In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 47


 “Oh sorry are we interrupting anything?” a voice came from the hallway. We both turned our heads, me still in Chris’ arms. We both laughed as he dropped me slowly back to my feet but still holding my hand and had the largest smiles on our faces.

“You both look happy” Nan said

“We’re great, right?” Chris said looking down at me for an answer. I nodded and pulled closer into his side and just like that we were great more than great. 

“I’m glad” she said just as Granddad walked in the kitchen.

“How are you feeling?” I asked quickly before he even got a chance to say anything. He laughed at me and kissed Nan on the cheek when she gave him his coffee.

“I’m fine honey. Now I’m back at home I can relax” he smiled. It hit me again… my Granddad was dying and I could feel the tears building in my eyes about to fall any minute. Like he knew Chris pulled me even closer to him, if that was even possible and I felt him kiss my forehead.

“Chris, I’m glad you’re here my boy, when Maggie told me that she invited you back to the house I was angry that I didn’t think of it myself. It’s our own little after party” Granddad smiled at Chris and I felt so happy and proud that Granddad liked Chris so much, it meant a lot to me. 

“I’m happy you’re here too” I whispered so only he could here.

“Only happy?” he whispered back and I laughed at him before walking over two the breakfast table where I saw Chris’ laptop and his work out.

“Do we have to go back to work?” I asked him a little unhappy that we couldn’t stay here that long.

“Well I need to go back but you can stay here for as long as you like” he said smiling at me.

“Do you not need me at work anymore that we’re together?” I half joking half being serious not really knowing how things are to go from now on with us.

“I need you always, Lea” he said making my heart ache for him. “…but it’s up to you know I guess, you can still work for me or do whatever you want…there is a lot going on a work right now, with the merge as well…”

“What merge?” I asked I know I was only Chris’ receptionist but I knew roughly what was going on in the company.

“Well… That’s what I and your Grandfather have been working on this week really. Howards and Andersons are going to be going together in the near future”

“Really?! That’s great!” I can’t believe I didn’t know about this but I cared of understood that it was important business and it wasn’t really anything to do with me.

“Chris…” Granddad said and when I looked round to Chris he was nodding his head and searching for something in all his folders. “Leah there is something else that Chris and I have been working on this week that you need to know about”

“What?” I asked looking around at everyone looking at me. Why does no one tell me anything, do they really thing I can’t handle it.

“You’re not going to like it” Nan said.

“Just like I’ve liked everything so far?” I said sarcastically.

“I’ve been helping Rupert sort out all of his business documents for his will” he said softly at me not wanting to upset me. “I was here to help with his company and investments and how he wished to distribute them with your family with the help of Jay as well. Here is your Grandfather’s will” He passed over a folder which held near about, ten papers front and back.

I looked at the folder in my hands and everything suddenly felt so much more real… like this was really happening. I took in some large breaths and looked back at them all.

“Leah I want you to have anything…” he kept on talking but I didn’t hear anything. What?! He wanted me? Me! To have everything, the person in the family who got rubbish grades at Uni, ran away from home and works as a receptionist. I don’t understand.

We were sitting at the kitchen table for another hour and I was in complete shock, yet again! What was it with this week and the shock everyone was putting on me. First seeing Chris and Marie together, than having Chris here, then finding out my Granddads ill and now this! Such drama!

Chris and Granddad both took it in turns going through the documents with me tell me what I was to inherits when he dies. Chris was given the Anderson Company because Granddad believed that he was the best person to run the company Granddad wants it to still be run, he thinks that my Dad will try and sell all the different parts to make as much money as possible but he believed that Chris would do what is best. I was to own a good percentage of the company with Chris’ help and also Granddad was giving me most of his priorities around the world including the hotel we just spent the week in and I was also to inherit a large amounts of stocks and shares in different businesses and on top of that an endless bank account.   

When they finished talking, I finally thought of what I wanted to say.

“I don’t want it… any of it” I said looking at Granddad.

“…and that is exactly why I’m giving it to you” he said holding my hand. “You have never wanted anything from me Leah. You made it all on your own not even using the family’s name. You deserve everything and more for what I have to give you… Also I trust you. I know what you’re like, you’ll give most the money to charity and you’ll keep my business the way you’d know I’d want it kept. And for that you’re perfect to inherit it all”

“What about everyone else?” 

“Well they will all get a large amount of in-heritage in their bank accounts when I’m gone but they don’t need anything else, they have everything they need. James will still keep his role in the company but just under the rules of Chris and yourself, Jess will get the apartments in New York and LA she’s always had her eyes on with her money off-course that should get her away from you hopefully. Peter has his own investments and money, Joseph has asked for the money to be put in Tommy’s account and he doesn’t need anything, not with his company in the USA he’s fine and I disinherited Alex” he said as my mouth dropped.

“You disinherited Alex?” I asked.

“After what Jo told me what he did to you he isn’t family anymore. I can’t believe you never told me what was going on with him but I can understand why. You don’t have to worry about him anymore he’s back under intensive care”

“Granddad it wasn’t really Alex’s fault he’s sick”

“What?” Chris shouted 

“Well it wasn’t really just Alex he was ill he didn’t really know what he was doing it was Jess in his ear that was saying it all. I’m not telling you to hurt Jess but don’t hurt Alex”

“Leah your far too nice for the world out there… that’s why I’m so glad you have Chris standing next to you in business and in life. You need that balance. I’ll think about what you said about Alex another day. I’ll pay for whatever medical needs but that’s it” Granddad said walking out of the room after kissing me on the check.

Chris was going through the paper work with me helping me understand everything I need to know before I signed a couple of things for the company.

“So what do you say? You happy, being my business partner?” Chris asked tucking my hair behind my ears, lightly kissing on my neck. I let out a little giggle before turning away back to the papers.

“That would mean me not being your receptionist anymore” I pouted sad that we wouldn’t be spending so much time together.

“That’s right but that does mean that we can share an office, go on lunch dates, traveling together to different meeting around the world. You’re going to be sick to death of me” he laughed rubbing his nose against mine. 

“Chris on a serious note, I don’t know how helpful I’m going to be on these business ideas, I’m not good at them”

“Hey its ok, I don’t expect you to know everything about business I just like the idea of you being near me, I feel stronger when you’re near. Like I could do anything”

“I feel the same” I said just before Chris lips joined mine. I’ve missed his kisses so much, it was only twenty-four hours we weren’t together but it felt like forever. I could feel the change in the kiss that was telling me we needed to stop soon or we’d end up having sex in Granddads kitchen table. I moved away after feeling hot and bothered.

Chris’ eyes where still closed when I moved away and laughed when I looked at the look on his face like he was in pain or something. I loved that I had this effect on him.

“You know if you really don’t want to you don’t have to work at the company you can go to Uni, study music or start up your own company… or just live in luxury, you have then money now you know. Whatever you want to do I’ll support you” he said, he's so sweet.

“I have always wanted to start up my own charity where young kids can play music and help them and others learn more and help them create their dreams” I started thinking then on how I could use Granddads money he gave me to do that… I never really thought about it. ‘I guess I would like to go to Uni and learn more, I always wanted to study music but Mum and Dad never allow it”

“Well there you go, do it” he smiled.

“I could do both… go to Uni and come with you to all those boring meetings” I pulled closer to him.

“Meetings are never boring when you’re in the room” he said kissing me again. He really had to stop doing that, what if Nan walked in any moment.

I jumped anyway from in then and laughed when I heard him grunt loudly. I turned back to the papers on the table and notice one saying ‘prenuptial agreement’ on it.

“Chris what’s this?” I asked showing him the document.

“Ah… mm… your Grandfather thought it was a smart idea to make you a prenup for when you have all that money he didn’t what some young gold digger coming around wanting to marry you just for the money so it made sense to make you one” he said.

I turned around from him and walked up the stairs to my room not saying another word. What was he talking about? Me marrying some young gold digger, I knew it was too early but I thought he said he wanted to marry me back at the hotel. Now he was talking about me marrying someone else.

“Lea… what’s wrong what did I say?” he said running into my room after me.

“Nothing… it’s just… why would you think I needed a prenup? I thought… you said…” I couldn’t speak anymore because I didn’t want to sound pathetic.

“I told your Grandfather that you wouldn’t need one because I planned on marrying you myself”

“You said that to him?” I asked shocked.

“Yep and got his blessing too. I didn’t want to say anything yet because I wanted to ask you in a more romantic environment with a ring and all that gushy stuff…”

“I don’t need that stuff” I said far too keen and quickly I could feel myself going red but he just grinned down at me moving closer.

“Do I need to get down on one kn…” he started asking before I interrupted.

“Yes!” I shouted and laughed at him again. I didn’t need gushy but I would have liked something on them lines, he was getting down on that one knee if I had to push him down.

Chris laughed and did as I said getting down on one knee in front of me.

“Leah Anderson, you’re the most beautiful woman I have ever met and I want to spend the rest of my life by your side, I’ll spend the rest of my life doing my utmost to make you the happiest woman in the world but you can make me the happiest man right here right now by saying you’ll be my wife.

I love you Lea, Will You Marry Me?” I wanted to jump up and down with the happiness that was bursting through me.

“Yes! Yes!” I said jumping into his arms tucking him tightly never wanting to let go.

“I love you” he said. “I’m never letting you go again”

“I love you Chris” the kissed was the most passionate and loving kiss had ever experienced.

I can’t believe it, all through my life I never thought I could find someone that truly loves me as much as I love them. I felt the happiest in that moment than ever before as I kiss the man I truly loved and who truly loved me.

Thanks Agony Aunt.

I guess them dreams right at the beginning can come true.

The End.