In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


Oh God Jake just saved my life back there. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't think for any other reason to walk away and couldn't see anyone to go talk to either.

And then I saw Chris look at me and I just froze.

Why was he looking at me so weirdly?

"Hey you ok? You look a little pale" Jake asked as we walked back inside a big white dining room.

"Yer I'm ok I just need some food I think" I said smiling to him.

We walked over to the table with a spread of different meats and BBQ bits. It all looked so amazing.

I went over and filled my plate with as much food as I could and Jake did the same. We laughed as each other as we turned around to find a table to go and eat all this food we had.

 Walking over to an empty table I hear Jake say.

"Ahh, do you mind if we go and sit with my family? Their waving us over" Jake asked looking annoyed.

“No, I don't mind, let's go”

 “No, I don't mind, let's go”

Around the room were lots of the most beautifully wild flowers in the middle of the white tables. Everything looked like a wonderland; everything looked so bright and summery. I loved the summer, the hot sun on your face, and the smell of the cut grass.

You know when it's summer when everyone is drinking the same drink, that I loved...PIMMS.

Walking over to the large white table, which was in the corner of the room, I saw a group of people around my age all casual sitting around the table having a laugh.

They looked friendly.

Not like the other young people that were here that I thought we're going to kill me with their evil looks.

“Hey guys” Jake said pulling a chair out of me and then sat down. He was such a gentleman. I smiled him a thanks.

“Everyone this is Leah, my future wife, according to mother” everyone around the table boast out laughing.

“Wow, am I really that laughable” I said laughing along with them.

“Sorry Leah, but just the thought of my brother finding someone to actually marrying him is unbelievable to us” one of the guys said. He had blonde hair and was very tall and slim.

There was a girl sitting between me and the blonde guy, who didn't laugh along with the group but just smiled shyly. I could tell that she didn't find the joke funny. She looked upset; her eyes looked like she had been crying a little. I looked at her for a bit before Jake started to introduce me to everyone, starting on his right going around the table.

“Leah, this is one of my best friends and team members Connor” this guy was the same size and shape as Jake. Again another rugby player that was attractive, I've been watching the wrong channel!

He smiled warmly at me with a smile saying hello.

“This is Lilly my sister” she looked like, I'd seen her before but I couldn't remember where. “Lilly is a model” Jake said again.

Oh that was it! She's in all the Ella and UK Vogue magazines that I read. She was one of the best.

She was gorgeous!

I mean really pretty! She wasn't one of the models like Jess. Stick thin and wear hardy nothing.

She was wearing a bright coloured jumpsuit and looked amazing. She looked like Katy Perry.

Moving around the table again Jake pointed to another guy. “This is my brother Paul, he just came back from travelling Thailand”

“WOW that's amazing” I said looking over at him. “Did you have fun?” I asked

He smiled over at me and said “Yer, I'm so going back over there next year or somewhere different”

“As long as you're far away from me little brother” Jake said then giving hit with a bread roll from Paul.

“This is Jay my other brother, he's a lawyer in London, works with your grandfather” Jake said.

“Oh do I, what's your grandfather's name?”

“Rupert Anderson” I said as I watched everyone around the table look a little shocked.

“Yes guys we're eating with the owners granddaughter calm down” Jake said smiling. He seemed to always be pulling jokes, but it worked as everyone relaxed again and started smiling.

“I feel like I'm having dinner with the royals” Paul joked.

“You and I both. I'm not used to all this. Normally it's just me in my flat with Chinese in Soho”

Everyone laugh and then I heard the girl next to me speak.

“You live in Soho?” she asked. Unlike the others she didn't have the Irish accident.

“Yer on Dean Street” I said

“Oh, I live right around the corner from there” she smiled. I liked this girl she seemed the same as me. We were both getting excited that we lived in the same place.

“Leah, this is Kate. Jay's... girlfriend” Jake said in a weird straight voice. He had an angry look on his face and didn't even make eye contact with Kate. Did he not like her or something?

Now I knew everyone's names, everyone started talking to each other. Jay to Paul and Lilly, Connor to Jake. Which left me and Kate to get to know each other.

We set there for ages talking about London and what we both do.

“I work for Chris Howard”

“Really, he's always in the magazines isn't he with that model, oh what's her name...”

“Yer that would be my sister Jessica Anderson”

“Is that weird? I mean your boss and sister dating”

“Not really, I don't get on with my sister very well or my family really. It's only my Granddad who I ever see”

“But that's nice that you still got him to be close to” she said smiling.

Yer, it was nice. I forget how lucky I was that I had my Granddad and Nan near me still. Without them I don't know what I would do.

“What about you? Are you close to your family?”

“No...Meaning that I don't have a family

“Oh, I'm sorry” I didn't know what to say.

“It's ok it happened when I was a baby, my parents died in a car crash and ever since it's just been me”

I just nodded and smiled at her. She must have been so strong been all alone in the world. I know I still had my family but it was like I was alone for the past five years. But I had my Granddad, Kate had no one.

“What do you do for a living?” I ask her. She sat there in her chair for a moment thinking over the question.


“Kate's in the hospitality area aren't you Hun” Jay turned around to say. Kate looked at him for a bit before turning back round to me smiling.

“Yer but I'm hoping to go back to college to study Bakery”

Everyone around the table stopped and looked over at her.

“Really that sounds great. When are you doing that Kate?” Lilly said from the after side of the room.

The look on Jays face looked disappointed that Kate just told them all that and started to roll his eyes. What was his problem?

Jake seemed to look at Kate in shock and then had a little smirk back on his face, eating his food.

I was so confused!!

Want was going on with them two?

I was going to make it by goal to find out, why they were acting so weird?

“I'm just going to the restroom and going to go look round for Mum” Lilly said stepping up from her chair. As she got up, so did Connor smiling at everyone and then following Lilly just steps be hide her.

Where they together or something? She didn't even ask him to come with her. She just got up and he followed. They would look good together.

“Why did Connor go when Lilly went? Are they together or something?” I asked Jake as he kept on eating his dinner.

“Connor is Lilly's bodyguard”

“Oh, I thought you said he was your team mate?”

“He was until her hurt his knee, so he can't really play anymore. Well he could but I think that he likes his new job better” Jake said

“Yer he's totally in love with Lilly” Paul said drinking his beer.

“Poor guy” Jays said jokingly.

“Connor is in love with Lilly” Kate said in shock, then looking at Jay as he nodded.

“Does Lilly know?” I asked

All three brothers looked at each other... “Dunno” Jake said after putting in another chicken wing into his mouth and the other two guys changed the subject.

What! Is that it? I want to hear more...

“Kate do you fancy going for a walk around the gardens? It’s really sunny outside and we can talk more” I said smiling at everyone, James and Jake seemed to have a staring competition.

“Ah...I don't think...”

“That's not a good...” both Jay and Jake said before Kate stood up “Yer sure”

I made a big grin and stood as well walking away with Kate. Time for a girly chat. I wanted to hear about Lilly and Connor and I wanted to know more about her Jay. And what was up with Jake and her?

I wasn't jealous or anything. I just loved a good gossip and other people's love lives.

I swear I should go on 'loose women' or something.