Hopeless Love by Jonathon Waterman - HTML preview

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The Truth Exposed

Chapter 14


All was quiet this typical Monday evening inside of Miami International University’s library. Each student present, for the most part, was either sitting at one of the desks lining three of the four exterior walls or studying in small groups at one of the oak tables within the designated study area.

Either way, regardless of where they were sitting, it seemed like the majority of them were either occupied with a course assignment, or were attempting to exercise their retention skills, in hopes of obtaining something close to a 4.0 on their upcoming examination.

Thus once again, it appeared that the hundreds of hard back books filling the countless aisles inside this recently modernized five thousand square foot cement and steel facility would go an additional night, completely untouched.

Suddenly, just before the Victorian styled wall clock near the backside of the fifty by hundred-foot study area struck eight, a loud chuckle resounded - breaking the library’s persistent silence.

Immediately upon hearing the intrusive sound, the silver-haired librarian sitting a few feet away at the front desk, lowered the book she'd been deeply engaged in, then crossed her lips with her forefinger and issued a prominent “Sh-h-h.”

Eric turned in reply, and presented her a small “I'm sorry” type of smile and nod, before refocusing on the textbook tightly clutched between his sweaty palms.

“I just can’t understand this,” he proclaimed not long thereafter, for what must have been the fifth time since opening the first couple of pages of “Taming of the Shrew.” This style of English just doesn’t make any sense. Why couldn’t have Shakespeare wrote his stupid plays using American English, instead of this crap?”

Chad turned in his direction and released a small laugh as he placed a piece of sheet music he'd been studying onto the table. “Well,” he said, with a smirk plastered across his face. “Do you think it might have something to do with the fact that Shakespeare was born and raised in England during the 1800s, and that’s the way people in London actually spoke at that time?”

Eric's dimpled cheeks rapidly reddened. “It could be. … but just listen to this. It’s unbelievable.”

SLY : I’ll pheeze you, in faith.

Hostess: A pair of stocks, you rogue!

SLY : Ye are a baggage: the Slys are no rogues; look in

the chronicles; we came in with Richard Conqueror.

Therefore paucas pallabris; let the world slide: sessa!

“Now what in the world is ‘pheeze you’ supposed to mean? Not to mention, ‘paucas pallabris’?”

“How should I know?” Chad said with a grin. “Do I look like an English Literature student? I hope not. I’m a Music major, and to the best of my knowledge, nothing I've been ever asked to learn has contained even a single Shakespearean sonnet within it.”

“It hasn't?” Eric lowered his textbook and pondered this for a second. “Then I guess you better consider yourself lucky. This crap is murderous to learn.”

Chad nodded his agreement, in hopes that Eric would soon quiet himself and he'd be able to get a few minutes of studying accomplished before Maria arrived.

“So. Do you got any plans for later on tonight?” Eric asked, deliberately changing the subject. “You know? Like after we’re done studying?”

“Yes,” Chad replied, taking a glance at his wrist watch. “I asked Maria to meet me here sometime after eight. … I promised her I’d help her prepare for an Algebra exam she has this coming Monday.”

“Oh?” Eric’s eyes decidedly narrowed. “Haven’t you been forgetting something these past few weeks?”

Chad looked up and gazed at Eric’s irked expression.

Forgotten something? What could I have possibly forgotten?

Eric stared at his friend an additional couple of seconds, before lowering his head in what seemed to be a betrayed resignation. “I guess after spending so much time with Maria, you’ve totally forgotten about us.”

“Us?” Chad repeated, his eyes widening as if surprised. “What do you mean us? We’re still close friends, aren’t we?”

“Friends?” Eric repeated as his mouth dropped. “We're just friends now? … Wow. … That’s a sudden newsflash. I thought we were …”

“Sh-h-h!” Chad swiftly interrupted, placing a forefinger across his lips. “Quiet, Eric. You’re about to disturb the librarian again. Have you forgotten we’re inside the campus library?”

Eric involuntary gulped and turned in her direction – just in time to catch a look which stated that she was far more than ready to immediately evict both of them.

“So, I guess all that time we spent as a couple during our teens doesn’t mean anything anymore. Does it?” he continued, turning back toward his friend. "What happened? After meeting Maria, did you suddenly decide to turn heterosexual?”

“Heterosexual?” Chad looked puzzled. “Who said anything about turning….”

“I did,” Eric said, folding his arms. “It’s been unbelievable what I’ve been seeing these past few weeks. It appears that ever since the day you met Maria, not only have you spent all your free time with her, I've even seen you hold and kiss her just as if you were her boyfriend or something. … And to think all this time I thought you were just like me. … But apparently I was wrong - you’re obviously not.”

With his face an angry red, Eric paused to catch his breath.

“What are you, Chad – a bi-sexual? Or perhaps you’ve actually been straight all along, and during all these years we've been together as a couple, you have only been using me as a means to get physical relief?”

Chad couldn't believe his ears, and he turned his eyes downward toward the tabletop and began to shake his head.

“No, Eric. You’re definitely totally mistaken. It’s not that way at all,” he replied, in a quiet and hopefully smoothing tone. "You’re still my boyfriend … my one and only. … It’s just …”

“Just what?” Eric asked. A hardened gaze stared at Chad’s now watering eyes.


Chad hesitated.

What could he say? Eric was right. Ever since he met Maria during the first week of the Fall semester, he had spent almost every evening with her – and had enjoyed every minute the two of them were together. … But then again, why shouldn’t he like spending time with her? Not only was Maria nice looking, she was also kind, considerate, funny and other good things. Not to mention, not one single time had she ever indicted that she wanted anything more than to share a close friendship.

“Well?” Eric impatiently repeated in a loud whisper as he continued to stare at his friend’s glossed-over eyes. “Are you going to answer me, Chad? … I’ve somehow got a feeling you're about to tell me that you’re afraid of what people may say or think if they found out the truth about us. After all, it doesn’t take a genius to realize that society doesn’t condone this type of thing.”

“You’re right,” Chad agreed, with a nod. “Society doesn’t approve, and exposing our true nature would only cause us problems. However, there's no doubt that what we’ve shared is special.”

“You actually still think so?”

Chad smiled, then lovingly reached toward Eric and wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closed. They then kissed.

“Oh my Gawd!” Maria abruptly shouted, dropping her books as the two released their passionate embrace. “I had always suspected this about you Chad, but.”

Chad’s golden-brown face instantly paled, and he swiveled around to face her.
