Frost on my Pillow by Leah Hamrick - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty-One



After Lyla left to go to the prom, my world tipped upside down in all the worst ways. My thoughts shattered at the thought of her rekindling with Ethan—which was exactly what she planned on doing tonight. I know, I saw it in her mind. Her feelings for him were so strong, she couldn’t stay away.

After kissing her for the first time, I knew I was in love with her. Demons aren’t supposed to love anything, especially someone that was so… human. Someone that was so good. Loving. Caring.

I sat on the couch, staring into the fire, wondering why the heck my life was so meaningless… well, since Lyla has been around, I’ve had something to live for… but for the last twenty-one-years, I’ve been roaming around, doing un-demon-like-things. I guess my life is the same as anyone else’s. The only difference is that I will never age, never get to spend my life with someone I love… unless it’s a demon or a fallen angel, which was never going to happen.

I didn’t follow anything that Hell did, therefore, I was part of the Seven Horses of Hell, a kind of gang for rebels that didn’t like being in the smoky, desolate place that tormented living souls forever… I mean, how many people are down there that were compassionate and loving in life? They do one little thing and get thrown in one of the torture chambers, or the Fiery Inferno. There were other places that souls went, but I didn’t give a damn enough to check them out. I couldn’t stand the burning smell of flesh, the anguished cries of the damned, and the menacing, unsightly demons that are so evil, so abominable, that there are really no words to describe them.

I had to take my mind off of all this, or I was going to go crazy. I stood up, and stalked to the front door. I put my shoes on, and then found myself walking down the street, to the park where I found Lyla. I still do this sometimes, especially when I wanted to feel closer to her… which was always.

I could still picture the way I found her. She was so breathtakingly beautiful that it hurt me. She lay in a patch of grass that was hidden amongst trees. As she lay there, her long brown hair was fanned around her, making a halo effect. She made these little noises, almost as if she was having a bad dream and wanted someone to comfort her. Her dark lashes fanned her creamy cheeks, and she was so damn irresistible and enticing that I could have kissed her right then and there. I didn’t even know her yet, but yet I wanted to, so, so badly.

Now that I do know her, she was the most astounding person I have ever met. She was a bright star in my dark world. I didn’t know what I would do if anything happened to her. I would probably find a way to end myself. I couldn’t live in a world where she wasn’t. She was such a bright, clever person, and even though she didn’t have her soul yet—was the brightest I’d ever saw in anyone.

Ethan was the same way. He was so virtuous. So noble. So polite. So loving. So nurturing… so compassionate.

I saw what Lyla saw in him. I was pretty sure she was attracted to what was inside of him more than the outside. She just seemed to be that type of person.

She looked so beautiful in her prom dress that I almost started crying. It wasn’t fair that I had this kind of connection to her. I guess it was sort of my fault. After I gave her… release… there was this bond that had formed between us, and I didn’t know how to undo it. I’d never had anything like this happen—ever. Anything she felt strongly, I felt. If she had an orgasm, I felt that. If she was in pain, I felt that, also.

I mean, how was I even supposed to love her, when she would be dead in the next 60-70 years, maybe sooner? I would keep on existing, while she was in a hole in the ground, never to be seen again.

Well, technically she wouldn’t be in a hole. She would be in Heaven, and I would just be in Hell like the rest of the demons.

Why did I have to be born a demon? I wasn’t cut out for this. I couldn’t even commit some of the acts that we’re supposed to. I’m jumpy and afraid, making me as cowardly as a rabbit being chased by a wolf would be.

Demons were supposed to plant thoughts in people’s minds… sometimes we’re supposed to possess them, and do them ourselves. Things like murder, raping, stealing, divorce…

Another thing about earth-bound demons was that we constantly needed sweets. I didn’t know why, the only thing I knew that if we didn’t, we could get really, really sick, and not be able to move or anything. Our powers would drain, and we would be a tad weaker than the average human, which didn’t bide well for me. I didn’t like being weak… because if someone needed protection, I wouldn’t be able to offer it.

Only certain kinds of demons, when they’re on earth, can feel hunger and thirst. Downstairs, we didn’t need to eat or drink or do anything mortals did. But up here, my body needs and does the same things as a human, or any other creature. I slept… I got dirty, so I needed to shower daily. My digestive track ran the same course like anyone else. I never got sick, although sometimes if I drank too much, I had a slight headache and would be nauseous. But I couldn’t get the flu, or a cold, or anything like that. I was lucky. I’ve seen what the flu can do to people… even the pneumonia. That killed, just like the flu did.

Okay, enough thinking about me.

I sat down in the grass, and looked at my watch. It was ten at night. I’m sure Lyla was having a blast, dancing her little feet off and all that good stuff. I felt happiness coming through the bond… so I guess she was okay… well, now there was a little jealousy. I chuckled, imagining Lyla’s hands on her hourglass-shaped hips, puckering her lips in distaste. I shivered when a sharp stab of need pounded through my stomach. I really had to control myself here. I was out in public for crying out loud! There weren’t many people out here, but that didn’t make a difference. I was still in a public place.

I’m surprised that I wasn’t extremely jealous that Lyla wasn’t with me. I guess that’s just not me. I am slow to anger, but when I am mad, you better watch out, because I usually do not give second chances, nor do I ask for forgiveness, or give it lightly.

I lay back, feeling my chest expand with want and love for her. I scrubbed my hand through my black hair, and sighed. There was nothing I could do… Let’s just say that if Lyla did choose to be with me… I would have to find some way to make me mortal, or her immortal. I don’t even want to know what kind of magic that would involve… I’m sure it was going to be something that was unscrupulous, like the time I made her into a little girl. I had to put a demons tear into the mixture, and since there were no others around, I had to do it. That spell wasn’t something that I wanted to do, but I was glad that I did, since at that particular time, she was being hunted down by demons and getting tossed about like a mother fucking ragdoll. I had nothing else to go on, so I had to do it. It was better than doing some of the other spells that require summoning demons and all that daft, imprudent stuff.

After another hour, I felt passion stir in my lower stomach, making me growl. Great, I’m sure Lyla was making out with her love right now. I stood up, and made sure that my hips were covered before I made my way out of the park. I didn’t want anyone to see me like this. Even though it was dark, it just took one person to call the police, and tell them that a weird, gorgeous guy was walking around with a hard on.

I didn’t really care if someone called; it’s just that I didn’t feel like compelling the cops to leave me alone. It’s a lot of people I have to do it to, considering the police have speakers on them, and whoever is at the other end is listening, so that means I had to find out whom they are, and so on and so on.


So, now let’s talk about my appearance. I can change it at will, whenever I want, however I want. I can look like anyone, but I choose not to. The shell I wear now is what I look like. I have a true demon form, but I hardly ever show it. It was off-putting and monstrous and abhorrent, and I didn’t want to give anyone a heart attack.

After the mix up with Ethan and his ex a month ago, I gladly showed Ethan, because I really thought he had cheated on Lyla.

I was angry, but I didn’t stay that way. I read his mind when he came over to talk, and I saw everything that happened, and none of it was really his fault. I should have told Lyla, but I wanted to be selfish and keep her for myself… God, I haven’t even told Lyla about our freaking bond yet. I don’t think she feels anything from my end… I think it’s a one way street.

When I got back home, I was glad I had made it in time. Desire was heavily swirling through my system now, making me groan. I really, really liked the feeling of it, but it felt like I was imposing on something personal. If I didn’t think about it, I could control how much I feel, but right now, that’s the only thing I’m thinking about—Lyla.


After a decent feeling night, I trudged up the stairs, and plopped into my bed. It was after two in the morning, and I was exhausted. I lay on my stomach, feeling spent, knowing Lyla was going to kill me after she found out I was pleasuring myself while she was doing it with someone else.

I thought it was pretty gross, but when you feel that much passion and desire curling around the pit of your stomach, it was sort of hard to ignore… and since I’m a demon, I had certain needs that needed to be sated… either by hand or by a woman. I preferred woman over my hand, but this is the longest I have ever gone without one, and I wanted to keep it that way. I wanted Lyla—no one else.

I fell asleep thinking about my love, and I smiled all the way into dreamland.


I woke up the next day with a gasp. I was sweating and my mind was on only naughty, inappropriate thoughts. God, Lyla was back at it again… How many times did they freaking do it already? Didn’t his nuts hurt? I know mine would be. Wasn’t he tired? A few times is all I can go before I fall asleep. Trust me; it’s gotten me slapped a few times over the years.

I laid there and laid there until she’s finished, and then I went to get up. The feelings that were churning through her were making me light-headed. I thought I was going to faint at any moment.

By the time I got done showering and making coffee, I felt sudden panic awaken in my core. I furrowed my brows. I didn’t know what the heck it was. I’d never felt anything like it before. Was there a demon top side that was trying to contact me? Why not just speak to my head like they usually do? Or call on the phone? I took a sip of the hot drink, burning the back of my throat slightly. I grimaced. I wasn’t cosseted from pain. I could feel it. I just had a faster healing rate than anything else on the planet. If I broke my arm, it would be healed in thirty minutes, maybe more, depending on how bad it was… if I got shot through the heart, I would just be sent back to Hell. Lucifer was the only one who could destroy an upper level demon, like me. Okay, I was sure other things could end one’s life, but I didn’t know—

Then a pain like none other slammed into my abdomen.

I clutched my stomach, and gritted my teeth against the blinding pain, letting out a low moan. The pain was slamming, unbearably excruciating, agonizing, and sent fire raging through my body at a faster rate than I have ever felt. I didn’t know what was going on… maybe I was really, really constipated or something… no, that couldn’t be it. I couldn’t get constipated.

Bloody fucking hell.

Then an image popped into my head—Lyla.

Oh, God, what was happening to her? This had to have something to do with her, right?

I leaned over and threw up, and then fell off the chair, to the floor in a heap. I lay in my own vomit, but there wasn’t anything I could do. There was no way I was moving through this pain.

Lyla got shot… I could feel the bullet now. It was wedged deep in her center, sitting in a mess of torn intestines… God, I could feel her life’s blood seeping to the ground. I could feel her anguish and longing… Longing for what, I didn’t know… but if she died now… God, her soul wasn’t even back in her body yet. I had to get to her and give her surgery and then everything would be fine. I would forbid her to leave this house again. Ethan couldn’t protect her...

When I convinced myself it wasn’t my pain I was feeling, I got up, but another wave slammed into me, making me collapse again. It was harder than it seemed, making the feelings go away.

I had to get to her. She was in trouble and in pain and frightened and there was nothing I could do… Then everything stopped. The pain, everything… was she… dead?

A minute later, my wings burst forth, and I flew out of my house, and then out of the neighborhood as fast as I could. I didn’t care about people seeing me; all I was worried about was my precious little blossom… my sweet little Lyla…

I flew to where I knew Lyla would be… I sort of had a GPS in my mind letting me know where she was at all times. I never really used it, unless I knew she was in trouble… Like the time she almost had the life choked out of her after she was finished with work… if I wouldn’t have gotten there in time, she would have been dead… a minute more, and she would have been. I felt it all through the bond while I was frantically flying to get to her.

When I got there, she wasn’t. Ethan’s truck was smashed in the back, and I think they got into some sort of accident. But why would a bullet be inside of her if it was just simply an accident? Did they already get taken to the hospital? Since there was a tow truck down there, I’m assuming someone knew about it, and called.

I landed, scaring the shit out of the man that was putting ropes and hooks around the truck.

His eyes bugged.

“Where are the people that this truck belongs to?” I asked hysterically, looking into his eyes to make him forget he ever saw me fly.

“I don’t know. I just got a call twenty minutes ago about an accident out on Ida Rd. This was all that was here when I got here. The police haven’t even shown up yet. I don’t know where the people went that were driving, but it seems to me that they took off running or something. There was no other vehicle but this one.”

I thought about it, and knew Ethan would have waited for someone to show up. He didn’t seem like the type to run from something, even if the accident was his fault.

“Take this truck to the Goodyear down by the express way. I will pay for the transport and any damages it has received in the accident. You can keep whatever change is left, which should be quite a bit.” I pulled out a large wad of bills, and handed them to him.

He widened his eyes, but pocketed the money quicker than I have ever saw someone do.

I spread my wings wide, and prepared to take off.

“Now, forget you’ve ever saw anything paranormal after I leave. I have someone that I love to save.” I flicked my gaze to his and he smiled, giving a little wave.


By the time I got up into the air, I didn’t know where to go. I’d lost track of Lyla. I couldn’t even pinpoint her location anymore. So either she was dead… or she… God,

I don’t even know. Something wasn’t right here, but I didn’t know what. I was so flummoxed and perplexed that I wanted to break down and cry. I’d never cried for any reason before, but for something like this, it was probably going to happen, sooner rather than later.

I tried thinking about Ethan, but I got nothing from him either… okay, this was very puzzling and very messed up.

After flying around for a few hours, I was so tired I could barely keep myself up in the air anymore. I needed some sweets, badly. I would kill for a chocolate sundae with sprinkles. My breathing was painful, and my eyes watered in frustration.

I had to go back home. I couldn’t keep going on like this.

When I got back home, I tore out a gallon of ice cream from my freezer and finished off half of it. My stomach hurt so badly that I wanted to vomit.

I trudged up the steps, and as soon as I made it to my bed I fell into it. I passed out, facedown, not even making it to my pillows.


A few hours later, I woke up, and felt Lyla through the bond… she was alive, but I still didn’t know where she was at.

But, it was up to me, the lowly demon, to save an angel from Hell.

To be continued in

Firestorm in My Soul…