It's All About Loving a Soldier by Neelam Birthare - HTML preview

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Chapter 8- It’s all about Understanding

Though I never pretended to be lovey-dovey but inside my entire Tomboy attitude there was hidden a beautiful Bella; who has most colorful dreams and desires. No matter how much a girl tries to hide her feelings but in reality we always fantasize about the fairy-tale like poetic romance.

My life was a lot like a fairy-tale; I now have a robust, caring and mature prince. Love dwelling in our hearts, emotions and feelings palpitating in our heartbeats, we were far yet so close and sometimes we were close but still alone.

Reality is a bit harsh; rather it is harsher than your expectations. We began to spend quality time full of sweetest memorable moments but the problem was we lagged quantity. Scarcity of time, work priority crises, family responsibilities during holidays on the reliable shoulders of my love made us quiet bounded. Terribly restricted heart of mine, cried each time in anticipation of that time when Riiiii…..could afford ample of time for me. 

With the passage of time I became mature, patient and understanding but one thing was never ending, the longing for love grew deeper and greater. Out of frustration arising because of distance I actually envied those civilian couples who used to spend so many hours together in college campus, canteens and outings.

I can’t afford to get depressed so easily because I am a proud girlfriend of Lieutenant Rishab Singh Rathore- “A” lieutenant of “The Indian Army”. I just remembered and smiled. Living with a responsible and prudent guy is a blessing for a girl as it helps her to become far-sighted. In his company I grew up as a sensible lady rather than being a frivolous girl.  Outside the relationship you are a sagacious person but inside the relationship; the one you share with your beloved solider, you are a diabolic kid who keeps on fighting with him all day long.  You never fight seriously; you just fight to express your silly love.

I was never alone in my journey of being a stronger woman than what I was before two years, before I met my Riiii….!

Living with a soldier is like being with an epitome of patience and optimism. He is not with you but he is always with you as a symbol of unconditional love and service. You won’t have to look outside for motivation for your motivation and strength comes from your own hero who lives with an ideology of surviving amidst all odd.

On a sweet summer evening while talking to my heart who was 350 km apart from me serving in the hot harsh deserts of Rajasthan, I said in a romantic mood.

Since I have met you, I have lost my entire crush on those handsome Hollywood heroes; I feel lucky that I have you with me- My Real-Life Hero.

He was laughing like idiots and said, “Butter…stop watching romantic movies, I won’t be able to digest so much of buttering from so far sweeta.”

It’s not always so smooth, even till date we have fights and arguments which are nothing less than clash of titans. We have the habit of getting angry over each other on trivial issues.

If he forgets to wish me a good morning than it can easily become a reason to declare World War III. Somebody rightly said; people who get angry with each other over silly little things are usually the ones who care about each other the most.

Zeal of happiness filled my heart with satisfaction, my lieutenant was posted in a nearby Cantonment; just 14 km apart, with a hope to meet him next week I was waiting for the coming of 12 September i.e. Friday.

This day was special, very precious for it was his birthday; lots of gifts, greetings, bunch of flowers, small little surprises wrapped with my own hands and the best part it was a three days holiday. I made so many plans- outing, shopping, movie, lunch, and long drive. Everything was well scheduled; I was so excited but all my excitement came to an end when my phone ranged-

Rishi was upset. I questioned- hey baby…something wrong with you?

Yes dear; my granny is in a great pain, she is diagnosed for cancer. She really needs me; I will have to spend my Friday with doctors and hospital. Rishi shared in a very hopeless tone.

I felt as if I might die because of heart attack. Everything goes in vain, I had no words. Out of anguish I was questioning to God- why? My heart was suggesting all sorts of selfish answers- couldn’t she get it all diagnosed three days later? Why can’t her other grandchildren go to the doctor and manage the problem? Why it’s always Rishab Singh Rathore, ready to take all the responsibilities on his shoulders…..Damn….!!!!

It was a weird feeling, he was here in my own city yet we couldn’t afford to meet. Thanks to circumstances. I had no other option then to respond politely, “baby…I understand”

12 September was then a normal day, I wished him on telephone at 12 midnight with an elated happy voice, pretending to be excited and glad. He slept. I slept and the birthday eve died.

The next evening I had an emergency call, Rishi  needed me at hospital, although I couldn’t go on my own initially because we both belong to an orthodox society were love and relationship are not accepted openly, since Rishi  himself made a call; I had to go now in any case. I drove hastily and reached the parking of the hospital.

Hello…lady….!! A happy voice surprised me.

Rishi was waiting for me in the parking; he was wearing a white T-shirt which got dirty because of all the nuisance and exertion which he has been dealing with since morning, since 6am he was in the hospital but he seemed quite relaxed as if everything is normal. In a total dilemmatic state, shocked and surprised me questioned.

Is everything okay?

He said- absolutely. Let’s go for a walk.

In a state of absolute amazement I asked- Do you have time?

Rishi smiled innocently saying, “I can manage at least 15 minutes for my doll”.

We went to a small juice bar situated at the west corner of the hospital, without even questioning me he ordered my favorite fruit juice of litchis. I love this man; he often amuses me by his cute loving gestures. It’s only the love of your life that can make you realize how small little things make a big difference.

Although I was embarrassed because in hasten I totally forgot to carry any of the gifts which I wrapped for Rishi , despite all those distractions and problems we managed to have a simple sweet memorable birthday, I was glad to see him, he was relaxed to find me near him. It merely takes 15 minutes to make someone realize his or her worth in your life.

I still remember how romantically he said, “Do you think I am a fool who can’t read the sadness behind your pretentious voice on phone call? Don’t forget my love; I am your sole psychologist who can read you; like a book”

Already flattered by his efforts I asked- Boy…don’t you get tired. How come you are so superb yet simple?

He replied, {not to forget the sense of proud and honor} – “All great things are simple and many can be expressed in single word: Freedom, Duty, Justice, Honor, Mercy, Hope. 

I gazed him with bewilderment, he smiled thinly and said, these are not my words dumbo……Sir Winston Churchill said so.

A good bye along with a warm hug; full of hope, optimism and happiness filled my heart with the brightest colors of my life.