In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 23


Walking out into the garden I can't believe my eyes when I see the kids running after Lea with the water guns. They look like their having so much fun and Lea looks the happiest I've ever seen her. She must love kids.

I don't really understand why but this puts a smile on my face. I liked that she was good with kids, playing like she was a child herself... “Wait” a voice said in my head

“Compared to you she is a child” it said again. If I think about it I am nine nearly ten years older than her.

Is that really that old?

Ah Yer! When you were twenty she would have only been eleven. God it did sound bad like that.

Why am I even thinking about this? It's not like where together... and even if we were we're both adults now, age didn't really matter, right?

I walked over to her as the kids run to Karl. She looked shocked and embarrassed to see me as her face went from being white to a bright pink. I smiled at her and looked her up and down seeing her dripped clothes on her body. I couldn't help but look at her legs in the process; she was wearing shorts and a white top that had gone a little see through with the water. My mouth suddenly became dire and I could see the dirty thoughts swimming in my mind. Those hot sweaty dreams about me ripping off her clothes and making love to her again and again were all rushing back in my mind. I had to clench my fist tight to stop myself from pulling her into my arms.

How could I have only just, thought about her as a child, Lea was all women with everything in the right places. She was curvy and full, which would make every man feel whole holding her.

She was perfect. 

I was now standing in front of her when she started laughing nervously crossing her arms around her chest.

“Having fun?” I asked smiling at her 'you look a bit wet'

She gave me a look that said 'no shit Sherlock' she smiled at me and then put her hands on her hips giving a sarcastic “I don't know what you mean? I always look like this”

“Trust me if you always looked like that in the office we would never get any work done” I said in reply without even thinking. Why did I say that?! She looked a little shocked and shy again, before she changed the subject, clearing her throat.

“So what have you done today” she asked

“Me and the guys went golf and then to the pub” I said

“Oh you must be tired from playing all day?” she asked

“Who me? No I'm not tired, takes more than a day playing golf to take me down but if I was honest Karl and Connor look beat” I lied. I didn't want her thinking I was weak.

“Ok did you have fun then?”

“I did surprisingly well, thank you, I won”

“Surprisingly, I'm not surprised your great at everything... it's a little annoying” She said jokingly. I'm liking how open and free she feels towards me over these days away.

“Oh really and why is it so annoying” I said in a teasing voice.

“Because one person can't be great at everything or he makes the rest of us normal people look bad”

“I'm not great at everything... just most things. I haven't got a musical talented like you” I said I knew what she was saying, I'm lucky I'm good at all different things but I'm not good enough at one thing to be classed as talented like she was. I just knew enough to do well.

“Talented? I wouldn't call myself that…” here she goes again putting herself down.

“Oh no you're far too modest for that” I said

“Oh yer I was going to say amazing gifted and practically perfect in every way, like Mary Poppins but your right I am modest” she said which made me and her laugh are heads off like a couple of hyenas, until Lea stopped, looking over my shoulder.

“Oh no” she said.

“What's wrong?” I asked

“Their back” she took a small step away from me

“What who?”

“Run” she Mumbled taking another step back.

“What?” I said again but this time turning around and seeing the twins running back over to us with some of the other kids holding water guns, water bombs and... buckets.

“RUN!” Lea screamed and run away from them. I ran after her away from the kids but they got me before I could get away. Simon chucked the bucket of cold water on my back as David fired the water gun in my face. I was laughing so hard I went to my knees and started putting my hands in the air.

“I surrender! I surrender! I'm on your team boys” I said.

“Yer he's right Uncle Chris is with us” David said.

“Let's get the girls!” the other kids run in the room again after the girls, leaving David and Simon with me.

“Let's get Leah” Simon said

“Yer!”' said David

“Wait! Boys I'll help you. I know how dangerous and wild these women's minds are” I said playing their game.

“Ok soldier, you get the prisoner and will take her down” Simon said.

I looked over the garden and saw Lea hiding behind a tree from the twins so I decided to go round the back of the tree so she wouldn't see me. I was steps away from her when she turned and gave a little squeak “Traitor” she said running back in the open. I ran after her and picked her up from her legs so that I was carrying her firemen style towards the boys.

“No! No No No”

“I have the prisoner” I said holding Lea in my arms in front of the boys.

“We changed our minds we want to get you again” they said and a loud “HA!” came from Lea on my back but they could get me wet I turned Lea back around so that her front was blocking my front and her back was to me.

“CHRIS NO! AHH...”she said as she and I laughed. I was holding her tightly so she couldn't move.

“CHRIS! Out of order mate” Karl shouted

“Control your children Karl” I said letting go of Lea then running away. Lea turned back to me and did not look happy.

“Oh no you don't... can I borrow this, thanks” She said taking the water gun from David. “Come back here!” she started running after me. I felt so alive and free like I'd been asleep all my life until now.

I stopped running and turned back to Lea right on my tail

“If you shoot me your fired” I joked which only made her smile and get me all wet, I just stood there letting her get me all wet until there was no more water. I looked up at her who was laughing at me and then moved quicker than she knew so that I had her over my shoulder again and spinning her around before walking back over to the others. I slowly dropped her so her feet where back on the floor but my arm was hocked around her waist.

“What's going on here?” a voice came out from somewhere near the playroom door.

“Jess” I said quietly a little shocked to see her when Lea was in my arms, I quickly moved away

“Chris... Leah what are you doing to him?” Jess said angrily

“We were just having fun Jessica” I said.

“Fun? She's got you all wet and we have to meet Mum and Dad for dinner, remember” Oh crap no I didn't remember.

“Oh, I forget”

“Chris! You promise. We haven't seen each other so far this trip, you have to come. Daddy will be disappointed” Jess said

Oh we wouldn't won't to make Daddy upset would we. Jess was looking at me doing a puppy dog face that didn't really affect me the way she was hoping. But thinking about what she said I didn't want to annoy Mr Anderson if we were soon going to be working together. The thing is James knew that we were going to be working together in the future but he didn't know the business I had with his father. Rupert didn't want his sons knowing about me working with them.

I looked over at Karl giving him the face what should I do? Hoping he could help me getting out of a boring meal

“I'm sure Gemma won't mind. I don't think she had anything really planned anyway” Karl said with a smile on his face knowing that he's just dropped me in it.

“She text me earlier talking about there being an outside movie screening of Funny Girl...”

“Oh I love that film!” Lea shouted out of excitement. She looked like a child at Christmas, before she realised how loud she was, then went all shy. I had to laugh at how cute her face was then, she was so innocent.

“Yer I do too, I love all them old movies like, Breakfast at Tiffany's well anything with Audrey Hepburn, Judy Garland or Barbra Streisand of course” Lilly said smiling at Lea as they had a girly moment over some films I had no idea about but I enjoyed just watching her talk, until I heard an angry groan from Jessica who was standing next to me.

“Come on Chris let’s get you out of the wet clothes of yours” Jessica said loudly wanting everyone around to hear, she pulled me by the shirt closer to her as she moved into me. I saw everyone's eyes on me and her; she was kissing my neck and moving her hands up and down my arms. I looked over at Lea, her eyes had widened and she looks sad, which didn't make me happy one bit. Why was she upset?

“Jessica stop” I snapped at her, moving out of her arms a little for her only to move her head closer to mine trying to be all sexy but I was only getting annoyed.

“Why?” she said smiling at Lea and then back at me giving me a weird look that only said “you know you want me” but the funniest thing was she was wrong. True she was sexy and beautiful but... she missed something, something that she would never have and no one would have it either. She wasn't anything compared to Lea and never would be.

But I had to get that out of my head or I'll never be with other women again. I and Lea could never be, for her own good I couldn't tell her the things she does to me because somehow some way I would break her heart and that would hurt me more than anything in this world. Lea deserved someone who would keep her safe and would treat her right and be there for her until the end. But not me... I've never lasted more than a month with any girl, even back at school I would date a different girl each week, hell each day but even now when I'm a man I find it hard not getting bored and moving on to someone different.

For nearly six months now, every woman I meet a compare them too Lea and suddenly I lose interest.

I liked Jess when I first met her because she was nothing like Lea and I was hoping would help me not think about her... well that lasted until I found out she was Leah's sister.

Looking back at Jess and the others looking at us I feel like I have to keep trying and I have to keep making people believe that I like Jessica.

“I just... don't want you getting wet” I said to her looking down at my wet body which you're brought my thoughts back to Lea on the green just moments ago. I had so much fun it brought a smile back to my face.

“Well you know I love you getting me w...”

“OK! Let's go get ready for tonight. I may see you guys letter” I said taking Jess with me, I can't believe she was about to say “love me getting her wet” what was she thinking! Lea was standing right there and Lilly with the guys, the wrong place and time. I never wanted Lea to hear what me and Jess get up to.

I don't know how much more I can stand this! I know I couldn't be with Lea but that can't mean that I can't be with anyone else. Whatever I’ve been feeling for her was only because I know I couldn't have her. That’s why I want her so much!

And if I keep saying this to myself, I might start believe it.