In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 35


I woke from what felt like a deep sleep, my body felt heavy and weak all over. I looked to my left and saw that I saw alone. It was a dream! Really! It felt so real! so safe being in his arms. I laid in the empty bed looking up at the ceiling suddenly realised what happened last night with Alex. Panic and fear ran through my body making me feel cold and coursed my heart to jump in my chest. Remembers of him touching me and hurting me came back to me and how close he was to raping me.

I wanted to be sick!

I could feel the tears start to roll down my cheek, I started crying. Crying about want happened with Alex and crying because everything that I thought happened with me and Chris last night was all but a dream. I sat up in the bed to find some tissue but I was suddenly shocked to find myself not in my room and then the bathroom opened and there stood Chris with his boxers on. I just sat there still with tears running down looking at him shocked.


“Hey... what's wrong?” he came closer first smiling until he saw the tears on my cheek. He jumped on the bed and cupped my face in his large warm hands. That feeling of fear and panic was now gone and was filled with love and warmth. “Hey, hey tell me” he said.

“It's nothing... I just... I thought...” trying to laugh off my stupid little crying moment but he wasn't having it. He looked worried. “I just remembered about Alex and... and when I woke you weren't here and I thought it was all a dream” I said quickly looking down because I was embarrassed in how weak and needed that sounded.

I felt his hand on my chin bring my head up to his. “Hey, look at me” he said looking in my eyes “You don't need to worry about Alex OK! I'll be here. And dreams are never that good sweetheart, I wish anyway” he said making me laugh. “So let's start again shall we, morning” his sweet voice came out just before his lips met mine.

“Morning” I smiled feeling suddenly full of love. I when remembered that I just woke-up and must look a state and oh God I haven't brushed my teeth! I moved away quickly and pulled the covers over my head but I know he saw me blush just before.

He laughed and asked. “What are you doing?”

“I look terrible!” I said from under the covers. He moved closer into me loving the feel of his skin joined with mine. I gasp a little at the shock of our naked bodies together.     

“Lea” he said moved the covers back showing my face to his. “Much better” he brought our lips together for a sweet soft kiss.

“I love you” I said again. I don't know what it was but after saying it the first time I feel like I can't stop it from now shooting out. “I thought it was all a dream but now I really want to go brush my teeth and have a shower. I feel gross”

“Ok, I'll get some clothes on and walk you to your room” he said

“Oh no, you don't need to” I said but was just given a look from Chris knowing he was going to do it, whatever I said. “Ok fine. Oh I only have my dress to wear back to my room. Do you think anyone will see us?” I asked sitting on the bed naked with only the covers covering me.

I looked over to Chris who had a pair of cream trousers and a white t-shirt on laughing at me. 'I kind of like you like that' I through a pillow at him laughing. “Here you can wear these” he said passing me a pair of sweats and a large top.

I pulled on his clothes, I had to roll the bottom of them because they were so long and the top was near my knees. We walked quickly back to my room with my bag, shoes and dress in hand. I opened the door and Chris, bless him walked in with me to check that there was no one else in here.

“Ok everything looks good in here. Phone me when you’re ready and I'll come up and walk you down” he said kissing my head walking back to the door.

“Chris you can't watch out for me twenty four seven. I can walk down myself”

“Just phone me ok” He said leaving the door. I loved how protective he was. 


I leave Lea in her room to get ready, she was right even thou I want to spent all my time with her but I couldn't. I didn't like that Alex was still in the same hotel as her, so as soon as I get rid of him the sooner I'll calm down about leaving Lea. She better call me so I can walk her down.

I walked down the stairs looking for the guys. I needed to apologize for last night. I did kind of shout at them and kick and hit them. I'm kind of sure I bit one of them. Anyway I just needed to say sorry and thank them for not letting me commit murder. I walked passed the bar thanking that they might be watching the cricket but saw Karl shitting at the bar with what looked like a whiskey in his hand. It was ONLY ten o'clock. This can't me good and I imagine it having something to do with my sister too.

“Hey mate” I said pulling the chair out next to him.

“Hey” a said looking down at his drink. He didn't look drunk but he looked like he was about to fall asleep.

“What's wrong?” I asked pulling the whiskey away from his hands.

“Ha... nothing’s wrong. I'm just... getting old need the drink” he said going to grab the drink from my hands. 

“Man it's ten in the morning you don't need this. Excuse me can we get two coffees here please”I asked the girl behind the bar. I turned back to Karl who had his head in his hands. “Is it something to do with Gem?” I asked.

“Yep” he answered angrily.

“Well what?” I asked that there was a silence. The young girl brought our coffees over and we thanked her.

“She's pregnant again” Karl said

“Who?” the coffee girl or Gemma? I thought confused.

“Gem” Karl snapped.

“Again? Jesus don't you guys know about a condom!” I said shocked. I don't believe them two. There either at each other’s throats or at it like rabbits.

“Ha well we didn’t think we needed to. Gem still hadn’t had a period since baby Connor was born” he said drinking his coffee. Too much information I though. I couldn't work out if he was happy about this or not. 

“Well congrats mate, five kids... you not happy?”

“Connors not even eight months, Chris. I don't think I can handle another nine months of Gemma being pregnant again. I mean yer the first three months are great, the excitement and the fact that she wants sex all the time, pregnant women get turned on so easily...” I think I'm going to be sick!

“OK that's my sister!” I said looking away drinking my coffee.

“… but after that is six months of crying and fighting” I know what he meant. Gemma had mood swings anyway but pregnant Gemma is like world war three. I looked back over at Karl and saw a cut on his forehead. It was bright red all around and bLeading a little. 

“What happened to your head?” I asked pointing to the cut.

“Gemma through one of her shoes at me, you know one of them ones with a heel thingy” he answered.

“Why?” I laughed.

“Because after Connor was born she threatened my manhood if I got her pregnant again. Connor's birth was the hardest for her and now I'm scared for my life!”

“So you're not happy?” I asked.

“I love my kids and I'd love another little girl just like Paige, I just hate seeing Gemma angry with me” he said. I really felt for him there, Karl never liked it when we were younger having Gemma hate him when he was in love with her. I could even remember the hurt he was feeling and that was like years ago. 

“She won't be for long and you know she'll get all excited about another baby just like the others” It was true with Paige and Connor, Gemma was angry and upset to start with but then got all excited and couldn't wait again. 'But just think you got through the pregnant moods the first three times. Your relationship can handle anything' I said.

“Women” Karl said finishing his coffee.

“Women” I cheered him with my coffee cup.


“I'm in love with her” I said looking down at the cup. I never really had one of these chats with Karl. Yer we had them all the time about Gemma but I never needed to talk about women with anyone before. But now Karl knew more about being in love than I do, seeing as he's been in love with my sister for over ten years.

“I know you are” he said. I was a little shocked that he wasn't shocked. “I could tell when I saw the way you looked at her' he started laughing 'God we sound like women”

I laughed with him but after there was silence again and I turned serious at him. “I'm worried… I'm not right for her, she deserves someone who will be there for her, that won't break her heart and keep her safe. I'm too selfish for her and.... I'm terrified of having her then losing her by breaking her heart like I've done with every other woman”

“I once remember having the same conversation with you about ten years ago Chris and I’m going to tell you the same thing you told me. No won't” was his only answer, what great help he was. Was that really what I told him?

“Karl, you have known me forever and what is the longest I've been with a girl? I can't hurt her Karl… I can't” I suddenly started feeling regret for ever starting something with Lea. What if things don't go right? What if I muck everything up and hurt her? I couldn't live with myself.  I can't break her heart because I'll break mine in the process.

“You won't” again was his short bunt answer that wasn't helping. I was having a mental break-down and all he says is “No you won't” Not helping!

“How can you say that?” I turned snapping at him.

“Mate I've seen you both together, I've seen the way you look at her, how you would do anything for her and I really believe Chris that you won't hurt her because you won't let yourself” he said seriously. I guess he was right… I wouldn't let myself hurt her, I'd die first. “Thinking about it, me and all the guys won't let you. We all really love her”

“She's easy to love” I replied smiling.

“So are you two together now?” he asked. I sat there just thinking about the answer. We haven't really talked about what we are but I knew what I wanted.

“Yer we are”' I said to him as he smiled

“Right I better go make my wife happy again. Thanks Mate” Karl said getting up from his set and walking away. I stood and turned back to him.

“Karl!” I called after him 'Thanks not just for this but for last night and everything. If it wasn't for you guys last night… well I'd be in a prison right now… and I guess what I'm saying is… I love you man' I said meaning every word.

Karl came back over to where I stood and hugged me… I mean MAN hugged me. This guy was my best friend; it's been that way since we were eight years old and I loved him like my own brother.

“I love you too mate. And that's what friends are for even if at the end I was just going to let you go” we both laughed at each other and started walking out the room. “So what you going to do about that guy last night?” he asked. 

“I don’t know mate. I still want to kill him but I know Lea wouldn't want that but I do what to let his family know what he really is like, so I'm going to go talk to her Granddad later today”

“Well if you need anything…”

“I know man I know” I said just before walking into the breakfast room. Karl walked over to Gemma who was near the food with the kids and I went to go sit next to Mum.

“Darling! I feel I haven't seen you all week” she kissed my cheek as I sat down. Jakes Mum was at the table as well with Jay and Kate, I smiled a hello.

“So where's your young lady?” Mum asked I think she already knew that we broke up from the way she asked but was just being nosey.  

“We broke-up mother” I asked nicking some food off Gem's plate when she came and sat next to me but she slapped my hand.

“Oh that's too bad” she said followed by Gemma saying “Yer too bad”' in a sarcastic voice that made me smile at her.   

“So?” Gemma whispered.

“So what?” I laughed at her.

“Now you're free are you going to be with Leah?” She asked near shouting at me, making everyone on the table nearly hearing.


“Stop Gemmaing me and tell me, is it true that you love her? Is it true that you’re together?” she asked. I looked at her shocked and then turned my head to look at Karl next to her but he just looked the other way.

“Well is it true about you being pregnant again?” I matched her noisiness.

“How did you... Karl!” She said looking around at him. He smiled first but then turned to a frown as he saw Gemma glare.

“Ya! I'll just go ask her myself...” she said smirking and getting up from her seat. I turned round quickly shocked to see Lea walking in the hall looking around. I told her to phone me when she was ready! What if she bumped into Alex on the way? I got a little angry at her that she didn't call but just looking at the way she looked this morning, she was glowing.

She was wearing a yellow summer dress that stopped at her knees, with a white jumper and she was wearing high shoes that made her legs look… amazing. Lust ran straight through me and all the memoirs of last night were coming back.

I jumped out of my seat and half ran up to Gemma who was close to Lea near the door.

“Don't!” I whispered back at Gemma just in time as we both met her at the door, as soon as Lea's eyes met mine a smile grow large on her beautiful face and my smile went ten times isn't normal size.

“Looks like I got my answer” Gemma grinning and laughing at me. I looked back at Lea who had a confusing look on her face and started to blush a little. I couldn't help but laugh a little at her beautiful face, which made her laugh shying a bit. That little voice was a song to my heart, I loved her laugh. It did things to me.

“Hi” I finally said after staring at her, I don't know why I was so nervous I've had the whole morning after with girls all the time, but this isn't any girl, its Lea and I wanted to say and do that right thing to not scare her off.

“Hi” she smiled back I just need to get rid of my annoying sister leaking behind me and this moment would be perfect.

“MORNING! Isn't it a great day? I think it is. Yer Leah we were just talking about the picnic walk everyone is going on later. Are you planning on joining us or are you going with your family? Oh, I hope you come with us it will be so much some fun. We're taking the kids and got loads of games. Jake and Connor are gonna teach us to play rugby” Gemma got all excited and wouldn't stop talking until Lea said she would come along.

“Great! Well come have some breakfast” Gemma said walking back over to the table as me and Lea stood there still looking at each other.

“You look great” I said looking her up and down making her blush even more.

“Thanks. So do you” she said nervously. We started walking over to the food table as I grabbed her, a plate. The food looked great! They had everything, full English, muffins, pancakes and much more. I filled my plate up with as much as I could but ran out of room. I saw Lea laughing next to me.


“You do know it's an all you can eat, so you can come back right?” she laughed at my plate.  

“Are you calling me a pig?” I joked at her.

“Of course not” she laughed as I nudged her softy with my elbow. “You can use the room left on my plate if you like. I only what some bacon and sausage” I think I've fell even more in love with her. I kissed her on the cheek not caring who saw and started adding more stuff on her plant.

“Why didn't you call me to come get you?'” I asked as we got to the drinks.

“I did. About five times” she said. I pulled my phone out and she was right there were five missed calls from her. It must have been when I was talking to Karl. I felt so bad! What if she really needed me! I wouldn't have been there for her.

“I'm so sorry Lea I should have turned my phone off silent” I said angrily with myself but she just laughed at me.

“It’s ok just carrying my plate over for me as I get our drinks and you're forgiven” she said.

“I'll make it up to you” I said in her ear making her laugh. “I would like that” she said.

We reached the table where everyone moved over so Lea could sit next to me. I didn't really give them a choice from the look in my eyes.

“Wow Leah you eat even more than Chris” Ben said from the other side of the table.

“Ben that's very rude” Mum said. “Sorry Leah” she apologized.

“It’s ok, most of this is his anyway. He ran out of room” she said making everyone on the table laugh.

“I'm hungry, besides I need my energy if I'm playing rugby later” I said just before filling my mouth up with food.

“How are you not fat?” Ben asked everyone laughed again and I ignored his question and kept eating.

“So Leah are you enjoying your Grandfathers party?” Mum asked.

“Yes I am. I've met some new friends and the parties are great” she replied. “And you?”

“Oh yes very much so. It's lovely to see old friends again after a long time. And it's great having every one of my kids under one roof for a change. Their all always so busy doing different things. I think the last time Sally's and my family got together was little Connors christening” that was true. I loved Jakes family as much as my own and it was hard to get us all together like this. “How about you and your family, I imagine it's hard for you all to get together”

I looked up from my plate and saw Lea tense a little as she talked about her family, I could tell that it was something that she didn't like talking about; hell I didn't like talking about them. I grabbed her hand from under the table and held it tightly. I could feel her relax next to me as our fingers linked together.

“Yes it is. I'm not as close to my family as all you are, so it's not that bad for me” she said smiling and then eating the rest of the breakfast. It went like that for about an hour eating breakfast, casual talk about the holiday and what is yet to come. Most the talk was about the picnic later on with cricket and rugby games being played. I kept moving from my plate to Lea still eating even when everyone else was finished. I had to say that I was a bit of a pig but I always managed to keep it off.

All through breakfast mine and Lea's hands where still linked holding tight right until we all stood to get the things we needed for the picnic. My hand suddenly felt cooled without Lea's in it.

Walking out of the breakfast hall we both walked up the stairs in silence with my hand on her back. I didn't need to change or get anything really I just wanted to go with her to get her bag. One because I didn't want her alone after last night with Alex and second because I just wanted to be with her.

We were walking down the hall just passing my door and Lea kept walking to hers. I couldn't help but look at her legs in that dress and her bum, she was so hot! She turned round to say something but I court her off guide by pulling her by the waist into her room.

We were both laughing and giggling as I moved our body's closer together as one. My eyes were fixed on her rosy lips and I felt the same pull of need, as last night to have them lips joined with mine.

I could feel every curve of her body pushing into mine as I moved into kiss her. Our lips joined and I felt the fireworks all over again. I swear this girl is going to give me a heart attack.


I don't remember how it happened but we were back on the bed kissing just like we were a couple of hours ago only change was that it was now my bed. And it was amazing.

I was so worried going down earlier and seeing him again. I know it’s only been a couple of hours since we were both in bed but I couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed about seeing him and knowing he's seen me naked and I him. I also didn't really know what was going on with us, I mean we slept together and we said we loved each other. People don't tell one night stands that they love them. I knew it wasn't a one night stand but I didn't know if we were together in a relationship or just... Lovers?

God it sounds cheesy being called that! Lovers!

But I don't care what we are as long as there was a 'we' I would be whatever he wanted me to be. I don't care, I'm in love!

I couldn't really think about it anyway with Chris's hand moving its way down my dress.

“Chris, we need to get going. Gemma well be waiting” I said as quickly as I could before he coursed me to forget how to speak. He got up so quick it scared me, his grabbing his phone. 

“Gemma... Lea and I will meet you guys down there... We have some things we need to talk about... Ya ok will do. See ya... When I see ya' he said hanging up. I was still lying on the bed looking up at him. 'See now we have all the time in the world” he said with an evil little smile.

“Do you always get what you want?” I joked as he climbed back on to the bed next to me.

“By the looks of things” he said looking me up and down “Yes!”

He kissed down my neck making me shiver. I loved his lips on me. As quick as a blink the clothes between us were gone and it was just me and him but naked on top of the bed. Chris had me pinned to the bed with his hands on my hips,

“Now where should I start” he said as he kissed me on the lips. “Here?” he said the moving down my neck too my breast “…here?” he said just as he took my nipple in his mouth. My only answer was a loud moan that fell from my lips. I could feel him chuckling above me. “…or here?” he said moving his head lower down to my belly, I felt all tingly everywhere. And then... his hands had moved to my back lifting me up just a little as he started kissing my hip all the way down to my knees and up again. He started kissing the inside of my thighs.  

I gasped out of shock for what he was about to do. I couldn't think right, I didn't know if this was going to fast or not. I know we've had sex already but I still didn't know how to... how to... control myself and do the right things yet. I didn't know if there was something at this moment that I was meant to do for him or not.

And then all my thoughts went away as he kissed me... Right in between my legs... “Here?” he asked again but I couldn't answer as his lips... His tongue was making me want to scream but couldn't find the voice within me. “I need an answer Lea, do you want me to kiss you or not?” he teased me as he moved to kiss the sides of my thighs.

“Yes” I managed to say just as he moved back to the middle of my legs right at the core. I couldn’t breathe, my heart was beating out of my chest and I felt so hot I couldn't work out how to speak or do anything. It was like he had taken over my whole body. I didn't think things could get any better just when Chris grabbed my bum in his hands and brought him closer in me with his mouth.

“Yes! Yes!” I screamed has he deepened his tongue into me making me wetter and wetter. I was so close... I couldn't breathe, I didn't know what I was meant to do or not do but I just let Chris take over. He would know what to do and what I needed.

“Chris! I... I can't... Stand it much longer!” I moaned. I know I was having fun but I wanted to know he was. I wanted him to feel the same pleasure I was feeling right now. But I know if he kept going like this I was going to cum.

“Chris! Chris... What about you? Aarrhh!” I was at the top of something but I didn't know what.”I want... God... I want you to... Feel this good too! I want you to have... Fun Chris!” my hands where in his head holding tight on his hair.

“Trust me Princess I'm having fun” he laughed as he went back to what he was doing. I wasn't going to argue about it because I felt so good! I just hope he'll let he do the same to him so he feels the same pleasure it's not either if just one of us does.

I was just lying there enjoying the pleasure Chris was giving when I suddenly felt an eclectic current in me from my core. I screamed in pain or was it joy? I couldn't tell but at that point Chris had started to kiss back up my body to my lips where I could tease myself on his lips. He looked drunk and dizzy as he looked at my smiling and laughing. That eclectic current that went through me fills me with this... yearning. It was like I was a different person than five minutes ago. I couldn't control myself as I pulled myself on top of Chris. I could feel him hard on my inner thigh as I then moved so he was inside me.

We both moaned at the feel of each other. I didn't know what came over me as I start taking control of everything moving him in and out of me. Saddling him faster and faster, I looked down at his face. His eyes where fixed on me, lust and I think shock mixed together.

“Lea... Jesus Christ!” he grunted holding tight on my hips as I moved. “Good! So... good”

I laughed at him and went down to kiss him. I licked his lips, still tasting me there earlier and I think he liked it as he groaned low in his throat. I was digging my nails into his chest hard as I moved holding on. I went back down kissing his neck, licking his chest and biting hard on his nipple! I felt like an animal but he was just the same. As much as I thought I was taking control I was getting tired moving, Chris must have noticed because he swag me round on my back and drove into me again and again until we both at the end both coming together.

Yet again we both lay there catching our breath on the bed.

“That was a bit more hard core than I planned” Chris said then he had his breath back, but I was still out of breath. “I mean... Jesus Lea! I never thought you could be so... So wild”

“Neither did I” It made him laugh and we feel back into a silence as we both calmed down.

“Chris? What is this… you and I?” I asked shyly wanting to hear what he wanted from us. “What do you want?” I asked quietly.

He turned over so he was leaning on his elbow looking at me. 'Do you not remember last night love?' Of course I remember how I could forget “I love you! With every part of my body and soul! I want to marry you and have babies with you and grow old with you. But let's just start with being in a relationship first yer?” He asked bring me closer to him.

“Like girlfriend and boyfriend?” I asked smiling at him.

“I'm a little old to be classed as somebody's 'boyfriend' aren't I? I'm no Boy”