Frost on my Pillow by Leah Hamrick - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Three



My alarm woke me up early in the morning.

I rolled over to find Lyla gone. I looked around the room, and saw that the bathroom light was on, the shower was running. She must have gotten a head start this morning.

Then my phone dinged.

I rolled over onto my stomach and grabbed it off of the nightstand. I clicked it on, and squinted at the bright light, seeing a text from Katie.

So glad that you two are coming back today, was it a nice vacation?

Yeah it was.

You’re going to prom, right? They changed the date of it to April 1st. I guess the place they were going to have it at wants to tear the building down before May, so the school didn’t have another choice unless they had it in the smelly gym.

Yup, I was planning on going with Lyla.

Okay… see you at school, I need to take a shower. Okay, see you soon.

Great, now I had prom to worry about. I growled when images of Lyla in a dress popped into my head again. All the thoughts I was thinking were x-rated. My body swelled, and I stayed on my stomach to keep it down. I didn’t want Lyla to see that first thing in the morning.

Lyla came out of the bathroom, groaning.

“What’s wrong?”

“Period cramps, I think. Son of a bitch.”

I laughed, causing her to glare at me.

When we arrived at school, I began telling Lyla about what Katie text me this morning. Lyla thought it was “magical” that she was going to prom. She even asked me to take her to pick out a prom dress next week. I almost cried from the thought of me going dress shopping.

I would have to ask Hannah and Katie to take her later. I knew they wouldn’t mind. And plus, I wanted her dress to be a surprise. Hopefully it was black. Please let her pick out a lacy see-through black dress. Or something pink…

Yeah, good thoughts, good thoughts—but wholly inappropriate for school.

I climbed out of my truck and proceeded to the front doors with Lyla.

I pulled her to a stop before we reached the doors. I took her hand with the ring on it and gave a small, sensitive kiss across her knuckles. I eyed her ring, and smiled because I bought it for her. “It’s so pretty.” I murmured.

She actually blushed heavily, and her ears turned pink. It was a really pleasing sight. “I know it is. I don’t know how to thank you enough.” She leaned up to give me a quick whisper of a kiss.

I tugged her into the building, and went to our lockers. I wrote a note to slip inside her locker when she wasn’t looking. I was going to wait until after she shut it so she could come across it later in the day when I wasn’t with her. I wanted to bring a smile to her sweet lips.

While she was opening her door, I quickly re-read the note.

I love you, sugar. You’re so beautiful to me and I’ll cherish you forever.

Love, Ethan.

Just as she shut the door I leaned over and slipped in it the crack. I did it so quickly that she never caught me, which was a surprise. Lyla sees all. I can never get anything past her as much as I try.

We went to first hour, and I sat in my seat. I noticed that we had a substitute teacher because there was a weird name written on the board. I probably could get away with sitting next to Lyla since nobody sat there. I sent a glance to the door, picked up my things, and slid into the seat next to her. I brushed her hair back behind her ear, and without looking at me, she smiled.

When the substitute came in, he didn’t even comment on the seat changes. Everyone was sitting in different spots, but when Miranda piped up that I wasn’t where I was supposed to be, I had to move. When I got over to my assigned seat, I poked her in the back hard with my pen. “What the fuck was that for?” I seethed quietly.

She turned around and batted her lashes. “I just didn’t want you to get distracted from your work. I do want to see you graduate, you know. I still love you. Lyla is using you. She won’t even graduate with her class. She’s a dumb witted slut that can’t keep her legs closed. I’ve seen her with other guys before.”

I felt rage rise up in me. I couldn’t stand to listen to someone talk about Lyla like that.

“Just so you know, I was her first, and I hope I’m her last. The next time you call her something like that you’ll be sorry, Miranda, so help me.” I said darkly, narrowing my eyes to fine slits. I tried to calm my heavy breathing down, but she was making it hard.

She turned around and fully faced me. She spoke up loud enough for the entire class to hear her. “Really? Okay, I’ll text you later. I knew you would give me another chance.” she murmured in her silky, fake voice.

I watched Lyla tense up, but she didn’t look at me. “You know damn well that you will never get another chance.” I hissed. I had to be quiet because I didn’t feel like getting suspended today. I didn’t think the sub cared one way or another, but just in case. I don’t think he’s spoke more than twenty words since he came in here.

When he made me move seats, he just gestured with his hand.

“I love you too. I’m glad you’re not going to see Lyla the Whore anymore. I knew you would come around, honey.”

That was it. I gripped the back of her chair and pushed the coldness out, freezing the bottom of her seat.

She was leaning forward so she didn’t feel it spreading across the back of the chair. I was going to melt it quickly. I knew when the ice melted; her bottom was going to be wet. I almost laughed at the thought of what she was going to do.

I’m surprised she didn’t feel the coldness, but when she felt her bottom get wet, she jumped up with a screech. Her pants were soaked, and it looked like she pissed herself. Water was dripping off of the chair, making the whole situation seem more convincing.

“Aww, poor baby couldn’t make it to the bathroom. Should I go buy you some diapers?” I said in a smooth, sweet voice, loudly. “I think I saw a coupon for Depends in this week’s paper.”

“I didn’t!” she exclaimed, swatting her butt frantically like it would dry the water.

Everyone in the class started laughing, and Miranda was red with humiliation. She ran from the room, and not once did the substitute look up from whatever he was reading. Yeah, good teacher there. I probably could have pranced around naked and he wouldn’t even have known about it.

I caught Lyla’s eye, and gave her a slick smile. She smiled back, knowing what I did. I couldn’t help it. No one was going to talk about Lyla like that. It didn’t matter who they were.


After the last bell rang, I grabbed my coat from my locker and found a note. It read:

Meet me under the bleachers in the gym after school. Keep your eyes closed until I get there, Love, L.

I grinned, and hurried to the gymnasium, sneaking under the bleachers. I closed my eyes, and I stood like that for about thirty seconds until I felt soft hands cover my eyes.

“Don’t peek.” she whispered in a voice so low I wasn’t sure that I heard her. She reached forward and cupped the front of my pants, and I rocked into it, getting stiff instantly.

Desire burned its way through my body at lightning speed. It didn’t matter that I was in a sweaty school gym. I would gladly do it right here if she wanted to.

“Turn around, but don’t peek.” she whispered again in that soft voice I could barely hear.

I turned around; eyes still closed, and kissed her full on the mouth. She tasted oddly like strawberries and something else I couldn’t place. I gripped her face and kissed her harder, trying to figure out what wasn’t adding up. I rocked my hips into hers, and that’s when I heard the shrill scream coming from behind me.

My eyes shot open.

I looked into the face of the person I’ve been kissing. I realized a little too late why the lips tasted funny. It was Miranda, with a smirk on her face. I looked to the person that screamed and saw Lyla standing there with tears streaming down her face.

“Lyla!” I called when she took off walking. “I didn’t mean to! I didn’t know it was her!”

Right. Screw you, Ethan.” I watched her take off her promise ring, and saw it bounce off the floor when she threw it. I went over and picked it up. I went to her and she backed up quickly. “Don’t touch me, ever.”

Then she took off running in the opposite direction.

I watched the doors slam. I didn’t even chase her down. There was no way to explain what had happened. I looked to where Miranda was, and narrowed my eyes.

“Ha, I thought I would put another note in her locker to add to yours.” Miranda said, smirking. “I put one in yours too, as I can see.”

“You were watching again, weren’t you, Miranda?” “Yup!”

I let out a snarl.

“Thanks for ruining my relationship, Miranda. You know, I always knew you were a bitch, but I didn’t think you would stoop this low and be a fucking downhearted, sick and twisted cunt. You set me up. I hate you. I fucking loathe you more than anyone in this world.” I took off running as fast as I could out the doors that Lyla went through.

Lyla was nowhere to be found.

I went back to my truck and got inside. I slammed my fist onto the dashboard, and started the truck up. I revved the engine. I turned some heavy music on. It was my favorite being pissed off song. It was Baphomet by Dark Fortress. I turned it up full blast and rolled my windows down. I watched in sadness as Lyla came out of the building a few minutes later. She glanced in my direction, shot me a death glare, and gave me the finger.

I backed out just as I saw Rylan pull in. He sent me a menacing look, and I watched his face turn to something hideous. It was like something out of a horror movie. His face looked burnt, his eyes were missing, and actually, he sort of looked like some demonic zombie. I knew he was showing me his true demon self.

He was hideous!

I gunned my engine, peeled out, and never looked back.



After lunch when I went to my locker, I found a couple of notes from Ethan. One was saying how much he loved me, and the other said to meet him after school in the gym under the bleachers. He said to wait a few minutes before I came in just in case the gym teacher was still lurking around.

Now that I could do. I smiled at the thought of whatever he had planned for us. Hopefully it was something super romantic. I squealed softly just thinking about it.

After the last bell rang, I waited a few moments, and then I hurried over to the gym, and went over to the bleachers.

I saw Ethan, but realized he wasn’t alone. I watched him kiss Miranda on the lips. He ran his hands along her jaw like he does when we kiss. He rocked himself into her, and he was very aroused, so aroused that his sweat pants looked like they would tear in the front from the pressure.

Tears slipped down my face, and I screamed in rage.

Ethan turned to me and looked stricken.

“Lyla!” he shouted loudly, stepping forward. “I didn’t mean to! I didn’t know it was her!”

Right, screw you, Ethan” I grabbed my promise ring off my finger and chucked it to the floor with all the strength I had left. He picked it up, and came over to me. I backed up. “Don’t touch me, ever.”

I turned around and ran until I was out of the gym. I stood there gasping for breath. I couldn’t breathe. Oh my God. Oh my God! My heart was in my throat, and I thought I was going into cardiac arrest.

I ran into the bathroom and threw myself into a stall. Fire started pouring from my palms and I ended up catching the toilet paper and the holder on fire. Smoke poured in large amounts from my nose, and the bathroom smelt like burnt hair and paper.

I shook frantically, and tried patting out the fire that I had caused.

I pulled out my phone with shaky hands, and dialed Rylan. Tears were falling so fast I almost dialed the wrong number.

He answered on the first ring.

“Hey, what’s up?” he asked.

Just hearing his voice made me feel better.

I sniffed, and then spoke in a voice that was strangely calm. “Rylan, can you please come pick me up?

I’m at the school.”

“What happened? I can tell you’re upset, little blossom.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose as another tear streaked down my face. “I caught Ethan kissing his ex. Please come pick me up.” I whispered. “Please, I can’t handle being here. I feel like I’m gonna throw up.” My hands were shaking so bad that I almost dropped my phone into the toilet. If I had a thigh gap, it would have.

“Be there in three.” he said forbiddingly, hanging up. His voice was hard, and I knew he was pissed about what I just told him.

I took my time walking through the school to the front doors… I didn’t wanna run into Ethan. I was so sick I couldn’t even look at him right now. I felt ill to the core.

Maybe he was still in the gym humping Miranda, or, maybe he took her to his house. He seemed pretty interested in her before I caught them. I thought he loved me. He told me he did. Maybe he was just getting payback because I kissed Rylan a couple of weeks ago… no, that still didn’t excuse what he did! I didn’t care what he had to say, but I never wanted to talk to him again.

I was done.

So done.

My phone chimed, and it was Rylan. I’m here.

I walked out of the building and heard loud music, and I knew without a doubt it was Ethan. I glanced in his direction, and caught him looking at me.

I scowled, flipped him off, and looked away. Ethan looked distraught. I didn’t know what to believe anymore.

His eyes were practically begging me to believe him.

How could I believe him when the evidence was very clearly presented to me? There was no mistaken what I saw. There was no mistaken that his lips were on hers and he was hard for her.

Rylan pulled up a second later, and I didn’t waste any time jumping in his SUV. Tears started spilling down my face again, and I couldn’t stop them. Rylan sent a glance in Ethan’s direction, and then pulled away.

“Little blossom…” Rylan said softly, brushing his fingers over my cheek. “What can I do?”

“I don’t know.” I shook my head, and pressed my sleeve to my snotty nose. Both of Ethan’s notes sat balled up in my coat’s pocket. I was ready to light them on fire at any second. I can’t believe he would do this to me. Maybe he really was saying all that stuff to Miranda in class. He was whispering so softly I couldn’t hear him. Maybe he snuck the note into my locker on accident. Maybe he wanted me to catch them. Who knows. Maybe he really was just using me.

“Ice cream?” Rylan offered.

I shook my head. “No, I just wanna kill myself. My heart is broken.”

Rylan sucked in a sharp breath and looked at me. “Do not say that, Lyla, God. Come on, sweetie… please.

It’s ripping me apart hearing you talk like this.”

“Rylan… I want to get drunk or something. I can’t handle this. Or maybe I can smoke. Do you have any cigarettes?”

“Alcohol isn’t going to help, and no, I don’t smoke those nasty things, I smoke something better once in a great while.”

“It will for the time being, please?” I begged. “And what do you smoke?”

He nodded and chuckled. “Okay, and I’m not saying. But I will say that it’s illegal.”

After we got home and walked into the house, I went straight for the bar. I opened the nearest bottle and tipped my head back, guzzling half of it down in one long burning shot. My stomach felt like it was on fire. The warmness was amazing. I sat back on the couch with the bottle being held between my legs and shut my eyes.

I took another drink. And another, and another. And another.

“Holy shit, Lyla!” Rylan’s voice tore me from my trance.

“Whaaaa?” I slurred heavily. My whole body was rocking; it felt like I was on a boat. I glanced down at the bottle and found it empty. Crap, I drank the whole thing. Hey, at least I felt a lot better. My mood was great, and I felt really happy. So happy I wanted to dance. I rolled over onto the couch, and like a dog, I lifted my legs and hands, and began moving them. I let out a loud laugh, and then started singing a tune from somewhere that I couldn’t remember. I laughed again. “Whoa baby, I am amazing right now.” It sounded more like, Whoooa babes I’s ‘mazing s’now.

“Why did you drink all that? That’s too much! You’re so damn pissed right now!” He grabbed the bottle from me and looked to see what it was. I didn’t even know, because I never checked before I grabbed the bottle.

“Thank God it was only Smirnoff.”

“No, s’not, I feel better now. And I not pissed, I happy as a beautiful flower!” I said with closed eyes. I was trying not to slur and talk like a dummy, but the more I tried, the worse I sounded.

“Pissed means drunk, Lyla.”

I felt the couch dip under his weight, so I looked at him. Suddenly, he looked sexy, too sexy. I wanted to kiss him. If Ethan could do it, so could I. I rolled over and got into his lap.

Rylan sucked in a sharp inhale, and gripped my hips.

I rocked myself down into him. I felt him get excited, so I cupped his chin, and kissed him hard. He parted his lips for me, but after a second, he stood up. I could see everything sticking out of his loose pants, and suddenly I wanted him.


I stood up and staggered far to the left, and almost fell before I righted myself. I went to him, gripping his pants with shaking fingers. His skin was warm under mine, and I could see the want in his eyes. He wanted me as bad as I wanted him.

Maybe more.

Please…” I begged. “Rylan… please.”

He gripped my arms, and I could tell he was fighting the desire swirling within his body. He was trembling slightly. He looked around the room, and I thought I saw him whispering something, but I couldn’t be sure.

I was so dizzy I wasn’t really sure of anything.

He gave in and started to kiss me deeply. His tongue entered my mouth, and I moaned into him. He moaned right back. His hands were suddenly in my shirt, touching the skin under my bra.

I slid my hands up into his soft hair, and found that it was soft and silky to the touch, just as I had imagined long ago. I grasped it in my fingers, and tugged on his lip with my teeth I moved my body forward, and pressed my stomach into his hardness. He swiveled his hips seductively, and pushed me onto the couch. He continued to roll his hips while he kissed me. I pulled away from his mouth and started nibbling on his neck softly. His breath caught, and he started moving faster and faster into me.

“I’ve already imagined our bodies entwining, many, many times… I want to be one with you…Lyla… I…” he said hoarsely, trailing his lips down my neck, causing a pang of desire to shoot though my stomach.

“I want you… Rylan…” I moaned his name while I dragged my fingers down his back, and around to his front. I grasped him through his pants…

Suddenly, he flew up, eyes wild and breathing heavily. “No, No! Lyla you’re drunk… I can’t… we can’t…” he shouted, running into the bathroom, clicking the door locked.

I sat on the couch feeling numb for about an hour. Still, Rylan didn’t come out. God only knew what he’s doing in there. Possibly something guys always do, which includes there private part and a hand. I giggled at the thought. My drunkenness was coming down, and I started feeling really funny. I went to the bathroom door, and knocked.

“Rylan?” I called out.

I heard the door unlock. Rylan opened it, and he looked back to normal. He wasn’t disheveled looking anymore.

“Lyla, I’m sorry I took advantage of you like that.”

 “No, I wanted it. I still do.” I replied honestly. “We’ll talk again once you’re sober, okay? If you still want me, then we can. But until then, I won’t touch you. Lyla… I really like you.”

“I know.”

He grinned like a little boy in a candy store. “How can you tell?”

“Hmm, I don’t know. You’ve kissed me two other times besides today, and I think that usually means someone likes you… right?”

“Right… Well, I’m about to fix dinner… Did you want anything?”

My stomach rumbled at the mention of food.


I sat at the kitchen table while Rylan was cooking. I watched him, and I wished we could have had sex this afternoon. I really wanted too. I know it was because I was drunk, but that didn’t matter.

When Rylan was done, he carried two plates in his hands out to the living room, and asked me to get us some drinks. I opened the fridge, and found a couple cans of pop. That would work. I still wasn’t used to drinking pop, but it was wonderful.

Whoever invented this stuff was amazing. I really wished Lacy and James could experience life here. From the cars to the fast food places, to the school to the stores… they would love it. Maybe one day I can sneak back into the Summer Solstice and go get them. I really wanted to see them, and I wanted to see them now. I pursed my lips.

I met Rylan in the living room, and sat next to him on the couch. He handed me my plate, and it consisted of ham and peas and mashed potatoes. I took a bite, and after that it didn’t take me long to devour the whole thing. Rylan asked me if I wanted more, but I politely declined.



“Could I see you play with fire?” he asked.

I stood up, not even waiting for him to answer. I called fire to myself, and did the same dance I did for Ethan a month ago. I twirled and laughed and leaped and found myself getting happier by the minute. I had to focus pretty hard not to catch myself on fire, but if it happened, I wasn’t going to worry about it.

“That was wonderful!” he exclaimed.


A few hours later, we were still sitting on the couch, watching a movie, and then the news. We both laughed, and we had a really good time with each other. Maybe I could forget about Ethan and move on with Rylan.

My mind said it was the right thing to do, but my heart was a whole different story.