In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 32


I couldn't help it, the look of complete enjoyment and happiness that washed over her face made me burst with life. She was so excited to have won something; she didn't even care what it was. When she jumped in my arms I know that I was never letting go and I could feel my arms tightening and acting as iron shields around her waist. I was never letting her go and that was final.

I didn't know how it even when it happened but my lips were joined to hers. I was a quick and slow kiss but with as much passion and emotion as any other. I pulled away just to see her eyes join to mine, her gorgeous sea coloured eyes speaking into mine. With just one look I felt like I'd been waken up from a long dream all these years and a rush of energy had ran over me. I pulled her along after telling the dealer to put all the money in Lea's name. I didn't care about any of it, only cared about her.

I pulled her out into the hall way where we were alone, my heart racing like crazy as my lips, like a magnet, speed to hers. This kiss was so much better than what I remembered it to be. That's what I loved about Lea, after kissing her the first time it's all I can think about and it's the most amazing experience of my life and nothing could ever top it. But then she proves me wrong. The kiss is never as incredible as I remembered and my imagination is inspiring might I just add.

There is no hesitation in this kiss now, no waiting for her to respond and kiss me back, as this kiss is for both of us. I can feel her tongue dancing around with my own, playing and exploring each other’s mouths. I can feel her hands in my hair pulling me down lower to her height, which I bow down to. I feel like a kid again, like a school kid who just had his first kiss. I feel like a firework has been set off in my body and I can't control it.

I know it's not something the guy normally says, that he sees fireworks when we kiss but that's the thing. I don't see them because I feel like I am a firework.  

I feel like I'm shooting across the sky, flying at light speed. I feel alive and on fire! Strong and powerful like I could do anything and everything at once, too much emotions going around within that I feel like at any moment I could burst, in a good way. In a way that will shows a bright and beautiful future from just one kiss… this one kiss that has now somehow changed my future, as I know it. Everything is clearer to me now; everything is brighter and more beautiful than before. I know now that everything I've ever done in my life was building up to this moment.

The moment where I was the firework that shined to life only to be seen by the girl I love.

Love…I love her that was it. I wanted to show the world and spell it out across the sky that I was in love with her!

I was her firework.

I loved her and I was never letting go...

Well maybe just for now because Jess is walking down the hall. Great!

I pulled away from a confused Leah and whisper that Jess is coming our way. Lea backed away right to the other side of the wall away from me and I don't honesty like the space between us but I just did as she wished and stood back. I could see the redness in her cheeks start to brighten, she looked so cute.

“Well Well Well” Jess said as she made her way towards us. Something was up because she was smiling at me and Lea. “What a surprise seeing you both together, again”

“What do you want Jessica?” I asked seriously at her as I didn't want to play her little game anymore.

“Why would you think I would want anything Chris? I mean Leah is my sister I can talk to her anytime I like' she said turning to Lea who looked shocked at her 'Isn't that right Leah?” she asked. I could tell that she was making Lea feel uneasy because she started doing that thing where she looked to the floor and her voice went low.

“Off course I don't mind” she said quickly.

“See, I'm just being nice” Jess said but I wasn't buying it. “Leah I don't suppose you would mind if I just spoke to Chris for a moment and then you can have him back would you? I just need to clear I few things up that's all” she said in a friendly voice which made me see that there was something going on with her.

“Sure... mmm I'll see you later” Lea said before turning away. I turned round and gave a smile.

“I'll come fine you later” I said before she turned back around the corner, which leads to the ballroom again. I stood there just staring at the empty hall way for a bit before I noticed Jess calling my name. I turned back round to her angrily I knew she was up to something because the last chat we had she wanted to destroy me and Lea but now she's playing happy families with her. I wasn't OK with not knowing what she was planning so I'll get it out of her.

“Jess what you are...” I was about to say when Jess jumped in my arms crying. There were tears running down her face and she was sobbing into my suit.

“Oh Chris I'm so sorry for all the mean things I said to you in the past. I didn't mean any of it, I wouldn't... I couldn't... Oh Chris I'm so sorry”' She said loud enough for others to ear. I didn't what her making a scene so I pulled her into one of the rooms down the hall that looked just like a little meeting room.

I couldn't work out if she was being genuinely sorry or if this was part of her plan. But seeing as Lea was involved in this I didn't want to take any chances.

“Ok, Jessica what's going on? Tell me the truth” I said pulling her away from me.

“Nothing honest, I just wanted some time with you, to explain that I'm sorry and overacted. I was just upset that you picked her... I mean Leah over me and I'm sorry for what I said” she kept on talking about how sorry and stupid she was and would I forgive her for near an hour. She kept on telling me about her life story and how it has affected her.

I didn't want to feel sorry for her one bit. I believe people have got a choice weather to be good or bad and shouldn't blame others for their actions. Your either nice or you’re not, but then I think, that I should really hear her out. I have just dumped her at her Grandfathers party for her sister. I mean that's not really nice of me, so I stay there and I listened and listened to her talk about how sorry she was and how she wanted a second chance. I felt sorry for her at that moment because all that talk I just notice was so I would go back to her. But now I have Lea... well nearly have her if she'll have me I wouldn't be letting her go.

“I'm sorry Jess but no. I can't be with you when I'm in love with someone else” I said. I looked at my watch and couldn't believe how long we had been talking for, it was nearly mid night “I should go”

“Wait!” she shouted from the other side of the room. She moved over to where I was standing in a flash and was standing by the door blocking my path. “'I think the party is over now maybe you should just go straight to bed”

“You're joking right? I can hear them all in the other room” I said moving to get past her but she blocked my exit again. Why was I getting the feeling that she didn't want me to leave the room? Oh yer because she's standing in front of it.

“Jess, why don't you want me to leave?” I asked. I knew this was all part of her plan and I fell for it.

“Maybe we could both go back up to the room” she said moving closer to me running her fingers over my chest. I knew she would never give up. “For old times’ sake” she said moving in to kiss me. I pulled back and grabbed her fingers in my hand. I looked down at her angrily, was she serious?

“Jess move out my way” I said walking past her to the door.

“Chris wait” she said I turned round to see what she wanted but collided into the glass of red wine she was now, out of nowhere, holding. “Oh dear. Oh you're going to have to go wash that out and change” she said looking at my ruined white shirt that was now soaked in red wine. I rolled my eyes at her and moved her hands once again from my chest.

“Jessica, I'll do it” I said moving back out the door.

“You don't need any help?” she said but I didn't answer her as I walked up to my room to change, racing away from Jess as quick as possible.

After changing my shirt I wanted to head back down to the party. I knew it was late but I wanted to find Lea again and pick up from where we left off. Speaking of the devil, as I came out of my room I saw Lea walking... no running towards me. She was looking down so I don't think she saw me until I called her name.

“'Lea” I said

She stopped moving and looked up at me. She was about ten steps away but I could see something was wrong. She was crying and her arm looked red. I started walking forward but I needn't walk anymore before she ran into my arms crying into my chest.

“Leah, what happen?”

“Leah I don't suppose you would mind if I just spoke to Chris for a moment and then you can have him back would you? I just need to clear I few things up that's all” I looked between Jess and Chris wondering what it was that she wanted to talk to him about. I could see by the look on Chris's face that he thought the same. I was shocked in how friendly Jess was being.

“Sure... mmm I'll see you later” I said before walking back toward the ballroom.

“'I'll come fine you later” Chris said smiling at me making me feel all warm inside again just like I did with that kiss, more on fire and warm. I saw fireworks.

I smiled to myself as I turned the corner but was then met with a large hand that came across my face over my mouth and pushed me to the wall. Out of shock I let out a little scream but with the hand over my mouth nothing came out. My heart was jumping in a panic as I saw Alex standing in front of me.

“Hello cousin” he said in his creepy voice. I pulled away and kicked and shuffled but he had he in a tight lock with his body crashing into mine on the wall, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I tried screaming again but his hand just tightened. “Please don't do that little girl” he said. He put tissues in my mouth with a rope around my head so it was trapped tight and I was gagged. He pulled both my hands behind my back and started pulling me away so my back was to his front as he pushed me to where he wanted me to go.

The rope on my cheeks where cutting onto my mouth and my wrists where burning where he was holding them so tight. I was scared and in a panic at what he was going to do to me.  

 “Get off me!” I tried to scream but being gagged it was more like “gmmtmfmme” as he pulled me into a room. He pushed me in a releasing my hands that felt on fire and there was a dark red mark where his hand was. Has he pushed me into the room before anyone saw I fell to the ground tripping on my dress and hit my head on the hard floor. Alex locked the behind him and turned back to me. I undone the gag and stared up at him.

 “There, now you won't be able to run out like last time” he said as he put the key card in his pocket. “Now where was I” he said as he walked towards me. I turned to get up and move away but with the length of the dress upper my feet and my head spinning from the hit and I couldn't move quickly enough.

His hard cold hands pulled me up from the floor, bruising my arms. I tried pulling out of his arms and turning away but he only held me tighter hurting me more.

“Why are you doing this?” I cried as he few me on the bed. He stood there walking around the bed looking at me smirking.

'Someone wants you to learn a lesson. I do this and the voices will go away” he said. I didn’t understand what he was talking about. “The voices, they tell me what to do. They want you, they always have. Ever since you grow into them perfect mouth-watering breasts of yours, all they could think about… all they could keep saying was all the different ways we could make you scream” he was mad.

“'You're sick! The voices are wrong, we're cousins Alex” I scream at him.

“Cousins can marry and have sex in this country Leah. There is nothing sick about it and we won't tell anyone if you don't want us too. Jess doesn't think that we’re sick” he said. Who was we… us? What did Jess have to do with any of this!

“Jess…” What was he talking about? Jess didn't think this was sick? Did he do this to Jess as well?

“She loves me and I love her. The voices listen to her, we would do anything for Jess” he said looking away in a day dream. The way he was saying that he loved her didn't sound like the love you should feel for your cousin.

“Alex...” I started to say but the look he gave me chilled my whole back. “If you love her, why are you doing this to me?” I asked hoping to make him see that whatever he had planned was wrong and not right.

“That's why I'm doing this. She wants you out of the family for good. We’re just here to scare you out and make you never want to come back. Like we were meant to have done five years ago but you put up quit a fight. Didn't you petal, that’s why the voices are still there” he hit the side of his head hard. “The voices won’t go till we have you. Jess said that when you’re gone so will the voices. Jess was very angry when you came back into the picture” he said looking angrily at me. What was he saying? Jess put him up to this?

Then it hit me, she was using him to get rid of me knowing he would do anything for her. She made him do that to me five years ago as well I imagine. How could she do this? She's my sister!

“That was your fault” he turned to me angrily, his eyes looked pitch black and his face had turned red. This guy was bipolar, one minute he was up and the next he was down.

“What was my fault?” I turned slowly moving off the bed shaking but he ran to the side of the bed making me jump back in the middle.

“You ran from me back then and that made Jess angry at us. The voices got louder” he said moving toward me again grabbing my wrists tight and pushing me hard into the bed. “'It's your fault, you tempt us so much. When you were young wearing your short dresses showing off that ass to me and my friends and making us horny as hell. That made Jess angry too, that we always wanted you more than her. We couldn't help it. You’re like forbidden fruit” he said as his head bent down to mine but I moved just in time so he was kissing my cheek. I don't understand… what where these voices telling him! I don't care all I know is that I need to get away from him.

He started laughing evilly and he grabbed my chin in his hands and then brought his wet cold lips to mine. I pushed and kicked moving around as much as I could with his heavy body lying on mine. I could feel the tear running down my face as the panic started to run through me again. His lips had moved from my unmoved lips down my neck where I then let out a large scream at the top of my lungs in hope of someone finding me. Alex's hand came over my mouth like a flash.  

“Wow, we knew I was going to make you scream petal but not like that. Now open up for me love” he said moving his lips back to mine replacing his hand. He started moving his other hand up and down my body making me feel sick and dirty. I wanted Chris! I wanted him to run in a save me. That's what happens in the movies wasn't it; the white shinning knight came in at the last minute saving the day. But he wouldn't because he was downstairs talking to... Jess.

OH my God she planned it all. Distracting Chris so he wouldn't be near my side. Wouldn't try finding me because he didn't know I was missing in the first place. So there would be no one to ruin Alex's and her plan.

I felt Alex push his tug into my throat and I did the first thing that I thought of and bit as hard as I could.

“Aaghh” he said moving away from me and I could see the blood on his mouth from the bite. He brought his hand up to look at the blood and smiled at what I done.

“Oh that's how you like it” he said coming fully on top of me and pulling my dress down lower.

“'No!” I screamed as I felt Alex move his hand under my dress, pulling the front down and the bottom up. I kicked; I shuffled, pushed, pulled, huffed and puffed. I decided I could either sit here wait for someone to safe me or do all I could to safe myself… if I could.

He started kissing my neck again and moved down to kiss near my breasts. I moved around again and tried to see what I could do to get out of here. There was nothing within arm’s length that I could see... that's when I saw it... the lamp.

I moved over to try and grad it but Alex lifted his head up to see what I was doing. I looked into his evil eyes and started playing along with his sick fantasy and let out a little moan.

“Hmm Alex” I said and he grinned happy with himself and then went back down to kissing my chest. I kept up the act until I could feel the lamp in my hand. As quick as that I brought it up high and hit him over the head with it and knocked him out cold.

My breathing was coming out in sobs as I crawled out from under his lifeless body. I didn't stay there long to see if I killed him or not. I just ran to the door but it wouldn't open. That's it he locked it and put the key... oh where he put it...

I stood there looking around the room trying to think but my heart was racing too much and then it hit me... his jacket pocket. I ran over to the chair he put his coat on and found the key card in the side. Thank God I thought as I moved back to the door to open it.

I looked back over to the bed to see Alex moving on the bed holding his head. I hadn't killed him but the thought of him coming too, scared the hell out of me. I ran and worked on opening the door which was hard when your eyes are full of tears and your heart feels like you’re on the edge of a cliff.

Click! The door opened and I ran lifting my dress high to my knees. I was free and there was only one place, one person that I wanted to be with that would make me feel safe. I wanted to be in his arms. I wanted Chris. So I ran and ran and ran... When I got to his floor I saw him coming out of his room and I came to a standstill. There he was finally I found him. I ran faster than before into his arms.

“Lea” he says as I jumped into his arms and the warmth of safety hits me so hard. I made it; I was in my safe haven.