a fiery passion that I’d never felt before. Maybe this would be it…. maybe I would finally get to feel all of him.

I realized that I wanted that immensely.

I wanted it more than anything in the world.

I wrapped my arms around his back, and gently let my fingernails graze along his spine. He groaned softly into my mouth, and the kiss took on something else altogether.

I deepened it, and his lips burned on mine, but that was okay. His tongue stud was cool on my lips. I was consumed in the passion that was swirling around us; I never wanted it to end. I’ve heard some people say that time stops when you’re in the heat of the moment, and I found that they were right.

We were both breathing roughly, and I pulled him back to the bed. I crawled into the middle, and Ethan followed. He kissed me softly, and then it turned to fire within a second. I clawed at his back, and eventually tore his shirt off. I tossed it somewhere. I didn’t care, I wanted him so bad.

It was time.

I ran one finger down his chest, and found his trail of hair that went under his pants. I let out a silent sigh. I never thought hair would turn me on, but, oh, my God. I never imagined something like that would make my body smolder with an intensity that was almost insane in its own right.

His pupils were totally dilated, and it was a sexy look for him. He rolled his hips down into mine, and I cried out. My skimpy undies did nothing to hide him from me. I reached down to touch his hardness and he parted his lips slightly. His eyes took on a hooded look, and it was hot. Oh, it was so hot.

He had total bedroom eyes, as Katie would call them.

He brought his head down and started kissing me all over my face and neck, making my body burn hotter. I ran my fingers through his hair, and over the back of his neck. I arched my back, pressing myself fully into him. He kissed my stomach, my thighs, my arms, and then some. His lips were soft, hot, and cool at the same time. I’m surprised they didn’t leave a trail of fire behind when he removed them to go to the next spot.

He pulled back and looked into my eyes.

“I love you.” I moaned softly, meaning every word. I don’t think I’ve ever loved someone as much as I did him. Never in my short life has anyone ever appealed to me the way he does. It was like I was a magnet and he was my other half. We had a pull to each other that we both couldn’t deny. I knew Ethan felt what I did. We both felt it, and everyone we knew saw it.

Sparks flew around us, and it was a beautiful, beautiful night. My body was wholly and completely ignited, and I felt alive—more alive than I’ve ever felt before.

“I love you, I want you… I need you.” Ethan whispered, giving me a sweet, unhurried kiss. It was full of tenderness, and I never wanted it to end. “I need you so bad.”

My need for him physically was great, and I knew I wanted my first time to be with him. “I’m ready, Ethan.” I said in a strained voice. “I want you to make love to me.”

“Okay.” he nodded.

He was shaking, and I found that hot. I never knew someone could want something so bad, but still have the restraint to hold back. I was feeling that way, and I’m sure as hell Ethan was, too. I could feel all of his hard, aching places pressing into me through my thin clothes. But then again, I didn’t know if the throbbing I was feeling was from me, or him.

Probably both.

We were looking at each other for a little while, not sure what to do. I think he was just as nervous as I was. Then he started taking my bra off. He unclasped the hook slowly but surely. My body was aching for his touches. I felt myself heat in areas that I didn’t even know was possible, until now. I felt a desperate longing between my legs that I couldn’t ignore any longer.

He gazed at my chest and brought his mouth down to each of my breasts, slowly caressing them with his hands and mouth, making me whimper. I ran my fingers through his soft, curly hair about a million times, appreciating the feel of it. When my hands came down to hold his face, he turned slightly to press a tingling warm kiss to the center of my left palm.

“I’m nervous…” I said breathlessly. I was so nervous because I never did this before. I bet it was going to hurt. Everything I’ve ever thought this would be like swamped my mind in that moment, and I thought I was drowning in it.

“Shhh, baby, I know…” He gave me another kiss. “If I hurt you in anyway, let me know and I will stop.”

“Like you could ever hurt me,” I said, smiling.

He shrugged. “By what I’ve been told, it does hurt sometimes when you do it for the first time. I don’t want to scare you, but it might. I’ll go slowly until you say otherwise. If you want me to stop, just say so. If you don’t want to do this, we can wait.”

“I’m ready.” “Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.” I was so sure. I was ready to take this next step.

“You don’t realize how badly I want you, Lyla.”

“I think I can guess.” I said softly, staring into his eyes.

“Oh yeah, how?” he asked with a slight growl. His blue eyes seemed to glow in the dim room.

I brought my hand down and put my whole hand around something. I realized just how silky his skin felt under mine. It was like a baby’s skin. “This is how.”

Yeah?” he asked, drawing the word out slightly. Without another word Ethan reached down to fit us together, and moved his hips forward gently until our hips were locked together tightly. Ethan groaned softly. He sucked in a sharp breath, and started to shake slightly. He moved so he was resting on his forearms while he cradled my face in his hands. He kissed my neck before he came back to my mouth. The kiss was pleasurable and warm, and I suddenly couldn’t get enough. I bit his lip and frantically kissed him. His tongue stud clanked into my teeth. He shifted his hips again slightly, and I gasped in pleasure. I thought it was going to hurt, but it didn’t. It felt incredible. I felt stretched out, and there was a lot of pressure, but it was a nice feeling.

I felt completed by him, and that fact was mind-blowing.

Ethan being so close to me was astonishing, and it was amazing the way he was making my heart sing in happiness.

The way he held me was pure love.

“Tell me the truth, am I hurting you? If you want me to stop, I won’t be mad. I’m not that kind of guy. We can wait until you want this.”

“No, it feels beautiful, Ethan. I’ve never felt more loved than I do now.”

“I love you.” he whispered. “I love you too.”

Later, we held each other, until we both fell asleep in each other’s arms.