In Love with the Boss by Marie Haddon - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


If you don't believe in ghosts, you've never been to a family reunion.  ~Ashleigh Brilliant

Walking into my parent's suite, my heart is beating hard against my chest.

Chris and I walk into the door to see my family all sitting in the seating area of the room in listens as classical music plays around them. As they see us enter the room they are all up from the seats welcoming… Chris.

“Christian! I thought you'd never get here” Jessica said coming over pecking him on the cheek

“I didn't realise we were late. Mr Anderson, Mrs Anderson” Chris shook my father’s hand and kissed my mothers. No one had even looked my way let alone said, hello to their daughter that they haven't seen in five years.

“Christian, you look well my dear. How is you mother?” my Mum said

“She's great thank you. She and my family are all very excited about the week away” he said.

Wait, he's families coming too! I was going to meet his family?

“I thought you were all woke no play, Christian and here you are taking a week off” my father said

“Well I have a good team behind me and I believe they are more than ok looking after things for me. I trust them”

“Well that's good, you need trust in life” my father said slowly looking over at me.

I still stood in the same place when I first came in and no one had looked my way.

Until now, that was.

Everyone looked over at me, at once. I felt cornered and more nervous than I ever had been in my life. I wanted my family back but then again I know it will just go back to the way they used to be. Just being ignored all the time... but when something went wrong I was the reason why.

Everyone stood silent for a moment before I walked forward to say “…Hello”

“Well look who it is? James. Are long lost daughter has come back to us” my Mum said

“I would have come back if I knew I was wanted, Mum...” I said before my father saying.

“We have company Leah not now. Let's just have dinner, with no drama, yes” my Dad said looking at me.

Oh because I was the one that made the drama right!

I nodded and couldn't bring myself to smile at him. I was never good at fake smiles.

“Dinner is ready, sir” a maid said coming into the room.

“Shall we”

I always hated the food my family ate. Nothing was ever simple and easy. I'm so glad I ate before coming.

The dinner table was a large rectangle, with Dad at one end and Mum on the other. I faced Jess and Chris opposite me. Everyone was so far apart.

“So you look different Leah” said Jess. “You have lost some of your… fat”


Chris was leaning back in his chair, looking at me with a straight face and Jess smirking at me

“Oh... thanks” I said

“So Leah I hear you work for Mr Howard now. That's very good for you isn't it” Mum said

“Yes I do. I'm very lucky to work there” I said looking at my plate and keeping my head down. I hated it when the spotlight was on me.

“You’re lucky that, lovely Christian here gave you the job”

“Actually it wasn't me who hired Lea but my team did when I was in the states, but now she’s working for me, I wonder how I worked without her so far” Chris said smiling at me. I never heard him say that before. I could tell I was blushing but I didn't care I just kept on looking at him. “She’s a remarkable girl” he spoke with such emotion to his voice that I felt my heart fly out of my chest and land in his hands to do with as he wished. It bothered me how he called me a girl and not a woman. Is that how he’s always going to see me, as a girl. 

“Well, have you heard about my news Leah? I'm going to be on the front cover of Vogue next month of the summer season! Isn't that amazing” Jess said shinning her own spotlight of herself. She loved the lime light.

“Yes very” I said and then spent the next twenty minutes playing with my food. 

I just sat and listened to them all talk like I wasn't even there. They didn't include me in any conversation just like before, things hadn't changed.

My family still hated me like they have all my life.

I feel alone like I have all my life.

“Drinks” the waiter asked.

“A whiskey” Dad said. “My tonic' said Mum. “More wine and brandy” for the lovely couple and...

Oh never mind the waiters gone, I'll just die of dehydration, I thought to myself dramatically.

No one even noticed I was there.

“Excuse me” Christian said walking out the room

“Am I to understand that you are to join us in celebrating your grandfathers birthday this week, Leah” my father said to me

“Yes. Granddad invited me”

“Well I hope you behave yourself through the week. I don't wish for another scandal on the family. Do you hear me Leah” my Mum said to me

“Why do you always think the worst of me?”

“You have never given me reason not to think the worst of you Leah” my father yelled at me

“You automatically think the worst! Before Alex made up them lies...”

“STOP, stop this right now!” my Mum screamed

“Look what you've done now' Jess said grabbing Mums hand 'can't we just not talk about what... happened in the past. I just want peace this week” 

'No I think we need to talk about...” I started saying for my Dad’s hand hit the table making aloud.


Just then Chris walked into the room. We all turned round to see him and went quite everyone looked at me with disgust.

“Everything ok?” he said sitting back down and looking round at everyone.

“We were just talking about the holiday” Jess said “I was thinking, why don't, we all travel up together? I mean you, me and Leah”

“What?” I and Chris both said.

“Yer why not, I mean Mum and Dad are flying there with the McKinley's. Chris, you were thinking of driving to the country with me right? How where you planning on going up there?” she asked me.

I didn't understand what was going on; she was actually trying to help me?

No something was going on.

“I...I was planning on getting the train”

“No, no that won't do. No sister of mine is getting on the train for six hours. You will come with us” she said looking at Chris who still had a straight face also looking confused.

'Well, Jess I don't know what to say....”

'Say thank you. Jessica is doing a very nice thing” my mother said

“Of course. Thank you” I said

“Well that's settled we shall pick you up at eight. Right Chris darling?”

“Great' he said smiling

Yes great!

Me, my sister who hates me and is up to her schemes and her sexy boss who I'm in love with, In a car together for six bloody hours. Oh things just couldn't get any better!

“Here are your drinks” the waiter said as he brought everyone their order and surprised me by serving me a glass of Pinot. I look at him confused before turning to see Chris raising his glass up to me to a quick wink… he noticed me.