Guildford Rock by Phil Mitchell - HTML preview

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Chapter 11.

It was a lovely sunny evening when they landed back in the UK. 

After their relaxing first class flight with Virgin Airways they went to the VIP lounge. 

In preparation for the party at Sharmini's family house, they all took showers and changed their clothes. 

They were met by Jeff's old army cadet buddy "Chalky." He knew they were going straight to a party in Kingswood, so no problem there then. Not until Jeff saw the house, he estimated it must have been worth at least £5 million, later he was told it was worth closer to £10 million. 

On their arrival it seemed like the whole of Sharmini's family where there. They came pouring out of the house to greet them. Four sisters, two brothers, her mother and father. Jeff, Stu, and Sue all stood back until the screaming and hugging died down. 

Sharmini's father broke away from the crowd, and approached them, holding his hand out to shake Jeff by the hand, "Welcome, welcome, come in, come on in, would you like a drink? bring your friends."

They all moved off towards the house. Jeff spun round and beckoned to Chalky to follow them, "Come on mate, you're in on this too. Don't forget to lock the car it's got my new golf clubs in there."

Chalky pressed the remote, locking the car, then hurriedly followed the group into the house. 

The evening went well; there was plenty of top draw food and drink to be had, even a BBQ serving Rump steak, T Bone steak, and fillet steaks. Sharmini was happy and having a great time with her sisters. 

Around eight O'clock her father took Jeff on a private tour of the house. They went through into the indoor swimming pool, he had never seen a privately owned swimming pool with diving boards before. Then on past the Sauna and ice plunge pool, a hot tub Jacuzzi, then through into a climate controlled wine room, with bottles of very expensive wines reaching up to The formidable Sistine chapel type cathedral ceiling, a door was pointed out to him, that behind it was also a climate controlled room, this time it houses only the finest cigars. After being offered one and declining the offer, they moved into an old oak panelled library. Sharmini's father, Max then offered Jeff a seat, to which he accepted. Telling Jeff that he needed to talk to him about something important, It now transpires that on top of the ever increasing number of properties in Florida, there are also over seventy news agents, mini marts, and grocery shop, three factories all contained within the southern home counties, there was also a very successful import and export company.  

 After explaining the in's’ and out's of the family business, Max lent forward, and in a most serious tone, "You know I'd do anything my family."

A little taken aback at the sudden change of mood in the room, "Yes, I can understand that."

"This is going to come as a bit of a shock to you, but I did something for Sharmini that cost me £10 million." 

"What on earth did you do?"

"I told you that I would do anything for my family, well I knew the feelings Sharmini had for you. So I had the lottery rigged and you scooped the highest jackpot that has ever been won. I needed you to have as much money as me, well not quite as much as me, but I am sure £145 million will go a long way towards my little girl's happiness. The thing is it took £10 million for me to arrange this, and now you owe me £10 million."

 "I don't believe you. You can't have the lottery fixed."

"Don't be so naive Jeff. For the right money, you can have anything fixed."

"This is bollocks; if you've got so much money why bother hassling me for a poxy £10 million. Why not keep this a secret and guarantee Sharmini's happiness?"

"£10 million is not a poxy amount, and I am sure we can keep this from Sharmini."

"Sorry pal, you've chosen the wrong bloke, I am in love with Sharmini, and I’ve never felt like this before, and to start our relationship, not to mention our marriage on a lie would doom it to failure before it even got started. I'll not be going along with this."

"What option do you have?"

"For starters I'm going out there, and I'm going to tell her about this conversation."

"Then what? What do you think will happen? It will break her heart."

"You're the one who's done this not me." Gets up out of his chair, "Let's see shall we." Jeff leaves the room in a hurry. Making his way towards Sharmini he stops off on route and tells Stu, Sue and Chalky, "Prepare to leave we've got a slight problem."

He finds Sharmini, slips his arm around her waist, "How's the love of my life?"

"Couldn't be happier." kisses him full on the lips.

"Would you still love me if I had nothing?" 

"My darling, we went through this once before, I'd still love you if you went back as an ambulance driver."

"Well that's good, because that's just what might be happening."

"What's brought this on?"

"You’re Father."

"My father, what's he got to do with anything?"

"He just told me that he had my lottery win fixed, and I owe him £10 million."

"How could he do this, he wouldn't, why would he do this?"

"He said he did it for you, to make you happy, but he wanted me to keep the whole lottery fixing and the £10 million debt a secret from you."

"I can't believe it?"

"I know I can't believe it either, but I told him there weren't going to be any secrets between us."

"What did he say?"

"Not much, that's about when I left. One thing for sure, I'm going to the lottery office tomorrow. I'm going to tell them all about this."

"You might lose your money."

"I don't care darling. I can't take it if it's not legal. Do you understand?"

"Yes of course darling, whatever you decide, I know it will be the right choice. What are we going to do now?"

"I'm going to leave, I've told the others." 

"Well you're not leaving without me."

Surprised, and pleased, "Really, you're coming with us?"

"You think I'm going to stay here? Don't you want me to come with you?"

"Of course I do. Ok, I'll get Stu, Sue, and Chalky. I'll see you by the car. Remember how much I love you."

"I well. I’ll go and say goodbye." With her father nowhere in sight, she hurries off to say goodbye to her family.

Waiting by the car, they all turn to Jeff and want to know what's going on. 

"Her father, Max wanted me to keep a secret from Sharmini."

It came out of all three at the same time. "What secret?"

"He said he had the lottery fixed, and he wanted £10 million from me. He also wanted me to keep the whole thing a secret from Sharm."

As Jeff's best friend he knew him better than anyone else, “Well that was never going to happen was it. The way you two are, there's no way you were going to keep that from her."

"I'm going to call the lottery people in the morning, probably going to try them tonight when we get home. Looks like this time next week I'm going to be a Paramedic again." 

Stu always trying to look on the bright side of things, "That wouldn't be such a bad thing, you loved that job. Ah bollocks, what about Ernie's money?"

"Shit I hadn't thought about that, maybe the lottery people can help." 

Sharmini arrived; she was visibly upset with her father. Jeff tried to comfort her, but she appeared more concerned for him than anything else. They arrived at Stuart and Sue's house, and unloaded their bags, they arranged to see each other the next day, Chalky then drove to Jeff's house, and after the many bags, and the new golf clubs were extracted from the limo Jeff promising to keep in touch with Chalky. Before he drove off he wished Jeff and Sharmini good luck and left them his business card. Jeff slipped another £40 into the top pocket of Chalky's jacket.