Guildford Rock by Phil Mitchell - HTML preview

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Chapter 8.

Staying at Disney World, Jeff and Stu took advantage of the two on site championship golf courses, "The Palms and The Magnolia." Playing golf in the afternoon gave them time with the girls in the morning, and allowed the girls to do their own thing in the afternoon. 

It was five days into their stay at Disney World Florida. They had tried and tested almost all of the rides at least three times; the consensus of opinion was that it was about time they explored a little further afield. So on the sixth day they decided to go to Sea World. They were late arriving and the only seats available where in the front row, (The Wet Section) where upon as soon as they were seated they were immediately  soaked, thanks to a perfect backflip performed by Shamu the performing killer whale. The whole audience thought it was hilarious. They enjoyed it  too,  everyone was having a great time. After that show they went over to the dolphin theatre and were lucky enough to be able to stroke the dolphins. Thinking it would be cooler  at Wild Arctic enclosure, they started the long trek up the hill, stopping off for a cool drink and an ice cream. On arrival they were again soaked, this time by  a funny  old fat walrus  spitting water at everyone. 

 That night a chauffeur driven limo was laid on for them to take them to Rosie O'Grady's in Church Street, Orlando. A large saloon providing Dinner and a Dixieland Jazz band, and at every opportunity a Red Hot Mama would pop up and sing her heart out. Afterwards they all went outside. To their  surprise  and  amusement  they saw, a brightly painted railway engine used in an old John Wayne movie. Wanting to have as many pictures as he could with Sharmini, Jeff asked a friendly passer by if he would mind taking a group photo for them.                

During another blissful night with Sharmini, she told Jeff about the phone calls she had been making to her family back in England. It transpires that on the day they arrive back home; Jeff was going to be the guest of honour at a party held at her parents’ house in Kingswood, which just happens to be en route back from the airport. 

Surprised, Jeff told Sharmini he thought she lived in the shop.

Half laughing at him, she told him how silly he was, and that he really had no idea. Reminding him that before they left England he had said she looked like a princess.

Agreeing that she did look like a princess, and that she was the most beautiful woman he have ever meet. Gently kissing her on the lips.

Happy with the kiss. She thanked him, and told him he didn't know how very close to the truth he was.

Not bothered one way or the other he told her she was already a princess in his eyes.

Looking deeply into her beautiful brown eyes, he gently took her face into his hands, and told her how easily he could fall in love with her.

She told him she felt the same way, and that she had never been happier.

They fall asleep in each other's arms.