In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 40


I woke up the next morning with the biggest headache ever! Cider hangovers were the worst. I felt really cold in bed so I moved over to Chris to warm up but he wasn't there. I looked around the room and saw him fixing his tie.


“Hey” I replied. “Where you going?” I moved on the bed so I was sitting in the middle of it. He looked hot in his blue suit, I've forgot how hot he always looked at the office this week’s gone too long.

“I have a meeting with your Grandfather and then some other stuff so I'll be busy all day” he said moving round the room picking and moving stuff in a rush. “…but I'll see you tonight your Nan's doing the last ball party before everyone goes back to their boring life's”

“Great can't wait” I said sarcastically. He laughed and moved back to the bed to kiss me. “So I won't see you all day” he shook his head looking sad “Well better give you something to remember” I said just before his lips touched mine. Our lips met and my arms went tightly around his neck brining the kiss deeper. I could feel his hands on my hips and back rubbing up and down. I brought our bodies closer and started moving even next to him. The kiss started off with our tugs dancing together but then I moved to kiss his jaw and down his neck. I could hear him groaning.

“Lea... I need to go” he slowly breathed out. My lips went back to his mouth and my hands went in his soft hair pulling lightly on the ends. I could feel him growing bigger in his trousers and couldn't help myself moving closer on him which seemed to have an interesting effect. He pulled me up to him so my legs where wrapped around his hips and I was on my back. His hands where on my breasts, squeezing tight, it was making me feel hot and wild under him. My hands where on his chest and they were moving down near his trousers.

“Lea...” he moaned, his voice seems trapped half saying yes and the other saying no. I felt bad I knew he had to go but I was working him up, I just couldn't stop myself. 'Aaahh' came a low loud grown from his throat as he pushed himself off me and moved to the other side of the room fixing his hair and suit again.

“'I really need to go and you've just made be horny as hell, thanks”

“You’re welcome and that's what you get for making me sing last night” I sat up again looking at him. I most likely looked stupid but I was trying to giving him a look that said how much I wanted him. He kept eye contact for a bit then ran back over to give me a quick peck before running out the door.

I felt silly that even though he had left a good hour later I was still lying on the bed looking up at the ceiling smiling to myself. What could I say, I'm in love.

After getting dressed and getting ready I thought I'd go find my Nan, felt I haven't seen her much this week. I asked at the front deck where she might be and find her only minutes after just there in the Greenhouse that was closed off from the rest of the hotel.

“Why is it that wherever you go a greenhouse follows?” I asked walking into the room. She was doing something with the roses.

'I guess they just follow me' she put down her things and came over to me giving me a side hug. “'How are you my dear?”

“I'm great thanks Nan, really good”

“Yes I can see, you're really glowing my dear” I blushed at what she said. I had noticed today when I looked in the mirror that my skin looked clear and my eyes looked bright. It could be because the clear air and nice weather we were having or it could be how happy I now am. I feel and look more alive.

“It’s the sunshine”

“No it's more than that. It's something within you that has change since you came on Sunday. You look happier” she opened the greenhouse doors so we were now walking into the gardens. Everything looked so relaxing I never wanted to leave this place.

“It’s because I'm here with you and friends having a good time. I don't want it to end” I said looking around at all the flowers and wild birds. I loved English country sides, everything is so peaceful.

“Don't flatter me my dear, I think this new happiness must be something to do with a special young man am I right” she curt my arm tighter.

“Oh so that's what you’re getting at” I said making her laugh. “…and what young man do you know of?” I asked

“Christian of course, well Sarah might have said a thing or two but if I was honest I kind of had a hunch. Just seeing you both together made it clear” I smiled at her not managing to keep it in anymore.

“Oh Nan, he makes me so happy. Every time I'm with him I feel so care free, he makes me feel beautiful and I feel like I could say or do anything in front of him and you would never judge me. My heart beats so fast when I'm with him and he's so kind and caring, he's sweet and funny. Nan he's...he's everything to me and... I love him” we had come to a stop and Nan had looked so happy she could burst. “'He told me he loves me too, numbers of times”

“Oh, oh my dear I'm so happy for you. Oh this is marvellous simply marvellous, he's lucky to have you I tell you that. Jess wasn't right for him but you... you two are perfect together” she said hugging me tightly. I was still grinning like a fool when I remember what she said.

“Nan, what did you mean by Sarah might have said a thing or two? Have you spoken to her about us?” I asked as we started walking again.

“Well that's just it this morning a breakfast she couldn't stop asking questions about you wanting to know you better and saying what a lovely beautiful girl you were. She was so excited and I just asked why the sudden interest in you. And she told me that Christian told her he was in love with you, wanted to marry you and...”

“What?!” I stopped in my tracks

“What?” she looked at me confused.

He wanted to marry me?  

He told his Mother that he wanted to marry me?  

That was a little fast right, I mean I love him and I'd want to spend the rest of my life with him of course I would say yes! I just thought it was a bit soon. Maybe he just meant he wanted to marry me in the future to his Mum.  

Yer that must be it, in the future but... how far away in the future was he planning. I mean I know right now is too soon I mean most people think he's still with Jess but I hope it wouldn't be too far... or maybe it was misunderstood, maybe he didn't want to marry me.

Hold on!

I was WAY over thinking this!

This didn't matter right now, we only just got together.

“Never mine, come on lets go get some tea” and with that we headed back to the house.

This day was going on forever! Tea with Nan was fun as we talked about random topics and planned to meet up in a couple of weeks’ time after the event. We talked about the ball and the entire guest, it was great to catch up and spend time with her.

I was walking down one of the halls near the lunch room when Kate turned the corner, I smiled at her as she got closer but she had a very serious face on. She must be worry of what I thought of last night.

“Kate what's wrong?” I asked as I took in her red eyes and face. She looked so upset and tired.

“Lea I need to talk to you” she said straight up.

“Ok how about we get some lunch...”

“Could we go to your room?” she asked instead I smiled and nodded lending her up the stairs. She looked so scared and sad I didn't know what to say. When we got up to the room, Chris’ room, I sat her down of the bed and looked at her.

“Hey everything's ok, tell me what's wrong” I said trying to make her feel better. “Kate I'm your friend you can tell me anything, I won't judge, trust me I know what it’s like to like someone you’re not meant to. But I can't help you unless you talk to me”

“Oh Lea I've fucked everything up”

“Just tell me what happened”

“'I can't” she looked down at the hands in her lap.

“Why?” I asked

“…because I scared you won't be my friend when you find out” she said with tears coming down her face. I suddenly felt that there was much more to this story than what I thought.

'I'm your friend I won't care, now tell me before I beat it out of you' I laughed trying to loosen things up a bit.

“Jay and I... me and Jay...'

“Yes... you and Jay...” I repeated.

“We're not a real couple. Jay is paying me to pretend that I'm dating him” she said looking up at my expression. Right I was not expecting that.

“Why?” Jay was a good looking guy. He could easily get a girlfriend if he wanted one and why would his family care if he had one or not.

“Because Jay's... Jay's gay. He hasn't come out to his family and thinks they won't accept him if he does which is stupid because I know they would” she stood up then passing the door.

“God what drama, so he paid you to act as his girlfriend. Are you an actress or something?” I asked but then I suddenly thought if she was she was rubbish because I could see from the beginning that things weren't right between them.

“No... I'm not. You see I needed money. I didn't have an easy childhood... my family... that's not important. Anyway I needed money so I could go to cooking school like I always wanted to do at college. I had money from the bar at the strip club but that’s nowhere near enough, I was really considering starting to strip for some extra cash however much I hated the thought of getting naked in front of people but I had no other choice unless I found another job. So my boss Mikey, he runs this site called It's an escorting service where men pay for girls to show off to their friends and be fake dates”

God guys actually pay of that! I thought I couldn't believe what she was telling me. I felt so bad for her.

“Is it bad?” I asked wanting to know if they ever mad her do anything.

“No it’s nothing like that, no sex I'm not a prostitute...”

“Oh God Kate I didn't mean that!” I said worried I'd upset her.

“Oh I know honest I just wanted to make sure you knew I wouldn't ever do something like that ever!”

“I know you wouldn't Kate” I said taking her hand in mine. “Go on”

“Well most the guys were ok, a little grabby but nothing I couldn't held and it was helping me gather the cash I needed but it just seemed to run all out again on rent and living. Even with this new job I didn't get picked a lot from the guys because I was short and not as pretty as the other girls so I still worked at the bar about to give up on going back to college but one day Jay came in and made me an offered I could refuse.

Everything was going great Jay dressed me and taught me to say and act the way he wished his girlfriend to act and I was ready to help him hide his secret from his family and friends. What I wasn't ready for was Jake.  

He overheard us talking and he found out that Jay was paying me money to do it. 

He knew, he knew everything about Jay being gay and knew I was just pretending to date him. He hated me and wanted me away from his family and friends but Jay persuaded him to leave it and not say anything so he didn't but he won't leave me alone.  

Things started to change, I started... to feel things for Jake that I shouldn't be feeling and I think he was feeling them too. The other night you just happen to be witness for”

She finished speaking and let out a long sigh falling back on the bed.

“Wow” I start rubbing my head to try and take it all in.

“Now you know everything”

'I wish you could have told me, I could have helped”

“There was nothing you could do, I got myself into all this and I wish I could get out but... I'm in too deep. I'm in love with him, it's crazies I've only known Jake little over a week yet... I feel head over heels in love with him” tears started falling and her voice was breaking. I leant over and pulled my arms around her in a tight hug, tapping her back to try and calm her down.

“'Hey... come on. Everything will work out just fine…” I tried to say helping words to make her feel better.

“No it won't! His family will hate me and think I was a cheap tart after money... things would never work between me and him now. His family would hate it and he loves his family so much, hell so do I. Their all amazing” she said still crying.

“…but what does Jake think because that is all that matters. Have you told him you love him?”

“'NO! He's a player! All this week he's been saying that he loves his single care free life. That he wouldn't be tide down to just one woman. Since I meant him I've only been a game to him but I don't know how it happened, somewhere on the way... I fell in love with him”

I pulled her back into a tight hug and let her cry until her tears dried up. She kept on saying sorry and thanking me over and over until she had to go back to her room.

Poor Kate I didn't know what I could do to make this right for me.

I looked at the time and couldn't believe it was seven all ready. It had nearly been a full twelve hours since I saw Chris and suddenly felt like jumping up and down that I would soon see him again.

But then the excited feeling left me when I remembered the party that I had only an hour to get ready for. Panic ran through me as I started running round like a headless chicken.