In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 39


 When we got to the pub it was packed with locals drinking and having a good time. In the corner in the same place as last time was the gang. The guys looked pissed as they kept knocking back the pints and Lilly and Kate looked a little tipsy too. Gemma I notice wasn't drinking she's most likely driving.

“You want a drink?” Chris asked moving to the bar.

“Jacks please” he smiled at me most likely thinking how classy I was ordering cider. I left Chris to get the drinks and moved over to the others who all screamed my name as I came over hugging and kissing me. It felt nice being wanted, it's been a long time since I had friends I forgot what it feels like.

The pub was busy because there was a rugby game on, Connor and Jake had moved over talking to some guys on the other side of the bar who were asking for pictures. Chris came over with the drinks and I noticed there were no seats so I got up to give him mine. He shook his head but then laughed sitting down and pulling me on to his lap. Everyone at the table looked shocked but still didn't say anything they just smiled and started talking again about rugby games or whatever, I didn't understand and even if I wanted to I couldn't concentrate as Chris was so close smelling my hair and having his hands around me. I swear it was a crime to be this happy! It must be!

The game ended and the pub cleared a bit but still very busy, there was a guy singing on the stage how was completely drunk. It was karaoke night and this guy was singing 'like a virgin' which was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

“Give it up to Eric Sanford! Everybody!” we all heard the landlord say into the microphone. We all clapped at the old man who stepped down from the keyboard and back to his pint.

'Right whose next?' the landlord said again.

Everyone was looking around to each other in the pub and everything turned silent because no one was willing to go up and sing. I looked back down and started drinking my drink again and when I looked up from the glass, I felt Chris pick me up from his lap and then stood up, staring down at me.

“What?” I asked which only made him laugh

“Over here!” Chris shouted and everyone looked over at him in shock.

“You're going to sing?” Gemma laughed

“No. Lea is” he said drinking his drink and sitting back in his chair. Everyone laughed and started laughing.

“Do we have a volunteer?” the man walked over to us and I was looking at Chris in shock with my mouth weird open. What had he just done?

“Yes, her!” Chris said and Ben and Paul pushed me towards the man who continued to pull me towards the stage.

“Sing! Sing!” they all sang banging their hands on the table.

“Oh god” I said

“Hello dear, what's your name?”

“Hello...mmm my names Leah” I said into the mic to the people in the pub.

“LEAH!!” Shouted the guys followed the girls 'OOHH!' I laughed at them and let my cheeks get redder and redder.

“'Oh sorry but I can't sing...”

“Boo! Leah Leah Leah Leah!!!” they all screamed around me.

“Fine!” I caved.

“…and what are you going to sing for us?”

“Hmmm I haven't worked that one out yet” I mumbled making everyone laughs but it was true I had no idea what to sing!

“Ok well you got twenty seconds to work that out. Everyone I give you Leah!” he said to everyone.

Crap Crap Crap Crap!

What the hell do I play?!

I look over at the others, all of them smiling and showing me support, making me feel loved. I tried to think of a song everyone would know so they would sing along.

I picked my song and then walked up to the mic looking over at Chris. He was sitting back in his chair, smirking his large grin at me. Oh he was going to pay for this.

The music starts and everyone already knew what it was cheering.

“Do you ever feel like a plastic bag? Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?...” I sang.

This was actually so much fun, I wasn't nervous because I knew I was just with friends and a load of drunken people just having a laugh. It was great! Firework by Katy Perry was a good choice getting the crowd going everyone knew it.

“You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine. Just own the night like the fourth of July” I sang but when the next chorus came along I turned the mic to the crowd as they all sang. “Cause baby you're a firework…” we all sang.

I grabbed Chris' arm and pulled him back to the stage with me for the last bit, if I was doing this so was he if he liked it or not. It was actually so much fun everyone was off their seats singing along and dancing. Even the men around the pub sang drunkenly with the words.

“Baby, you're a firework” I sang with all my might. I was having so much fun on this stage just joking around with my new friends and Chris. “Boom, boom, boom, Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon”

The last little bit was just the crowd as Chris brought me into a deep meaningful kiss straight in front of everyone on the stage. If they didn't think we were together they did now but I didn't care.

Everyone clapped and cheered at us. This night was the most fun I've ever had in my life and I didn't think it could get any better.

But I was wrong because you see Ben and Paul where signed up for the next song but... Connor was picking the song. Ben and Paul jumped up on the stage all excited about getting ready to sing. They asked Connor to pick a Queen 'We will rock you' or a Michael Jackson song. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen when the start of Dancing Queen by Abba came on. Their faces dropped but they put on one hell of a show.

When they were singing… “You are the dancing queen” 

Chris and Jake both had their phones out laughing their heads off. I moved over to Chris' ear and said. “You’re never going to let him for get this are you” and he just shook his head laughing.

“No way” he replied

The night went on after a couple more drinks and I was starting to get tired again I told Chris and he said we could go but I just needed to use the bathroom. I just turned the corner to where the toilets where and got the shock of my life.

Jake had Kate backed up on the wall kissing her. I couldn't believe my eyes as I took the scene all in, in front of me. I let out a little gasp and they both turned round to see me there. Kate looked like she was going to cry and Jake just stood there shocked.

“Sorry” was all I said before turning back around in the pub, forgetting I needed the toilet.

“That was quick” Chris said he looked at my shocked face and went into panic mode. “What happened?”

“I'll tell you in the car come on... bye guys” I called back at everyone still drinking in the pub. Gemma and Karl left already with Jay so it was only Lilly, Connor, Paul and Ben. Oh and not forgetting Kate and Jake in the hall way. I can't believe he would do that to his brother! Kate was with Jay not Jake! I knew there was something going on with them too. There was too much tension with them both and I saw the way he looked at her sometimes.

We were in the car and Chris turned straight back at me. “Tell me” so I told him what I saw. He didn't seem shocked atoll and said he'd talk to Jake in the morning. I just hope Kate is ok. She must be going through so much. I want to talk to her too. I knew what it was like to like someone you shouldn't. Boss, sister's boyfriend Chris was off limits but I couldn't help myself. I know what's she's going through and I felt a little sorry or her because I know that if I was going through it all again I'd love a friend to talk to about it.

But yet again if I had to go through it all again I wouldn't want to change a thing because things might not have worked out the way they have with me and Chris.

All the heartache wasn't just for nothing.

I got my happy ending.


 “Jess I can't do it... Chris is a good guy and why would you want to hurt your own sister?” Anger rose in me as Mary yet again wasn't doing her job.

“That has nothing to do with you, just do as I asked or your little secret is out!” I screamed at her, I knew she would do what I wanted, she cared far too much about everyone finding out what's she's spend years hiding. She wouldn't back out now, she was just being weak.

“But...” she tried to say again but I got there first.

“'I saw your Minister boy today, what's his name again? Paul, is it? He's looking fine. He's doing well for himself in the media it would be a shame if someone was to ruin it wouldn't it” I saw her face drop and lows eye contact with me. 'He doesn't know does he?” I asked as she shook her head.

“He hates me” she said. “…but he'll hate me even more if you tell him. Please Jess...” she pleaded

'Just do what I said and my mouth will be kept shut' I could see Mary thinking as she looked around the room. I'd know she'd agree. She cared too much about the little boy to let anything bad happen.

“Fine I'll do it” she said looking back up at me. I smiled and laughed a little.

“Perfect” I said walking out the room.

My plan was finally coming together. Blackmail was so much fun.