Hopeless Love by Jonathon Waterman - HTML preview

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Conflict in Arica

Chapter 13


As Michelle and José continued their conversation a few feet away from the edge of Jose’s father open market, a refreshing ocean breeze gently blew the long, dangling overhead palm prawns to and fro – first east and then west, forever repeating the ongoing cycle. However, after hearing Michelle’s implication that his true love, his beloved Maria, wasn’t being faithful during her stay in the U.S., José was too emotionally distracted to take any notice.

“José. What in the world do you think you’re doing?” Carlos Mendez asked, interrupting the couple upon noticing the oranges his son was supposed to put on display were scattered about the concrete floor, near a dropped wooden crate. “You don’t have time to be socializing, Son. There’s work to be done. And why is the box of Valencias I gave you now spread across the floor?”

Jose’s cheeks turned a dozen shades of red, but before he could verbalize his reply, a vividly colored blue, green and red parrot unexpectedly flew directly over his head and released an ear-piercing caw, as if to say, “See – you didn’t do what you are supposed to, boy. Now you’re in big trouble with your papa.”

“Well. Aren’t you going to answer me, boy?” Carlos asked, folding his arms as he watched his eighteen-year-old glance upward as if trying to see which palm the bird had landed in.

“Ah. Yes, sir. You're right. … I’ll pick these up right away. …. I just got distracted by the …”

Michelle smiled as she watched her want-to-be boyfriend verbally falter. “It actually isn’t your son’s fault the oranges haven’t been set out yet, Mr. Mendez,” she decided to interject. “It’s mine, sir. I kind of deliberately distracted him in hopes I could get him to go to Caleb’s Halloween party with me.”

“You want my son to go to a party with you, Michelle?” Carlos said, while Jose’s cheeks, once again, blushed as he turned to see his father’s reaction. “How can this be? You do know about Maria, don’t you?”

Michelle smiled and slightly nodded, before releasing a small mischievous chuckle. “Yes, sir. I do know about Maria. ... I was told she's away on a yearlong vacation in the United States. However, has José mentioned that since she started attending Miami’s International University – she’s been dating other boys?”

Carlos’ dark-brown eyes involuntarily widened. “Really? That can’t be. Is what Michelle just stated correct, son?”

José immediately frowned.

Deep inside, he knew of his family’s pride, and how much he wished he could just shake his head no. Yet, now that the truth had become exposed - what choice did he have, but to nod his confirmation? “She really isn’t actually dating, father. It’s only.…”

Carlos' jaw dropped a half of an inch, and the middle-age man stared at José in reverent silence. “It's only what, son?”

José involuntarily gulped. “Believe me. It’s nothing really, Dad. Maria is still my girl, and I’ll be happy to show you where in her letters she continually tells me how much she loves and misses me, and how much she wishes I could be with her in Miami.”

A sudden raised eyebrow clearly revealed Carlos' suspicion, and his previous expression rapidly transformed itself into a grimace. “Then what’s this nonsense about Maria dating someone? Is it true?”

“Yes, sir. It is true,” Michelle answered as José cowered. “About a couple of weeks ago Felipe informed me that your son had shown him one of Maria’s letters. It mentioned how she really likes some American boy, named Chad, and how ever since the semester began, they go to the library and other places to supposedly “study” every night.”

 A bluish-colored vein began to throb in the center of Carlos' forehead. “Chad? Who’s Chad, José?”

José shook his head in exasperation. “It’s not really as bad as it sounds, Dad. Michelle is just trying to build it up because she’s been wanting me to go out with her ever since Maria left Arica.”

“Oh, yes. It is something, Mr. Mendez!” Michelle shouted. “Felipe even told me that Maria went with Chad to watch the movie, “Love Story.” … Wouldn’t it make sense that the two of them would want to watch something else, unless a bit of romance was going on?”

Carlos nodded his agreement. “Michelle has a valid point, José.”

José first looked at his father, and then at Michelle, before chuckling.

“What’s so funny?” Michelle asked.

“It seems like Felipe hasn’t told you the whole story.”

“The whole story?” Michelle repeated. “What possibly could he have left out?”

José grinned. “Didn’t Felipe bother to tell you how Maria refused to go out with Chad’s roommate because he tended to act like an “A” class dork? The boy was always wanting to get serious with her and she’s totally not interested.”

“So?” Michelle replied, glancing upward. “What in the world does that have to do with Maria going out with Chad?”

“Everything,” José answered as his father stared at the two of them as if they had suddenly gone loony. “You see, Michelle. What Felipe never told you about was the part of Maria's letter where it states that soon after meeting Chad, she started to get the suspicion the kid was gay.”

“Maria’s going out with someone who’s gay?” Carlos bellowed. “That’s ... that’s.”

“That’s being smart,” José interjected. “You see, Dad. If Chad should be gay, then Maria’s going out with him isn’t a threat to our relationship because it would be impossible for the two of them to be anything more than just friends.”

Michelle predominately frowned at this revelation and negatively shook her head. “Friends? I seriously doubt that, José. … How do you know this so-called gay suspicion isn’t just something Maria made up, so she could justify going out and having fun – while you’re staying at home, being the sap?”

A moment of silence prevailed.

“I don’t think …”

“You don’t think what, son?” Carlos blurted. “If Maria is going out on dates, then Michelle’s right. You’re being foolish by hanging around the house every weekend. You should be having fun, too.”

Michelle gazed at Jose’s father for a second, and then at José, before breaking out in a smile.

“But,” José blurted.

“But what?” Carlos briefly glanced, once again, at the oranges on the floor. “If Maria is going out with Chad, then you should be doing the same, José. ... Didn’t you just say, Michelle, that you wanted my son to take you to some party?”

Michelle nodded.

“Good. I think this is settled then. José, you get the details of when and where - and go out with this fine young lady. … I think it might do you some good.”

“But,” José repeated, looking at his father, and then at Michelle.

“No buts, son,” Carlos said in a firm tone. “You know that I’m right, and you need to obey your father.”

Michelle smiled. Yes, José. Your dad's right. Now be a good boy, and do what he says, said the spider to the fly.