How to Date the Hottest Women Online and Offline! by Wingsofsuccess - HTML preview

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Online Dating Tips – Be A Nice Guy!

We let you in on what really works for today's woman in terms of relationship management and how to handle yours – when you begin with online dating and take you through the whole gamut of emerging likeable, exciting and fun to be with even as you are Mr. Nice Guy!

Yes, it is possible to be a nice guy and still appear interesting to the women out there in cyberspace, some of who may be looking for commitment, some for possibilities of marriage and a whole lot more for simply fun-time dating minus the hassles of a real relationship. Don't be afraid to explore the mind-sets of the different kinds of women you will meet online; rise to the challenge of a blind-date and learn to accept the various viewpoints women may have in order to find someone interested in you genuinely – rather than just your money.

It is quite possible to meet women who like you for what you are instead of those simply hankering after a man with a big bank balance; many women are comfortable with men who are respectable and not necessarily wealthy, but at least able to foot the bill most times (chivalry, not money-grabbing tactics here, mind you) and have long-term goal planning in place for a house ownership or career aims.

To get a woman you really like to stay interested in you, you can play the nice guy to the hilt but remember to meet the requirements for a decent pay-packet, focus on your professional life and balance it out with complimentary personal life ambitions as well that you need to project to your partner.

Normal doesn't have to be boring and nice does not have to equate with un-fun! That's the message you as Mr. Nice Guy need to get across to the women you date online, so they know they can trust you, but there is just that element of mystery – say, even unpredictability – to keep them guessing what makes you tick!

This doesn't mean of course that you dash out there and plunge into something you know nothing about, just to appear adventurous and wacky; it simply means, as a nice guy, you need to explore the possibilities of being a bit different, even a bit daring sometimes – just to keep the flame alive!
Life on the edge may seem reckless, but there's no harm in trying out things outside your current limit for the fun of it without endangering yourself and your partner; discuss goals and fantasies – try bringing them to life with a little creative thinking, do things for each other that are new and stimulating…in short, just go out there and have fun!

Take a good look at yourself and shake yourself up mentally if that's what is needed to come out of your comfort zone and impress the ladies: be a man, the right one for her, by being willing to reinvent yourself sometimes!