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Managing The Relationship Matrix

In all online dating sites, there is something called the relationship matrix. This is simply a data base that lists your interests, hobbies and communication styles into categories in order to appropriately match one person with another. This is also true in our everyday evaluation of one another.

Have you ever asked how these online sites have been able to match you with what seems to be the perfect person? This is not a magical method of match making, but it is a new technology that matches all of the similar traits and interests, as well as financial goals. This new technology is called the Relationship Matrix, as it is a database of listings compiled by those who sign onto their site. These listings hold the interests and personality answers to your opening profile questions, as these are used to locate a compatible mate, offering a nice balance to your strengths and weaknesses.

For example, the Relationship Matrix deals a ton with the communication styles of its participants. This may seem slightly strange, but once you read the simple breakdown and the two natural extremes of conversationalist, then it will all become clear. In the world, there are two types of communication: emotional and logical. Since these are the only two methods of communicating with each other, we find people who are purely emotional and purely logical and all of the in-between. Some of the main characteristics of the logical style of communication are thinking a long time before speaking, assessing the situation and saying the solution, etc. These types of people rarely speak but when they do they are ready with a very involved answer to any question they have been asked. These people are usually the last ones that people hear, but they are also very powerful with their words, rendering them the ones that most people give more authority to in their lives. The second, emotional style of communication also has many desirable characteristics. These include being able to speak passionately, to respond quickly and to say what is on their heart to say. It is no wonder that by placing these two types of communicators together that they would balance each other out. This balancing would bring the two extremes to a desirable middle, bring home to swinging pangolin. While one learns to speak more often, the other learns to use their intellect to figure through their emotions.

Another major part of the Relationship Matrix is hobbies and interests. This can make or break any relationship, as it has always been important to be able to share your passions with your significant other. Remember, in order to maintain a long lasting relationship, it is important to have at least a few things that you and your loved one can laugh about, cry about, and even enjoy together. This comes from having the same interests or even, sometimes, the same hobbies. Think about the last relationship you were in that you did not have anything similar in interest. Didn’t go well, did it? One of the major problems that people can run into if living together with someone who does not hold the same hobbies or interests is the feeling unappreciated. This can happen easily if an enjoyment is not shared between two persons and, in fact, a sense of rejection of the other person's interests. The opposite can happen if you share too many interests, through the feeling of being smothered. See, there is a delicate balance to be maintained.

Now we come to one of the major issues when it comes to match making. The Matrix also factors in the financial goals of each person, as well as their career goals. This is very sensitive, as it is usually resting in either extreme in each person. One person is strong headed and is goal focused, never allowing their finances to go unchecked. These people of the conservatives, the logical thinkers. Then you have those who poor people love for their generosity. They themselves are actually very liberal in nature, moving and living off of emotion. These are always in direct conflict with the more conservatives. By placing the two of these types of thinkers together, you would have a stew of conflict in the realms of money. This is not always a bad thing, as it allows for the same balancing out that takes place in their communication styles. Although this has been known to really hurt those involved. Money is never an easy issue to have an issue with, so this part must be taken very carefully. Some of the major conflicts take place in the use of money through their everyday lives. The more emotional tend to spend their money more often, as the more conservative, logical thinker spends it by placing it into savings. These are two very different styles of living and both have its rewards.

Having said all of that, the key to everything dealing with life and love is balance. This can be achieved through the selflessness that can be given if love is present in any relationship. Do the best you can to maintain a healthy balance in communication, finances and interests, while never completely shutting out your passions and desires. This is important, as a relationship is simply two people learning how to relate to one another.