Guildford Rock by Phil Mitchell - HTML preview

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Chapter 10.

During their final week; A business associate of Sharmini's father had been told of the ganges visit. He contacted them, and told Sharmini he had arranged a night out of fine dining for her and her friends. 

The girls didn't mind going on a posh night out. The hotel had a magnificent shop with a fine selection of evening dresses and accessories for the ladies. A trip to the hotels beauty salon for some nail and hair treatment, followed by a nice gentle massage. This left the day free for the guys to go and play another round of golf at the resorts Palm course. The girls had arranged for the hotel to send a selection of jackets, shirts, trousers, and shoes to their rooms for the guys to try on on their return. 

When they did finally return to their rooms it was late afternoon, both Jeff and Stu were pleased at the choice of dresses their ladies had chosen for themselves. With help from the girls, the guys made their selection of cloths for their night's posh eat out. 

Just for fun, the girls had planned that the guys would be wearing the same cloths as each other. As they arrived at the bar for an early drink before taking the limo to the restaurant the guys noticed the similarity in their clothes. Both were wearing dark blue blazers, fawn trousers, powder blue shirts, black socks, and black casual shoes.

Sue was the first to comment, "I think they look nice, what do you think Sharm?" 

"Like two little gentlemen. I must say I like your choice of cloths Sue."

 "I think you made the right choice too Sharm."

"I think we've been had what do you recon Stu?"

"Yeah, but just think, it could have been worse, they could have had us wearing dresses."

The tone for the night was set, good humour and good fun we're on the menu.

They arrived at the venue. It was a top restaurant just outside of Orlando called Chatham’s. 

A very pleasant eatery that allows for quiet intimate dining, whilst in the background, they have an unobtrusive live pianist, who, if required would play requests. 

Their host was a good looking 40 year old Indian guy by the name of Lepo, accompanying him was his stunning wife Barbie Jean. With her deep cobalt blue eyes, and short, almost schoolboy like black hair, Barbie Jean, an American NASCAR and Indy race car driver, was somewhat of a celebrity in Florida.

During the evening's conversation, which turned out to be mostly centred around Barbie Jean's many wins at Daytona, Palm Beach, and Homestead International Race Circuit in Miami, followed up closely by Jeff's lottery win. 

It transpires that Lepo and Sharmini's father have been doing so well, and have so many houses, "three hundred and sixty six up until last week," and bringing in so much rent money, they are at the stage where they have to buy one or two new houses a week. 

Whispering into Sharmini's ear, "Your father must be worth a small fortune, why didn't you say anything?"

"You were having so much fun thinking I was just a poor little girl from a poky little corner shop, I didn't want to spoil your fun."

"Remember I fell in love with you as that poor little girl from that poky little corner shop, and you gave me your telephone number before I won the lottery."

"I knew you weren't rich, so I didn't want you to know about my family's money. Not until we were together as a couple for a long time. Can you understand that?"

"With or without money, I can only understand I never want to be apart from you ever again."

"That sounds more like a wedding proposal to me, or are you just horny?"

Instantly, Jeff stands up with a glass of wine in his hand, confronts the rest of his party, and holds up his glass, "I have just proposed to Sharmini." Turns back and looks down at her, "Well what do you think, do you fancy being Mrs. Sharmini Hurst?"

 Everyone in the restaurant's holding their collective breath waiting for her answer.

"Yes, Yes, Yes." Jumps up and wraps her arms around Jeff's neck. 

The whole restaurant erupts into applause.

Stuart and Sue, are happy for their best friend Jeff, but are rooted to their seats with their mouths wide open.

"I didn't see that coming" Stu stands and shakes Jeff's hand.

"Neither did I. Hey I've had a thought, and I can afford it, how about Champagne for everyone."

More cheers from the crowded restaurant.

Jeff turns back to Sharmini, "What's your father going to say about this?" 

"He'll probably be pleased to get me off his hands."

Champagne is liberally dispensed to all and sundry turning this quiet establishment into a party night. 

The pianist "tip jar" filled up fast. Playing ragtime, and other popular tunes, the place is jumping. People are dancing, Champagne was flowing. They're all having a great time. 

Lepo appears out of nowhere, hands Sharmini a telephone. On the other end she could just about hear her Mother and Father above the noise of the celebrations. They are both pleased that their daughter has found happiness. Telling her that this gives them even more to celebrate on their return in four days.

Then at around 12.30 am things began to slow down, and they say their farewells. 

Barbie Jean promising them; The next time they come to Florida, she will take them on a trip to one of the Indy race tracks. 

During a smooth ride back to their hotel, and a nicely chilled bottle of champagne pulled and drunk from the limousine's cooler. They eventually made their way to their rooms.

Standing outside Jeff and Sharmini's room; Stu told Jeff, He could get used to this way of life.  

Jeff opens his door, holds it open for Sharmini to go in first. “Good you're going to have too. See you in the morning." 

Jeff and Sharmini are again behind closed doors, and as usual Sharmini had a nice little surprise for Jeff. 

Making him lay on the bed with his eyes closed; She produced a bottle of Jasmine scented massage oil, and poured it all over his chest. His eyes shot open as Sharmini who was now completely naked, slowly poured herself on top of him, kissing him, and writhing her perfect body against his. 

As their passion grew stronger, the heat generated by their bodies made the scent from the oil became even stronger. Jeff was looking up at Sharmini's perfect form with her long black hair cascading down onto his chest, he rubbed her hair against his face, his head was in a whirl, not knowing what to do next. Sharmini took control, she was again on top of Jeff, straddling his tight muscular hips, she started to contract, and relax her inner muscles, this was something he had never felt before, not wanting this to end but being taken over by the moment Sharmini produced the perfect climax, both finishing at the same time. As they collapsed in complete satisfaction, out of breath, and glowing with sweat, they finally separated and laid exhaustion side by side, the strong aroma of Jasmine filling the room. Satisfied and happy, sleep overtook them, and for the next few hours they slept the sleep of two lovers at peace with the world.

The next few days were spent by the guys getting their last two of rounds of golf in. One at the famous Lake Nona Golf Course, Orlando, the final round was on their favourite course, The Palms course at Disney World.

This would give the girls more time to go clothes shopping. 

Sharmini and Sue always picking out some nice pieces as a surprise for their hard working men. 

On one of the nights the girls even persuaded the guys to go to the movies, Big Buckets of Popcorn, and Big Bucket type drinks, in big bucket type armchair seats where the order of the day. Not your typical English night out at the flicks. 

On their last day, a very special day, the concierge helped Jeff and Sharmini hunt down the perfect engagement ring. When it was time for them to finally leave the hotel, they were escorted into their stretch limo by the concierge, who was sorry to see them go, together with a few other members of staff they lined up and waved them goodbye. They had had a marvellous time at Disney World. Loaded up with a lot more stuff than when they arrived.

Jeff thought to himself, "Well in this new lifestyle, that sort of thing just didn't matter anymore."