Frost on my Pillow by Leah Hamrick - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Five



Later, after I got home, I showed Rylan what I bought.

He smiled shyly. “You’re going to be the prettiest one there.”

“Thanks.” I said, blushing. I was remembering our kiss, and my insides started to get all gooey like a piece of cheese cake.

I smiled at him, and he was running his hands through his hair, making it stick up all over the place. I couldn’t deny it anymore, I was attracted to Rylan.

Attracted to him in the way I was to Ethan. My feelings weren’t as deep for Rylan, but it was getting pretty close.

“Would you mind trying it on? I want to see it.”

I couldn’t deny him that right, since he is the one who actually bought it. I agreed, and went into the other room to change.

When I walked out, his breath caught in his throat. He came up to me, and grabbed my hips. His fingers dug into my skin, and I found that really pleasurable.

You’re beautiful.” he whispered.

“Thank you.” “It’s my pleasure.”

After another minute, I changed back into my regular clothes, as much to Rylan’s dismay. I knew he wanted me to walk around in the dress, but I couldn’t afford to ruin it or get it stained up.

I went to my room to hang up the dress and get ready to take a shower. Right before I walked into the bathroom, Ethan called me. I debated on answering it, but my curiosity on what he had to say won out.


“Lyla, I luh you, pease…” Ethan slurred horribly. “I luh you s’much,”

Pease? “You’re drunk.” I guessed right away. I flopped on my bed and sighed.

“I’ve been drinking,” he corrected. “S’not drunnnnk,” I could almost picture him pointing his finger at the phone while he said it. I almost laughed, but I realized how crucial this situation has become.

“Please stop doing this, Ethan. Give me some time… I know things aren’t going how you want them to, but I can’t—”

“But you’re with him. I saw y’two together on the… on the…cooch… couch yesterday. Your head was on him and he was rubbing your leg! What ‘em I supposed ta think?”

“Ethan! I’m not with anyone.” I yelled, getting ready to throw my phone in frustration.

He hung up.

I shook my head. I hoped he wouldn’t go driving after he’d been drinking. He was undeniably intoxicated. I’d never heard someone slur so much in my life. I hoped he didn’t drink too much and do something stupid that he was going to regret.

He’s really taking this whole thing hard, but I was too! He wasn’t the one that had to witness the one he loves kissing someone else! I don’t think he gets that, and if he does, he doesn’t care.

I turned the shower on and stepped in, hoping to wash all my troubles away. I lathered up soap into my hair, and then started scrubbing up. I let the water beat down on my bare back until I was sure the hot water was running out.

When I was done, I stepped out, and dressed into my pajamas that had little panda bears all over the shorts and a big one the shirt. I went downstairs because I wanted to talk to Rylan, but my phone rang before I could find him. It was Cherry. Great, I wonder what the heck Ethan told her.

I could only imagine. I answered it.


“Hey.” I said, faking a cheerful voice. I sat down on the couch, pulling a throw pillow in front of me to give my free hand something to do.

“I’m really worried about Ethan. He isn’t eating, and he somehow got a huge bottle of liquor, and he’s so drunk he’s falling all over the place. I just witnessed him crawling on the floor!”

“Cherry, I don’t know how to help Ethan.” I said honestly, and then got into the whole thing that happened at the school yesterday. I told her I wasn’t ready to come over there yet. I didn’t wanna see him drunk.

I didn’t wanna see him period, not yet.

“Okay, okay…” she said, sounding really worried.

“Do you think he will be fine? At the moment, he is crawling up the stairs half naked.”

“I know he will be fine, but if he tries to leave, take his keys and call me right away and I’ll head over there.”

“Okay, I love you, honey. Talk to you later.”

I hung up and went into Rylan’s office, but he wasn’t there. My eyes landed on the bar, and I took a small step toward it.

My body was telling me to drink. Maybe I should have just a little something to take the edge of the pain off. I picked up a Bacardi bottle, and opened it, taking a long swallow. I sat on one of the stools, and waited until Rylan passed through.

He never did.

After a little while, I realized I drank a little too much… again.

I stood up, and started to sway immediately. I put the cap back on the bottle messily, and stumbled up the stairs. I was halfway crawling, actually. This stuff was worse than what I drank yesterday. I wasn’t even myself anymore. I could just imagine Ethan crawling up the stairs. That thought made me laugh out loud.

When I got to the landing, I walked quickly to the end, and pushed Rylan’s bedroom door open. I’d never been in here before. His room was large, and looked kind of exotic. He had a four poster bed covered in red, silky looking sheets, there was a large oak dresser in the corner, a fireplace in the wall, and there was a closed door, with a light on. I stumbled over to it just as Rylan opened it, wearing only a towel hung low on his hips. It was so low it was almost indecent.

“Lyla, what’s wrong?” he asked, tugging the towel up higher, but making it part on the side. I saw his whole thigh, and I swallowed hard, fighting the desire to touch his still wet skin.

I followed the fine line of hair until it disappeared under the towel. I suddenly wanted to see him, but before I could reach over to unknot his towel, he started sniffing the air.

“Are you drunk?” he demanded, crossing his arms over his chest. “You smell like a bar!”

I didn’t answer.

I felt my stomach start to constrict.

I pushed him out of the way, and made it to the toilet just in time before my stomach started to empty. Yep, I think I drank a little too much. Rylan was holding my hair back, and I threw up until I had nothing left inside of me. My stomach was in painful spasms, and I was tearing up from the pain of it. My nose was on fire, and I blew it on a towel.

Lyla…” he all but growled.

I turned to him and sniffled. I went to his sink and opened the Listerine, dumping a whole cap full into my mouth. I swished, and then spit. Then repeated the process about five times until I was sure my breath smelled okay.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know I drank that much.”

He sighed heavily. “Am I going to have to start hiding the booze from you? This isn’t healthy. I don’t want anything to happen to you. If you need to talk about something, I’m always here. I would love to sit and listen to you. I have nothing else to do with my time anyway.”

I lay down on his floor, and pressed the cool tile to my face. It helped the sickness feeling. Rylan stood there patting my back, trying to offer comfort.

Then I felt my eyes start to close, and my body start to go numb.

I was in Rylan’s arms abruptly, and was being carried. I was pressed into his naked chest, and I kissed one of his pecs, causing him to shiver slightly. I vaguely recall him setting me on his bed and covering me up.

The bed was super soft, and I sank into it. I took a deep breath, and smelled the blankets. They smelled like Rylan’s cologne and soap. Even being this drunk, I was turned on by it. It was almost intoxicating. I pulled the edge of the soft blanket under my head, and buried my nose into it.

I inhaled deeply.

“Rylan, you smell so good.”

He chuckled, “Of course I do. I’m a demon, and I’m irresistible.”

“No, it’s more than that; it’s your soap, and everything.” I said in wonder.

“Does Ethan not smell as good as me?” He raised his eyebrow.

I giggled. “He smells really good too.”

Rylan turned out the lights, and dropped his towel, turning away from me.

It was too dark to see his naked form, but that didn’t mean I didn’t try. I seriously wanted to see him naked. I heard him pull something on, and then I felt the bed dip under his weight a few seconds later. The blankets moved slightly, letting me know he slipped under them. I instantly started to feel his body heat coming from his side of the bed. It was soothing in a way. I never experienced that with Ethan. He was always cold.

He scooted over to me, and pulled me to him. He held me firmly, pressing a soft kiss to my neck. I rested my head against his shoulder, and he started whispering some words that were too low for me to make out.

Suddenly, I started to feel a calm sensation spread through my body. I snuggled deeper into his embrace, and fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up with a slight headache. I stretched, and looked over to the side of the bed to find Rylan gone. The sun was streaming through the windows, so it was probably mid-morning by now.

“About time you’re up.”

I looked around and found Rylan sitting in a brown recliner, reading. He was shirtless, and wore only a pair of sweatpants. He smiled slightly, and put a mark into the book and closed it, setting it on a small table.

“What time is it?” I asked, yawning. “After nine,”

Then a thought occurred to me. “Oh my God, I’m late for school.” I said, hurriedly swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

When I hit the floor, I started to wobble, and would have fell over if Rylan didn’t race over to save me. His skin was warm on mine while he held me, and when he let go, I was cold again. I was almost a little disappointed.

He laughed. “Lyla, dear, there is no school today, it’s a Saturday. Why don’t you get back into bed and I’ll bring you up a surprise in about five minutes?”

“I need to…” I pointed to the bathroom.

“Of course. When you’re done, get back in bed.” “Okay.” I walked to the bathroom, and just before I shut the door, I asked, “When did you get up?”

“A little while ago, I had to wait until you rolled off of me before I could move. I was trapped all night long.”

My face burned. “I’m sorry!”

“No big deal, I was enjoying the company,” he said with a shrug, and then walked out of the room.

I closed the bathroom door and did my thing, and then climbed back into bed. I found the TV remote, and turned it on. The TV came out of the wall, and I turned on the news station. I found out that I really enjoyed the news. Some might say that I sounded like an old lady, but I didn’t care. There was always something interesting on there and I couldn’t help but watch it.

I loved the Jerry Springer Show, and Maury, also.

I heard clanging around downstairs and smelled food cooking. Rylan was making me breakfast in bed! I started to get super excited. This was the first time anyone has ever done something like this for me.

A couple minutes later, I heard Rylan coming back up the steps. He showed up in the doorway with two plates, and two mugs. He carried everything like a waitress, set everything down on a small table, and came to the side of the bed. He grabbed a remote that I never seen before, and pressed a button.

I squealed when the bed started rising up so that I was in a sitting position.

He went back over to the table and grabbed our plates and the mugs. He handed me mine, and went to his side and climbed in.

I glanced down in the mug and found it to be orange juice. I took a small sip and it was really sweet. I looked to the plate and found a mound of eggs, some sausage, and a pile of pancakes covered in butter and syrup.

I picked up the fork, and took a small bite of the pancakes. They were delicious. I grinned at Rylan, and he patted me on the shoulder.

I looked over at his plate, and found out that he didn’t have any eggs, but a pile of hash-browns. “You don’t like eggs?” I asked, biting into a piece of sausage.

“It isn’t the fact that I don’t like them, it’s that I’m allergic to them.” He picked up the remote and turned up the volume. They were showing an accident that happened last night on Alexis Road and I-75. In the picture was a smashed, red truck that looked exactly like Ethan’s. They said the driver was killed instantly when hit by a semi-truck.

The driver was also drunk.

Oh my God.” I said loudly, feeling my heartbeat pick up. I almost dropped my food all over the bed.

As if Rylan read my mind, he said, “Lyla, it wasn’t

Ethan, he texted me around six in the morning to check in on you. That accident happened last night around one. But trust me; he was drunk or high when he messaged me. I could barely make it out. I’ll have to show you later, it’s rather funny.”

I breathed a sigh of relief, and went back to my breakfast. I could care less what drunken Ethan wanted last night. As long as he didn’t get hurt, I was happy.

Rylan shifted, and leaned over to grab his phone.

“Actually, I’m going to show you now. Don’t have any food in your mouth though, you might start choking.”

I grabbed the phone from him, and read the message. It said:

Ya better noooot taken advantage of me girlfried.

Girlfried?! Yeah, he was really drunk. I kept reading. I kick yo ass if anything happens ta her. Got itttttt big fuck? Not messen ‘round. Me no play games with you.

Oh my God. Are you serious? He was so fucked up he couldn’t even spell correctly. He didn’t even make any sense. I gave the phone back to Rylan, and exhaled hard.

“My God.” I giggled softly.

“Told you he was plastered,”

I turned back to my food, and in no time I completely devoured everything. I felt like a pig because Rylan’s plate was still half full. I burped loudly, causing Rylan to chuckle.

“Thank you.” I said softly. “That was really good.” He smiled a shy smile. “You’re welcome. The food will help your hangover. Now, shall I remind you not to drink so much next time? You’re going to give yourself alcohol poisoning.”

“I didn’t mean to, it was an accident.”

He raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “Yeah, like I believe that. How do you accidentally drink too much, Lyla?”

I shrugged, and set my empty plate on the nightstand. I rolled toward Rylan, and watched the TV until he was finished eating. He set his plate aside, and rolled toward me, too. He smiled slightly, and moved his hand so it would brush lightly over my fingers.

That small contact was enough to send wisps of pleasure through my body. I closed my eyes for a second, and tried to control myself. I looked into his green eyes for the longest time, and I finally couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted to be closer to him.

He must have had the same idea because he was moving closer to me. We were so close our heads were on the same pillow, and our mouths were mere inches from each other’s. I trailed my fingers along the blanket until I felt his skin. I moved my fingers up slowly onto his stomach, and drew circles. His breathing picked up, and he swallowed hard.

“Lyla…” he said gruffly, placing his hand over mine. “You know, girls always go to the stomach first.”

I smiled. “I enjoy the stomach.” And I did. I loved all the hard planes and ripples and hair and everything. From the chest to the middle section to the lines at the hips, it turned me on so much I could barely think.

I moved forward slightly until I was mouth to mouth with him. He shut his eyes, and I took that as an invitation and pressed my lips to his.

His mouth was warm and still tasted sweet from the syrup. His tongue circled mine, and I realized I was waiting for the coldness of a metal stud to enter my mouth, but there wasn’t any. Rylan’s kiss was fierce, but at the same time, gentle.

While we kissed, his hand was up inside of my shirt, causing ripples of delight to zing through my body at an alarming rate. I knew I shouldn’t be doing this, because

I felt like I was cheating on Ethan. But Ethan and I were on a break, so I didn’t have to worry about it.

But that didn’t make me feel any less guilty.

All of a sudden I was on my back, and he was halfway on top of me, his face pressed into my neck. His warm breath tickled my skin.

“Lyla… you have no idea how badly I want you right now. You’re the single most precious, radiant being I’ve ever had in my presence. You tempt me so much… so much…”

I wrapped one of my legs around his hip. “Oh yeah?” I responded, not recognizing my sudden raspy voice. I rocked myself up into him, and he tightened his hold on my waist. His fingers dug in, and it was a pleasurable feeling.

“I’m not supposed to feel this much, Lyla. Demons don’t feel anything like this… it’s all foreign to me.” He said in a low whisper. He cupped my jaw, and I thought I saw tears in his eyes.

I combed my fingers through his soft hair, and kissed his neck. “What do you mean, Rylan?”

He leaned up, and had each arm on the side of my head, and kissed me. He held my face in his hands, and it was really sweet. The heat that was building in my body was splendid, and I wanted him. I kissed his neck harder and harder, until he came back to my lips. He bit down a little.

His hand went back up inside of my shirt, and I sat up a bit so I could take it off. I pulled the thin fabric over my head, and Rylan gasped, looking at my bare chest. His one free hand went to my right breast and kneaded it. He reached down with his mouth, and started doing some really nice things… I moaned quietly. Rylan came back up, and caught my bottom lip between his teeth. I could feel him through his pants, and I knew just how deep his longing ran.

He finished getting fully on top of me, and lined our hips up. He was touching me in all the places that I was soft and that he was hard. He rocked from side to side. His eyes never left mine.

“I’m in love with you.” he said unexpectedly. His voice was full of emotion, something that sounded almost strange. “I’ve always loved you, ever since I found you that day in the park. I love you, I love you.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead, and smiled at me. He looked like he was about to tear up again. “I love you.” he whispered.

I looked into his green eyes, and I was at a loss for words. I never would have expected Rylan to tell me that he loved me. I didn’t know what to do, so I just kissed him again. I ran my fingers over his smooth skin and enjoyed the sensation of it.

Suddenly he was back to being halfway on top of me, and was sliding his arm under my back. His free hand slid up my thigh until his finger was under the band of my panties. He waited a second to see if I would protest, and then he slid his whole hand inside, and started to touch me.

My back arched. His face was pressed into my shoulder, giving me soft kisses. He picked up his hands pace, and started to move his hips into me. I shut my eyes and sank into his caresses, fully enjoying every second of it. He was so gentle, and he was oh, so good at it. I let out another loud sigh, and I heard Rylan’s breathing pick up.

He was moving his hips more powerfully into my thigh, and I could feel his heart rate pounding through his chest.

I started to squirm, and I knew I couldn’t last much longer.

“That’s it…” he murmured roughly.

When I cried out, so did he. His breath was warm on my shoulder, and he was panting heavily.

When he looked up he gave me a lopsided grin, and hopped off the bed. He went to his dresser and slid his pants down. I caught sight of his sexy butt, and giggled. It was a perfect butt. He dug out another pair of boxers, and slid them on.

I was confused.

“What did you do?” I asked, cocking my head to the side.

“Something that I’ve never done before, God, Lyla…”

I thought about it, and realization came over me. He did the same thing that I did. “But I wasn’t touching you!”

Trust me, you didn’t need to.”

I got off the bed, and decided to call Ethan. I thanked Rylan for I didn’t exactly know what, and left his room more confused than ever.

I didn’t know what to do now that I knew two guys were in love with me.