In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 24


I woke up the next morning feeling half dead, half near death. After dinner with Jess and her parents Jess wanted to go for a 'romantic walk' in the gardens. She talked none stop and I had no idea what she was talking about until I heard Lea's name.

“Who does Leah think she is showing up after what she did? She's evil Chris, she lets you think that she's all good and innocent but she's not she plays with people's minds until she gets what she wants. Honesty Chris doesn't listen to her lies. I wouldn't be surprised if she had a little crush on you, with the way she runs around after you like a dog, she most likely thinks she's in love with you”

“Stop it, Jessica. She's your sister how can you say them things about her?” I said annoying her was best but I didn't like what she was saying about Lea. She could never say anything about Lea that I would believe but I was too tired to fight with her right now.

“Have you not noticed it? The way she looks at you, how she always goes red when you look at her and the fact that she would do anything to be in my shoes because I get to have you all to myself... in bed” She said kissing me on the lips. Jessica kissed like a fish! Wet! With her tongue swimming in my mouth everywhere. I didn't enjoy it. It was too much. I pulled away and started walking back to our rooms. Split rooms, much to her dismay.

“Night Jess” I said as she walked into her room.

“Don't you want to stay?” she said with a wicked smile that would make any man helpless but not me. I've been around far too long to lose control like that. I think that's one of the main reasons Jess likes me so much because she wants to be the woman who changes my old ways. ‘Christian Howards bachelor ways' was always the papers story’s with past women I've been with talking about how amazing I am or how I’ve broke their hearts. I had no doubt that Jess would be next in them papers.

“No thanks” I said turning round on her shocked face and walking back to my room which was thankfully was near the other side of the building.

I laid on my bed wishing for sleep but it didn't come. I kept on thinking about what Jess said. About Lea having a 'crush' on me, was that true? I knew she blushed every time I said something I shouldn't have and I knew she found me... I don’t know... handsome by the way she would sometimes look at me but I didn't think she loved me.

She can't love me, can she?

Oh god this is bad! She can't love me, I'll break her heart, I'll break that love that she feels for me and then she'll hate me forever. I can't let her hate me.

I was up all night thinking about it all. Was it a good thing or a bad thing if she loved me, do I even love her. I've never been in love before, how do I know I truly love her, it could just be lust.

It's not just lust, the voice in my head said again, you've lusted over hundreds of women but you've never felt like this before. You love her. I was sitting on the bed with my head in my hands when a thought came to my head. How do I know she even loves me? Jess was the one who said it in the first place and when does Jess ever say anything with true meaning. She's full of crap! How would she know?

I need a run. That always clears my head. I pull my running gear on and head out.

I've been running for an hour when I come across Rupert sitting on the terrene with his wife Maggie who wave over at me to come over. Hot and sweaty from my run but I don't think they'll mind.

“Hello Rupert” I say shaking his hand and then over to Maggie kissing her cheek “Maggie”

“Hello, Christian. You’re up early it's not even seven yet” Maggie says. 

“I couldn't really sleep so I went for a run” I said drinking the water that the waiter just brought over.

“That Granddaughter of ours keeping you awake is she” he grinned.

“You could say that” I said back but I don’t think we were talking about the same Granddaughter… or maybe we were. 

“I remember when I used to be that fit” Rupert said “Christian if you don't mind, could we have that meeting this morning. I would really like to get things into action”

“That's fine, I'll go back and have a shower and meet you at eight, nine?” I said finishing the drink and standing from the table.

“That would be great thank you son, let’s say eight-thirty in my office, just go to the lobby and they'll tell you where to go”

I said my goodbyes and started walking back to my room.


Last night was so much fun. Nan had planned to turn the court yard into an outside cinema for everyone's enjoyment. There were a load of chairs, sofas and Indian styled pillows laid on the floor.  It was so much fun and they played one of my favour movies Funny Girl, Nan so did that on purpose.

It was great fun but I kept thinking about what Chris and Jess where up to. I have to stop doing this to myself I'm only going to get hurt in the end.

I had a long day today looking after the kids, the water fight with Chris which was the best fun I've ever had until Jess turned up and I suddenly felt guilty for the moment because in that moment I forgot that he was my boss and dating my sister but just thought how much I loved him.

When the film finished I went for a walk because I was still wide awake from thinking too much and every time I watch a musical I wish that life was really like one where everyone just bursts out into song. I started humming one of the songs from the movie, don't rain on my parade. I love this song. I was walking through the hedges when I heard someone talking, two people on the other side of the hedge.

“Who does Leah think she is showing up after what she did?” that voice belonged to none other than Jess. Who was she talking about? Wait what a question... Me obviously, I knew she hated me more than anyone else in the world but I never knew why. I looked around the corner of the tree hiding from which I saw, Jess and Chris. I don't know why I'm shocked that they're together but I still don't like seeing them both alone. I continued listening to what she was saying.

“She's evil Chris, she lets you think that she's all good and innocent but she's not she plays with people's minds until she gets what she wants. Honesty Chris, don't listen to her lies” she said. After years of Jess saying mean things to me I stopped getting hurt but I felt different when she was saying them things to Chris. I don't want him to believe any of what she was saying. I didn't want him thinking badly of me that's why I told him everything about my family so he could understand.

“I wouldn't be surprised if she had a little crush on you, with the way she runs around after you like a dog, she most likely thinks she's in love with you” she said. Oh no! Oh god please don't let him believe her. I didn't want him knowing I loved him. This would ruin everything!

“Stop it, Jessica She's your sister how could you say them things about her” he said my heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to faint.

“Have you not noticed it? The way she looks at you, how she always goes red when you look at her and the fact that she would do anything to be in my shoes because I get to have you all to myself... in bed” she said before she started kissing him. I felt my heart drop and break into little bits of sand...

I remember when I found out that Chris and Jess where together I thought I was heartbroken but now... seeing them together. It was more real than ever before. They must be happy together and I couldn't be near them without wanting to cry and scream 'I want him! I love him' God I'm stupid.

From now on I'm going to stop looking out at want I can't have and try and find my own happiness.

If I can.

I woke up the next morning feeling like a zombie and when I looked in the mirror I looked like one. I was pale and my hair looked like a haystack and my eyes were all puffy and red from crying last night. So this is the first morning of the rest of my life. I could either go back to bed and except my Zombieness forever or get in the shower and start stage one of getting over Chris.

Going back to bed did look promising...

No! I'm having a shower and I'm going to start being happy for Chris and Jess relationship. And start re-thinking my own future and love life.


“Christian I wanted to call this meeting not just to talk about you helping me out by working with us” Rupert said

“I thought so or this could have waited till next week’s meeting” I said, I had a thought that there was something that troubled Mr Anderson and it couldn't be his business because I looked over the figures and everything looks good. So there must be some other reason he asked to see me.

“Christian... I'm dying” Rupert said looking out of the window of his office. I just sat there, not knowing what to say or do. I don't understand he looks healthy to me.

“Dying?” I asked shocked

“Yes, I have Crohn's disease. I've had it for many years but that's beside the point. The thing is I need to make sure that the people I love are going to ok when I’m gone, I want to make sure that person is safe and happy when I'm gone” he said narrowing his eyes at me.

“Leah…” I said understanding what he was saying now.

“I love my family don't get me wrong but that girl... she's very special to me” I nodded to what he said in agreement, she was special. “Chris, here's the thing, I wanted to leave my company to Leah but I know that it would be too much for her to handle so I want to sell it. Sell to someone who would look after the staff and would do the best for the company and then leave my money to Leah so she can do whatever she wishes with it and be happy. That's all I won't”

“… I'll do anything to make sure that comes true Sir, just tell me what you want me to do” I said to him.

“Oh and I want you to have the company” he added so casually. I looked up at him in shock.

“Have?” I replied shocked. There was no secret that I wanted Andersons shipping company to merge with my own but to be just given the company… just like that from a dying man. It didn’t feel right. 

“Yes, I wish to sign the company over in your name Chris. If I sell the company there is nothing stopping that person from selling parts of the company and losing what I have spent years building. This way the staff keep their jobs and I know from your business history you would do whatever it takes to keep money coming in and keeping my girls safe. Leah and Maggie are the most important people to me. I wish a contract to be written up for both Leah and Maggie to make sure they get everything I wish to give them so there is no problems when I'm gone because let me say this between just you and me. My sons will try and get everything they can get their hands on. I don't really know the best way to go about it all so I wish for your help. I don't know if I should just make them large shareholders in the business or actually attach their names to the company. With your business knowledge I hoped you would help me” he finished his speech. I sat there in shock just staring over the paper work on the deck.

“So… what do you think?” he asked. Was he joking he was going to give me his company? Just hand it over.

“What about James and Peter?” I said thinking about what his sons are going to think about all this. “Won't they feel… demoted?”

“There will be no demoting done, they are both head directs of the company now and they will be when I'm gone but you will have my role as CEO. No demoting done” he said. Why would he spoke me to me CEO of everything he has spent his life building.

“Why me?” I asked.

“I’ve been washing you grow into a man over the years my boy. When your father died I felt it was my responsibility to help his son build what he always had the brains but never the money to create”

“You knew my father?”

“He was friends with Mark and on occasion in the beginning of my career acted as a business advisor for myself and Mark. He was a very smart man your father but he cared more about making a family than making money. I see that love and passion for your family in yourself Chris” he told me. I never knew my Father worked with such powerful people in the past. When he died we were left with nothing but the small house the four of us lived in. I had to work every day to make sure my family would never go hungry again. If it wasn’t for the benefactor that got me studying into Eton…

“It was you wasn’t it, the secret benefactor that paid for me to go to Eton”

“I owed it to your Father. All the advice he gave me over the business he was alive he took no money for his services as we were friends in his eyes. Those advises made me a very rich man”     “Rupert, however much I would love to happy to carry on your work when you go you’ve already done so much for me”

“I trust none but you in all my business life my boy. You show every care and passion in all the work you give and the rewards have shown over the years. You and you allow have made a name for yourself in this world. I merely put you in the right path, you could have easily drifted away but you stood strong and that’s the kind of person I want running my company. Not someone that reserves it by birth right but deserves it by the grit they have put into their work”

“Then I accept and hope to be as successful in life as you have. Business and family” I said shaking his hand man to man. His words meant a lot to be.

“Great I have the contracts and I have Jay Minster here too who is helping with the legal side. I just need your help with some other things as well like, property I have I wish to sell or give to Leah, like this place I believe she was love to run... what is it boy?” this place… I knew Lea would love to run a place like this. Do the Art and Music classes she always talked about… it just troubled me that she could soon be gone from my side. In truth she was shit at her job but she put everything into making sure everyone was happy, including me. 

“'You're a good man for doing this for her”

“… and you’re not? I see the way you look at my Granddaughter Chris and the way she looks at you. I just want you to know that if I'd want her to be with anyone it would be you. You would keep her safe and happy” his words took me by surprise. How did he know how I felt?

“I'm not good enough for her” I said quickly.

“That's for her to decide” just then we both turned to the window that had a amazing view of the gardens. Maggie was there watering the planets as Lea started walking over to her.

“Does she know?” I asked.

“No, only Maggie and now you” he told me. 

“You can't keep it from her” I knew she wasn’t going to take this atoll well.

“Leah is strong hearted don’t get me wrong, the strongest hearted person I know but she is so innocent and weak to the devil around her. This would destroy her and before I go that's not what I want to see”

“I can understand that but I still think you should tell her” I spoke honestly. I couldn’t lie to her about something like this. “If you don't mind me asking how long do you think you have?”

“The Doctor said a year maybe half but in a few months I won’t look too pretty to be around” he said so calmly

I pulled in a breath. He was a good man and I would miss him greatly but what hurts even more is just thinking how much this is going to kill Lea when she finds out. I know what she's like she won't want all her Granddads money but she's going to get it and make the most of it. I'll be making sure of that.

It upset me that knowing she was about to me an heiress she wouldn't need to work for me anymore hurt but her happiness counted more and I would be there through the whole way.

Jay came in and we started on the paper work and there was a lot to get through. Rupert was a smart man; all through his life he had kept up-to-date with his bills and had no debts so all the finances where easy to suit through.

By the end of the meeting I owned another business but this one was the most important, including my own because this company was forty percent Leah's forty percent mine and twenty percent Maggie's. We were all partners in the company. I thought this would be better because I had a feeling that Lea would like to work on the company in a few years, this way we were equal. Leah inherited the hotel and holiday homes in the South of France, Italy and Scotland, had an endless bank account and head of charities around the world. The rest of Rupert's money was evened out with the other members of the family but none of them got half as much as Lea. Maggie had already told Rupert that she didn't what anything other than to be near Leah, so she got the deeds to their home in London and in the country where Maggie could live happily and would be kept financially safe. Rupert was a rich man. Not as rich as myself but he was still very wealthy but with the Economy the way it was you never knew what could happen in this world and Rupert was a very worried man. So I decided that the best solution was to have a gentlemen agreement which was stronger than a contract in that bounded me and Lea together forever.

If Leah Anderson was to ever find herself in financial ruin, I Christian Howard would act as her guardian and be there to help her in any way I can.

Everything was done and the relief look on Rupert's face put a smile to mine. He just wanted to make sure everything was taken care of when he was gone now he can rest.

“Will she be happy?” Rupert asked just as Jay left. Looking out the window again I knew he was still looking at the two women that meant everything to him. He turned back to me. “Leah, will she be happy? In life, in love, will she have her own family? What will her husband be like? How do I know that no one will just marry her for her money? Will she be safe?” He asked me. I didn't think about the possibility of someone using Lea just for her money. That wouldn't happen, I won't let it. But at the end who was I to get involved in who she dates and who she doesn't.

“You have nothing to worry about” I told him.

“How do you know that?”

“Because, I would never let anything harm Leah as long as I live and anyone who tries would have to get through me first”' I said looking out the window in deep thought about the different ways I would hurt someone who would lay a finger on Lea.

“So you do love her?” Rupert asked with a smile on his face.


“Maggie said that you did. That woman is always right. But you love her don't you?” he asked again. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I didn't know what to say or do.

“I'm not good enough for her”

“I know that. No one’s good enough for my Leah, I'm asking if you love her?' he said sitting back in his chair look over at me. We just stared at each other for a look time. I can't lie to him, he's dying, he needs to know the truth and the real reason I would never let anyone hurt her.

“Yer I do” I whispered

“Then tell her and stop whatever is going on between you and my other granddaughter, Jess is hard work but even she doesn't deserve this. Just break up with her and tell Lea you love her” he said that like it was so easy.

“Wh...What if she doesn't love me back?” I said seriously but it only made him laugh. Not the best time to be joking!

“You’re just going to have to see Chris. Now go get ready for the dinner tonight” he said

He was right, I knew that. I just needed to man up and do it. Tonight, the next time I see her...