Guaranteed: How To Get Women by Michele B. - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

Men Don’t Get Women: The Real Problem Lies Here


No matter what your goal is in meeting women, if you don’t understand them, or try to, you are unlikely to actually meet them. While you will never truly get inside the head of every woman that you meet, you should understand some real fundamentals about the way that they think and the way that you need to interact with those thoughts.

When talking to women, it is evident that there are many different ways that they do think.

  • A woman is likely to think about the future as soon as she meets a man. “Is this someone I can spend my life with?
  • A woman looks at a man and determines if he fits her idea of the perfect man. This usually comes into play with the way that you look, act, talk with and interact with her.
  • Most women want to be treated as a person that deserves full attention from you. A man that makes sure to give her this attention will be more attractive.
  • Most women don’t think about money that a man has per se. Instead, they consider if a man can support himself, and that he’s not going to rely on her to do that.
  • Most women first think of a man in terms of if he meets her needs. He has to impress her, rather than her impress him.

To attract women, you simply must understand how to present yourself in such a manner that will play against her needs, her desires and the type of man that she wants to be with. Throughout the next chapters, we will define what you need to do to make these feelings come from deep inside you to attract the women you are interested in.

The female mind is confusing and difficult to predict. Yet, with a few simple tips and suggestions, you will be well on your way to defining who you want to date and get to know rather than who will date you.

What You Have To Learn

There are several key areas that men must be experts at in order to attract women. These areas are what will define success with women or not.

Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 on how well you perform at these things:

  • Are you confident in your approach and dating?
  • Are you able to flirt? If so, do you get results when you flirt?
  • Are you humorous? Do you make women smile and laugh?
  • Can you hold a conversation with a woman? Are you comfortable in doing so?
  • Are you comfortable with your masculinity and being a positive, attractive male?

There are some things that you will not learn here because they simply do not work with great success. For example, there are no hidden tricks to dating women. The use of pick up lines simply doesn’t work for most men (even when it does, its something that must be done on a per person basis.) Finally, manipulative or sleazy strategies are not used here either. When you learn to treat women for their value, you will get them far more attracted in you than any of these strategies could ever provide.

You will find many different scenarios for meeting women offered throughout the web. Yet, the goal of this book is to provide you with ample ammunition to actually attract women based on positive methods that work that also address the real problem you face.

You could be sent out into the world to meet women with a pre scripted set of lines. You may meet someone. Or, you could learn how to identify the real problem you are facing, such as those aspects that we teach here, and never have to worry about remembering lines. You can be yourself and attract women.

Getting to the root of the problem can define success. If you think back to the last experience that you had with a woman, what do you remember as the problem? Perhaps you were unable to say something to her to show your interest. Perhaps you were too shy to even approach her. You could have been lacking in confidence to ask her for her phone number.

The challenge that you face is a lack of confidence, a lack of skill and the experience that brings it all together. In the real world, you must know how to approach a woman and then how to react to the individual situation. When you do these things, it is likely that you’ll improve your chances as well as improve your self esteem.

Meeting and attracting women is a process, one that takes time and patience. Get started by learning the methods that work and then implement them into your everyday life. You will learn how to interact with women for real success.