Guaranteed: How To Get Women by Michele B. - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Get A Woman Online


Today, many men are using the web to attract women. This can be a great opportunity for you to meet new people and to really break in your talents that you have learned thus.

You can gain the confidence that you need online, but you should realize that this is just a place to meet others, not to actually date online.

If you do want to date online, that’s fine, but realize it will only be a two dimensional relationship. The best way to use your online resources is to use them to help you to meet others. From here, you can use the same techniques for talking to them in person as you would otherwise.

Where And How

There are two important considerations here. First, where will you meet someone on the web? Second, you need to know what to do to actually find someone to talk to. The web makes it very easy for you to make this happen. Here are some tips.

  • Choose a dating website that is paid for, simply because these people are serious about dating and you are less likely to get nothing but spam in your email.
  • Choose a dating website that fits any specifications that you have in those you date. Religious affiliations, sexual preferences, locations and other elements can be used to define a specific site. This narrows down the field for you.

You can always use free trials to learn more about the service so that you don’t waste your money. Yet, you should realize that you’ll be very limited in what you can do in this manner.

Once you have the website that you want to use, go ahead and get started. There are some important things to note here. First, you have to design a profile. We all hate it, but it’s a process that’s necessary if you will actually attract women to you rather than having to prove yourself through email.

Your profile needs to:

  • Give a good picture of you. Use our techniques for dressing to maximize her impression of you. A picture makes you real and attractive, no matter what you look like.
  • Answer the questions honestly and politely. Women won’t talk to others that have a profile filled with profanity or with boring “yes and no” answers.
  • Make sure your sense of humor comes through in your profile. You want her to really know who you are. A simple joke will do wonders for you.

Once you have a profile put together, you can then sit back and wait for the girls to come rolling in, right? That’s simply not going to happen. Even if you are the best looking, most well off guy, she probably won’t find you in all of the different profiles available. You need to do the searching for the girls that fit your needs.

An important thing for you to remember here that goes for all dating and attracting of women is that you deserve the best woman out there. Don’t settle for a girl that you think is just average because you think you are average. The confident male, that goes after the girl that he’s attracted to, will be the one that succeeds in impressing her.

When you are ready to, there are several ways that you can start talking with a girl that you meet online. The most common way to get things started is to chat with her if she’s online. Your greeting can be as simple as “I saw in your profile that you like to ski. Where have you gone skiing?” Open ended questions here are important. Don’t say, “I saw your profile. You’re cute.” What can she say to that?

If not available online to chat, you can often send her a “flirt” type messages. These are simple to use. You will simply send them which will show her that you are interested in her and allows her to read through your profile. You can then follow these up with a note through email or through the profile email accounts. Ask her to meet you online when she’s available to chat.

You can also go straight to email. In this case, you want to be sure not to simply send off an email that says, “I saw your profile.” Instead, say something along the lines of, “I use xxxx site, too and read your profile. I saw that you like to do some of the things I do, like hiking. Have you ever had the chance to hike at …..?” This allows her to write you back with something to say. It also gives a way that the two of you can link together and therefore begin the flirting process.

Flirting Online

All of the tips that we gave you regarding flirting are still important when you are trying to attract people online. You simply need to learn how to make it happen. First off, you have the various online “flirts” we’ve mentioned. There are other ways to flirt though.

  • When you are chatting with someone, compliment them. “Your personality comes through over the chat. I really like it.”
  • Invite them to wonder about what it would be like to meet you. “One day I’ll show you a few of my favorite places to watch the sunset. Its amazing doing down over the hilltops.”
  • While you can’t touch them over a chat or email, you can definitely imagine it. “Your hair looks so soft in your pictures.”
  • Learn about her and play on this. “You said last time that we chatted that you were going to dinner. What did you have?” Then, when you do ask her out, you can mention having the same meal with you (assuming it was a good one!)

Flirting online isn’t difficult. In fact many men feel it is easier to do because of the lowered level of rejection.

You can use the same techniques that we revealed earlier to help you with conversations with her.

Moving On

Now that you are talking with her, you’ve created a situation in which it’s ideal to set the tone for getting her number and meeting her.

Meeting her is more about finding out if you can first chat with her on the phone and then later actually getting to meet her in person. As for the phone number, you can use the same techniques that we gave you earlier to get her number.

You can also use it as a method of flirting with her. “You sound so wonderful over chat. I would love to hear your voice. Can I call you?”

One important note to remember here is that there are plenty of women dating online. Yet, not many of them completely trust all of the men that are online that want to date them. This is rightly so as plenty are just looking to take advantage of them. Therefore, when asking for her number or a meeting, you have to keep this in mind.

Always give her the option of calling you if it would make her feel better about it. This means she doesn’t have to provide any specific information about herself to you.

Here are a few other important tips like this:

  • Always agree to meet in person but in an open area where she’ll feel comfortable with other people around.
  • Never ask for too much personal information. Last names, addresses, where they work or go to school are simple off limits in this situation. They’ll tell you when they feel comfortable doing so.
  • Provide them with whatever information they want from you (within limits, of course) so that they will know you aren’t some crazy guy.
  • Make it a group meeting at first, just to make sure that she’s comfortable with you and to give you a way out if you don’t like her.

Once you have talked on the phone, you can then invite her to dinner with you or even a cup of coffee. It’s easy to do this over the phone instead of in person and most people get to this point and already feel confident in the women on the other line.

Online dating is a convenient and growing trend. Any man that is in the market for a new lady on his arm needs to consider using the web as part of his realm of interest for attracting women. You’ll find that there are many different types of women online, looking for a great guy like you.

Even if you don’t find yourself interested in the ladies that you meet online, chances are good that you can use these experiences to help you to gain the confidence hat you need for all the other experiences that are out there.