Frost on my Pillow by Leah Hamrick - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty



Ethan looked really handsome in his tux, and I was having a hard time trying not to stare. Desire shot low in my belly, and I slightly groaned. He should be arrested for looking so good. It was just mean for me to be so tempted like this. I really missed him. I loved him more than anything, and tonight I wanted to make it right. I didn’t really know how to approach the subject, but I was going to try.

Girl my body don’t lie, I’m outta my mind, let it rain over me. I’m rising so high, outta my mind, let it rain over me.

The music streamed out of the speakers, and I found it was a really catchy song. I moved and wiggled my butt to the beat, and I snuck a glance over at Ethan. When he saw me looking, he humped the air, sending an impish look my way. The song must implicate something I’m not catching on to.

Tonight, imma love on you tonight. Give me everything tonight. For all we know, we might not get tomorrow, let’s do it tonight.

Grab someone sexy tell them hey! Give me everything tonight, give me everything tonight, give me everything tonight…

When this song started to play, Ethan sent me a naughty, evil smile at the chorus. I knew what this song meant.

Good God.

After a few more dances, I moved closer to Ethan. He saw me, and his smile lit up the whole room. I was captivated by him. I didn’t want anything to come between us ever again. I was ready to forgive him, and my heart was singing in my chest from the thought of us being whole again.

He was everything to me.

He meant more to me than anyone else on this earth.

I knew I shouldn’t be mad at him. I fucked up too when I kissed Rylan, but I was so hurt when the whole thing with Miranda happened, that I was selfish, thinking he was the only one who had hurt me… I hurt him too.

Right before I could reach him, Miranda swooped in, and planted a big kiss on his cheek.

I walked away—there wasn’t anything else for me to do. I didn’t wanna make a fool out of myself in front of the whole damn school. I wanted to punch her again. I noticed that her nose was swollen, even though she tried to cover it up. I must have broken it pretty good.

I went to sit at our table and took a sip of my punch.

I know I looked like a loner, but I didn’t care. I sat there for about twenty minutes before I felt a tap on my shoulder. A slow song started to play. I turned around and found Ethan there, holding his hand out to me. I took it without hesitation. His skin was cold, and I suddenly wanted to warm him up. I pushed out some warmness, and he sighed in pleasure.

He quickly composed himself.

“Lyla, I requested this song for you… please, baby, come and dance. If you decide that you don’t want me after this, I will never bother you again.”

The only thing I could do was nod. His hand was warm in mine, and I wanted him to hold me tight and never let go. I wanted him to spin me around the dance floor like we were the only ones on it. I wanted him to look into my eyes and tell me everything was alright. I wanted things to go back to how they were before the whole gym incident. I don’t fault Ethan anymore. After tons of thinking, I knew he wouldn’t hurt me on purpose. That just wasn’t the type of person he was. He was compassionate, loyal, and had a big giving, gentle heart.

He pulled me to the dance floor and couples were swaying back and forth holding onto each other. Ethan and I did the same. His hands rested on my back, and my arms were up around his shoulders. I rested my head on his chest, and he pressed a kiss to my temple. The gesture was so sweet and innocent that tears burned my eyes. I desperately tried to fight them back. I slammed my eyes shut tightly, hoping they would go away.

Unexpectedly, Ethan started singing in my ear softly.

“There’d be no sunlight, if I lose you baby. There’d be no clear skies, if I lose you baby. Just like the clouds, my eyes will do the same. If you walk away, every day it will rain, rain, ra-a-a-ain.”

I looked up into his face and found a tear slowly making its way down his cheek.

My own eyes started to burn again. I reached up and caught it. I slid my hand onto his cheek, and he turned slightly to kiss my palm. His hand reached up to cup the back of my hand before he nuzzled into it.

His face was smooth, and beautiful. I smiled at him, and wrapped my free arm around his slender waist, pulling him closer to me.

“I love you, Lyla…” Ethan said, making a small tormented sound from deep within himself. His hand was covering my wrist, and my hand was still on his cheek. Another tear came down his face, and I removed that one too. Then he spoke in a low whisper, but somehow, I heard him clear as day. “Please, please forgive me. I never meant to hurt you… You’re my everything. My love for you is eternal, and never fading. Even if you chose to never give me another chance, I’ll love you until the day I breathe my last breath.”

Tears fell from my eyes, and without saying anything, I put everything I felt for him into a kiss. I pulled him to me, and gently pressed my lips to his. He tasted like rain and something else I couldn’t place. His hands came around my back, and he pulled me to him. His lips moved slowly over mine, and it was full of compassion and warmth. The kiss made my insides tingle, and I shivered in delight.

He let my lips go, and brought his mouth down to the bruises on my neck, kissing every single one. My breathing picked up, and I heard his passionate, low growl.

Fireworks exploded in my belly. I gasped, and ran my hands over his back. I slipped my hands into his black tux, and scratched his back lightly. I didn’t care if there were people watching. Nothing else mattered but him, and this sweet, magical moment. The lights danced across our skin, and it was wonderful.

He came back up to my face, and pressed a kiss to my cheek. There was hope in his eyes. I knew that hope ran deep. He hoped I would forgive him, and return his love.

How could I not? After everything that he’s done for me, I was blinded by something so freaking stupid. I didn’t wanna be alone anymore; I wanted to be with him again.

“I love you, Ethan. I’m so sorry, so sorry for everything I’ve done these past couple weeks. I forgive you; I never want anything to come between us ever again. I love you, I love you.” I murmured.

He picked up my hand and kissed my knuckles. “I’m relieved. I thought I was going to have to live the rest of my life without you.” He reached into his pocket, and pulled out my promise ring, and slipped it onto my finger.

I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

He grabbed my face in his hands, and kissed me again. When the song changed to something faster, we took off back to the table.

We sat and talked about everything that’s happened, and there were more apologies being exchanged. We held hands and it seemed like everything went back to normal between us. We laughed, and acted like kids again. The air seemed lighter, and it was like a breath of fresh air.

Hannah and Katie saw us together, and started to squeal in excitement.

When it was time to announce prom king and queen, Ethan and I were both shocked he was the king. But, when the queen was called, I almost punched the table. It was Miranda. I looked at Ethan from where he stood on stage, and tried not to let envy consume me. I knew he wasn’t doing anything with her, and I didn’t have a right to get angry over something so stupid.

Then Miranda did something that I never would have expected her to. She went to the microphone and said,

“It isn’t my place up here with Ethan. It’s Lyla Hall. I give my crown to her. After everything I’ve done, I don’t deserve this title or the dance with the king.” she said, and walked off the stage.

People gasped. Everyone watched as she slipped out of the room with tears coming down her face. I almost felt bad for her. I can’t believe she actually apologized.

I gaped like an idiot. Why would she do something like that? It totally wasn’t like Miranda to be out of the spotlight. This should have been her time to shine and have everyone look at her.


Some random teacher shooed me up to the stage, and I stood at Ethan’s side proudly. I reached for his hand, and he took it. We smiled, and then someone took our picture. He wrapped me in a bone-crushing hug, and kissed me right there in front of the crowd. Everyone whooped and hollered. Someone even let out one of those annoying loud whistles. I glared into the crowd trying to find out who it was.

When a slow song started to play, we both swayed to it until everyone joined in a minute later. Everyone was so packed in together, but it was a nice feeling.

When it was time to take the senior photo, we all got in a bunch, and smiled widely. I wouldn’t trade this life for anything, not even to go back home to the Summer Solstice. My place was here with the guy I loved, and all the awesome people who I’ve had a chance to meet over these last six months.

My life was amazing, and I will live every day to its fullest… until I take my last dying breath…



While the prom was dying down, Lyla and I decided to leave and go somewhere more private. I helped her into my truck, and took off for the hotel. I hoped they still had rooms available.

They did.

While Lyla and I made our way up to our room, all I kept thinking about was that she was back with me again, and I was the happiest guy in the world. I looked at her while we walked, and my heart was bound to burst from joy. My insides were fuzzy, and I was smiling so wide I thought my cheeks would split open.

There was nothing better in this world than having my precious girl in my arms. Nothing compared to what I felt when I was with her.

I unlocked the door, and we both slipped inside. Suddenly, my breathing picked up pace because I was alone with Lyla. I didn’t even have to have sex with her, and I would still be overjoyed. If she didn’t ever want to be physical with me again I wouldn’t care. As long as she’s here, nothing else mattered.


She stood there staring at me, and suddenly, we both came at each other, crashing our lips on the other’s, and kissing like the world was going to end at any moment.

I gripped her around her small waist, and started kissing her slowly. Her hands came up to my chest, and I brushed my lips ever so softly against hers.

She unbuttoned the three buttons on my tux, and slid the tie over my head. I gripped her arms hard, pleading her to take the rest off, and to hurry. I really needed to learn some self-control. My hormones were way out of wack.

Well, I guess that’s the life of a teenage boy.

The need was aching, and stirring low in my stomach.

“I’ve missed you deeply.” she whispered into the crook of my neck.

I chuckled low, and said with a slight growl on the first word, “Deep is the correct word.” I was a pervert, I know, but I didn’t give a crap. My hormones took control of me, and I started to kiss her neck, and cup her breasts.

She blushed. “Ethan!” “What?”

She shook her head, and mouthed the word “deep.” “Nothing,”

She slowly undid every single button on my white shirt, and slipped it off. Her hands ran up my belly and my pants tightened with my longing for her. My body was throbbing painfully with need.

I stood there in just my pants, and begged her to take them off. But that’s not what she did. She turned around, and I took that as an invitation to unlace her dress. I did just that, and let it fall to the floor in a heap. She stood there in her black, matching bra and panties, and I inhaled heavily.

I nuzzled her neck, and pressed a kiss right above her collarbone. “I want you so bad.” I said hoarsely. “I’ve never wanted someone more than I do you right now.”

Then her hands were in my hair, and she was pulling me back to the bed. The back of her legs hit the mattress, and she and I tumbled down in each other’s arms.

We scooted to the top of the bed, and I sat on my knees while she unzipped my pants, freeing me from the restraints of them. I took them off quickly, and pulled my boxers off in one fluid movement. Lyla looked at me, and she bit her lip.

“What?” I asked, settling myself over her.

“I forgot how generously proportioned you are.”

I laughed out loud. My God, the things she says! She talks about me being a pervert!

I brought her back in for another kiss and she kissed me back desperately. I reached down and slipped my hand under the band of her undies, and I knew she was ready for me. I tugged her under things off, and then unhooked her bra. It was a bit awkward with her lying down, but I managed to remove them without too much hassle.

She was bared to me, and she was the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.

She wrapped her legs around my waist, and I struggled with the last ounce of my self-control. “Let me show you how much I love you, Lyla…” I whispered. I pressed my chest to hers, and wrapped my hands around her back so I could hold her close.

When I couldn’t wait any longer, I pushed forward and we came together. I went slowly and with consideration. The sensations I was feeling were over the top. It was the most wonderful feeling ever.

“I missed this. Not just because it feels really good, but I’ve missed the love we share when we’re so close to each other like this.” I said huskily.

“Me too… I love you.” Lyla said between her sharp gasps of pleasure.

Her eyes were closed, and her mouth was parted slightly, letting her soft sounds escape.

It was the most perfect sight ever.

“I… I love it when I please you—you’re so fucking sexy when you look like that. You’re too sexy to be real.” I managed to get out with the swirling sensations fogging up my brain.

I held onto her for the longest time, and brought us into oblivion.


The next morning, I was wrapped up in Lyla’s arms, and we were both still naked.

She was still fast asleep, and I pressed a small kiss to her shoulder. She moaned something in her sleep, and then rolled over. The blanket came down a little bit, and I covered her back up. I knew if she would happen to wake up and I was staring at her naked body, she would have a fit. I rolled onto my back and put my hands behind my head. I blinked up at the ceiling and smiled.

I was glad she was back in my arms again.

If she would have said no at the prom, I would have tried to move on without her. I don’t think I would have been able to, though. The love I felt for her was special, and no one would ever be able to replace it.

Her eyes popped open after a little while, and I gave her a small kiss. “Good morning, beautiful.” I whispered, brushing her hair back from her face.

She rolled over, and pressed her naked chest into mine, causing a certain part of my body to get happy. “I want you to make love to me again.” she said. “Please, I’ve missed the feel of you.”

For about an hour we had a long, gentle lovemaking. It was so slow and perfect, I couldn’t have asked for anything better.

After a couple minutes I got up to go into the bathroom to take a shower. I stood under the warm spray for what felt like hours, when in reality, it’s only been minutes.

When I emerged, Lyla was dressed and sitting on the bed. She came forward and gave me a kiss. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly to me. I rested my chin on her head, and closed my eyes, relishing in the feel of her against me.

“I love you.” she murmured.

“I know, I love you too,” I whispered, pulling away from her.

“Want to know how I know you love me?” She asked sweetly.

“Huh?” I cocked an eyebrow.

“The way you treated me last night, and this morning.” She blushed. “It was amazing.”

I got dressed, and we sat on the bed making out until it was time for us to return the keys to the room.

After a couple minutes, we got on the road back to Toledo. There was a traffic jam on the express way, and I took a turn at the next exit to get out of it. I would be taking back roads, but that was fine.

An SUV followed us off, and turned the same way that I went. After another mile, they started to ride my ass, and I knew I had to turn. I couldn’t keep going like this. It was driving me bonkers.

When I started to turn onto another road, they back ended me. Hard. I heard the back of my truck smash.

I slammed my hands down on the steering wheel in anger. The bastards must be fucking drunk. “Fuck! Are you okay, babe?”

Lyla nodded, looking panicked.

Two guys got out and came up to my truck. When I saw the one that was coming up to Lyla’s side grab a gun from the back of his pants, I tried to step on the gas, but it was too late. The other guy was already grabbing me out of the truck. He threw me to the ground, and I landed with a thud. My palms were bleeding, and I think I broke my wrist. Pain was shooting up my arm at an alarming rate, and I cried out in surprise.

“Lyla, run!” I shouted, hoping she heard me.

When I heard the passenger door open, Lyla was trying to get away because I saw her try to kick her attacker. She was saying all kinds of words that would make a sailor proud. I watched under the truck as the guy stepped forward, most likely trying to grab her.

Come on, babe, come on, babe, get away. Just run, leave me here. I can die in peace knowing you’re going to be okay. I chanted in my head over and over again.

But then the gun went off.

I let out a sound that was mixed between fury and horror. I hoped she didn’t get shot. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if anything happened to her.

It would all be my fault.

The guy held me down, and yelled at the other guy,

“I told you not to hurt them! He needs them alive! You better hope that wasn’t a fatal shot, or it will be on your head!”

Who needs us?

Then I heard Lyla’s painful scream. It was a sound that meant she was in excruciating pain. My insides tore from my body. I’ve never heard anyone make a sound like that before. I couldn’t even describe it.

I started shaking, not knowing if it was a fatal shot since I couldn’t see her. I watched under my truck as she and whoever the guy was wrestled around. I saw the blood start pouring to the ground. The sounds of it dripping off her dress were horrible.

It was small little splat, splat, sounds.

I watched the guy take Lyla’s foot out, and she fell to the ground with a thump. She looked over at me from under the truck, and she smiled, but I could tell it was taking a lot of effort. Her one hand was holding her stomach. I could tell she was trying to stop the bleeding.

Blood seeped through her fingers. I’ve never seen so much blood before. I felt sick. I was going to lose consciousness. My head was swimming, and I felt like I was going to throw up at any second.

“I love you… never… never forget that.” she said. She was slurring her words badly, and her eyes were rolling into the back of her head. I watched her hand go slightly limp on her stomach. She was surrounded in a pool of blood that was probably lethal. I couldn’t get my mouth to work. I needed to tell her I loved her, but I couldn’t. I was in fucking shock. I was watching the life of the girl I loved spilling into the dirt.

My heart rate picked up to an alarming rate.

I sought out her gaze, and I smiled, trying to keep her calm. Don’t give up, babe, fight.

Then she was forced to stand. Her legs shook, and I thought she was going to collapse at any given moment. I heard her uneven, painful gulps of air, and I cursed myself because I could do nothing to help her.

Oh my God.

My arms were being put behind my back, and being tied with something around my wrists. The pain in my left wrist was so bad my eyes started to water. I was pulled to a standing position, and was being dragged back to their SUV. I kicked and tried to fight back but it wasn’t any use.

I called ice to my body, and pushed it out.

“Sorry, son, that isn’t going to work on us, we were told what you two can do, so we are well prepared.”

Well prepared with what? What the hell are these guys using to deflect my powers? Okay, that wasn’t important right now; I had to worry about Lyla surviving this. Her chances are looking grim. I don’t want to think about it, but I think my precious girl was dying…

I whipped around trying to find Lyla, and when I did, I wish I hadn’t looked. She was being dragged, and her lower stomach was bleeding heavily. More so than a few seconds ago. She head was hanging, and her legs were dragging on the ground.

She wasn’t awake.

My heart stopped beating.

“Lyla!” I screamed, and then felt a stab in the side of my neck. I immediately began to get dizzy. Shit, I just got drugged. I felt my head start to fall forward in tiredness, and then there was nothing.

The last image I saw in my mind was of Lyla’s blood spilling on the ground.