In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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“May you never steal, lie or cheat. But if you have to steal, then steal away my sorrows. If you have to lie, then lie with me all the nights of our life. If you have to cheat, then cheat death because I don’t want to live a day without you”


Six months later.

“I look fat” I said out loud.

“No you don’t you look lovely” Kate said adding the last few touches to my hair and veil, today was to be the best day  for the rest of my life with the man I loved. But there was one problem…

 “I look like a giant marshmallow! “ I said. Looking in the mirror just staring at myself for want seemed like hours I knew that cows looked smaller than me at this moment.

“Well that’s your fault for getting yourself pregnant in the first place; if you just waited you wouldn’t have this huge bum the size of Everest on your wedding day” Kate so kindly put it.

“Easier said than done” I smirked to myself thinking how amazingly gorgeous my future husband is. That’s weird… husband and I’m going to be a wife! And soon a mother! Ok panic mode!   “It’s not just the bump, my bum looks like it’s grown its own bum and what the hell is happening to my fingers?! They look like sausages!”

“You look beautiful” she hugged me making me feel a lot better. God my emotions are wild!

“Everest and sausage fingers included?” I said making her laugh.

“Yes! Chris will fool on his knees” just the sound of Chris’s name calmed me down. I couldn’t wait to be his wife and the mother of his child, I love him so much it sometimes hurts. Kate walked away to the bar in the corner of the suite grabbing some champagne for her and an orange juice for me. Great! I’m so nervous I feel like I need to pee every minute and I can’t even have a drink. 

Yes, I’m pregnant! Six months, it seemed both Chris and I were far too court up in the whole lustful weekend to think about that little thing called a ‘baby’ but we’re happy none the less. I remember telling Chris all those months ago, he hasn’t stopped smiling since, and I just hope I can keep him smiling for all the years to come.

Ever since that weekend I worked for… I mean with Chris in ‘our’ business but if I’m honest it bores me and I’m rubbish at that kind of stuff, I’m always just going to be good at assistant work when it comes to business but I get to be near Chris so I can bear it. I still plan on playing music but for now it’ s just a hobby, maybe after the baby’s a few years older you never know I may start my own music charity programme, we’ll see.  I’m just happy winging it right now and starting a family, Chris will support me whatever I want to do, even though I know he just wants me to stop working and live in a life of luxury but it doesn’t seem fair me doing that as he works so hard.

Kate and I have become the best of friends, that’s why I made her one of my bridesmaids, along with Gemma and Lilly who I’ve also become really close too. But I and Kate just clicked like we’ve none each other for years.

I was worried about her; however close we are she still won’t tell me what happened between her and Jake. After they got together Jakes family didn’t approve of them being a couple but Jake didn’t care he was so in love with Kate he’d give up the world for her. They were living together all loved up, then Kate’s on my doorstep asking for a place to stay. She wouldn’t tell me anything other than she was the one in the wrong and that Jake would never forgive her after what she did. What she did I don’t know but I could see she is heartbroken without him.

“Are you going to be ok?” I asked, by the look on her face I could tell that she knew what and more importantly who I was talking about but she just turned and gave a weak smile, I wasn’t buying that. “Kate? Are you going to be ok, with Jake being there and everything?”

“I’ll be fine… besides it’s not about me and him. Today is all about you and Chris”

“I just don’t understand what happened… you were so happy together. Then six months later…” I was saying when she said.

“He hates my guts” giving out a nervous laugh.

“He doesn’t hate you Kate, he would never hate you. He might just be angry about whatever happened but he loves you I know he does” I put my arms around her.

“You don’t know what I did” she whispered. 

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing… nothing look let’s just focus on you today ok, then when your back from your honeymoon period is over you can ask me anything”

“You’re kidding right? There isn’t going to be any honeymoon period with me being as large as a house, I might crush him! I swear I’m giving birth to the whole population of… Cambodia” I laughed. Over the past couple of weeks my hormones have been sending me wild and I’ve been literally been begging Chris for sex, as embarrassing as it was. He was worried at first that it would hurt the baby but after the long hours he was spent on Google he was more than willing to service my every need… I had to physically shake my head to get the thoughts away; pregnancy does crazy things to a girl.

Looking back at Kate she was putting on her lipstick in the mirror when she saw me looking her way seeing if she was ok. “Don’t worry about me today; I’ll be nothing but smiles”

“Fine but Kate… I know you still love him and I know he loves you promise me you’ll use today to try and work things out. You know what they say weddings bring people together”

“Well I think that’s the last thing on Jakes mind but I’ll try” 

“You look beautiful, your Granddad must be so proud. Wherever he is?” Nan said walking into the room kissing my cheek; I could already feel the tears falling down. Being pregnant on your wedding day, not even waterproof mascara will save you.

“Thanks Nan, is it time?”

 “Yes, as soon as…” she started saying as the door opened. “Where have you been?” Nan said angry at Granddad walking into the room.

“Sorry was having some last words with the Groom” he said then stopping as he saw me. “oh… Leah. You look… you look beautiful my dear” I could see the tears building up in his eyes that nearly set me off again.

“Really? I don’t look fat”

“Perfect!” He kissed me bringing my arm through his.

“Yes, yes Leah looks amazing let’s go or will be late” Gemma said getting everyone out of the room into their right places. I looked at her feeling a little better about myself looking a big cow at six months of being pregnant when Gemma was near her due date at nine months, but the only difference is Gemma after this being her fifth child, she pulled off the bump she had, putting on no extra weight. Not like me… I had the baby bump, the baby bum, the baby fingers and I just beyond jealous but I was so glad that our babies will be born near the same year, then he or she will have the same age cousin to play with. I loved how my family has grown, with Chris’s family soon being my too and I was getting to know Joseph and Jaz a lot better, even Uncle Peter and Aunt Ava had apologised for what happened with Alex. I was over it; he was sick and now he’s getting the help he needs and won’t hurt anyone again and that’s good enough for me.  Things with my parents weren’t that bad, they’ll be in the audience today but Granddad was giving me away, we’ve never been close that’s just the way they are and I accept that, they knew what Jess did but I still thought they saw it as all being my fault but for the first time ever I didn’t care one bit. I had a new family now that would love me for who I am. 

“Ready, future sister?” Gemma asked turning back to me with big smiles.

“Let’s do this” I said picking up my dress walking to my future.


“Mate chill out, you’ll make a hole in the carpet” Karl laughed at me, I was pacing around the alter like a crazy man and I don’t even know why!! This was the happiest and proudest moment of my life so far, Lea was about to me mind in every way possible and I was so proud to call her mine in the next hour not just in body but in name in front of all these people. I looked around at all the smiling faces looking my way, I look at my mother who was already crying and nothing was even happening yet, she loved Lea as much as I did (if that were possible).  Looking around the church again I could see Lea’s family on the other side, miners a few people. Since the weekend no one had heard or seen of Jess again, here’s hoping things will stay that way. Alex was still in the mental help ward and after some serious help we hear he’s getting better but will most likely never leave the home. Lea has forgiven him for all he did due to his mental health but I can’t forgive that easy. She also forgave Marie for what she did as well and even invited, her to the wedding which she declined. What can I say, my future wife is a very forgiving and warm hearted person.

“Chris! We’ve been calling out for you for ages! You zoned out there, you alright?” Karl asked.

“I’m just nervous” I started straightening up my tie, for the hundredth time.

“Why? Not having second thoughts are you?”  He snapped my hands away moving my hands out the way, within seconds fixing my mess of a tie.

“No! Don’t be stupid, this is the best day of my life right next to when Lea said she was pregnant” I smiled, I can’t seem to stop doing that ever since being with Lea.

“God, I can’t believe you’re going to be a father in… how long?” Jake said walking up to us.

“Two months, three weeks and   five days” I’ve been counting ever since I heard the due date. I couldn’t wait to be a Daddy. “You got the rings right?” I asked Karl whose face turned serious and shocked.

“What are thought Jake had them? Jake you got the rings right?” Karl said

“No I thought Ben had them?” Jake smirked “Ben you got the rings right?” he asked my brother who was sat next to Mum.

“You need rings for a wedding?” Ben asked smirking.

“Are you guys kidding me!”  I whisper screamed at them as they all started laughing.

“Chill I got them right here” Karl said as I punched him in the arm, that wasn’t funny. Everything had to go perfect today for Lea… that reminded me. 

“Hey Lea told me about you and Kate, you ok mate?”  I asked Jake whose face turned serious, looking away. 

“I don’t really want to talk about it” he Mumbled, I nodded but that didn’t start Karl...

“Why?” Karl said.

“She broke his heart” Connor said

“Connor! Shut up! Look we’re over now that’s it and I’ll be happy if I never have to see her again… after today” Jake snapped at him.

 “Ok, just play nice for today. I want this day perfect for Lea ok?” I used my deep serous work office voice on him that meant I’m mean business. 

“Yer… of course mate, I’ll be nothing but smiles” he said sending  a weak smile my way, Lea didn’t tell me much because she didn’t know much but all I know is a few months ago Kate was crying on the sofa with Lea comforting her. 

“I still can’t believe what she did?” Connor said without thinking.

“Connor!” Jake yell that made me send him a glare, he can’t yell like that in a church.

“What…” Connor started to say just when the music started and everyone took their seats.

“It’s starting” Karl said as everyone went to their places, I was facing the front until I heard photos going and people awing. When I turned to look my heart did a summersault because I just saw an angel. She was in a long goddess looking dress that went to the floor, her hair was in the messy up and down look with curly bits falling along her shoulders, I don’t know how to explain it… I’m a guy! But she looked amazing like Aphrodite feel from the heavens. My heart had stopped flopping now and had just come to a stop as I took in her beauty which became more marvellous with every step she got closer near me. Her eyes never left mine the whole time until she came next to me and kissed her Granddad.

“You look beautiful, you both do” I said putting my arm over her belly, she blushed but quickly looked down trying to hide it from me. I loved making her blush.

“I look fat” she Mumbled. If anything she didn’t look fat to me, I’ve enjoyed watching her stomach get bigger and bigger with the little life we created. 

“Just more of you to love” I said pulling her closer next to me, all I wanted to do was kiss her... but I forgot about the hundreds of eyes that were watching. 

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today….

Do you take Christian Howard  to be your lawful wedded husband, to have and behold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?” the priest asked.

“I Do” her sweet and soft sounding voice said smiling at me, I let out a breath I didn’t realised I was holding.

“Do you take Leah Anderson  to be your lawful wedded wife to have and behold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?” he asked again.

“I Do” I looked into her eyes where I could see her grin even more.

“I now pronounce them husband and wife. You may kiss your bride” he said which I didn’t hesitate to disobey. I brought her face closer to mine; taking her soft cheeks in my hands, I kissed her with every feeling in my body. I forgot everyone around us as we kissed, I’d never felt so happy holding Lea in my arms, my Lea, my wife and the mother of my future child.

“I love you” she whispered I could see the love pawing out of her eyes to mine.

“I will always love you, my one and only love” With that I kissed her again.

“Will you love me till the day I die?”

“No, for much longer”

The End




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