In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 14


I walked back to my room with a smile on my face the whole time.

I had so much fun with Chris' family. They were really funny, even Chris had relaxed and started being his self around me; this is what he was like sometimes at work. Because of those times I fell in love with him. When he was himself he was the nicest sweetest guy in the world.I remember I came into work one day, not having the best of mornings and he spent the whole day making me laugh and cheering me up. He bought me in a cup of tea and everything.

I hated tea but I still drank a little of it to not hurt his feelings.

I loved him for that, not having to ask what's wrong but just knowing that all I needed was to laugh. That's another thing I love about Chris he wasn't just all work no play, actually his problem was it was too much play. He knew how to live and what was important in life. That you shouldn't have to live, thinking that money was the most important thing.

Maybe because he has loads of money he would think that but still I think that if he had to he'd give it all away, as long as he had his family.

I was jealous that there were families like that. Families that loved each other it didn't matter what you say nor do they will always love you...

Maybe it was just me.

Maybe I was just too much for my family, too different. I mean they seem to be getting along pretty well without me. Maybe I'm just incapable of being in a family. I always seemed to mess it up.

I shook off the thought, not wanting to think about it anymore.

I started getting ready for the party tonight. It was only meant to be a little welcome BBQ that the club had organised but I still found myself pulling my hair out trying to find what to wear.

I had brought a lot of clothes but most of them were far too casual for this kind of thing.

Even if it was just a BBQ these kinds of people that never wear the same thing twice and never ware something that wasn't designer. Enter me, with my £14.99 summer dress from H&M.

I looked at the wardrobe were I put all my clothes and didn't know what to wear!

I grab one of the summer dresses, a white jumper and some wedges. That will do.

I loved this dress, it what a satin, tea dress, in the style of the famous Marilyn Monroe dress but instead of white, it was a sky blue. I put the dress on and put my hair up in that stylise sweeped up look with little bits coming down. It had that messy look to it but was meant to be like that. As soon as I was happy with it I pulled on my wooden wedges and jumper and through on some beads.

I looked at myself in the mirror thinking 'this is the best it's gonna get' before laughing at myself and walking out of my room before grabbing my clutch bag.

I walked down the stairs and just tried walking around looking at all the people that were now here. If you've ever seen the movie 'Pretty Woman', when she goes to the polo game and everyone was wearing famous dresses with large sun hats and the men all wear cream Ralph Lauren trousers that were far too tight and polo shirts. That was exactly what this place looked like.

Everyone looked the same and I was like Julia Roberts in that film and feeling completely out of place. But I wasn't a hooker and I didn't have my Richare Gere.

Walking into different rooms in the hotel I saw a couple of people look my way but I just walked on trying not to care. I walked outside and overlooking the Italian style garden. The garden was based on a hillside, terracing the garden until it hits the beautiful shinnying blue lake. I walked down the two flights of steps to then be faced with the amazing fountain with large Greek statuaries around the garden and on top of the fountain.

I went to go stand next to the fountain, watching the water gently run by, it was quick and fast yet it made no hush sounds and looked graceful. It was strange. I stood there for a long time looking up at the water and the statuary on top before my Granddad called my name.

“Leah!” he called walking over with a younger man. Oh God please say he isn’t going to try and match me up again! Please God!

“Leah you look enchanting dear” He said to me kissing my cheek before turning back to the man next to him.

“I want you to meet someone, my dear. This is Jake Minster, he's from Ireland. Jake plays for the Irish rugby team. His mother is one of my old friends”

The guy who was in front of me was... big. I mean huge! He was about 6' 5" with large broad shoulders and arms that looked like they could rip of his suit like the hulk and his face... I thought rugby players were meant to be ugly. I thought with all the physical contact they have on the pitch that their faces were always bloody and cut with missing teeth… but this guy was gorgeous! He had dark brown hair with the most amazing smile that showed his perfect white teeth.

He was hot.

I mean to me, he wasn't as hot as Chris but he was still up there in the hottest men I've ever seen list.  He was just as tall as Chris as but maybe a little more mussel than Chris but not as Broad.

Why am I comparing them?

“Nice to meet you” I said bringing my hand forward to give it a shake. The guy gave me a warm smile and took my hand in his.

“And you. Your grandfather speaks very highly of you” he said in a kind and friendly manner.

“I'm sure he has” I said looking over at my grandfather who was grinning far too much for my liking. 

“I'll leave you two, to get to know each other” he said before walking away to go and stand next to an elderly lady.

“That woman over there is my mother, ever since we left from Ireland this morning she's been talking non-stop about Rupert Anderson’s young beautiful talented granddaughter. And now I've met her” he said smiling at me.

“Oh so you've met my sister then” I said joking with him knew he was talking about me, not that I thought I was beautiful or talented or anything but I could just tell by his voice.

He just stood there and laughed at me 'I have not met your sister no' he said in his deep Irish accent.

I always loved the sound of the Irish, I could listen to him speak all day.

I laugh with him turning half round to look at his mother and my Granddad, who were looking over at us.

“I fear my Granddad is trying to play cupid, Mr Minster”

“I believe you are right Miss Anderson. I believe my mother is also in on the scam”

“It just shows how much they love us. My grandfather always says I need to find myself a strong husband who can look after me. I think it's because he's scared of what will happen to me when he's gone”

“Is Mr Anderson ill?”

“No! No, he's just worried about me that is all. He likes to talk about death for some reason”

“Well I know what you mean. My mother will never pass up an opportunity to find me a wife'

“And here's me thinking I was just special to her”' I said. “Although I’m afraid we wouldn't suit anyway”

“And why is that? I thought I was special” he grinned at me.

“Oh you're very special but...” what was I gonna say, sorry but I'm in love with my boss, nope that wouldn’t do. “We wouldn't suit because... you're far too tall” I said making him laugh.

“I'm too tall?”

“Yep, just think after years of me looking up and you looking down are necks will just snap”

“Snap” he repeated he barest into laughed right there in front of everyone making them all look over at us, which only made me laugh as well.

I could tell in this moment that I could consider this man to be a friend; something in his eyes told me that he felt the same.

We both laughed before a deep voice came from be hide me.

“What's so funny?”

It was Chris.

“I was just telling Mr Minster here the reason why we can never get married” I said. My heart was beating out of my chest. Chris looked amazing, he was wearing a casual navy t-shirt and jeans, and he looked hot, as always. But there was something wrong with him. From the moment he came over he hadn't looked at me once just at Jake who had now stopped laughing and was looking at Chris with straight eyes as well.

“Is that so?” he turned to glare at the man standing next to me.

“And who might you be?” Jake said taking a step towards Chris and Chris did the same with a dead straight face.

What was going on?

Was I missing something?

“I'm the guy who's about to kick your ass unless you step away from the lady” Chris said bringing his face closer to Jake's, oh my god 'kick his ass' was he joking,  were going to fight in the middle on the party.

I had no idea what was going on but I was just about to step in the middle of them both when Jake burst into laughter and pulled Chris into his arms giving him a great bear hug. Chris did the same and padded his back.

“What…” I said staring at them like they were crazy.

They both turned round to me and laughed.

“Lea me and Jake went to Uni together”

“Yer we've been great friends for years. God man, how are you? It’s been like months…”

“Yer I'm good been making money and all that. What about you? I hear you've been made captain. That’s amazing mate” 

They both stood there talking about old times for a couple of minutes.

They were best friends!

God, I thought there was going to be a fight.

“Chris we are being rude to the lovely Miss Anderson” Jake turned round and gave me a little smile. All of a sudden I felt my heart start to beat and it had nothing to do with Jake's little smile.

It was the way that Chris was looking at me. I think he must have forgot that I was standing next to them because he looked suddenly shocked that I was there, he looked me up and down and then licked his lips. He was making me feel hot and I know I started blushing.

“I take it you two know each other”' Jake said smiling at me and Chris

“You look lovely Lea” Chris said in a slow deep voice.

“Thank you” I said looking into his eyes

I don't know why but there was something different in the way that Chris was looking at me. I couldn't tell how.

We stood there for a long time just staring at each other before Jake broke the silence.

God! What am I doing?

He's my boss!

But he's so hot.

No I work for him! It's not right

Come on don't start lying to yourself

You Love Him

No! He's my boss! He's my sister's boyfriend!