Guildford Rock by Phil Mitchell - HTML preview

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Chapter 7.

At 7.30 pm. Jeff and Sharmini met up with Stuart and Sue and they all piled into the limousine for the short drive to the "Medieval Castle."

From start to finish, this was a great night out. Plenty of food and drink, and the show was spectacular. Jeff had arranged for Stuart and Sue to be King and Queen for the night. Sitting on large golden make believe thrones and deciding on which Knight would fight, which Knight would live, and which Knight was banished to the dungeons. They all had a great time. 

Stuart and Jeff were going to play golf the next day, so that was excuse enough for Jeff not to want to go on anywhere else that night. The truth was, with the promise of Sharmini's willing body, soon to be pressing tightly up against his, the only thing he had on his mind, was to get back to his room, and to get there as soon as humanly possible. 

Finally back in their hotel room, Jeff again experienced Sharmini's tenderness and beauty, combined with her silky dark velvety skin she had Jeff's head in a spin.

Sharmini disappeared into the bathroom, but soon re-appeared. Silhouetted in the doorway, slowly moving into the darkness of their hotel's Bedroom. Jeff could make out her perfectly formed body. Smooth half naked, with a soft shimmering shine coming from her stockings, suspenders, and high heeled shoes.   

From the bed where Jeff was eagerly watching and waiting. he could smell the inviting aroma coming from the bulge beneath her tiny perfumed panties. All the time wishing he had her tight little sexy brown body pressing against his. It wasn't long before his wish came true. Bouncing onto the bed and straddling him, momentarily taking his breath away, sliding his hands down to those tiny panties he slid them off, span her round until he was on top, like a man who hadn't eaten for a week, he hurriedly buried his head deep in between her slim brown legs. His hands cupping both of the tiny cheeks of her smooth backside. He pulled her as close to him as he could. Her pelvis tilting up allowing Jeff further penetration of his tongue. After a while, and with their passions rising, Jeff came up for air, wiping the juices from his mouth Sharmini eagerly kissed him. His manhood entering her with no assistance, no hands, and no help from Sharmini. It just slid in, it knew just where it had to go. Their bodies were perfectly compatible. This was the most amazing relationship he had ever been in. For Jeff and Sharmini, it was another night of blissful passion. Sharmini had again taken Jeff to heights he never thought possible. He found himself daydreaming again. His new daydreams where now about spending as much time as he could with his new found love. "He was lost," She had him one hundred percent under her spell. He thought it wouldn't be hard for him to fall for such a woman, but remembering Mandy, and thinking this could just be the honeymoon period of a new relationship, he thought he had to be careful.

Whilst Jeff was in Florida; living his dream. Back in England trouble was brewing in the guise of his ex wife. Whilst sitting in her friends smelly little one bedroom flat (Apartment) she came up with a plan to get her two timing, money grabbing hands on Jeff's lottery money. Thinking she was still entitled to fifty percent of Jeff's money. She made a trip to the solicitor that dealt with her divorce. The good news for her was, she wasn't divorced until the "decree absolute" had been issued, and Jeff had won the money whilst they were still married.

Being inpatient Mandy contacted the lottery people to find out if she could get her hands on the money. Getting short shrift from them, and after being told they don't release details of other people's winnings, even though they say they are husband and wife. It just wasn't done. She then tried Jeff's bank and was given the same answer. 

What she didn't know was, Jeff had already thought of this possibility, and had made provisions for such an eventuality. He told the Lottery Company, he wasn't going to accept the money until after the issue of the "decree absolute." 

So that he could take the holiday the Lottery people had suggested, Jeff needed some money. So after promising his old friend Ernie he would go on a holiday with him. Probably Mexico, Jeff had always wanted to go to Mecha Pecho, so Jeff was able to borrowed £40,000 from him. Ernie was the friend who owned the cab company he used to do part time work for, and as Jeff had £145 million coming his way, Ernie had no trouble lending him the money.

Officially Jeff was still married, and now he was £40,000 in debt. This was just what he wanted. There was no way he was going to give fifty percent of his winnings to his ex whore of a wife. Unfortunately for him, he always knew she had a case against him, but he also knew that to get her case into court she would have to spend a small fortune on lawyer’s fees, money he knew she didn't have. He knew in his heart of hearts that eventually he would have to give her something, something to get her off his back. He had also decided she was going to have to work for it. He was going to make her jump through hoops, and he was going to dangle the money in front of her, so close she could taste it. Then he would pull it back again. He was not going to make it easy for her.  

The lottery people were looking after Jeff like a newborn, guiding him through the pitfalls associated with such a large win, taking care of all the begging letters, and advising him on how to best protect himself. They knew he was staying at Disney World Florida, and made the decision not to call him and let him know about his ex wife's request. But when he finally arrived back home there would be four letters waiting for him. One from The lottery informing him of his ex wife's request for money. One from his bank informing him of his ex wife's inquiries. One from Mandy's solicitors demanding the release of fifty percent of his winnings. And the one he had been waiting for, "The Decree Absolute."

Mandy's way of life hadn't changed that much. Since the separation. She had already found another sucker, willing to support her spending habits. This time she had sneered a BMW driving bank manager from Beckenham, and had already maxed out five more credit cards.