In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 34


We tumbled onto the bed kissing with arms tangled around each other.

Her hands covered over my muscles, on my back and her hips pressed into mine. I wanted to be even closer to her, surrounded in her desire. I pressed my body into hers and I heard her moan in reply as I rolled to my side pulling her with me. My hands tugged at her ankle dragging her leg

Around my hip.

My lips where still attach to hers the whole time then moving to nipple on her earlobe softly.

“Chris!” she moaned again exciting every core. The robe she was wearing started to loosen and rise up her thighs until my hands squeezed tightly on her bare buttocks making her gasp. I chuckled to myself as I felt her enjoy my touch. The feel of my skin on hers took my breath away, it was too much.  She pulled on my shirt; bring me down over her so she was on her back. My hands went from around her ass to her hips curving ever lump and bump. Her hands were on my shirt trying to undo the buttons but due to her trembling hands she was struggling. I helped her by undo the rest of them and pulling the shirt off.

I looked up to see her looking at me and our eyes met. She was so beautiful, her eyes where sparkling with lust. I brought my hand up to her face as she curved into it. I kissed her started up the passion once again. I pulled away the robe she was wearing to see her amazing body. She looked so soft and pore with her pale white skin, my eyes went from my hand on her ankle up her body past her middle and by the time I got to her breasts I came out of breath and lent up... Kissing, sucking biting every part of them. Her breasts were perfect, not too big but not too small, perfect hand size I thought cupping them.

I don't know why I was doing this too myself, I was getting far too excited and my friend down stairs couldn't take anymore. But my hands and mouth had other things in mind. What made things hard, literally were the sounds, Lea was making. The heavenly sounds coming, sipping from her mouth drove me crazy and I couldn't help the huge grin on my face at the sounds of her moans.

I flipped her over on her back and stared down at her. Her face was red and her eyes were bright and big and her mouth… her lips were full and asking to be kissed. Like she could read my mind she brought her arms around my neck and pulled me down for a kiss.

My hands that were on my ankles are now on her mid highs and all I could think about was if I don't get inside her soon I may actually die. However crud that sounds I don't care somehow, anyway I need to be in her, feeling her and being one. I pulled myself up bring her legs with me as I spread them apart. I brought my hand down her highs squeezing her skin on the way, playing with her a little.

“…mmm Chris!” she said digging her nails into my back; I kind of liked it, a lot and the way she said my name. I wish she moaned it like that all the time, people may not but I won't care. Lea might.

Fun and games where over as I couldn't take it anymore. I reached her core and started moving my hand over her, rubbing her. I could feel her go tense and unmoving under me. I would have stopped, thinking that she wasn't enjoying it but the look on her face said differently. So I started moving my hand a little faster.

“Ahh....” She moaned “Chri…” she started to say just when I entered her with my fingers. From the feel of her, she was tight, very tight. I felt like I was going to hurt her later on, knowing that my friend was much bigger than my fingers. Oh well I would just have to do this for a bit longer till she gets used to my size. I always know that Lea wasn't that experienced with men but it was only now that I started asking how experienced she really was. Maybe it was just a long time for her, I hope it was. I don't like the thought of someone else with my girl when she knew me I didn't mind before but not after knowing me.

I added more fingers into her and could feel that she was more than ready for me as I felt her wet core. I pulled my lips back to hers. My trousers were off and we were both now naked in each other’s arms. Her hands were back on my chest looking at my abs and then I saw her eyes wired as should saw me in all my glory. I laughed at her and started kissing her neck again as I moved my way into her. I knew I was big but the look on her face… it was like she never seen one before.

I pushed followed into her when I was right at her opening and then two things became very clear to me as I suddenly added everything around me together.

One was I forgot to put a condom on! I've never forgot that before but then saying that I've never been so passionate with someone before I just got caught in the moment.

And the second was… She's a virgin.  Or was a virgin!

At that moment I felt pain shooting through my whole body has been plunged into me. It hurt I'm not going to lie. I heard groans come from him as he thrust into me and I could feel him deep inside me where he then froze. He gasped and looked down at me with a shocked expression on his face. Just looking into his eyes I felt the pain fade away and now it was more a num pain other than a sharp shock.

“You're... I thought... I didn't know. I would have gone slower... more gently. Why didn't you tell me?” He asked. Really was now the time to talk about this?

“Chris” I can't tell if that was a moan or my normal voice but that's what came out when I found my voice.

“Did I hurt you? Oh God I did, didn't I?” he said just about to move out of me but I wrapped my legs around his waist and could feel him move inside me again but this time felt no pain. No pain just... pleasure.

“Please don't go”

“I wasn't going to” he laughed. “I just need to take things slower with you that are all. I don't want to hurt you” he said leaning back down to kiss me.

“You won't” I whispered as his lips met mine again. He moved into me again more slowly than before and I felt on fire. I felt like I was reaching towards something but I didn't know what and it was driving me crazy. I gave myself over to the pleasure and moaned his name clutching at his shoulders as the feel of him going in and out of me became harder and fast and I felt my own hips start to join in.

I felt out of control, I couldn't breathe, couldn't think I couldn't do anything and then suddenly I felt something different. I couldn't tell if I was in pain or not, I felt like I was going to burst, I couldn't help the cries that scream out of my lips. I feel like I was being persisted, like someone or something else was controlling my body and I couldn't stop it. I didn't want to stop it. I could feel my body rising and my breaths jumping out.

Chris was trembling as well and I could see he was losing control.

“Lea” he moaned. “I can't wait much longer” I didn't want him to wait I wanted it now.

“I want you” I screamed. “Now!” Was the last thing I said, before reaching heaven. That was it what my body was reaching for, what it was begging for. With one last thrust and I felt like I exploded as he poured himself into me and we both climaxed into each other. 

After Chris's breathing had returned to a normal he said.

“Jesus! It's never... never been that good” he said padding. “Was it good… for you?”

“I’ve had better” I laughed looking over at him. “Do you need to ask? I thought my answer was clear” I smiled at him thinking back to how loud I just was.

“Just checking” he smiled back. We laid there for a few moments more waiting for our breathing to calm down.

“Why me?” I asked out of no where

“Why what?” he answered. Oh why did he have to make me explain?

“You're the sort of guy who gets only the best. Flashy car, expensive dinners and clothes” my eyes flickered back to his. “The obligatory blonde” I tried to laugh but I could tell that he knew I was being serious.

Chris leaned towards me and I start moving away from him before we both lost control again.

“Well tonight I have no blonde, just a red head” he said closing his eyes and inhaling.

“Ginger…” I corrected, adding. “Are you smelling my hair?” I asked laughing.

I could feel him smiling on my head “I am smelling you, you smell of... coconuts” he said lifting my head to his so I was facing him.

“I use coconut shampoo” I told him. Are faces where so close at this point, there was no escape. Not that I wanted it anyway. He kissed me again and I could already feel myself getting worked up again. I moved on top of him in a saddling passion. I didn't feel like me anymore, I felt different. Confident and alive.

“Really? You sure after your first time you want to go again” I laughed into his neck and then came up to looked down at him.

“Are you not up to it, Mr. Howard?” I laughed playing with the little bit of chest hair that was on his hard as rock pecks and abs. God he was sexy.

“I'm more than up to it thank you” he said tickling my love handles on my hips making me giggle. “I was just thinking of you”

“I you sure because I know you’re not at young as you once where” I can't believe I just said that and by the look on Chris's face either can he. But he laughs knowing I was joking and jumps over at me so I'm on my back again.

“Old?” he says now saddling me. “You better watch it sweetheart because you're in for some teasing”

“Well that's just the thing, the first time just wasn't very good so I'm getting you a second chance before I kick you to the curb” I was lying of course but I think I pushing it with Chris as he picking my up from the bed and walked over to the bathroom.

“Right” he said. “You asked for it” he says as he walked into the bathroom shower, which would have fit five people!

“Aaghh! CHRIS! It's cold!” I scream as he turns on the cold water. We're both naked and I can't believe how composed I am about us fighting like this. It’s fun and I feel so happy. Even dripping wet in cold water. 

I pull him in so we're both under the shower getting wet as we laugh and play in the water. It was like our water fight the other day in the garden but we weren't naked. Chris caught me at mid laughed as her brought his lips to mine. I was taken aback by the kiss and could feel my legs going weak but he quickly lifted my legs around his waist. I had by back to the wall as we repeated what we did in the other room but this time Chris didn't stop half way through.      

“Aaghh! Lea!” Chris grunted as I moved with him up and down as he moved back and forth. He moaned my name again and I did the same to him at the end.

“Chris!” I screamed laughing. “I love you!”

What? Did I just…NO!

No, no you idiot! You’ve ruined everything!

“What?” he asked shocked as he turned the shower off with me till in his arms. I decided to play dump.

“What?” I repeated.

“You... you just said you loved me”' he said.

“No I didn't” shaking my head at him. He had a smile on his face but I couldn't tell why? He was happy that I said it? He was happy because I said I didn't say it? He was laughing at me? WHY?

“Yes. You. Did” he said leaning close to my face

“No. I. Didn't” I argued back which only made him laugh more when I was just wrapped in his arms having nowhere to run with a straight face.


“Yer” I pouted

“Tell me. Did you tell me you loved me? Tell me the truth, please” He looked straight in my eyes and I knew he had me there; I couldn't lie to him like this, ever.

So I just nodded.

“I want to hear you say it” he said. “Again” was he having a laugh. He must have no idea how mean this joke he's playing on me is like. I look at him wishing for him not to make me but I don't see him backing down. “Please” he pouts this time.

“I love you” I say again but so quite I don't think a mouse could have heard.

“Sorry didn't get that again please” he said grinning playing with my sides so I laughed out loud until I spoke again. 

“I. Love. You. Ok I love you, I'm sorry I know I've ruined everything but I couldn't help it I've loved you ever since I met you and even more now. I love your smile, I love you jokes, I love how caring and sweet you are. I even love you when you in one of your work moods where you’re so passionate about everything you do” I took a breath and saw him looking at me with his jaw dropped. “I love how tonight you made me forget about Alex and how loving you were. I know I may have ruin things between us now but I just thought you should know”

I couldn't look at him but I couldn't walk away either... he still had me attached to his hips holding me up. So I looked at the side of the shower wishing he would say something but he doesn't. He just walks us both out of the shower back to the bed where he lightly drops me down and he walks away.

Oh no! What have I done? I've scared him away!

“Chris...” I was about to say when he turned back to me and spoke.

“I want to tell you a story” he said moving around the room. “I walkedinto my office after a long twelve hour flight, I hadn't gone home yet and I was tired and grumpy. Everyone who I've ever worked with knows when they see me with my sunglasses on at work they shouldn't come near me if they still want their job. But this one day there was this one young girl that stopped me going into my own office” he said talking about me. “I was in a bad mood that morning but there was something about this strange petit girl that fought to keep me out of my own office that washed away my bad mood. From that moment I know that there was something about her that I liked. She was strong brave and passionate. Months went on and I suddenly realised that I needed this girl in my life. She went above and beyond for me.

She was sweet and cute and blushed every time I said something to her, she made me feel different, stronger more powerful, and she brought out the best in me, which back then wasn't much. I wanted to be with her but I couldn't she was too good and innocent for someone like me. A playboy who never stayed with one person more than two months and found it hard to be with only one person for long, how can someone like that be with an angel like her.

It killed me having to walk away from something I wanted so badly, like you said I'm a guy that gets whatever I wanted but not this time. This time I couldn't just think of myself but think of her and what was best for her which wasn't me.

This girl makes me wish to be a different person, the person I want to be. Good kind loving because just being around her goodness you just hope that some will rub off on you” He took my hands in his. I can only sit and stare at him in surprise.

“You Lea, you've bewitched me. I want to always be by your side. I've been so stupid, too scared that I'm going to muck up your life by being with you and not just following my heart. I love you Lea. I love your ability to love and see the good in everyone. I love your heart and your mind. I love your wit and innocents” I could feel tears coming down by face but he brushed them away.

“I just, I love you” he said and my heart was jumping for joy.

This must be a dream!

This can't be happening he loves me!

He loves me!

Nothing this good could ever be a dream, when he puts his lips to mine.