Guildford Rock by Phil Mitchell - HTML preview

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Chapter 5.

After booking in, they all arranged to meet for dinner at 7.30 pm. That gave them four hours to freshen up and have a little nap. After closing the door to their room, Jeff and Sharmini found themselves alone. As this was the first time they had ever been alone together, and not wanting to put any pressure on his lady, Jeff offered to stay in the main bedroom whilst Sharmini showered, and then he would take a shower. To his surprise and delight she pulled him close to her, kissing him firmly on the lips, a long and hard kiss. When she released him she asked him if he was mad, at the same time she was undoing his shirt buttons. "I've been waiting too long for this, and you're not going anywhere." Getting into the spirit of things, he wasn't slow in helping Sharmini off with her dress, confirming his suspicions that underneath all those loose flowing robes there would be a killer body. He was 100% right. Standing in front of him was a vision of exquisite beauty, a body, straight from the catalogue of "Victoria's Secret's". Her modest breasts were cradled in a tight very expensive looking white bra edged with blue lace that matched perfectly with the bottom half of the ensemble. Unable to contain themselves any longer they propelled themselves onto the enormous Mickey Mouse themed bed. In her eagerness Sharmini was dragging at Jeff’s trousers, when finally departing from Jeff's willing body they were instantly dispatched through the air and consigned to the floor, in no time at all Jeff had also dispatched his underwear from the scene landing on a nearby coffee table. Pleased at what she was seeing she opened her beautiful full red lipped mouth and buried her head deep in between Jeff's open legs. He gave a slight gasp, his hands found her thick black hair a top of her head, they settled into a rhythm he had never felt before. At one point she looked up at him and smiled, not stopping. He looked deep into her beautiful brown eyes. Wanting also to pleasure Sharmini, he needed to taste her softness, and without interrupting the pleasure she was giving him, he slowly turned himself round where he could finally bury his tongue deep inside her tingling wet thighs. With their passion rising, they both knew this was the right time; they released each other, span round and kissed each other hard hard on the lips. Jeff had never felt this before, but this gift from god was in his arms, her velvet skin, soft and radiant. As her breasts came up to meet his lips she started to quiver, elevated to a new heights she was now on top of him, for a split second her body stiffened and she let out a soft moan as she moved her hand down to guide him into her. Her passion and enthusiasm knew no bounds, she was overwhelming. On several occasions Sharmini had reached her climax and she let Jeff know all about it. Jeff's senses were in a whirl, his legs started to quiver and he could not hold back any longer, with a gasp he gave a final thrust, his back stiffened and fireworks went off in his head. He had finished, but he didn't want it to end. Neither did Sharmini, they both continued in a more slow and controlled pace, feeling the pleasure they were both giving each other, finally  after slowing to a stop, they both drifted off into a deep and satisfying sleep. Nestled in each other’s arm, it was 7.30 pm when the bedside phone rang. A familiar voice at the other end (Stuart) asked how long they were going to be, he was starving hungry, and wanted a beer. Looking down at Sharmini's naked body, Jeff told Stuart to go and have a beer they'll meet them in about half an hour. 

During dinner Sue and Sharmini were talking, (girl to girl) Jeff and Stu couldn't help but notice the looks coming from Sue. 

Stuart asked "What you two talking about"?                   

Sue answered with a knowing secretive smile on her face "Oh Nothing darling, just girl talk." 

They made plans for the following day, and decided that as they were staying inside the Disney complex, and they had an hour to enjoy the rides before the gates were opened and thousands of day trippers came flooding in; they would spend a couple of hours with Mickey Mouse, and then they'd take a trip into Orlando to find a golf shop and buy their new golf clubs.