In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


This was a golf club? Are you joking? It's a bloody castle!

Looking around all I could see was the green. The grass, the trees. Living in London you forget about what nature looks like. Everything was silent. All you could hear was the wind in the trees and birds singing.

I loved it!

The club was huge. It looked like one of them castles you saw on them Jane Austen films, Pemberley. With wild flowers and a large blue lake. It was amazing.

Did her Granddad really own this? Why had she never known this before?

Pulling up on the long drive at the front of the steps, the staff came out to take are things for us.

“Mr Howard, with both Andersons sisters” Chris said smiling at me from the corner of his eye.

“Yes sir. If you would all like to follow me I'll get you all checked in” the man said as we followed him.

I walked in behind the others slowly taking everything in. compared to outside, the inside was more modern that I would have thought. Everything looked... so rich. The fabrics, the chandelier and the paintings on the sealing.

Everything was the best of the best. It was classic, just like Granddad.

I was standing in the middle of the lobby looking up at the paintings, with my mouth open like an idiot. Before Chris said my name to come over to the desk. I walked over to them and Chris passes me my room key and a piece of paper with the week's activities.

“Christian!” a voice came from the door way. It was an elderly woman wearing a large summer hat and sunglasses. She had long black hair and tanned skin, and when she removed her hat and glasses I could tell it was his Mum. He looked so much like her. Chris walked up to her and wrapped his arms around his Mum giving her a bear hug.

“Mum! It's good to see you”

“Look at you... you need fattening up my love” she said kissing his cheek. Behind her came running in two little boys, jumping up at Chris who catches them both in his arms.

“Simon! David! How dear you run out the car like that” a younger women came. She was tall and thin looking like a supermodel with long blonde hair. I looked at Jess who seemed to just put her nose up at her and look away. Looking back at her I didn't see the little girl holding her hand. She looked about four or five, with bright ginger hair, like mine.

“Hey Gem” Chris said kissing her on the cheek and bending down to pick up the little girl “Hello kiddo, where's Karl?” Chris asked just before two tall good looking men came in the door way.

One was tall with board shoulders and dark black hair carrying in a new born baby in his arms. And the other was fair, just as tall and mussels like Chris's but comparing them both, Chris's face was gorgeous this guys was more of a pretty boys face younger.

“I'm going over there” Jess said walking over like she thought she was on a catwalk.

I stayed where I was thinking that Chris would want to greet his family without me in the way.

I watched at afar as he greeted the two men.

“How's my little Godson?” Chris asks looking at the little baby.

“He's been sleeping the whole way here” said the guy. I think this is his sister’s husband Karl. He and Chris where best friends and started working together years ago before he married Chris's sister Gemma. Who must be the blonde girl and the other guy must be his younger brother Ben. I think he was the same age as me or a little older. It was weird how Chris was more like his Mum in looks with the black hair and greenly blue eyes and his brother and sister were both blonde and fair.

I could see Chris introduce everyone too Jess. Everyone smiled and said hello. I looked at Gemma who had taken the little baby into her arms and didn't smile at Jess.

Then suddenly everyone looked my way and Chris called me over.


“Jessica this is my family, family this is Miss Jessica Anderson her grandfather and I work together. And he owns the golf club” I say to my family. My mother is the first to say hello followed by everyone else but Gemma. She always was a bit harsh with the girls I dated. It was weird now she was married to one of my best friends I was no longer the protected elder brother but now she was protective over me. Saying things like they're not good enough for you, they're only using you for your money and bla bla bla.  

She just ignored her and carried Connor in her arms.

“Chris, who is that girl over there looking at us?” Ben said. I turned round to have a look to see Lea face go bright red and look away. Everyone else had looked over to see who it was.

“Leah! Come meet my family” I yield at her. She walked over and stood next to me looking nervous as everyone looked at her.

“This is Miss Leah Anderson. Jessica's younger sister and my sectary back in London” I said to everyone. “Hello” she only said one word and I could see in my mother’s face she loved her.

“Jessica, Lea, this is my mother Sarah, my sister and her husband Gemma and Karl. Their twins Simon and David, their new born Connor and this little princess is Paige” I finish holding Paige up in my arms.

“Hello Paige... I like your head band, it’s very pretty” Lea said to the little girl in my arms. Normally Paige never talks to people she doesn't know but she pulled out her arm and took Leas hair in her hand playing with it.

“You have the same colour as me” Paige said to Leah. Everyone around laughed and I saw even my sister liked Lea. “It’s nice to meet you Leah” Gemma said to her.

“Aaghh...ahh” I heard Ben say “oh, yer this is my younger brother Ben” I said to Lea. I didn't like the way Ben was looking at Leah.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Leah and may I say I like the colour of your hair very much” he said to her.

I like the colour of your hair? Oh come on Ben.

But to my Lea just laughs and says “Thank you”.

“Well look, a party in the lobby on my own Birthday and I wasn't invited” we all turn around to see Rupert Anderson coming towards us.

“Well it's not your Birthday yet old man” Leah said walking over to him, he gave her a big hug and kiss on the cheek as they both laughed. “I've miss you” I heard her say as her Granddad walked over to us with his arm still around her.

Jess just kisses him on the cheek saying 'Grandfather'. Leah whispered something into his ear and he then turned around and looked at me.

“Mr Howard, it is good to see you again. I hear I must thank you for bring me my two granddaughters, you have given me the best birthday present” everyone laughs as I thank him.

I've always thought it weird how people thank you for saying thank you.

“I hope you and your family have a great time here at the club. My staffs here well take you to your rooms and I'll see you all for dinner tonight. Yes?” We all nodded. “Great well if you don't mind I wish to still Leah for a moment” he said taking her arm. “It was nice to meet you all, you'll see you later” she said to everyone.

“I'm going to go find Mummy and Daddy. See you tonight” Jessica says kissing my cheek.

“Well she's nice” my Mum says in an insincere way. “Come on let’s get you checked in”

We started walking over to the check in when Ben pulls me to the side away from everyone else.

“So what’s up with you and Leah?” Ben asks me with a cocky grin.

“Nothings up with us” I told him. “Why do you ask?” I said to him. What was he getting at?

“Oh, ok so you won't mind if I went for it with her then” Ben said.

YES I MIND! It's Leah! My Lea and my brother wasn't aloud anywhere near her… yet saying that I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere near her. Not in the way I want to go. I have no right over her, she could be with whoever she wanted to be with. I had no say what she does or doesn't do… but not with Ben… he wasn't good enough for her. Well actually he was good enough for her. He was a great brother and friend. He was funny, kind, smart and everything that was good and trusting. He never lied and never cheated a day in his life. He would be good for her. Better than I would be. I’m not always kind and good. I lied and cheated in business and in the past with women. I wasn’t good enough for someone like Lea, she was the good girl and I… well I wasn’t all that good. Maybe Ben would be the best person for her… NO!

He was too young, too naïve. Leah needed someone with experience, someone to look after her and keep her safe.

What am I saying? I don't even want to do those things!

Do I?

I have no idea what I wanted. All I know is that I would hurt her without even meaning too and that scared me more than anything.

“Do what you like” I said to him walk over to the others.