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Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

The day for lovers worldwide and a day commemorating the most sacred emotion of all: Love, is celebrated on Valentine's Day on February 14th enthusiastically by many couples, both young and old. Gifts range from the simple to the expensive, from the corny to the really funny, from the sentimental to the ridiculous and from the bizarre to the sublime. It all depends on what kind of a mood you want to evoke in your beloved this Valentine that will help you set that ambience for the special date you are anticipating Feb 14th will turn out to be, this year!

Many persons do not feel the need for a day dedicated simply to love and affection and find that looking for that exclusive gift on V-Day ends up making them broke and feeling foolish if their lady-love or lover-boy does not appreciate the thought that went into buying or creating it for them. Some even reject the idea of Valentine Day gifts as being a commercial gimmick used by marketing companies to over-sell a unique holiday for commercial purposes; that this trend for flowers, candies, customized gifts and soft toys, jewelry and other goodies is just a way to mint money off poor sops.

However, if the feelings you have for someone special are true and run deeper than your pocket's limits, there are 101 ways to live up to all your partner's romantic dreams and give him or her all they have wished for in a dream-date. You can begin the conquest of your sweetheart with an expressive card for the occasion – extol the virtues of your loved one and what you find great about your relationship.

You can opt for a store-bought emotional, sentimental or humorous card for your V-day gift; choose from a wide variety of cutesy, mushy, funny, satirical or even musical cards! Or, you can use your own two hands to create one with the perfect message for your dearest one on Valentine's Day and gift it to him or her with a loving smile.

Yet another way to say 'I Love You' on Valentine’s Day is opting for jewelry in simple, elegant or elaborate settings. For women, you can choose from earrings to bracelets, pendants, chains, bangles, brooches in gold, silver, ornate settings in stone or even white-gold, if you want to splurge. For men, there are always cuff-links, tie-pins, amulets, bracelets and even medallions that make for great V-Day gifts. Pick the perfect jewelry piece for your partner after studying the type of stuff he or she wears.
If you are sure the gift will be accepted and appreciated, why not consider a gift certificate for a spa or other grandiose gift idea from a store they like to frequent; you can also gift a week-end holiday to your loved one to a favorite tourist spot. This works well for couples who are serious or are married.

If nothing else comes to mind, you can always stick with the true and tried: Candy on V-Day has always been a favorite with many sweet-toothed girls and guys out there. So, choose this traditional Valentine's Day gift for your sweetheart from a store that specializes in making gift baskets or different arrangements for the packaging e.g. candy bar bouquet of your date's favorite flavor or chocolates hidden in a floral arrangement!