In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


 “Sorry... Jake Lea works with me...”

“For you” Leah said smiling around at us.

She looked amazing.

She was wearing a cute little blue dress which looked great next to her skin and her hair... I just wanted to touch it, smell it... it looked so soft. She always had great hair. It always looked so natural.

Every time at work when she looked stressed out she would put her hand through her hair and it would all fall back into place perfectly.

My eyes where fixed on a lock of hair that was hanging along her face across her shoulder.

Her face was always shining and glowing with beauty. I loved that she never wears make-up a lot.

She wasn't one of those girls that needed all of that stuff.

She looked great just the way she was. I looked more closely at her face. She had put on a little make-up but it was all natural and only brought out her features even more. Her eyes looked bigger and brighter than before.

Her eyes where incredible!

I swear they changed colour.

First they looked green and now blue.

“Oh really! Because I heard that you two were together” Jake said looking at me and Lea with a smug face.

What! Where did he hear that?

I looked at Lea who looked shocked and a little scared. God, I'm not that bad am I?

“What? Where did you hear that?” I laughed at him trying to join in his little teasing game.

“It's all over the papers you two being seeing each other. The famous Billionaire Bachelor digging his claws into Anderson's granddaughter. But I can't see I'd blame you Chris. You are enchanting Miss Anderson”

Jake bent down and kissed Leas hand making her blush a little.

I was really angry now.

He needed to back the hell off.

I knew he was only doing this to get to me.

Jake and I have been friends since I was back at school and I loved him like my brother. I would always have his back. At school we never had problems with jealousy or both of us liking the same girl. We were too close for that crap.

But now... he was kissing her arm to just annoy me.

But jokes on him because he thought Leah were Jess... I thought but then quickly thinking the opposite.

If he thought that Leah was with me he wouldn't try again.

He didn't have to know that I was meant to be seeing Jess not Leah and then he would stay away from her.

Just when I was going to try my little scam, Leah said “Oh no were not together”


“Oh?” Jake looking at me with a smirk on his face. I know my look was shooting daggers at him but I didn't care.

“Then who is this Anderson granddaughter you're seeing Chris?”

A hand came around my arm.

“Me” a voice said.

I looked over to see Jessica suddenly out of nowhere on me. Jesus did she want to give me a heart attack.

She was smiling at me and until she turned to Jake and introduce herself.

“I'm Jessica Anderson” she said

“Jake Minster” Jake said with a fake smile on his face. His ever liked Jessica from the stories his sister Lilly has told him in the past. I remember him calling me up a few months ago to warn me against her but when I explained it was just business he backed off.

“Where have you been babe? I've missed you” Jess said kissing my cheek. I could smell her perfume which was always over the top.

“Nowhere” I replied not in the most perlite of ways. I wanted her to sense things weren’t going anywhere between us so when we ended things it wouldn’t be a shock to her.

I looked down at her and notice what she was wearing... or not wearing. She was wearing a long black tight dress that went to the floor.

I can't remember what they call them... Maxine dresses or something on them lines.

Jessica was tall already but she still wares shoes so high I could see her fall straight on her face. The top cut in low, right down to the middle of the breasts showing the world her cleavage.

As a man I had to say, 'she looked sexy'

But as Chris she looked like a 'slut'

If I was really going out with Jessica, there would be no way in hell she would wear something where guys could look at her breasts or ass. That was my job.

But seeing as it was only Jess I didn't really care.

Looking back up at her face I forgot she asked me a question.

I looked over at Leah.

She was now looking down at the grass, looking more uncomfortable than never.

Where had the chatty, happy smiling girl go?

Why were Leah and her sister like this with each other?

Jessica completely ignored Leah and she turned into this scared little mouse that said nothing and did nothing.

Jessica was talking to me and Jake about the party. Who was here, who wasn't and something about someone wearing the same dress as the other drama. Nothing was ever a drama until Jessica started it.

I was actually paying attention to Jess talking, for a change because I couldn't help noticing how Jess only spoke to me and Jake. But she didn't make eye contact with Lea once.

Leah didn't look bothered.

Like she was used to it.

“Oh Mary there you are, come here, I want you to meet someone” Jess said to a girl, maybe the same age as Jessica, came over. She had long blonde hair and was just as thin and tall as Jess.

Too thin! You could see her bones poking out.

The girl came and stood between Leah and Jake, moving Lea just a little out of the circle that had been made.

“Chris, Jake, this is my good friend Mary. We modelled together” Jess said introducing us to the tall blonde. Jessica didn't even think to introduce her to her own 'sister' but kept on ignoring her.

I looked over at Lea concerned for her feelings.

She was looking around the garden looking at the different people, biting on her bottom lip.

I loved it when she did that. It was so cute and adorable.

The girls were talking about some swimsuit shot they did in Mexico last summer and how things got wild. I could see Jake from the corner of my eye who I could tell liked what he was hearing. He was very into depth with the story… but my mind was on other matters, like why Lea could go from being so chatty and outgoing to the complete opposite as soon as her family was around. Not really her Granddad but her parents and Jessica. It angered me. What had happened to make them like this?

I wasn't listening to the story. I was just looking at Lea. She was looking back up at the fountain and then back at me.

I saw her drawing in a breath of shock because I was looking at her but I couldn't look away. I could see her turning bright red and try to lose my eye contact by looking everywhere around her but me.

Her head was down when she looked back up at me through her eyelashes. I could feel lust run through my body all I wanted to do was kiss her until her body was running with as much lust has mind.

I saw her look away again and back at the group. I turned to look at Jake who was looking at me with narrow eyes.

I don't know how easy my face was to reed.

But by the look on his face, I knew he could tell what was running through my body.

He knows I wanted Lea. He nodded his head at me like he could read my mind and then started to smile.

“If you would excuses us ladies but Leah promised that she would show me around” Jake said moving around to link arms with Lea.

She looked a bit shocked. Giving Jake one of her 'What' faces, moving her head to one side.

“Oh Leah I didn't even seen you there, it was like you were invisible” Jess said.

“Don't worry about it” Lea said with a genuine smile playing on her face.

“I don't intend to” Jess said laughing. “You look very nice Leah. Who are you wearing?” Jess asked in an annoying sarcastic voice.

“Nobody” Lea relied innocently

Both Mary and Jessica looked at each other and smiled. “Oh” they both said.

'Right well we better be going'

Jake said pulling Lea away “Bye” she said around her shoulder and giving me a smile.

“'I'm off too” I said starting to walk away before Jess could catch me.

“'Where are you going?” she asked

I replied with “I'm going this way, Jess” playing her own game of being sarcastic.

Away from you I thought.