Frost on my Pillow by Leah Hamrick - HTML preview

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Chapter Eighteen



I woke up some time later with my beautiful girl in my arms.

I was fully rested, and felt amazing. I never realized how much different having sex would be when it’s with someone you love.

Lyla rolled over to face me, and I looked her naked body up and down. I loved Lyla for her beautiful heart and soul, but I desired her for her body. Sorry, that’s just how the world works.

“I love you…” I whispered.

“I love you too, Ethan.” she said, snuggling into my chest.

I rested my chin on the top of her head, and shut my eyes. I’ve never felt so much love with someone before.



“I know this is going to sound corny, but I need to tell you something. A few months ago, I saw a shooting star and I wished upon it. Do you wanna know what I wished for?”

She glanced at me. “Okay, sure.”

“I wished that I would find someone who I would love with my whole heart and soul. That wish came true. It’s you.”

In answer to that, she kissed my belly gently.

I tightened my hold on Lyla, and pulled her up to give her cheek a little kiss. I heard her belly rumble, so I sat up. I snuck a glance at the clock and it was just slightly after three in the morning. Shit, I fell asleep with candles burning upstairs. That wasn’t smart on my part. I’m sure my mom was home by now.

She’s going to be so disappointed that I left them lit.

I bet she’s going to go over the whole thing that happened to my Aunt Cindy. I guess my mom’s sister left candles lit when she went to bed. She couldn’t get out of the house in time and perished. I was too little to remember her. She died when I was two or three.

When Lyla got up, her long hair covered up her naked back, and she wrapped my sheet around her lower half. I was kind of thankful for that, or otherwise we’d get distracted again.

Lyla moved to put clothes on and I did the same. Our clothes were flung all around the room, and I literally had to search for them. My boxers were down behind the bed, and I couldn’t reach them. I went over to my dresser and grabbed another pair out, sliding them on. I buttoned up my black pants, and went over to Lyla. I helped her hook her bra. I moved her hair over to the side, and kissed her still bare shoulder.

When we were fully dressed, we went upstairs and ran into my mom. She was looking at us with a hopeful expression on her face. Actually, it was more like amusement than anything else. I sighed; I really didn’t want to know what was making her look at me like that. But judging by how loud Lyla was earlier, she knew what we had done. She knew what we had done and she didn’t even care.

I walked past her and popped the fridge door open. I reached in and grabbed some leftover chicken fettuccini. I piled a big plate up and stuck it into the microwave.

When I turned back around, Lyla was in a conversation with my mom. I moved closer so I could hear what they were saying. I didn’t like listening in on people’s conversations, but I couldn’t help it. I could just imagine what my mom was telling her.

Lyla flushed and looked at me. She didn’t have to say anything. Judging by how my mom was looking at her, she knew what had happened and told Lyla as much. I didn’t even know my mom was home. So that possibly meant that as soon as we were both downstairs, my mom snuck into the house. Lyla turned back to my mom and whispered something. They both giggled.

Mom…” I warned. My mom really knew how to get into people’s business. Just her knowing that her son was having sex should make her cringe, but she was soaking up everything Lyla was saying like I wasn’t her son. She was acting like a girl in high school would when asking about someone’s sex life. Like Hannah and Katie would. This was nothing like a normal mom should act.

Like I said before, my mom wasn’t right after she got sick, and it’s just getting worse from here on out.

The ding of the microwave tore me away from their conversation. I grabbed the hot plate out and two forks from the silverware drawer. I set the food on the table and dug in. Lyla came over a couple minutes later and I let her finish it off. I knew she was hungry because the noodles and chicken disappeared in two seconds flat.

She sat back, and looked at me with a hungry expression on her face. I knew what she wanted. God, did I ever… Maybe we should…

Nah, I’ll have to wait until later. There’s no way in hell I was going to head back to the basement. My luck, my mom would follow or something. I mouthed “later” at Lyla, and stood up to wash the dishes off.

When I picked up the rag that was hanging over the faucet, the window exploded right in front of me. I shielded my face, but glass still managed to cut me all over the place. It felt like I got stung by a thousand wasps.

I let out a sharp gasp, and looked to where my mom and Lyla were now huddling beside the table. They both looked shaken up, but no glass seemed to have hit them, which was a pleasant relief.

“What the fuck was that?” I asked out loud to no one in particular. I stuck my head out the broken window, but didn’t see anyone. I shook my head. I really needed to call the cops. Someone seriously could have been injured by that flying glass. When I made a move to pick up the phone to dial 911, my mom made a noise and held up a baseball.

Okay, that explained how the window busted. Someone was being careless. It was most likely a little kid, or a teenager playing a prank. Or, it could have simply been an accident. Anything was possible, though.

“It’s okay son, I’ll have someone come look at it in the morning.”

“But its winter and it’s snowing. It’s cold outside.” I pointed out.

“You can cover it up with a towel.” she said, walking into the other room.

Lyla came over to me and snuggled against my chest. “I thought you were hurt badly.” she said. When she looked up at me, her face was awash in tears. I felt all the love she felt for me pour out of her. I hugged her back tightly before I let go.

I looked to my cut skin, and realized I still had some glass in the cuts. “You can help me remove these if you want. And Lyla, please stop crying.” I felt my own tears come up, but I blinked them away quickly. I couldn’t stand seeing her cry, it broke my heart into a gazillion pieces.

She nodded, and I left to get some bandages and antiseptic cream and tweezers. When I got back, Lyla began pulling out shard after shard of glass.

I winced at the burning pain, but didn’t make a sound. I rotated the ball in my hand and suddenly words started to appear out of nowhere. I kept a neutral face on so Lyla wouldn’t suspect anything unusual. I didn’t want to scare her.

Then, I knew where this ball came from, and suddenly I was feeling very angry—angry that he was doing this to us when he didn’t have a right to. He didn’t have a right to mess with our lives.

My hand froze the ball, and I squeezed it so hard I thought I was going to break my hand or something.

Son, you have nowhere to hide.


The next day before school, we went back to Lyla’s work and grabbed some coffee. The stuff really was addicting. I downed my cup in a matter of minutes and went up to order another. The caffeine was making me all jumpy, but I felt wonderful. God knows why I didn’t start drinking coffee sooner.

Back in the truck I stuck my cup into the drink holder and took off toward the school. I wasn’t going to let my dad’s stupid baseball stunt keep me from getting my education… hell to the no.

I couldn’t wait until I graduated. I was really looking forward to it. I would probably end up missing the damn place and have to come back and visit. But first, I had to deal with prom.

I almost groaned at the thought. The thought of me in a tux was almost too much to handle—but, Lyla in a dress. I shivered at the pictures that started to swim in my mind. I thought about taking that dress off…

Yeah, I was going to walk around hard all day now. I shifted my position to accommodate that fact. I bit my lip, and hoped Lyla didn’t look over at my lap any time soon.

We pulled in front of the school, and Lyla looked different. She had an air to her that I’d never noticed before. She lit up like a lightning bug, and her eyes shone with intense adoration when she looked at me. Maybe it was because she just lost her virginity? I didn’t know.

I tried to hide my own blush, but was caught in the act. Lyla patted my knee in understanding, and then climbed out of the truck.

I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder, then proceeded to open the door. When my feet reached the ground I leaned over to grab my still hot coffee, slammed the door shut, and then locked it. I waited until Lyla came around the side and then I took her hand and began walking.

She smoothed her thumb over the sensitive skin on my right hand and I almost let out a groan. She gave me an innocent look, and I knew she knew she was making me feel this way. She was teasing me on purpose, but I liked it. I sort of wished we could be back in my bed right about now. There were many things that I would like to try with her. I wanted to try some things that would please her immensely.

The noise in the hallway greeted us as soon as I opened the door. It was just like every morning, people bullshitting, the drama, the fights, and the yelling. I didn’t understand how people could like drama, though. Doesn’t it get old after a while? I’m the type of person who likes a good drama story, but enough is enough after a while. Some people, er, girls didn’t know how to quit. Their whole lives are run on drama. Thank God Lyla wasn’t that type. I didn’t know if I could handle it if she was.

I pulled Lyla through the door single file, and we stuck close to each other as we made our way to the cafeteria. Hannah and Katie were waiting at our usual table, talking happily amongst themselves. Hannah had her red hair tied back in a smooth ponytail, and was flipping it every so often as she talked. When they caught sight of us, they waved us over.

We both took our seats, and I gave Lyla a kiss right in front of everyone.

I didn’t care; I wanted to show the whole world how beautiful my girl was, and how much I loved her. I wanted them to know she was beautiful both inside and out, and that she was all mine.

I wanted to make Lyla mine forever.

That thought came to me and swirled in my mind, and I didn’t know why, but I suddenly wanted to marry her.

Katie swooned, and puckered her lips at Lyla, causing her to giggle lightly. The sound went right to my heart and it reminded me of just how much I love her. My heart was so full of happiness that it was bound to burst at any given moment.

Hannah slid a carton of milk over to Lyla, and she took a long sip.

“So… Lyla. You’re fresh as a daisy today. You look really excited and happy.” Katie said, breaking a piece of her Pop Tart off and putting it into her mouth.

Lyla nodded. The glow in her eyes was obvious. “I am.” she said cheerfully, shrugging.

Hannah and Katie shared a big grin. I knew what they were thinking, and I knew that they would be correct. I just hoped they wouldn’t come out and say it. I know how these girls are, I’ve known them for years and years.

They’re both good-hearted and wonderful friends, but they don’t know when to keep their mouths shut. They mean well, but maybe once in a while it’s okay to stay silent.

“So, eh… Lyla… are the rumors true about… you know… our boy Ethan here?” Katie said, looking down at the table with her cheeks flushed pink.

Lyla smiled a shy smile, but didn’t say anything. I begged her in my mind to stay quiet. She shrugged again, and drained the milk carton, standing up. “Ready to go to our lockers?” Lyla asked me, holding out her hand for me to take.

“Wait, wait!” Katie and Hannah said at the same time. They rushed over to us and grabbed Lyla’s hand, making her sit back down.

“You never finished telling us, we want details!”

Hannah said hopefully.

“I don’t think we need details. The only thing you need to know was how loud Lyla was last night. Eh?” I said, grabbing Lyla’s hand again, pulling her up. Both of the girls looked like they were just awarded a prize at that revelation. I cocked my head and gave them a wide grin.

Both of the girls started whispering, and sending sly smiles our way. I shook my head and pulled my girlfriend out of there. We headed up the stairs so Lyla could grab her books out of the locker.

When we got there, Lyla whispered in my ear. “I’m not feeling the best right now. I’m sore in… certain areas.” I felt bad, because it was my fault. “Aww, are you okay?” I sort of wished she wasn’t hurting. This was one of the reasons why I would wish to be a girl. To take the pain away from her, it would be worth it.

She gave me a lopsided smile, grabbed her bio book from the top shelf, and then shoved her coat in. The door slammed shut a few seconds after that. Lyla followed me down to mine and it was much of the same thing. Grab the bio book; shove my coat in, slam the door.