Frost on my Pillow by Leah Hamrick - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Seven



A couple weeks flew by rather fast. I spent time with Ethan every day, but we never did anything like we used too. There was no steamy kisses goodnight, no holding me in his arms, no nothing. I kind of missed it, but then again I thought about what I had witnessed in the gym, and I would get angry all over again.

Rylan hasn’t said a word to me since our make-out session. He knows I don’t really want a relationship with him. I told him as much last week when I was getting ready to go to bed.

It was closing time at the Coffee House, and I was just cleaning up for the evening when the bell signaled someone coming in.

“We’re closing!” I called, not looking up from what I was doing.

A couple seconds later, I felt someone grab my ponytail sharply, and yank my head down.

I frantically tried to get loose, but nothing was working. I caught sight of a gray, ashy-colored arm, and I started to panic. What Ethan described as the demon he saw that one day matched the color of his skin. God, they were back, just as the other had said… they were never going to leave me alone.

“Come here, little Fire Bringer…” the deep guttural voice rasped into my ear, causing chills to shoot up my spine in terror. He turned me around and slammed me into the wall. My head hit hard, and stars danced in front of my eyes. I lost my sight for a few seconds, and it was rather scary. I would have called for help, but Ann Marie trusted me enough to have me lock up tonight.

I was all alone. With a demon.

And not a nice demon like Rylan, either.

I looked up into his face, and it was appalling. He had holes for eyes, and low horns on his head. His facial skin showed every single vein in his face. He also smelled like sulfur and something else I couldn’t place.

He was disgusting.

He reached for my necklace, but some unseen force bounced his hand back, and he made a low sound—almost like he was in pain. He reached for it again, and I watched sparks come off.

I smiled haughtily.

He couldn’t get my necklace. Whatever sort of power was in it wouldn’t let anything evil touch it. This was a wonderful discovery.

“Ha, mother fucker, you can’t touch it.” I said in amusement.

His hand was suddenly around my neck, and he was squeezing hard. “I’ll just have to kill you then. I want that necklace, little girl. I will do anything to have it, even if that means ending your miserable and worthless existence.”

He squeezed a little bit harder, and totally cut off my air. I scratched at his hand, but with no use, I couldn’t get him to let go.

My vision started to tunnel, and my weak attempts to get him to release me stopped. I was going to die, and there was nothing I could do. I wouldn’t be able to tell Ethan that I loved him, and I wouldn’t be able to stop Ann Marie’s horror when she found me in the morning. Ethan would drink himself to death or cut his wrists open, and we would both be in Hell because our souls weren’t in our bodies yet.

Then there was a banging sound, and the demons hand released my neck.

I fell to the floor. I sucked in large gasps of air, and rubbed my windpipe. I looked up and found another demon punching the one that had me in the face. He had black wings like a bat, and his face was kind of beautiful. His skin was like marble, and he was really muscular.

He gave another big punch to the demons head, and it vanished. The guy turned to me, and his startling green eyes looked amazing against his gray skin. I knew who it was immediately.

“Rylan…” I choked out, struggling to get up. My voice was hoarse, and I was still really light-headed.

His features turned back to normal, and he helped me stand up. “Oh, little blossom…” he murmured in a low voice. “I thought I had lost you. I’m so glad I got here in time.”

Thank you.” I said in relief.

He pulled me in for a hug. “You’re fortunate I’m a demon, or else I wouldn’t have felt that one’s ill intentions.

He would have annihilated you, Lyla. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if that had happened. As soon as I felt what was happening, I flew here as fast as I could.”

“He tried touching my necklace, but somehow it shocked him or something, because he was in pain.” I said.

Rylan reached for it, and drew back when my necklace started to buzz like an electrical fence.

“It seems to me that demons can’t touch it. I’m betting the fallen angels can’t either. This is an amazing discovery. But, that still doesn’t keep danger from coming to you. As you can see, you almost got strangled by that bastard.”

“I thought you could only turn into a horse?”

He shook his head. “Nope, I can turn into anything I want.”

“Did you kill him?” I asked.

He shook his head again. “No, he’s back in Hell. I’m sure he’s spreading the story around about your necklace though. Come on, I’ll help you close up and take you back home. We can have some ice cream.”

I let out a small laugh. “What’s up with you and ice cream?”

“It’s a demon thing. We need sweets or else we get sick.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Well, you wouldn’t, I never told you. And besides, it’s nothing you have to worry about; you’re too precious to ever be a demon, Lyla. You don’t belong in Hell. You belong in Heaven. When the day comes and you get there, you’re going to be the most beautiful angel of all.”

“If I die, are you sure I’m going to go to heaven?” I asked.

He nodded. “But not for a long time. You have your whole life ahead of you, and I’m going to make sure you reach the age where you’re using a wheelchair. I promise. As long as I’m still alive, you won’t be in harm’s way.”

“What about you? What if you die before me?”

“I am an immortal, Lyla. I never lied to you, I am twenty-one years old. I was created that long ago. I’ve never known infancy, or had a childhood. I was created with a sharp mind, and an adult man’s body. Say, when I was just two days old, I was already having sex, and taking pleasure in everything that an adult man does… interesting, huh? I’ve never went to school, everything that I needed to know was already in my brain, but I learn new things every day, just like anyone does.”

I was sad to find out that fact because everyone should have a childhood. “Sex?”

He chuckled. “Yes, I found myself to be rather spry when I was younger.”

“Do you ever do anything with women anymore?” I asked this because I’ve never saw him with anyone as long as I’ve been living with him.

“Yes, but not since I’ve met you.” He gazed into my eyes, and I saw that he was telling the truth.

“Why do you talk differently than everyone else here? Well, except the people down South…You have a weird accent.”

“Everyone in Hell talks with an English accent, I suppose. I’ve spent time in London, though, so it’s became a habit I have yet to break. And they’re all hillbillies down there, it’s no wonder they speak like that.”

I giggled.

There was something I needed to ask him before I forgot.

“Is there any way to stop the demons from taking our souls when we’re conceived? I want to save all the Fire Bringers and Ice Bringers from damnation.”

“Maybe, but I don’t know how.” he said sadly.

We finished closing up, and I got a ride to Ethan’s house from Rylan. He flew back to his house and got his vehicle. He said he would keep his radar alert, but he knew nothing was in the area. It only took him five minutes to fly back home and get his SUV.

When I got to Ethan’s, I went around to his basement window. I knew the houses doors would be locked this time of night, and I didn’t wanna wake Cherry up. I knew she was sleeping because the whole house was dark.

I went to Ethan’s window, and found it opened a bit.

A girls singing voice was coming from inside. It was also dark. What the hell was going on? Maybe he had a girl over? Or, he was watching porn? Yeah, I could totally see Ethan watching porn and doing something naughty in bed. I giggled silently at the thought. I could picture him having a pile of tissues all over the place.

I shimmied down into the basement, not making a noise. I flicked on the light, and Ethan was in bed, sleeping. He was rolled over onto his stomach, and he was naked from the waist up.

All of a sudden, Miranda came out of the bathroom in my bra and panties. The bra was way too small on her, and the panties were riding up her butt like a thong. Yeah, I really didn’t want those back.


I stood there with my mouth hanging open. It took a minute for her to see me, and when she did, she held up her hands. I couldn’t control my rage anymore. I ran at her and punched her in the face as hard as I could. I heard something crack, and she fell to the floor, unconscious.

“That’s what you get, bitch.” I said meanly, knowing she couldn’t hear me, but that didn’t stop me from saying it. I went over to her and kicked her in the side over and over again until someone was pulling me away.

I growled, and turned on my attacker. Rage filled my veins, and I swung, hitting whoever it was in the ribs.

They grunted.

I called fire up and spit it at the attacker’s chest, earning me a load moan of pain. I smiled, and punched, but that just made them hold me even tighter. I was pissed, and I wanted them to let me go.

I called fire up again, and grabbed my attacker’s arms, feeling my fingertips glow like pieces of lit coal. They released me with a hiss, and I felt something ice-cold slam into my back, spinning me around, knocking me on my ass. I got up quickly. I growled, and circled them. I wasn’t backing down that easily. No way.

I spit a thin rope of fire, but they dodged it. I got slammed with another thing of… ice? Then my arms were being held above my head. Right before I melted their face off, I heard the voice, and I snapped out of my rage.

“Lyla, stop it!” Ethan shouted, releasing me. I jumped up. “What’s wrong with you?”

I spun around, and got into his face. I saw his burns, but I found I didn’t care. “What’s wrong with me? Thanks for giving her my stuff to wear. I’m sure you guys had a romantic evening. I knew you guys had something going on. I knew I couldn’t trust you.” Tears were spilling down my face. “Even though we aren’t together, this just proves you wanted to kiss her in the gym that day. Because if you didn’t, she wouldn’t be here right now, walking around almost naked! You must have just had sex or something, right? Did it feel really good? Did you kiss her like the way you used to kiss me? Did she suck your dick too? I hope she choked on it.” I pressed my finger into his chest, and pressed as hard as I could.

He swiped my hand away, hard. His eyes were filled with fury.

No, Lyla, Miranda came over here because she was attacked by what I’m guessing was a demon. She was pulled from her car, she was naked, and I didn’t know what to do. The demons tore her clothes off, they were shredded. I saw them before she threw them out. What was I supposed to do when she showed up here in need of help?”

“Um, you turn her away! Naked, are you fucking kidding me right now? I’m sure you loved it. Miranda has way bigger, perkier boobs than I got, and her butt is so round, it’s almost like she has implants. Her body is way better than mine will ever be, and that’s why you like her so fucking much, right? Oh, I got attacked tonight too! I was choked and almost got killed at work! If Rylan hadn’t shown up, I would be lying cold and dead on the floor of the coffee place. Maybe I should be with Rylan; at least he hasn’t lied to me, unlike you!” I spat, and whirled around, crossing my hands over my chest in defense.

Ethan sucked in a sharp breath, but didn’t say anything. I knew I hurt him. Good, it felt nice for a change.

I wanted to hurt him; I wanted him to feel everything that I’ve been feeling for the past fucking three weeks.

I continued. “I thought you were done with her. You expect me to believe that she was attacked? I don’t see any damage done to her. Look at my neck!” I spun back around, and pointed to the indents of fingers that were rapidly turning into bruises. They hurt badly, and I was having a hard time talking.

Miranda moaned from the floor, but I ignored her.

“She wasn’t hurt until I laid one on her. I’m glad I did. I should have killed her, she deserves it.” I said with a snarky laugh. “I bet I have the power to cook her. I can heat up my body to amazingly hot temperatures. I could roast her in a jiffy. So then if you still want to “eat” her, you can!”

“You should have let her explain before you punched her, good God, Lyla, it’s like I don’t even know you anymore. The Lyla I fell in love with would give someone the benefit of the doubt, and not say such heinous things!”

That stung. A lot.

“I’m not the same person anymore… because… because of you!” I yelled.

I started to turn around to head up the stairs. I was calling Rylan and I was going back with him. I couldn’t handle this right now. It was too much to take. It felt like I was going to lose my head.

“Lyla, I’m sorry. Please don’t leave.” Ethan said softly, catching my wrist. I saw the burns on his arms, and my eyes burned with tears, but I pushed them away.

“What, so I can watch you take care of her? I don’t think so.”

“Lyla, I helped her. She was attacked. If you don’t believe me, then whatever.” He raised his hands in the air. “There was nothing else I could have done. I wasn’t sending her home naked. I’m not that heartless. Even what she did a couple weeks ago was really petty; I couldn’t leave her like that okay? I let her take a shower and gave her some of your things to wear. I fell asleep while she was in there, because, I don’t know, I’ve been up for days because of you! I didn’t have sex with her; and we didn’t have oral sex, dammit!” he yelled, punching his fist into the wall. I could tell he was having a hard time handling his rage. He was more pissed than I’d ever seen him before.

I didn’t like the look of it; it reminded me of my step-dad.

“Your burns…” I said softly, grabbing his arm. Ethan snatched his arm away.

“Yeah, that you caused!”

“You threw ice at me!”

“Only because you burned me!”

I looked to Miranda and found her sitting up, cupping her nose in her hand. “You broke my fucking nose you little bitch!” she yelled. Blood was seeping through her fingers steadily.

“You deserve it for fucking with Ethan’s and my relationship! I should have done that a long time ago!”

Miranda stood up, and turned around. I gasped when I saw her back. She had scratches from fingers nails all over the place, but they didn’t look that bad. They weren’t bleeding, and on closer inspection, weren’t that deep.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” I said weakly. I didn’t know what else to say.

“You should have asked first, Lyla.” Ethan said sternly.

“I’m sorry…” I whispered. “I’m leaving now.”

I started walking when Ethan came to me and pulled me in for a hug. “I’m sorry, Lyla. Nothing happened; I’m telling the truth okay?” He pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Please believe me.”

I sighed, and sank into his embrace. I looked over to Miranda. “I’m sorry.” I said.

She shook her head, and started to lift herself back out of the window. She had on a pair of my pajamas, but I didn’t stop her. I didn’t even see her put them on. Maybe she wasn’t attacked. Maybe she just came over here to try and seduce Ethan. I didn’t know, but I knew I had to leave. I couldn’t stay here anymore. Miranda could have given herself those scratches, or they could have been made if she had sex with Ethan. I knew he always scratched when he has sex, because he did it to me in the truck that one day when we went down South.

“Ethan, I have to leave, I need to use your phone, because mine’s dead.”

He reached into his pocket and handed it to me.

“Please stay, Lyla. You’re hurt…”

“I’m okay; I just need a good night’s sleep.”

“You can stay here you know. I can sleep on the couch, or on the floor for that matter.”

“I know, but I can’t.” I dialed Rylan’s number and he answered on the first ring.

“Want me to come get you?” he asked. I didn’t know how he knew it was me, but he did.

“Yes, please.”

I hung up, and started heading up the stairs. Ethan followed closely behind.

“Lyla…” he said softly.

“It’s okay; I’ll see you at school tomorrow, Ethan.

I’m too exhausted to argue with you tonight. I love you, but no, I need to get out of here. My mind is still spinning with all the possibilities. Don’t get mad at me for saying this, but you could have easily scratched her back too.”

He nodded. “I understand. But let me say something first. I never slept with her tonight, and trust me, I’m still very livid at her for what happened. But, I couldn’t turn her away like that. You know I’m an extremely nice guy. You know I wouldn’t purposely do something to hurt you. I wouldn’t have sex with anyone; you’re the only one that I desire deeply. I don’t think I could ever do another girl again. I love you, Lyla. After I felt love with you, I never want to be with another person. You’re my one and only.”

I nodded. I looked over Ethan’s burns, and found them fading. He saw where my eyes landed.

“It’s because of my cooler body temperature. Burns heal quicker on me, but that doesn’t mean they don’t really hurt.”

I felt bad.

“Okay, I’ll see you later, Ethan.” Rylan just pulled up, I could hear his SUV idling in the driveway.

“Okay, take care. And I’m sorry about you getting hurt.”

“I’m fine.” I lied. I could still feel that monsters hands around my neck, and I was fighting off chills from Ethan throwing ice at me.