It's All About Loving a Soldier by Neelam Birthare - HTML preview

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Chapter 7 – Cupid’s Call ….!!

The next morning he has to go to a different city to stay with his granny, I was informed about it and I didn’t thought about stopping someone for I felt I don’t have an authority or rights to stop a grandson from going to meet his grandparents. We didn’t meet for the next fifteen days but we were always together on messages, fb messenger and sometimes on phone calls. Chatting, sharing, arguing, fighting, teasing, buzzing and supporting each other sometimes when merry; sometimes when in pain.

Finally, he came back but with a bad news, the fracture which he had last month has become a terrible reason for pain these days, he needs regular physiotherapy and it might even affect his entire career if not handled carefully.

Hearing all this stuff about the hand, swelling and pain I became desperate to meet him as soon as possible. The next morning we planned to meet at the physiotherapy centre.

I was wearing a pink salwar suit, an Indian traditional dress which makes a girl look more elegant, decent and obviously Indian. I found the physio centre and then I saw a sweet innocent looking boy sitting near the side window on a bench exercising with a swelled up hand.

Looking cute…! I sent a text.

The cute guy jumped on his beeping phone; he read the message, with his blushful smile he looked at the doorstep and hailed…. OMG…!!! You look like a girl.

Shut up….!! I screamed. He simpered, I smiled and we began laughing.

No…! Seriously this suit, it suits you. You are looking like a doll in this outfit sweeta.

The best part of being with an army officer is you are dealing with a perfect combination of raw yet cute creature, who at times will amaze you with his pampering words while wobble your head by his authoritative goal oriented attitude at the other.

All those cute little teasing and flirting made the 17 muscles of my face contract completely and I use to smile with a flaunty flattered heart. 

Finally… he asked me; let’s go for a walk.

We began our journey on those strange puzzling roads; though the routes were unknown to us yet those were the friendliest moments of my life. A walk in those fondly gardens of heart touching discussions. It was full of Sharing, arguing, fun, laughter, love and sweet nostalgia.

A phenomenal journey took a twisty turn, when he proposed ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’


Girlfriend: love date, relationship. I mean.

OMG….!!! What made u jump with such a sudden errant thought. I hailed.

I am single, you are single, we are good friends, we like each other, we enjoy this companionship. So…! Why not? He explained.

I don’t know Rishi…..why a boy would want to have a girlfriend like me who loves to abuse him, insult him. Our friendship is more like dude type friendship buddy. Why don’t you look for a gentle, courteous, decent girl?

Oh….my …my…why the hell on earth will I look for a decent, gentle girl when I am in love with a spoiled brat like you.

Love…seriously….Is it a prank? If so then end it right now, it’s not at all funny. I yelled.

Oh….yes of course. Now you find my feelings also funny. He howled.

Aare baba…. I am not making any fun of your feelings over here. I am just advising you dude.

Madam psychologist; kindly keep your advice and fucking psychology with yourself. Stop being my counselor. Did I ask you to advise me, I proposed you… fool….!!!

How dare you abuse my favorite subject, did I ever abused your bloody army. I screamed on his face.

Baby…you are telling me to go and buy a TATA Nano when I already own a BMW car, why should I buy any XYZ car when I already possess the best in my hands. I know it better than you, what I am looking for. He said it very calmly.

Okay…I accept your argument, but trust me it’s not going to work. It may even ruin our friendship. I warned.

You are dealing with “A” Lieutenant of “The Indian Army”. You can’t reduce my confidence, I am not a pessimist civilian like your ex boyfriends. He exclaimed with proud emphasizing more on A and The.

You know what Rishi, you are just so egoistic.

You know what Priya you are such a PSYCHO…….!!!! He spoofed me again.

Go to hell….. I yelled.

Come with me. He smirked.

The entire evening was full of stupid idiotic gestures, holding hands in hands; walking on the strange roads, giggling like kids, fighting like enemies, arguing like lawyers….. I just wondered are we really lovers?

I came back to home but my mind was still roaming around on those streets, lovingly lost in the memories of past; I just had a huge smile on my face. It was 1 am but I couldn’t sleep. I was stunned because of the sweet, surprising, strangeness of life.

“Go to sleep, you bloody psycho” a text message came and I blasted with laughter.

“Keep shut you moron, Good night”. I retaliated.

“At least say, I love you; my butter” a humble request came from the other side.

‘I am slept’

You are a complete psycho-mental case girl. Good night. Do not disturb. He replied with a few signs of annoyance.

The entire night we enjoyed sending freaking crazy stickers to one another, feeling as if teasing him is my birth right; and receiving replies as if annoying me is his sole duty: finally a superb night came to an end when we both fell asleep in the morning hours.