Guildford Rock by Phil Mitchell - HTML preview

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Chapter 6.

The next morning they met up early, and had a hurried breakfast. They were going from ride to ride, enjoying themselves so much they lost track of time. When they finally left Disney World it was around 11.45 am. Jeff was driving their hire car when he saw a building with a massive advertisement advertising a "Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament."  

"That looks great, how about we have some of that tonight"? 

Everyone thought it would be fun and agreed that when they got back they would organise it through Disney's concierge.  

After driving around for a while they found the place they were looking for. A large shopping mall with a golf shop that looked like it could have supplied the whole of England, and then some. Jeff and Stu were like kids in a candy store. For the first time in their lives they would be able to buy anything they wanted, not only anything they wanted, but "The very best of everything."  The girls had gone clothes shopping, so the guys knew they had all the time in the world. 

Out the back of the golf shop there was a driving range where they tried out their selection of golf clubs. They had a great time, and eventually Jeff settled on a set of Callaway irons, woods, and a Callaway bag. Stu bought a full set of Ping irons, woods, and a Ping bag. They finished off this shopping spree by buying the best shoes, socks, shirts, trousers, belts, gloves, and balls money could buy. They were all set; all they had to do now was find the girls. But just as they were paying for their goods. The salesman asked them "What are you going to do about putting."? 

Feeling somewhat stupid, and without hesitation they both hurried over to the putter section, selected two Ping Anser putters. Went back to the salesman at the checkout desk. After paying, they made their way out of the shop into the car park. 

Whilst putting their new bought treasures into the boot (Trunk) of their car. They could see two mobile piles of boxes coming towards them. Hidden behind the boxes were the girls.  

Stu spots them first, "Been having fun girls?" 

Sue's head popped out from behind the pile of boxes, "It was amazing. The shops here are amazing."

Sharmini holds up three designer carry bags, "I bought you some things."

"How about you, did you buy anything for yourself?"

She holds up one small bag that looks like it probably holds some kind of sexy underwear, "I bought something I think you might like."

He felt happier than he had in years, happier than he thought he ever would. What a difference having someone thinking about him, doing those little things for him, those little things that matter, and making him feel good for a change. 

In just three days, Stuart and Sue could see the whole of Jeff's demeanour had changed. Knowing what he had gone through with his "Soon to be" ex wife, they were pleased to see him so relaxed and happy again.

They arrived back at Disney World, Stuart and Sue went off to enjoy some more rides.

Sharmini said, "She would see Jeff back in the room."

This left Jeff free to arrange their night out at the "Medieval Times, Dinner & Tournament." 

The concierge politely pointed out, "That as this was such a popular venue, they would normally have to book in advance, but with a little persuasion he could possibly obtain four tickets for them, plus winning £145 million on the UK Lottery always helps." The obligatory tip was handed over, and the concierge said, the tickets would be waiting for them on arrival at the venue, and as there will be drinks at the banquet, would he like to take advantage of the hotel's limousine for the night. 

Not one for turning down a free ride, Jeff gladly accepted the concierge's offer. 

Making his way to his hotel room, he was happy that he was able to secure the tickets and arranging a limo for the night.  On entering, Sharmini emerged from the bathroom wearing the contents of the small bag that she had been so  proudly  holding up in the shopping mall's car park. Combined with stockings suspenders and high heel shoes. He was once again transfixed by her sexuality and her natural beauty. With her long black hair flowing down the full length of her back reaching down to the cheeks of her tiny velvety skinned back side. She looked radiant.

"This is what I'm going to be wearing under my dress tonight."

"You know we've got a couple of hours before we go out."

"It's just something for you to think about whilst we're out tonight, something to look forward for when we come back. Anyway I've arranged to meet Sue at the hair salon; we're going to get our hair and nails done."

Jeff bounced onto the bed, "I tell you one thing; we're not staying out late tonight."

Sharmini laughed and disappeared back into the bathroom.