In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 8


It was early Sunday morning and I was in no mood to be waiting around for anyone  yet here I am waiting of Jessica for about twenty minutes now.

What the hell is she doing up there?

I was never a morning person. I always wake up at six every morning without fault but I still hated it. I was the grumpiest person alive. I need sleep. I need a coffee but no… I'm here in my jeep waiting for Jessica to put her slap on.

Six hours of driving with her is going to drive me crazy. On top of that Lea was now coming. I didn't mind but I couldn't every well relax around her.

Thinking about Lea we were meant to pick her up five minutes ago and it's gonna take another half an hour to get to her.

I pulled out my phone to give her a call.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Hey Lea its Chris”

“Oh, hey you ok?” her voice always put a smile on my face.

“Yer great thanks just waiting for your sister to get ready. I'm afraid we're going to be a bit late” I said rubbing my sleepy eyes in annoyance.

“That's fine I'm sure I can find something to do for a bit. I was thinking of going down to the cafe outside do you what a coffee?” she asked.

She was an angel!

“That would be great” I said to her with the biggest grin on my face.

Still on the phone with Lea, I heard Jessica get in the car.

“I hate this car, it's too big” she said. I just rolled my eyes at her.

“Ok, I'll see you soon” Lea said.

“Bye” I said hanging up the phone.

“Who was that?” Jess asked. She leans over a kisses me. I looked over at her and took in the way she looked. She was wearing a short shirt with a pink low cut top and pink high heels. It was a little over the top, for just sitting in the car for six hours.

I was only wearing jeans and a white top and she looked like she was about to go on a night out. I guess she always look like that, just encase the photographers were around to get a cheap shoot.

The amount of stuff she brought was ridiculous three Louis Vuitton bags and three cases.

“Got enough stuff there?” I asked her sarcastically

“No Mummy and Daddy took my dresses with them” she said in reply as a rolled my eyes at her.

We got over to Leas flat quicker than I thought. I stopped the car just outside her apartment when Jess moved over me to hit her hand on the car horn.


“Jessica you could have just called her” I said annoyed that her rude behaviour.

“We have no time for that” she grinned in that bitchy way. I knew her too well to fall of the sweet innocent act.

“We would have had, more time if you hadn't taken so long” I said getting out the car to go get Leah but as soon as a got to her door she opened it.

“Well it takes some time to look this amazing” she said looking back in her mirror.

“Hi, sorry if I took too long” Leah said grabbing her large gym bag, which I grabbed for her. She only had two bags.

“Here let me”

“Oh, thank you” she said. I just smiled down at her. She looked good; she was wearing skinny jeans, a baggy top and a boy fit jumper. She looked so natural with her hair down and only a light touch of make-up.

Pulling my eyes from her and I took her bag to the car.

We were all ready to go now, me and Jess in the front and Lea at the back.

“Hi Jess” Leah said smiling at her sister.

“Hey” Jess said without even looking at her. I looked at Lea from my mirror but she seemed to just brush it off.

“I brought your coffee Chris and I brought sandwiches, Diet Coke and crisps if we get hungry” Lea said passing me my coffee.

“Well done, you're the best” I said turning around I saw her blush a little.

“Oh, well you didn't get me anything Leah, thanks” Jess said in her childish way

“I got you sparkling water. I remembered you liked that” Lea said holding it up to her.

Jess held a straight face before turning around grabbing the water from Lea saying. “This will do” I rolled my eyes and started driving.

It was silent until we got on the motorway.

“So Leah you’re not seeing anyone?” Jessica asked her half turning around looking at her then me. I looked in the mirror to she Leah's face, she looked embarrassed.

“No, I'm not seeing anyone” her answer made me happy.

“There must have been someone you were with through the last five years. Come on I want the gossip” Jess pushed.

“There is no gossip Jess, I haven't met anyone” Lea said looking out the window.

“It’s sad how many people are out there alone and single these days. Why are you single Leah?”

“Jessica” I said warning her to stop. She was being too pushy and insensitive… or maybe it was just I didn’t want to hear about Lea being with other guys. I felt this strange sharp bolt on pain in my heart at the thought of her with anyone. “What?” Jessica said looking back at me.

“I guess I just haven't found the right person. We all can't be a size zero and look as beautiful as you Jess. I'm not as lucky as you two are to have found each other” Lea said putting her ear phones in and listening to her music. I guess she wanted to blare out Jessica. I wish I thought of that.

We stopped at the services after driving for three hours. Jessica went into the small shop because she wanted a walk around.

I turned round to see Lea sleeping. 

She been a sleep for a couple of hours, she must need to eat or walk around a bit.

I open the door and leaned over to shake her softly to wake her up. “Lea, Lea wake up” she makes a little cute sleeping noise and tries to push me away lightly. I stroked her face lightly pulling her hair out of the way.

She was so beautiful. I just wanted pull her into my arms and never let go... her eyes suddenly open up and she looked at me with confusion and then looks at my hand on her cheek. I completely forgot what I was doing I jerked my hand away and moved away from her.

“I was trying to wake you” I said standing outside of the car.

“Where are we?” she asks stretching. “We're at a service station. I thought you might want to get some air”

“Cool, did you want any of the sandwiches I made?'

“Yer sure” I said

“You want to eat them of the grass over there, like a picnic” she said. I nodded and we started walking over to the grass and sat on the blanket I brought over. We both sat down close next to each other. Leah was looking through the bag she brought over. She was biting on her lip which I know she only did when she was thinking about something.

“What is it?” I asked looking at her. Her eyes meet mine and she let out a little laugh.

“Nothing... I just remembered that I only made one type of sandwich, there all the same sandwiches, ham and cheese, did you mind?” she said.

I just laughed and grabbed one of the sandwiches in her hand. “I don't mind and thank you”

She smiled and started eating hers

“Oh! Where's Jess?” she looked around to look for her sister who I had completely forgotten about.

“She's gone in the services to have a look around” I told her. She looked at the blanket we were sitting on in a strange shocked expression.

“Oh, I'm sorry I'm making you eat on the ground when you could be eating something much nicer than my stupid sandwich” she started to get up when I pushed lightly on her shoulders for her to stay put.

“Don't be silly Lea. No one makes me do things I don't want to do. Well maybe my Mum, but other than that no one and I like your sandwich. Stop putting yourself down” it angered me when she did that to herself.

“I don't...” she tried to say.

“Yes you do. You need to give yourself more credit” she looked straight into my eyes as she thought about what I said. She looked… lost. I couldn’t understand why she found it so hard to see the good in herself what I see every day. She looked away looking a little awkward before she smiled down at the sandwiches.  

“Ok then, I admit these sandwiches are amazing” she laughed taking a bit.

“You know it's not just your sandwiches that are amazing Lea”' I said slowly to her. I had no idea why I said that. I had no idea what I was going to say next! But I didn't need to say anything, as Jess joined us.

“Here you are” she said standing above us looking down with her arms folded

“Care to join us?” I asked her

“What on the floor? I'm not sitting on the ground” she raised her noise up in the air.

“Oh come on Jess lighten up. Just sit down” I said to her. I half thought, she was going to have a paddy but she rolled her eyes and then came down to the floor but instead on sitting on the ground, she sat on my lap. I looked at her wanting to tell her to get off but with Jess it was better to just let her do as she likes or god knows what she would do.

“Do you what a sandwich?” Lea asked Jess passing over the other sandwich she made.

“No! I'm not eating that. Do you have any idea what that would do to my legs?” Jess said I couldn't help but laugh at her, everything was the end of the world for her, and she never just sat back and enjoyed life. Unlike her sister who just laid there on the ground, with her shoes off and her feet playing with the grass. Her face looking up at the sunny sky with her eyes closed; she was so much more down to earth than her sister.

“Well waste not want not” I said grabbing the other sandwich.

After eating all the food Lea brought. It was time to head off again.

“Leah you sit in the front. I wish to lie down and sleep the rest of the way” Jess said like she was giving orders. Lea just nodded.

On the road again and my eyes kept twitching over at Lea. 'Do you think I could put some music on without waking her up?'

“Yer why not” I said passing her the CD case.

“WOW I didn't know any of these albums where out yet” she said flicking through the different bands. I felt my ego rise as I looked over at her impressed face.

“Yer well, I have shares and my friend owns Acoustic Records, he gets me all there new stuff early and as a shareholder I get loads of music for free” I explain to her feeling like a teenage.

“I never thought you liked this type of music, I thought you were a more classic type of guy”

“I like the classic artist like Elton John, Lionel Richie’s, ahh...”

“Meat Loaf, Bon Jovi. I love them too, can’t make them like that anymore” she said taking the words out of my mouth.

“Really I thought you would be a more blues type of girl” I said and we both laughed

“No I love all types of music. But I guess rock, emo, maybe a bit of the blues, but mainly anything. But I do have a guilty pleasure of musicals' she laughs 'like Les Miserables, is my favourite”

“Look at the back of the case” I told her. She looks at the back and sees the soundtracks of Les Miserables.  'It's my Mum's favourite too” I explained making her laugh.

“Oh yer” she giggled. “Your Mum’s, I bet you listen to it all the time” she joked putting it on and starts singing along to the lyrics quietly. I couldn't hear very well but it sounded like she had a really good voice… really good.

I found myself laughing more than ever. Having Lea in the front has made these last three hours go by so fast, I thought as I was now pulling into the golf club.